➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
LESSPayne performs semi-automatic analysis for echelle spectra of stars. It uses a neural network emulator to do a full spectrum fit to estimate stellar parameters and performs automatic continuum and equivalent width fits normalization with theoretical masks. The code uses MOOG (ascl:1202.009) for spectrum synthesis fitting, ATLAS model atmosphere interpolation, and equivalent width abundance determination. LESSPayne can also perform automatic abundance uncertainty analysis with error propagation and summary tables, and should be viewed as providing a high-quality initialization for an smhr file that reduces the time for a standard analysis.
The Python code smhr (Spectroscopy Made Harder) wraps the MOOG spectral synthesis code (ascl:1202.009) to analyze high-resolution stellar spectra. It offers numerous analysis tools, including normalization of apertures, inverse variance-weighted stitching of overlapping apertures and/or sequential exposures. The code also provides Doppler measurement and correction, automatic measurement of EWs, and multiple methods for inferring stellar parameters; further, it measures elemental abundances from EWs or spectral synthesis and performs a rigorous uncertainty analysis. smhr can be run automatically (in batch mode) or interactively through a graphical user interface. Analyses can be saved to a single file for, for example, distribution to other spectroscopists or release with a publication.