Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1711.019] SPIDERMAN: Fast code to simulate secondary transits and phase curves

SPIDERMAN calculates exoplanet phase curves and secondary eclipses with arbitrary surface brightness distributions in two dimensions. The code uses a geometrical algorithm to solve exactly the area of sections of the disc of the planet that are occulted by the star. Approximately 1000 models can be generated per second in typical use, which makes making Markov Chain Monte Carlo analyses practicable. The code is modular and allows comparison of the effect of multiple different brightness distributions for a dataset.

[ascl:1510.002] batman: BAsic Transit Model cAlculatioN in Python

batman provides fast calculation of exoplanet transit light curves and supports calculation of light curves for any radially symmetric stellar limb darkening law. It uses an integration algorithm for models that cannot be quickly calculated analytically, and in typical use, the batman Python package can calculate a million model light curves in well under ten minutes for any limb darkening profile.

[ascl:1807.009] HELIOS: Radiative transfer code for exoplanetary atmospheres

HELIOS, a radiative transfer code, is constructed for studying exoplanetary atmospheres. The model atmospheres of HELIOS are one-dimensional and plane-parallel, and the equation of radiative transfer is solved in the two-stream approximation with non-isotropic scattering. Though HELIOS can be used alone, the opacity calculator HELIOS-K (ascl:1503.004) can be used with it to provide the molecular opacities.

[ascl:2409.015] GASTLI: GAS gianT modeL for Interiors

GASTLI (GAS gianT modeL for Interiors) calculates the interior structure models for gas giants exoplanets. The code computes mass-radius curves, thermal evolution curves, and interior composition retrievals to fit a interior structure model to your mass, radius, age, and if available, atmospheric metallicity data. GASTLI can also plot the results, including internal and atmospheric profiles, a pressure-temperature diagram, mass-radius relations, and thermal evolution curves.

[ascl:2411.028] SMINT: Structure Model INTerpolator

SMINT (Structure Model INTerpolator) obtains posterior distributions on the H/He or H2O mass fraction of a planet; its interface is user-friendly. The parameters of the planet of interest are input with specifications on the priors that should be used. SMINT returns publication-ready plots presenting the joint parameters constraints obtained from interpolating the interior models grid of interest as well as confidence intervals for each parameter.

[ascl:2502.012] PACMAN: Data reduction and analysis pipeline for HST/WFC3 data

The PACMAN pipeline reduces and analyzes Hubble/Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) observations of transiting exoplanets. The pipeline runs end-to-end, beginning with a time series of 2D images and ending with a spectrum for the planet, and includes both spectral extraction and light curve fitting. PACMAN can easily fit multiple observations simultaneously.