Twenty-five codes were added in October 2017:
ATLAS9: Model atmosphere program with opacity distribution functions
Binary: Accretion disk evolution
CppTransport: Two- and three-point function transport framework for inflationary cosmology
EXOFASTv2: Generalized publication-quality exoplanet modeling code
FITSFH: Star Formation Histories
FLaapLUC: Fermi-LAT automatic aperture photometry light curve
FLAG: Exact Fourier-Laguerre transform on the ball
FSFE: Fake Spectra Flux Extractor
galario: Gpu Accelerated Library for Analyzing Radio Interferometer Observations
GASOLINE: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code
GBART: Determination of the orbital elements of spectroscopic binaries
GMCALab: Generalized Morphological Component Analysis
LGMCA: Local-Generalized Morphological Component Analysis
LIMEPY: Lowered Isothermal Model Explorer in PYthon
MOSFiT: Modular Open-Source Fitter for Transients
mTransport: Two-point-correlation function calculator
OSIRIS Toolbox: OH-Suppressing InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph pipeline
pred_loggs: Predicting individual galaxy G/S probability distributions
PSPLINE: Princeton Spline and Hermite cubic interpolation routines
PyTransport: Calculate inflationary correlation functions
Ramses-GPU: Second order MUSCL-Handcock finite volume fluid solver
rfpipe: Radio interferometric transient search pipeline
SkyNet: Modular nuclear reaction network library
SPIPS: Spectro-Photo-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars
vysmaw: Fast visibility stream muncher