A list of keywords associated with codes in the ASCL.
NASA (176), Kepler (31), Spitzer (13), TESS (13), Fermi (6), HITS (6), HST (5), ROSAT (4), Swift (4), CGRO (3), LISA (3), RXTE (3), ASCA (2), Chandra (2), COBE (2), Geotail (2), Heliophysics (2), Herschel (2), LRO (2), Magellan (2), MRO (2), NICER (2), Polar (2), Rosetta (2), Wind (2), WISE (2), WMAP (2), Apollo (1), Cassini (1), Dawn (1), GOES (1), Hinode (1), Hitomi (1), InSight (1), INTEGRAL (1), ISO (1), Juno (1), JWST (1), K2 (1), Lucy (1), Lunar Quest (1), MAVEN (1), MESSENGER (1), MGS (1), NEAR (1), New Horizons (1), NISAR (1), NuSTAR (1), OSIRIS-REx (1), Parker Solar Probe (1), Psyche (1), RHESSI (1), SDO (1), SOFIA (1), SOHO (1), STEREO (1), Suzaku (1), THEMIS (1), TRMM (1)HEASOFT combines XANADU, high-level, multi-mission software for X-ray astronomical spectral, timing, and imaging data analysis tasks, and FTOOLS (ascl:9912.002), general and mission-specific software to manipulate FITS files, into one package. It also contains contains the NuSTAR subpackage of tasks, NuSTAR Data Analysis Software (NuSTARDAS). The source code for the software can be downloaded; precompiled executables for the most widely used computer platforms are also available for download. As an additional service, HEAsoft tasks can be directly from a web browser via WebHera.