Astrophysics Source Code Library

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[ascl:1102.001] N-MODY: A Code for Collisionless N-body Simulations in Modified Newtonian Dynamics

N-MODY is a parallel particle-mesh code for collisionless N-body simulations in modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). N-MODY is based on a numerical potential solver in spherical coordinates that solves the non-linear MOND field equation, and is ideally suited to simulate isolated stellar systems. N-MODY can be used also to compute the MOND potential of arbitrary static density distributions. A few applications of N-MODY indicate that some astrophysically relevant dynamical processes are profoundly different in MOND and in Newtonian gravity with dark matter.

[ascl:1109.023] MOKA: A New Tool for Strong Lensing Studies

MOKA simulates the gravitational lensing signal from cluster-sized haloes. This algorithm implements recent results from numerical simulations to create realistic lenses with properties independent of numerical resolution and can be used for studies of the strong lensing cross section in dependence of halo structure.

[ascl:1208.005] PSM: Planck Sky Model

The Planck Sky Model (PSM) is a global representation of the multi-component sky at frequencies ranging from a few GHz to a few THz. It summarizes in a synthetic way as much of our present knowledge as possible of the GHz sky. PSM is a complete and versatile set of programs and data that can be used for the simulation or the prediction of sky emission in the frequency range of typical CMB experiments, and in particular of the Planck sky mission. It was originally developed as part of the activities of Planck component separation Working Group (or "Working Group 2" - WG2), and of the ADAMIS team at APC.

PSM gives users the opportunity to investigate the model in some depth: look at its parameters, visualize its predictions for all individual components in various formats, simulate sky emission compatible with a given parameter set, and observe the modeled sky with a synthetic instrument. In particular, it makes possible the simulation of sky emission maps as could be plausibly observed by Planck or other CMB experiments that can be used as inputs for the development and testing of data processing and analysis techniques.

[ascl:1302.013] NIFTY: A versatile Python library for signal inference

NIFTY (Numerical Information Field TheorY) is a versatile library enables the development of signal inference algorithms that operate regardless of the underlying spatial grid and its resolution. Its object-oriented framework is written in Python, although it accesses libraries written in Cython, C++, and C for efficiency. NIFTY offers a toolkit that abstracts discretized representations of continuous spaces, fields in these spaces, and operators acting on fields into classes. Thereby, the correct normalization of operations on fields is taken care of automatically. This allows for an abstract formulation and programming of inference algorithms, including those derived within information field theory. Thus, NIFTY permits rapid prototyping of algorithms in 1D and then the application of the developed code in higher-dimensional settings of real world problems. NIFTY operates on point sets, n-dimensional regular grids, spherical spaces, their harmonic counterparts, and product spaces constructed as combinations of those.

[ascl:1408.003] PIA: ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis

ISOPHOT is one of the instruments on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) is a scientific and calibration interactive data analysis tool for ISOPHOT data reduction. Written in IDL under Xwindows, PIA offers a full context sensitive graphical interface for retrieving, accessing and analyzing ISOPHOT data. It is available in two nearly identical versions; a general observers version omits the calibration sequences.

[ascl:1510.007] ccdproc: CCD data reduction software

Ccdproc is an affiliated package for the AstroPy package for basic data reductions of CCD images. The ccdproc package provides many of the necessary tools for processing of ccd images built on a framework to provide error propagation and bad pixel tracking throughout the reduction process.

[ascl:1505.023] SNooPy: TypeIa supernovae analysis tools

The SNooPy package (also known as SNpy), written in Python, contains tools for the analysis of TypeIa supernovae. It offers interactive plotting of light-curve data and models (and spectra), computation of reddening laws and K-corrections, LM non-linear least-squares fitting of light-curve data, and various types of spline fitting, including Diercx and tension. The package also includes a SNIa lightcurve template generator in the CSP passbands, estimates of Milky-Way Extinction, and a module for dealing with filters and spectra.

[ascl:1510.005] GALFORM: Galactic modeling

GALFORM is a semi-analytic model for calculating the formation and evolution of galaxies in hierarchical clustering cosmologies. Using a Monte Carlo algorithm to follow the merging evolution of dark matter haloes with arbitrary mass resolution, it incorporates realistic descriptions of the density profiles of dark matter haloes and the gas they contain. It follows the chemical evolution of gas and stars, and the associated production of dust and includes a detailed calculation of the sizes of discs and spheroids.

[ascl:1603.003] VIP: Vortex Image Processing pipeline for high-contrast direct imaging of exoplanets

VIP (Vortex Image Processing pipeline) provides pre- and post-processing algorithms for high-contrast direct imaging of exoplanets. Written in Python, VIP provides a very flexible framework for data exploration and image processing and supports high-contrast imaging observational techniques, including angular, reference-star and multi-spectral differential imaging. Several post-processing algorithms for PSF subtraction based on principal component analysis are available as well as the LLSG (Local Low-rank plus Sparse plus Gaussian-noise decomposition) algorithm for angular differential imaging. VIP also implements the negative fake companion technique coupled with MCMC sampling for rigorous estimation of the flux and position of potential companions.

[ascl:1708.005] STools: IDL Tools for Spectroscopic Analysis

STools contains a variety of simple tools for spectroscopy, such as reading an IRAF-formatted (multispec) echelle spectrum in FITS, measuring the wavelength of the center of a line, Gaussian convolution, deriving synthetic photometry from an input spectrum, and extracting and interpolating a MARCS model atmosphere (standard composition).

[ascl:1802.008] AntiparticleDM: Discriminating between Majorana and Dirac Dark Matter

AntiparticleDM calculates the prospects of future direct detection experiments to discriminate between Majorana and Dirac Dark Matter (i.e., to determine whether Dark Matter is its own antiparticle). Direct detection event rates and mock data generation are dealt with by a variation of the WIMpy code.

[ascl:1806.006] QE: Quantum opEn-Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation, and Optimization

Quantum ESPRESSO (opEn-Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation, and Optimization) is an integrated suite of codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials. QE performs ground-state calculations such as self-consistent total energies, forces, stresses and Kohn-Sham orbitals, Car-Parrinello and Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics, and quantum transport such as ballistic transport, coherent transport from maximally localized Wannier functions, and Kubo-Greenwood electrical conductivity. It can also determine spectroscopic properties and examine time-dependent density functional perturbations and electronic excitations, and has a wide range of other functions.

[ascl:1907.019] GaussPy: Python implementation of the Autonomous Gaussian Decomposition algorithm

GaussPy implements the Autonomous Gaussian Decomposition (AGD) algorithm, which uses computer vision and machine learning techniques to provide optimized initial guesses for the parameters of a multi-component Gaussian model automatically and efficiently. The speed and adaptability of AGD allow it to interpret large volumes of spectral data efficiently. Although it was initially designed for applications in radio astrophysics, AGD can be used to search for one-dimensional Gaussian (or any other single-peaked spectral profile)-shaped components in any data set. To determine how many Gaussian functions to include in a model and what their parameters are, AGD uses a technique called derivative spectroscopy. The derivatives of a spectrum can efficiently identify shapes within that spectrum corresponding to the underlying model, including gradients, curvature and edges.

[ascl:2004.011] FUNDPAR: Deriving FUNDamental PARameters from equivalent widths

FUNDPAR determines fundamental parameters of solar-type stars, by using as input the Equivalent Widths of Fe I,II lines. The code uses solar-scaled ATLAS9 model atmospheres with NEWODF opacities, together with the 2009 version of the MOOG (ascl:1202.009) program. Parameter files control different details, such as the mixing-length parameter, the overshooting, and the damping of the lines. FUNDPAR also derives the uncertainties of the parameters.

[ascl:2102.012] MUSE-PSFR: PSF reconstruction for MUSE WFM-AO mode

MUSE-PSFR reconstructs a PSF for the MUSE WFM-AO mode using telemetry data from SPARTA. The algorithm conducts a Fourier analysis of the laser-assisted ground layer adaptive optics (GLAO) residual phase statistics and has been test in end-to-end simulations. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the required accuracy in terms of input parameters. MUSE-PSFR is capable of reconstructing the critical parameters of a PSF and can be used with MUSE 3D data by all MUSE users.

[submitted] Deep Embedded Clustering for Open Cluster Characterization with Gaia DR2 Data

Characterize and understandOpen Clusters(OCs) allow us to understand better properties and mechanisms about the Universe such as stellar formation and the regions where these events occur. They also provide information about stellar processes and the evolution of the galactic disk.

In this paper, we present a novel method to characterize OCs. Our method employs a model built on Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs). More specifically, we adapted a state of the art model, the Deep Embedded Clustering(DEC) model for our purpose. The developed method aims to improve classical state of the arts techniques. We improved not only in terms of computational efficiency (with lower computational requirements), but inusability (reducing the number of hyperparameters to get a good characterization of the analyzed clusters). For our experiments, we used the Gaia DR2 database as the data source, and compared our model with the clustering technique K-Means. Our method achieves good results, becoming even better (in some of the cases) than current techniques.

[ascl:2103.013] schNell: Fast calculation of N_ell for GW anisotropies

schNell computes basic map-level noise properties for generic networks of gravitational wave interferometers, primarily the noise power spectrum "N_ell", but this lightweight python module that can also be used for, for example, antenna patterns, overlap functions, and inverse variance maps, among other tasks. The code has three main classes; detectors contain information about each individual detector of the network, such as their positions, noise properties, and orientation. NoiseCorrelations describes the noise-level correlation between pairs of detectors, and the MapCalculators class combines a list of Detectors into a network (potentially together with a NoiseCorrelation object) and computes the corresponding map-level noise properties arising from their correlations.

[ascl:2109.012] STAR-MELT: STellar AccrRetion Mapping with Emission Line Tomography

STAR-MELT extracts and identifies emission lines from FITS files by matching to a compiled reference database of lines. Line profiles are fitted and quantified, allowing for calculations of physical properties across each individual observation. Temporal variations in lines can readily be displayed and quantified. STAR-MELT is also useful for different applications of spectral analysis where emission line identification is required. Standard data formats for spectra are automatically compatible, with user-defined custom formats also available. Any reference database (atomic or molecular) can also be used for line identification.

[ascl:2110.005] TauRunner: Code to propagate tau neutrinos at very high energies

TauRunner propagates ultra-high-energy neutrinos, with a focus on tau neutrinos. Although it was developed for extremely high energy (EeV+) applications, it is able to propagate neutrinos from 1 to 10^16 GeV. Oscillations are not taken into account at the lowest energies, but they become negligible above 1 TeV.

[ascl:2110.022] XookSuut: Model circular and noncircular flows on 2D velocity maps

XookSuut models circular and noncircular flows on resolved velocity maps. The code performs nonparametric fits to derive kinematic models without assuming analytical functions on the different velocity components of the models. It recovers the circular and radial motions in galaxies in dynamical equilibrium and can derive the noncircular motions induced by oval distortions, such as that produced by stellar bars. XookSuut explores the full space of parameters on a N-dimensional space to derive their mean values; this combined method efficiently recovers the constant parameters and the different kinematic components.

[ascl:2203.007] GAMERA: Source modeling in gamma astronomy

GAMERA handles spectral modeling of non-thermally emitting astrophysical sources in a simple and modular way. It allows the user to devise time-dependent models of leptonic and hadronic particle populations in a general astrophysical context (including SNRs, PWNs and AGNs) and to compute their subsequent photon emission. GAMERA can calculate the spectral evolution of a particle population in the presence of time-dependent or constant injection, energy losses and particle escape; it also calculates the radiation spectrum from a parent particle population.

[ascl:2207.006] MultiModes: Efficiently analyze pulsating stars

MultiModes extracts the most significant frequencies of a sample of classical pulsating stars. The code takes a directory with light curves and initial parameters as input. For every light curve, the code calculates the frequencies spectrum, or periodogram, with the Fast Lomb Scargle algorithm, extracts the higher amplitude peak, and evaluates whether it is a real signal or noise. It fits frequency, amplitude, and phase through non-linear optimization, using a multisine function. This function is redefined with the new calculated parameters. MultiModes then does a simultaneous fit of a number of peaks (20 by default), subtracts them from the original signal, and goes back to the beginning of the loop with the residual, repeating the same process until the stop criterion is reached. After that, the code can filter suspicious spurious frequencies, those of low amplitude below the Rayleigh resolution, and possible combined frequencies.

[ascl:2206.027] DustFilaments: Paint filaments to produce a thermal dust full sky map at mm frequencies

DustFilaments paints filaments in the Celestial Sphere to generate a full sky map of the Thermal Dust emission at millimeter frequencies by integrating a population of 3D filaments. The code requires a magnetic field cube, which can be calculated separately or by DustFilaments. With the magnetic field cube as input, the package creates a random filament population with a given seed, and then paints a filament into a healpix map provided as input; the healpix map is updated in place.

[ascl:2301.010] Fastcc: Broadband radio telescope receiver fast color corrections

Fastcc returns color corrections for different spectra for various Cosmic Microwave Background experiments. Available in both Python and IDL, the script is easy to use when analyzing radio spectra of sources with data from multiple wide-survey CMB experiments in a consistent way across multiple experiments.

[ascl:2301.016] FERRE: Match physical models to measurements

FERRE matches physical models to observed data, taking a set of observations and identifying the model parameters that best reproduce the data, in a chi-squared sense. It solves the common problem of having numerical parametric models that are costly to evaluate and need to be used to interpret large data sets. FERRE provides flexibility to search for all model parameters, or hold constant some of them while searching for others. The code is written to be truly N-dimensional and fast. Model predictions are to be given as an array whose values are a function of the model parameters, i.e., numerically. FERRE holds this array in memory, or in a direct-access binary file, and interpolates in it. The code returns, in addition to the optimal set of parameters, their error covariance, and the corresponding model prediction. The code is written in FORTRAN90.

[ascl:2305.001] FRIDDA: Fisher foRecast code for combIned reDshift Drift and Alpha

FRIDDA forecasts the cosmological impact of measurements of the redshift drift and the fine-structure constant (alpha) as well as their combination. The code is based on Fisher Matrix Analysis techniques and works for various fiducial cosmological models. Though designed for the ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph (ANDES), it is easily adaptable to other fiducial cosmological models and to other instruments with similar scientific goals.

[ascl:2306.024] COpops: Compute CO sizes and fluxes

COpops computes semi-analytically the CO flux of a disc (given initial conditions and age) under the assumption of LTE and optically thick emission. It then runs disc population synthesis using observationally-informed initial conditions. CO fluxes is one of the most easily accessible observables for studying disc evolution; COpops is a faster alternative to running computationally-expensive thermochemical models for hundreds of discs and is accurate, recovering agreement within a factor of three.

[ascl:2307.012] mnms: Map-based Noise ModelS

mnms (Map-based Noise ModelS) creates map-based models of Simons Observatory Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) data. Each model supports drawing map-based simulations from data splits with independent realizations of the noise or equivalent, similar to an independent set of time-domain sims. In addition to the ability to create on-the-fly simulations, mnms also includes ready-made scripts for writing a large batch of products to disk in a dedicated SLURM job.

[ascl:2310.004] q3dfit: PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for JWST-IFU spectroscopy

q3dfit performs PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for high dynamic range JWST IFU observations, allowing the user to create science-ready maps of relevant spectral features. The software takes advantage of the spectral differences between quasars and their host galaxies for maximal-contrast subtraction of the quasar point-spread function (PSF) to reveal and characterize the faint extended emission of the host galaxy. Host galaxy emission is carefully fit with a combination of stellar continuum, emission and absorption of dust and ices, and ionic and molecular emission lines.

[ascl:2312.010] FORECAST: Realistic astronomical image and galaxy survey generator

FORECAST generates realistic astronomical images and galaxy surveys by forward modeling the output snapshot of any hydrodynamical cosmological simulation. It exploits the snapshot by constructing a lightcone centered on the observer's position; the code computes the observed fluxes of each simulated stellar element, modeled as a Single Stellar Population (SSP), in any chosen set of pass-band filters, including k-correction, IGM absorption, and dust attenuation. These fluxes are then used to create an image on a grid of pixels, to which observational features such as background noise and PSF blurring can be added. FORECAST provides customizable options for filters, size of the field of view, and survey parameters, thus allowing the synthetic images to be tailored for specific research requirements.

[ascl:2409.005] MCMole3D: Statistical model for galactic molecular clouds

MCMole3D (Monte-Carlo MOlecular Line Emission) simulates the 3D molecular cloud emission in the Milky Way. In particular, it can simulate both the unpolarized and polarized emission coming from the first rotational line of Carbon Monoxide (CO, J=1-0). MCMole3D seeks to compare the simulated emission with that observed by full sky surveys from the Planck satellite.

[ascl:2409.007] Stardust: Composite template fitting software

Stardust extracts galaxy properties by fitting their multiwavelength data to a set of linearly combined templates. This Python package brings three different families of templates together: 1.) UV+Optical emission from dust unobscured stellar light; 2.) AGN heated dust in the MIR; and 3.) IR dust reprocessed stellar light in the NIR-FIR. Stardust's template fitting does not rely on energy balance. As a result, the total luminosity of dust obscured and dust unobscured stellar light do not rely on each other, and it is possible to fit objects such as SMGs where the energy balance approach might not be applicable.