Twenty-seven codes were added to the ASCL in August 2020:
Barry: Modular BAO fitting code
CMEchaser: Coronal Mass Ejection line-of-sight occultation detector
CVXOPT: Convex Optimization
DUCC: Distinctly Useful Code Collection
Eclaire: CUDA-based Library for Astronomical Image REduction
healpy: Python wrapper for HEALPix
HorizonGRound: Relativistic effects in ultra-large-scale clustering
iFIT: 1D surface photometry code
kinesis: Kinematic modeling of clusters
KLLR: Kernel Localized Linear Regression
Magnetizer: Computing magnetic fields of evolving galaxies
maxsmooth: Derivative constrained function fitting
MUSIC2-monofonIC: 3LPT initial condition generator
ParaMonte: Plain powerful parallel Monte Carlo library
PhaseTracer: Cosmological phases mapping
PySAP: Python Sparse data Analysis Package
ramses2hsim: RAMSES output to 3D data cube for HSIM
SEDBYS: Spectral Energy Distribution Builder for Young Stars
SOT: Spin-Orbit Tomography
sslf: A simple spectral-line finder
SuperNNova: Photometric classification
SuperRAENN: Supernova photometric classification pipeline
TDEmass: Tidal Disruption Event interpretor
TRISTAN: TRIdimensional STANford code
Ujti: Geodesics in general relativity
Umbrella: Asteroid detection, validation, and identification
zeus: Lightning Fast MCMC