Category Archives: code additions

March 2016 additions to the ASCL

Eighteen codes were added to the ASCL in March, 2016:

Asfgrid: Asteroseismic parameters for a star
CORBITS: Efficient Geometric Probabilities of Multi-Transiting Exoplanetary Systems
Dedalus: Flexible framework for spectrally solving differential equations
DiskJockey: Protoplanetary disk modeling for dynamical mass derivation
ellc: Light curve model for eclipsing binary stars and transiting exoplanets

EQUIB: Atomic level populations and line emissivities calculator
ExoPriors: Accounting for observational bias of transiting exoplanets
FAST-PT: Convolution integrals in cosmological perturbation theory calculator
fibmeasure: Python/Cython module to find the center of back-illuminated optical fibers in metrology images
gPhoton: Time-tagged GALEX photon events analysis tools

HIIexplorer: Detect and extract integrated spectra of HII regions
PyGSM: Python interface to the Global Sky Model
PolRadTran: Polarized Radiative Transfer Model Distribution
ROBAST: ROOT-based ray-tracing library for cosmic-ray telescopes
SILSS: SPHERE/IRDIS Long-Slit Spectroscopy pipeline

SMARTIES: Spheroids Modelled Accurately with a Robust T-matrix Implementation for Electromagnetic Scattering
tpipe: Searching radio interferometry data for fast, dispersed transients
VIP: Vortex Image Processing pipeline for high-contrast direct imaging of exoplanets

February 2016 additions to the ASCL

Twenty-one codes were added to the ASCL in February, 2016:

Automark: Automatic marking of marked Poisson process in astronomical high-dimensional datasets
Celestial: Common astronomical conversion routines and functions
CHIP: Caltech High-res IRS Pipeline
CLOC: Cluster Luminosity Order-Statistic Code
COLAcode: COmoving Lagrangian Acceleration code

DELightcurveSimulation: Light curve simulation code
DUSTYWAVE: Linear waves in gas and dust
FilTER: Filament Trait-Evalutated Reconstruction
GANDALF: Graphical Astrophysics code for N-body Dynamics And Lagrangian Fluids
IRSFRINGE: Interactive tool for fringe removal from Spitzer IRS spectra

k2photometry: Read, reduce and detrend K2 photometry
LensTools: Weak Lensing computing tools
LIRA: LInear Regression in Astronomy
LRGS: Linear Regression by Gibbs Sampling
mbb_emcee: Modified Blackbody MCMC

NuCraft: Oscillation probabilities for atmospheric neutrinos calculator
POPPY: Physical Optics Propagation in PYthon
pyraf-dbsp: Reduction pipeline for the Palomar Double Beam Spectrograph
TailZ: Redshift distributions estimator of photometric samples of galaxies
The Cannon: Data-driven method for determining stellar parameters and abundances from stellar spectra

ZAP: Zurich Atmosphere Purge

January 2016 additions to the ASCL

Twenty-one codes were added to the ASCL in January, 2016:

BASCS: Bayesian Separation of Close Sources
CosmicPy: Interactive cosmology computations
ctools: Cherenkov Telescope Science Analysis Software
Fit Kinematic PA: Fit the global kinematic position-angle of galaxies
Hyper-Fit: Fitting routines for multidimensional data with multivariate Gaussian uncertainties

ImpactModel: Black Hole Accretion Disk Impact Model
ISO: Isochrone construction
K2fov: Field of view software for NASA’s K2 mission
LACEwING: LocAting Constituent mEmbers In Nearby Groups
LIRA: Low-counts Image Reconstruction and Analysis

MATPHOT: Stellar photometry and astrometry with discrete point spread functions
Nulike: Neutrino telescope likelihood tools
Odyssey: Ray tracing and radiative transfer in Kerr spacetime
PARAVT: Parallel Voronoi Tessellation code
ProC: Process Coordinator

QDPHOT: Quick & Dirty PHOTometry
SAGE: Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution
SavGolFilterCov: Savitzky Golay filter for data with error covariance
SCOUSE: Semi-automated multi-COmponent Universal Spectral-line fitting Engine
TRADES: TRAnsits and Dynamics of Exoplanetary Systems

WzBinned: Binned and uncorrelated estimates of dark energy EOS extractor

December 2015 additions to the ASCL

Twenty codes were added to the ASCL in December, 2015:

ALFA: Automated Line Fitting Algorithm
AstroBlend: Visualization package for use with Blender
Bisous model: Detecting filamentary pattern in point processes
CounterPoint: Zeeman-split absorption lines
CubeIndexer: Indexer for regions of interest in data cubes

DiffuseModel: Modeling the diffuse ultraviolet background
DRACULA: Dimensionality Reduction And Clustering for Unsupervised Learning in Astronomy
EDRS: Electronography Data Reduction System
EDRSX: Extensions to the EDRS package
ExoData: Open Exoplanet Catalogue exploration and analysis tool

FFTLog: Fast Fourier or Hankel transform
GetData: A filesystem-based, column-oriented database format for time-ordered binary data
GPC: General Polygon Clipper library
growl: Growth factor and growth rate of expanding universes
IRACpm: Distortion correction for IRAC astrometric data

Spirality: Spiral arm pitch angle measurement
TACT: The Action Computation Tool
TM: Torus Mapper
UPSILoN: AUtomated Classification of Periodic Variable Stars using MachIne LearNing
ZeldovichRecon: Halo correlation function using the Zeldovich approximation

October and November 2015 additions to the ASCL

Thirty codes were added to the ASCL in October and November 2015:

ASPIC: STARLINK image processing package
batman: BAsic Transit Model cAlculatioN in Python
ccdproc: CCD data reduction software
CCDtoRGB: RGB image production from three-band atronomical images
CosmoBolognaLib: Open source C++ libraries for cosmological calculations

DEBiL: Detached Eclipsing Binary Light curve fitter
DES exposure checker: Dark Energy Survey image quality control crowdsourcer
EPIC: E-field Parallel Imaging Correlator
GALFORM: Galactic modeling
Galileon-Solver: N-body code

George: Gaussian Process regression
GGADT: Generalized Geometry Anomalous Diffraction Theory
HumVI: Human Viewable Image creation
JKTLD: Limb darkening coefficients
JSPAM: Interacting galaxies modeller

LCD3: Three-parameter limb darkening coefficient sampling
MCAL: M dwarf metallicity and temperature calculator
Mercury-T: Tidally evolving multi-planet systems code
MHF: MLAPM Halo Finder
milkywayproject_triggering: Correlation functions for two catalog datasets

Pangloss: Reconstructing lensing mass
PromptNuFlux: Prompt atmospheric neutrino flux calculator
pyhrs: Spectroscopic data reduction package for SALT
PyLDTk: Python toolkit for calculating stellar limb darkening profiles and model-specific coefficients for arbitrary filters
SkyView Virtual Telescope

SparsePZ: Sparse Representation of Photometric Redshift PDFs
SuperFreq: Numerical determination of fundamental frequencies of an orbit
T-Matrix: Codes for Computing Electromagnetic Scattering by Nonspherical and Aggregated Particles
Xgremlin: Interferograms and spectra from Fourier transform spectrometers analysis
ZInCo: Zoomed Initial Conditions

September 2015 additions to the ASCL

Ten codes were added to the ASCL in September 2015:

AFR (ASPFitsReader): A pulsar FITS file reader and analysis package
FalconIC: Initial conditions generator for cosmological N-body simulations in Newtonian, Relativistic and Modified theories
FARGO3D: Hydrodynamics/magnetohydrodynamics code
OPERA: Objective Prism Enhanced Reduction Algorithms

Tempo: Pulsar timing data analysis
TRUVOT: True Background Technique for the Swift UVOT Grisms
pycola: N-body COLA method code
PyCS: Python Curve Shifting
XSHPipelineManager: Python Wrapper for the VLT/X-shooter Data Reduction Pipeline

August 2015 additions to the ASCL

Ten codes were added to the ASCL in August 2015:

ColorPro: PSF-corrected aperture-matched photometry
FRELLED: FITS Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension
HMcode: Halo-model matter power spectrum computation
NGMIX: Gaussian mixture models for 2D images
NICOLE: NLTE Stokes Synthesis/Inversion Code

REDUCEME: Long-slit spectroscopic data reduction and analysis
SExSeg: SExtractor segmentation
SHDOM: Spherical Harmonic Discrete Ordinate Method for Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
TreeCorr: Two-point correlation functions
Trilogy: FITS image conversion software

July 2015 additions to the ASCL

Twenty codes were added to the ASCL in July 2015:

3D-Barolo: 3D fitting tool for the kinematics of galaxies
abo-cross: Hydrogen broadening cross-section calculator
Astrochem: Abundances of chemical species in the interstellar medium
AstroStat: Statistical analysis tool
DALI: Derivative Approximation for LIkelihoods

DRAMA: Instrumentation software environment
FAT: Fully Automated TiRiFiC
getsources: Multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction
HLINOP: Hydrogen LINe OPacity in stellar atmospheres
IEHI: Ionization Equilibrium for Heavy Ions

K-Inpainting: Inpainting for Kepler
L-PICOLA: Fast dark matter simulation code
Least Asymmetry: Centering Method
Pelican: Pipeline for Extensible, Lightweight Imaging and CAlibratioN
PPInteractions: Secondary particle spectra from proton-proton interactions

pyro: Python-based tutorial for computational methods for hydrodynamics
REDSPEC: NIRSPEC data reduction
slimplectic: Discrete non-conservative numerical integrator
SUPERBOX: Particle-multi-mesh code to simulate galaxies
Toyz: Large datasets and astronomical images analysis framework

June 2015 additions to the ASCL

Ten codes were added to the ASCL in June 2015:

dmdd: Dark matter direct detection
EATCVB: Coronal heating rate approximations
fsclean: Faraday Synthesis CLEAN imager
multiband_LS: Multiband Lomb-Scargle Periodograms
PLATO Simulator: Realistic simulations of expected observations

pyKLIP: PSF Subtraction for Exoplanets and Disks
PyMC: Bayesian Stochastic Modelling in Python
REALMAF: Magnetic power spectra from Faraday rotation maps
SPRITE: Sparsity-based super-resolution algorithm
VAPID: Voigt Absorption-Profile [Interstellar] Dabbler

May 2015 additions to the ASCL

Thirty-four codes were added to the ASCL in May 2015:

2dfdr: Data reduction software
ARoME: Analytical Rossiter-McLaughlin Effects
ASteCA: Automated Stellar Cluster Analysis
Athena3D: Flux-conservative Godunov-type algorithm for compressible magnetohydrodynamics
BAYES-X: Bayesian inference tool for the analysis of X-ray observations of galaxy clusters

CALCEPH: Planetary ephemeris files access code
CANDID: Companion Analysis and Non-Detection in Interferometric Data
caret: Classification and Regression Training
COBS: COnstrained B-Splines
cosmoabc: Likelihood-free inference for cosmology

CUTE: Correlation Utilities and Two-point Estimation
dStar: Neutron star thermal evolution code
FCLC: Featureless Classification of Light Curves
fits2hdf: FITS to HDFITS conversion
HALOGEN: Approximate synthetic halo catalog generator

KS Integration: Kelvin-Stokes integration
Lensed: Forward parametric modelling of strong lenses
LSSGALPY: Visualization of the large-scale environment around galaxies on the 3D space
missForest: Nonparametric missing value imputation using random forest
Planck Level-S: Planck Simulation Package

POKER: P Of K EstimatoR
pyMCZ: Oxygen abundances calculations and uncertainties from strong-line flux measurements
PyTransit: Transit light curve modeling
relline: Relativistic line profiles calculation
RESOLVE: Bayesian algorithm for aperture synthesis imaging in radio astronomy

rvfit: Radial velocity curves fitting for binary stars or exoplanets
SCEPtER: Stellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid
SNEC: SuperNova Explosion Code
Snoopy: General purpose spectral solver
SNooPy: TypeIa supernovae analysis tools

Starfish: Robust spectroscopic inference tools
StellaR: Stellar evolution tracks and isochrones tools
TEA: Thermal Equilibrium Abundances
TFIT: Mixed-resolution data set photometry package