Update: Where the codes are; also, a bit about citing software

This is an update on figures I’ve previously shared (most recently here). Currently, the ASCL indexes 977 codes. The percentage of these codes housed on social coding sites are:

GitHub: 8.1%
SourceForge: 4.2%
Code.Google: 2.8%
Bitbucket: 1.3%

This gives us 16.4% of codes listed on the ASCL housed on a public social coding site, an increase since February of 5.4%, most of this from GitHub (up from 4.2% in February), though the percentages of four sites have increased.

As I said in February, I expect the percentage of codes on social coding sites will continue to grow, especially since GitHub’s use is increasing quickly in the community. One factor some credit for this increase is that GitHub has made it easy to push code to Zenodo for archiving and DOI minting, and providing another way to cite code.*

As mentioned in my previous post, how codes are cited vary. Software citation will be the main topic at Tuesday’s inaugural Software Publishing Special Interest Group meeting at AAS225, which will be held at 3:45 PM in 615 of the Convention Center. If you are at AAS this week, you are welcome to attend and I hope to see you there!


*It was reported at .Astronomy6 that “some astro journals won’t even accept a DOI as a citation.” I don’t know which journals and hope someone will enlighten me; I would like to know the rationale for that stance and would gladly take this up with publishers.

One thought on “Update: Where the codes are; also, a bit about citing software

  1. Pingback: Data play: Social coding sites – ASCL.net

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