Thirty-six codes were added to the ASCL in December, 2023:
21cmEMU: 21cmFAST summaries emulator
AM3: Astrophysical Multi-Messenger Modeling
BUQO: Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification by Optimization
C2-Ray: Time-dependent photo-ionization calculations
C2-Ray3Dm: 3D version of C2-Ray for multiple sources, hydrogen only
C2-Ray3Dm1D_Helium: Hydrogen + helium version of C2-Ray
CloudFlex: Small-scale structure observational signatures modeling
CompressedFisher: Library for testing Fisher forecasts
CosmoLED: Cosmo code for Large Extra Dimension (LED) black holes
DENSe: Bayesian density estimation for Poisson data
FORECAST: Realistic astronomical image and galaxy survey generator
gaia_tools: Tools for working with Gaia and related data sets
galclaim: GALaxy Chance of Local Alignment algorIthM
GravSphere: Jeans modeling code
GRFolres: Extension to GRChombo for modified gravity simulations
LimberJack.jl: Auto-differentiable methods for cosmology
LyaCoLoRe: Generate simulated Lyman alpha forest spectra
matvis: Fast matrix-based visibility simulator
PhotochemPy: 1-D photochemical model of rocky planet atmospheres
ProPane: Image warping and stacking utilities
PROSPECT: Profile likelihood for frequentist cosmological inference
PulsarX: Pulsar searching
pyC2Ray: Python interface to C2Ray with GPU acceleration
pycheops: Light curve analysis for ESA CHEOPS data
PyMsOfa: Python package for the Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA) service
PyRaTE: Non-LTE spectral lines simulations
RADIS: Fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra
Rainbow: Simultaneous multi-band light curve fitting
RRLFE: Metallicity calibrations for RR Lyrae variable stars
SAGE: Stellar Activity Grid for Exoplanets
smops: A sub-band model FITS image interpolator
SolarAxionFlux: Solar axion flux calculator for different solar models and opacity codes
SubGen: Fast subhalo sampler
SubGen2: Subhalo population generator
SUNBIRD: Neural-network-based models for galaxy clustering
The Farmer: Photometry routines for deep multi-wavelength galaxy surveys