Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Searching for codes credited to 'Casey, Andrew R.'

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[ascl:1706.009] sick: Spectroscopic inference crank

sick infers astrophysical parameters from noisy observed spectra. Phenomena that can alter the data (e.g., redshift, continuum, instrumental broadening, outlier pixels) are modeled and simultaneously inferred with the astrophysical parameters of interest. This package relies on emcee (ascl:1303.002); it is best suited for situations where a grid of model spectra already exists, and one would like to infer model parameters given some data.

[ascl:2211.016] Korg: 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium stellar spectral synthesis

Korg computes stellar spectra from 1D model atmospheres and linelists assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium and implements both plane-parallel and spherical radiative transfer. The code is generally faster than other codes, and is compatible with automatic differentiation libraries and easily extensible, making it ideal for statistical inference and parameter estimation applied to large data sets.

[submitted] LESSPayne: Labeling Echelle Spectra with SMHR and Payne

Semi-automatic analysis for echelle spectra of stars.

The major parts are:
(1) full spectrum fit with a neural network emulator to estimate stellar parameters
(2) automatic continuum normalization with theoretical masks
(3) automatic equivalent width fits with theoretical masks
(4) ATLAS model atmosphere interpolation and equivalent width abundance determination using MOOG
(5) spectrum synthesis fitting using MOOG
(6) automatic abundance uncertainty analysis with error propagation and summary tables

LESSPayne can be run in a completely automatic mode, which is best used as a quick check of outputs during observing or an initial inspection. However, science-quality results still require a classic line-by-line analysis, where the quality of all fits is inspected by the user using the Spectroscopy Made Harder (smhr) graphical user interface or other automatic output plots. LESSPayne should be viewed as providing a high-quality initialization for an smhr file that reduces the time for a standard analysis.

If using LESSPayne, please cite Casey (2014) (, Ting et al. (2019) (, and Ji et al. (2020) ( in addition to this ASCL entry.

Additionally as always, please cite the model atmospheres used (default is ATLAS,, radiative transfer code (default is MOOG including scattering,,,, and atomic data (if using any built into this package, see references in and

[ascl:2502.025] smhr: Automatic curve-of-growth analyses of high-resolution stellar spectra

The Python code smhr (Spectroscopy Made Harder) wraps the MOOG spectral synthesis code (ascl:1202.009) to analyze high-resolution stellar spectra. It offers numerous analysis tools, including normalization of apertures, inverse variance-weighted stitching of overlapping apertures and/or sequential exposures. The code also provides Doppler measurement and correction, automatic measurement of EWs, and multiple methods for inferring stellar parameters; further, it measures elemental abundances from EWs or spectral synthesis and performs a rigorous uncertainty analysis. smhr can be run automatically (in batch mode) or interactively through a graphical user interface. Analyses can be saved to a single file for, for example, distribution to other spectroscopists or release with a publication.