Searching for codes credited to 'Fitzgerald, Michael'
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EXOTIC: EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code
Zellem, Robert T.;
Pearson, Kyle A.;
Blaser, Ethan;
Fowler, Martin;
Ciardi, David R.;
Biferno, Anya;
Massey, Bob;
Marchis, Franck;
Baer, Robert;
Ball, Conley;
Chasin, Mike;
Conley, Mike;
Dixon, Scott;
Fletcher, Elizabeth;
Hernandez, Saneyda;
Nair, Sujay;
Perian, Quinn;
Sienkiewicz, Frank;
Tock, Kalée;
Vijayakumar, Vivek;
Swain, Mark R.;
Roudier, Gael M.;
Bryden, Geoffrey;
Conti, Dennis M.;
Hill, Dolores H.;
Hergenrother, Carl W.;
Dussault, Mary;
Kane, Stephen R.;
Fitzgerald, Michael;
Boyce, Pat;
Peticolas, Laura;
Gee, Wilfred;
Cominsky, Lynn;
Zimmerman-Brachman, Rachel;
Smith, Denise;
Creech-Eakman, Michelle J.;
Engelke, John;
Iturralde, Alexandra;
Dragomir, Diana;
Jovanovic, Nemanja;
Lawton, Brandon;
Arbouch, Emmanuel;
Kuchner, Marc;
Malvache, Arnaud
EXOTIC (EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code) analyzes photometric data of transiting exoplanets into lightcurves and retrieves transit epochs and planetary radii. The software reduces images of a transiting exoplanet into a lightcurve, and fits a model to the data to extract planetary information crucial to increasing the efficiency of larger observational platforms. EXOTIC is written in Python and supports the citizen science project Exoplanet Watch. The software runs on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux/Unix computer, and can also be used via Google Colab.
kpic_pipeline: KPIC Data Reduction Pipeline
KPIC Team;
Wang, Jason J.;
Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste;
Morris, Evan;
Delorme, Jacques-Robert;
Jovanovic, Nemanja;
Pezzato, Jacklyn;
Echeverri, Daniel;
Finnerty, Luke;
Hood, Callie;
Zanazzi, J. J.;
Bryan, Marta L.;
Bond, Charlotte Z.;
Cetre, Sylvain;
Martin, Emily C.;
Mawet, Dimitri;
Skemer, Andy;
Baker, Ashley;
Xuan, Jerry W.;
Wallace, J. Kent;
Wang, Ji;
Bartos, Randall;
Blake, Geoffrey A.;
Boden, Andy;
Buzard, Cam;
Calvin, Benjamin;
Chun, Mark;
Doppmann, Greg;
Dupuy, Trent J.;
DuchĂȘne, Gaspard;
Feng, Y. Katherina;
Fitzgerald, Michael P.;
Fortney, Jonathan;
Freedman, Richard S.;
Knutson, Heather;
Konopacky, Quinn;
Lilley, Scott;
Liu, Michael C.;
Lopez, Ronald;
Lupu, Roxana;
Marley, Mark S.;
Meshkat, Tiffany;
Miles, Brittany;
Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell;
Ragland, Sam;
Roy, Arpita;
Ruane, Garreth;
Sappey, Ben;
Schofield, Tobias;
Weiss, Lauren;
Wetherell, Edward;
Wizinowich, Peter;
Ygouf, Marie
kpic_pipeline reduces data taken with the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC). Written in Python, the code processes high resolution spectroscopy data taken with KPIC to study exoplanet atmospheres; it processes and calibrate the data to enable spectroscopic model fitting. kpic_pipeline can reduce the observed data into 1D spectra for one given science target or can be used to reduce the full nightly data.