Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1504.007] WebbPSF: James Webb Space Telescope PSF Simulation Tool

WebbPSF provides a PSF simulation tool in a flexible and easy-to-use software package implemented in Python. Functionality includes support for spectroscopic modes of JWST NIRISS, MIRI, and NIRSpec, including modeling of slit losses and diffractive line spread functions.

[ascl:1906.016] PandExo: Instrument simulations for exoplanet observation planning

PandExo generates instrument simulations of JWST’s NIRSpec, NIRCam, NIRISS and NIRCam and HST WFC3 for planning exoplanet observations. It uses throughput calculations from STScI’s Exposure Time Calculator, Pandeia, and offers both an online tool and a python package.

[ascl:2502.016] ATOCA: Decontaminate and extract spectra from image

ATOCA (Algorithm to Treat Order Contamination) extracts and decontaminates spectroscopic images with multiple sources or diffraction orders. For all orders and sources, the package takes the wavelength solutions, the trace profiles, the throughputs, and the spectral resolution kernels as input. From these, ATOCA simultaneously models the detector and extracts the spectra.

[ascl:2503.008] APPLESOSS: Empirical profile construction module

APPLESOSS (A Producer of ProfiLEs for SOSS) builds 2D spatial profiles for the first, second, and third diffraction orders for a NIRISS/SOSS GR700XD/CLEAR observation. The profiles are entirely data driven, retain a high level of fidelity to the original observations, and can be used as the specprofile reference file for ATOCA (ascl:2502.016). They can also be used as a PSF weighting for optimal extractions.