Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Searching for codes credited to 'Pereira, Tibério'

Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.

[ascl:2301.021] WALDO: Waveform AnomaLy DetectOr

WALDO (Waveform AnomaLy DetectOr) flags possible anomalous Gravitational Waves from Numerical Relativity catalogs using deep learning. It uses a U-Net architecture to learn the waveform features of a dataset. After computing the mismatch between those waveforms and the neural predictions, WALDO isolates high mismatch evaluations for anomaly search.