Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:9911.001] DUSTY: Radiation transport in a dusty environment

DUSTY solves the problem of radiation transport in a dusty environment. The code can handle both spherical and planar geometries. The user specifies the properties of the radiation source and dusty region, and the code calculates the dust temperature distribution and the radiation field in it. The solution method is based on a self-consistent equation for the radiative energy density, including dust scattering, absorption and emission, and does not introduce any approximations. The solution is exact to within the specified numerical accuracy. DUSTY has built in optical properties for the most common types of astronomical dust and comes with a library for many other grains. It supports various analytical forms for the density distribution, and can perform a full dynamical calculation for radiatively driven winds around AGB stars. The spectral energy distribution of the source can be specified analytically as either Planckian or broken power-law. In addition, arbitrary dust optical properties, density distributions and external radiation can be entered in user supplied files. Furthermore, the wavelength grid can be modified to accommodate spectral features. A single DUSTY run can process an unlimited number of models, with each input set producing a run of optical depths, as specified. The user controls the detail level of the output, which can include both spectral and imaging properties as well as other quantities of interest.

[ascl:2502.004] MOLPOP-CEP: Exact solution of radiative transfer problems in multi-level atomic systems

MOLPOP-CEP calculates the exact solution of radiative transfer problems in multi-level atomic systems. The radiative transfer equations are analytically integrated to reduce the final problem to the solution of a non-linear algebraic system of equations in the level populations. The code uses Coupled Escape Probability formalism to analytically solve the radiative transfer. Written in Fortran 90, MOLPOP-CEP is limited to plane-parallel slabs that can present arbitrary spatial variations of the physical conditions.