➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
The stellar classification code galclassify is a stand-alone version of Galaxia (ascl:1101.007). It classifies and generates a synthetic population for each star using input containing observables in a fixed format rather than using a precomputed population over a large field. It is suitable for individual stellar classifications, but slow if you want to classify large samples of stars.
evolstate assigns crude evolutionary states (main-sequence, subgiant, red giant) to stars given an input temperature and radius/surface gravity, based on physically motivated boundaries from solar metallicity interior models.
pySYD detects solar-like oscillations and measures global asteroseismic parameters. The code is a python-based implementation of the IDL-based SYD pipeline by Huber et al. (2009), which was extensively used to measure asteroseismic parameters for Kepler stars, and adapts the well-tested methodology from SYD and also improves these existing analyses. It also provides additional capabilities, including an automated best-fit background model selection, parallel processing, the ability to samples for further analyses, and an accessible and command-line friendly interface. PySYD provides best-fit values and uncertainties for the granulation background, frequency of maximum power, large frequency separation, and mean oscillation amplitudes.
The Giants pipeline accesses TESS data, produces noise-corrected light curves, and searches for planets transiting evolved stars. Built with Lightkurve (ascl:1812.013) and written in Python, its emphasis is on finding giant planets around subgiant and RGB stars in TESS Full Frame Images (FFIs). Giants produces a one-page PDF summary for each target.