Twenty codes were added to the ASCL in September, 2024:
AMReX: Software framework for block structured AMR
BeyonCE: Beyond Common Eclipsers
ClassiPyGRB: Swift/BAT GRB visualizer and classifier
cloudyfsps: Python interface between FSPS and Cloudy
DarsakX: X-ray telescope design and imaging performance analyzer
FGCluster: ForeGround Clustering
GASTLI: GAS gianT modeL for Interiors
MCMole3D: Statistical model for galactic molecular clouds
Padé: Protoplanetary disk turbulence simulator
PICASSO: Inpainter for point-sources for synchrotron and dust polarization
planetMagFields: Routines to plot magnetic fields of planets in our solar system
PyExoCross: Molecular line lists post-processor
pyRRG: Weak lensing shape measurement code
PySR: High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia
resonances: Mean-motion resonances in Solar system and other planetary systems identifier
Stardust: Composite template fitting software
SUSHI: Semi-blind Unmixing with Sparsity for Hyperspectral Images
symbolic_pofk: Precise symbolic emulators of the linear and nonlinear matter power spectrum
UltraDark: Cosmological scalar fields simulator
WISE2MBH: Mass of supermassive black holes estimator