Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Searching for codes credited to 'Burchat, Patricia'

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[ascl:1804.007] chroma: Chromatic effects for LSST weak lensing

Chroma investigates biases originating from two chromatic effects in the atmosphere: differential chromatic refraction (DCR), and wavelength dependence of seeing. These biases arise when using the point spread function (PSF) measured with stars to estimate the shapes of galaxies with different spectral energy distributions (SEDs) than the stars.

[ascl:2109.021] WeakLensingDeblending: Weak lensing fast simulations and analysis of blended objects

WeakLensingDeblending provides weak lensing fast simulations and analysis for the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration. It is used to study the effects of overlapping sources on shear estimation, photometric redshift algorithms, and deblending algorithms. Users can run their own simulations (of LSST and other surveys) or download the galaxy catalog and simulation outputs to use with their own code.

[ascl:2412.021] BlendingToolKit: Tools to create blend catalogs, produce training samples, and implement blending metrics

BlendingToolKit (BTK) generates images of blended objects and evaluate performance metrics on various detection, deblending and measurement algorithms. The toolkit is a convenient way to produce multi-band postage stamp images of blend scenes and evaluate the performance of deblending algorithms, as well as train samples for machine learning algorithms.