➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
The fitOmatic model-fitting prototyping tool tests multi-wavelength model-fitting and exploits VLTI data. It provides tools to define simple geometrical models and conveniently adjust the model's parameters. Written in Yorick, it takes optical interferometry FITS (oifits) files as input and allows the user to define a model of the source from a set of pre-defined models, which can be combined to make more complicated models. fitOmatic then computes the Fourier Transform of the modeled brightness distribution and synthetic observables are computed at the wavelengths and projected baselines of the observations. fitomatic's strength is its ability to define vector-parameters, i.e., parameters that may depend on wavelength and/or time. The self-cal (ascl:2301.006) component of fitOmatic is also available as a separate code.
Self-cal produces radio-interferometric images of an astrophysical object. The code is an adaptation of the self-calibration algorithm to optical/infrared long-baseline interferometry, especially to make use of differential phases and differential visibilities. It works together with the Mira image reconstruction software and has been used mainly on VLTI data. Self-cal, written in Yorick, is also available as part of fitsOmatic (ascl:2301.005).