Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Searching for codes credited to 'Booth, Richard A.'

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[ascl:2109.010] Frankenstein: Flux reconstructor

Frankenstein (frank) fits the 1D radial brightness profile of an interferometric source given a set of visibilities. It uses a Gaussian process that performs the fit in <1 minute for a typical protoplanetary disc continuum dataset. Frankenstein can perform a fit in 2 ways, by running the code directly from the terminal or using the code as a Python module.

[ascl:2306.014] AIOLOS: Planetary atmosphere accretion and escape simulations

AIOLOS solves differential equations for hydrodynamics, friction, (thermal) radiation transport and (photo)chemistry for simulating accretion onto, and hydrodynamic escape from, planetary atmospheres. The 1-D multispecies, multiphysics hydrodynamics code, written in C++, compiles in a flexible mode that runs problems with any number of input species, and can be sped up by setting the number of species at compile time, and allows the user to provide initial conditions or boundary conditions if desired. AIOLOS provides output and diagnostic files that give snapshots in time of the state of the simulation. Output files are specific to each species, and diagnostic files contain summary as well as detailed information for, for example, the radiation transport, opacities for all species, and optical cell depths per band, in addition to other information.

[ascl:2404.021] cudisc: CUDA-accelerated 2D code for protoplanetary disc evolution simulations

cuDisc simulates the evolution of protoplanetary discs in both the radial and vertical dimensions, assuming axisymmetry. The code performs 2D dust advection-diffusion, dust coagulation/fragmentation, and radiative transfer. A 1D evolution model is also included, with the 2D gas structure calculated via vertical hydrostatic equilibrium. cuDisc requires a NVIDIA GPU.