Astrophysics Source Code Library
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Results 1751-2000 of 3678 (3581 ASCL, 97 submitted)
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LCC: Light Curves Classifier
lcps: Light curve pre-selection
lcsim: Light curve simulation code
ld-exosim: Simulate biases using different limb darkening laws
LDC3: Three-parameter limb darkening coefficient sampling
Least Asymmetry: Centering Method
LECTOR: Line-strengths in One-dimensional ASCII Spectra
LEFTfield: Forward modeling of cosmological density fields
legacystamps: Retrieve DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys cutouts
Legolas: Large Eigensystem Generator for One-dimensional pLASmas
LEGWORK: LISA Evolution and Gravitational Wave ORbit Kit
LeHaMoC: Leptonic-Hadronic Modeling Code for high-energy astrophysical sources
LEMON: Differential photometry pipeline
Lemon: Linear integral Equations' Monte carlo solver based On the Neumann solution
LensCNN: Gravitational lens detector
Lensed: Forward parametric modelling of strong lenses
LensEnt2: Maximum-entropy weak lens reconstruction
Lenser: Measure weak gravitational flexion
LensingETC: Lensing Exposure Time Calculator
lensingGW: Lensing of gravitational waves
LensIt: CMB lensing delensing tools
lensitbiases: rFFT-based flat-sky CMB lensing tools
LENSKY: Galactic Microlensing Probability
LensPerfect: Gravitational Lens Massmap Reconstructions Yielding Exact Reproduction of All Multiple Images
LensPix: Fast MPI full sky transforms for HEALPix
LensPop: Galaxy-galaxy strong lensing population simulation
lenspyx: Curved-sky python lensed CMB maps simulation package
LensQuEst: CMB Lensing QUadratic Estimator
LENSTOOL: A Gravitational Lensing Software for Modeling Mass Distribution of Galaxies and Clusters (strong and weak regime)
LensTools: Weak Lensing computing tools
Lenstronomy: Multi-purpose gravitational lens modeling software package
LENSVIEW: Resolved gravitational lens images modeling
LEO-Py: Likelihood Estimation of Observational data with Python
LEO-vetter: Automated vetting for TESS planet candidates
LePHARE: Photometric Analysis for Redshift Estimate
LeXInt: Leja Exponential Integrators
LExTeS: Link Extraction and Testing Suite
LFlGRB: Luminosity function of long gamma-ray bursts
LFsGRB: Binary neutron star merger rate via the luminosity function of short gamma-ray bursts
LGMCA: Local-Generalized Morphological Component Analysis
LgrbWorldModel: Long-duration Gamma-Ray Burst World Model
LIA: LWS Interactive Analysis
libnova: Celestial mechanics, astrometry and astrodynamics library
libpolycomp: Compression/decompression library
libprofit: Image creation from luminosity profiles
Libpsht: Algorithms for Efficient Spherical Harmonic Transforms
Librarian: The HERA Librarian
libsharp: Library for spherical harmonic transforms
libstempo: Python wrapper for Tempo2
libTheSky: Compute positions of celestial bodies and events
LIFELINE: LIne proFiles in massivE coLliding wInd biNariEs
light-curve: Light curve analysis toolbox
Lightbeam: Simulate light through weakly-guiding waveguides
Lightcone: Light-cone generating script
LightcurveMC: An extensible lightcurve simulation program
Lightkurve: Kepler and TESS time series analysis in Python
Lightning: SED Fitting Package
limb-darkening: Limb-darkening coefficients generator
LimberJack.jl: Auto-differentiable methods for cosmology
LIME: Flexible, Non-LTE Line Excitation and Radiation Transfer Method for Millimeter and Far-infrared Wavelengths
LIMEPY: Lowered Isothermal Model Explorer in PYthon
LIMpy: Line Intensity Mapping in Python
line_selections: Automatic line detection for large spectroscopic surveys
Line-Stacker: Spectral lines stacking
linemake: Line list generator
LineProf: Line Profile Indicators
lintsampler: Efficient random sampling via linear interpolation
LIRA: LInear Regression in Astronomy
LIRA: Low-counts Image Reconstruction and Analysis
LiSA: LIghtweight Source finding Algorithms for analysis of HI spectral data
LISACode: A scientific simulator of LISA
LiveData: Data reduction pipeline
Lizard: An extensible Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer
LIZARD: Particle initial conditions for cosmological simulations
LMC: Logarithmantic Monte Carlo
Lmfit: Non-Linear Least-Square Minimization and Curve-Fitting for Python
loci: Smooth Cubic Multivariate Local Interpolations
Locus: Optimized differential photometry
LOFAR H5plot
lofti_gaiaDR2: Orbit fitting with Gaia astrometry
LoLLiPoP: Low-L Likelihood Polarized for Planck
LoRD: Locate Reconnection Distribution
LORENE: Spectral methods differential equations solver
LoSoTo: LOFAR solutions tool
LOSP: Liège Orbital Solution Package
LOSSCONE: Capture rates of stars by a supermassive black hole
LOTUS: 1D Non-LTE stellar parameter determination via Equivalent Width method
Low Resolution Spectral Templates For AGNs and Galaxies From 0.03 -- 30 microns
LP-VIcode: La Plata Variational Indicators Code
LPF: Real-time detection of transient sources in radio data streams
LPNN: Limited Post-Newtonian N-body code for collisionless self-gravitating systems
LRG DR7 Likelihood Software
LRGS: Linear Regression by Gibbs Sampling
LSC: Supervised classification of time-series variable stars
LSD: Large Survey Database framework
LSDCat: Line Source Detection and Cataloguing Tool
LSSGALPY: Visualization of the large-scale environment around galaxies on the 3D space
LTdwarfIndices: Variable brown dwarf identifier
LTL: The Little Template Library
LTS_LINEFIT & LTS_PLANEFIT: LTS fit of lines or planes
LtU-ILI: Robust machine learning in astro
LumFunc: Luminosity Function Modeling
LUNA: Forward model luna simulator
LWPC: Long Wavelength Propagation Capability
LyaCoLoRe: Generate simulated Lyman alpha forest spectra
LZIFU: IDL emission line fitting pipeline for integral field spectroscopy data
M_SMiLe: Magnification Statistics of Micro-Lensing
m2mcluster: Star clusters made-to-measure modeling
MAAT: MATLAB Astronomy and Astrophysics Toolbox
macula: Rotational modulations in the photometry of spotted stars
MADCOW: Microwave Anisotropy Dataset Computational softWare
MADCUBA: MAdrid Data CUBe Analysis
MadDM: Computation of dark matter relic abundance
MADHAT: Gamma-ray emission analyzer
MADLens: Differentiable lensing simulator
MADmap: Fast Parallel Maximum Likelihood CMB Map Making Code
MADYS: Isochronal parameter determination for young stellar and substellar objects
maelstrom: Forward modeling of pulsating stars in binaries
MAESTRO: An Adaptive Low Mach Number Hydrodynamics Algorithm for Stellar Flows
MAESTROeX: Low Mach number stellar hydrodynamics code
MAGI: Initial-condition generator for galactic N-body simulations
MagIC: Fluid dynamics in a spherical shell simulator
magicaxis: Pretty scientific plotting with minor-tick and log minor-tick support
MAGIX: Modeling and Analysis Generic Interface for eXternal numerical codes
MAGNETAR: Histogram of relative orientation calculator for MHD observations
MagnetiCS.c: Cosmic String Loop Evolution and Magnetogenesis
Magnetizer: Computing magnetic fields of evolving galaxies
Magnetron: Fitting bursts from magnetars
MAGPHYS: Multi-wavelength Analysis of Galaxy Physical Properties
MAGPy-RV: Gaussian Process regression pipeline with MCMC parameter searching
Magrathea-Pathfinder: 3D AMR ray-tracing in simulations
MAGRATHEA: Multi-processor Adaptive Grid Refinement Analysis for THEoretical Astrophysics
MAGRATHEA: Planet interior structure code
Magritte: 3D radiative transfer library
MAH: Minimum Atmospheric Height
MakeCloud: Turbulent GMC initial conditions for GIZMO
MAKEE: MAuna Kea Echelle Extraction
MaLTPyNT: Quick look timing analysis for NuSTAR data
MALU IFS visualisation tool
MAMPOSSt: Mass/orbit modeling of spherical systems
Maneage: Managing data lineage
MaNGA-DAP: MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline
MaNGA-DRP: MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline
Mangle: Angular Mask Software
Mangrove: Infer galaxy properties using dark matter merger trees
MapCUMBA: Multi-grid map-making algorithm for CMB experiments
MapCurvature: Map Projections
MAPPINGS III: Modelling And Prediction in PhotoIonized Nebulae and Gasdynamical Shocks
MAPPINGS V: Astrophysical plasma modeling code
MAPS: Multi-frequency Angular Power Spectrum estimator
MARDIGRAS: MAss-Radius DIaGRAm with Sliders
margarine: Posterior sampling and marginal Bayesian statistics
MARGE: Machine learning Algorithm for Radiative transfer of Generated Exoplanets
MARS: The MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction Software
MarsLux: Illumination Mars maps generator
MARTINI: Mock spatially resolved spectral line observations of simulated galaxies
Marvin: Data access and visualization for MaNGA
MARX: Model of AXAF Response to X-rays
MARXS: Multi-Architecture Raytrace Xray mission Simulator
MARZ: Redshifting Program
Mask galaxy: Machine learning pipeline for morphological segmentation of galaxies
maskfill: Fill in masked values in an image
MasQU: Finite Differences on Masked Irregular Stokes Q,U Grids
MASSCLEAN: MASSive CLuster Evolution and ANalysis Package
massconvert: Halo Mass Conversion
massmappy: Mapping dark matter on the celestial sphere
maszcal: Mass calibrations for thermal-SZ clusters
MATCH: A program for matching star lists
MATPHOT: Stellar photometry and astrometry with discrete point spread functions
MATRIX: Multi-phAse Transits Recovery from Injected eXoplanets toolkit
matvis: Fast matrix-based visibility simulator
maxsmooth: Derivative constrained function fitting
Mayavi2: 3D Scientific Data Visualization and Plotting
MAYONNAISE: ADI data imaging processing pipeline
MBASC: Multi-Band AGN-SFG Classifier
mbb_emcee: Modified Blackbody MCMC
MBE: Magnification bias estimation
MBF: MOLSCAT 2020, BOUND, and FIELD for atomic and molecular collisions
MBProj2: Multi-Band x-ray surface brightness PROJector 2
MC-SPAM: Monte-Carlo Synthetic-Photometry/Atmosphere-Model
: Multi-core Markov-chain Monte Carlo code
MC3D: Monte-Carlo 3D Radiative Transfer Code
MCAL: M dwarf metallicity and temperature calculator
MCALF: Velocity information from spectral imaging observations
MCCD: Multi-CCD Point Spread Function Modelling
McFine: Muli-component hyperfine fitting tool
mcfit: Multiplicatively Convolutional Fast Integral Transforms
MCFOST: Radiative transfer code
McLuster: A Tool to Make a Star Cluster
MCMAC: Monte Carlo Merger Analysis Code
MCMCDiagnostics: Markov Chain Monte Carlo convergence diagnostics
MCMCI: Markov Chain Monte Carlo + Isochrones method for characterizing exoplanetary systems
MCMole3D: Statistical model for galactic molecular clouds
McPHAC: McGill Planar Hydrogen Atmosphere Code
MCPM: Modified CPM method
MCRaT: Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer
MCRGNet: Morphological Classification of Radio Galaxy Network
McScatter: Three-Body Scattering with Stellar Evolution
MCSED: Spectral energy distribution fitting package for galactic systems
MCSpearman: Monte Carlo error analyses of Spearman's rank test
ME(SSY)**2: Monte Carlo Code for Star Cluster Simulations
Mean Motion Resonances
Meanoffset: Photometric image alignment with row and column means
measure_extinction: Measure interstellar dust extinction using pair method
Mechanic: Numerical MPI framework for dynamical astronomy
MECI: A Method for Eclipsing Component Identification
MeerCRAB: Transient classifier using a deep learning model
MEGAlib: Medium Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy library
MegaLUT: Correcting ellipticity measurements of galaxies
megaman: Manifold Learning for Millions of Points
Menura: Multi-GPU numerical model for space plasma simulation
MEPSA: Multiple Excess Peak Search Algorithm
MeqTrees: Software package for implementing Measurement Equations
MERA: Analysis Tool for Astrophysical Simulation Data in the Julia Language
Mercury-T: Tidally evolving multi-planet systems code
Mercury: A software package for orbital dynamics
Merger Trees: Formation history of dark matter haloes
MESA: Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics
MeshLab: 3D triangular meshes processing and editing
Meso-NH: Non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model
MESS: Multi-purpose Exoplanet Simulation System
MeSsI: MErging SystemS Identification
Meudon PDR: Atomic & molecular structure of interstellar clouds
MG-MAMPOSSt: Test gravity with the mass profiles of galaxy clusters
MG-PICOLA: Simulating cosmological structure formation
MGB: Interactive spectral classification code
MGCAMB: Modification of Growth with CAMB
mgcnn: Standard and modified gravity (MG) cosmological models classifier
MGCosmoPop: Modified gravity and cosmology with binary black holes population models
MGE_FIT_SECTORS: Multi-Gaussian Expansion fits to galaxy images
MGGPOD: A Monte Carlo Suite for Gamma-Ray Astronomy
MGHalofit: Modified Gravity extension of Halofit
MGPT: Modified Gravity Perturbation Theory code
MGwave: Detect kinematic moving groups in astronomical data
mhealpy: Object-oriented healpy wrapper with support for multi-resolution maps
MHF: MLAPM Halo Finder
MIA+EWS: MIDI data reduction tool
michi2: SED and SLED fitting tool
Microccult: Occultation and Microlensing
micrOMEGAs: Calculation of dark matter properties
midIR_sensitivity: Mid-infrared astronomy with METIS
MIDLL: Markwardt IDL Library
MIEX: Mie scattering code for large grains
milkywayproject_triggering: Correlation functions for two catalog datasets
MillCgs: Searching for Compact Groups in the Millennium Simulation
millennium-tap-query: Python tool to query the Millennium Simulation UWS/TAP client
MILLISEARCH: A Search for Millilensing in BATSE GRB Data
miluphcuda: Smooth particle hydrodynamics code
Min-CaLM: Mineral compositional analysis on debris disk spectra
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