Thirty codes were added to the ASCL in February:
BALRoGO: Bayesian Astrometric Likelihood Recovery of Galactic Objects
binaryoffset: Detecting and correcting the binary offset effect in CCDs
CMasher: Scientific colormaps for making accessible, informative plots
DaMaSCUS-SUN: Dark Matter Simulation Code for Underground Scatterings – Sun Edition
EqTide: Equilibrium Tide calculations
extinction: Dust extinction laws
ForwardDiff: Forward mode automatic differentiation for Julia
GalRotpy: Parametrize the rotation curve and gravitational potential of disk-like galaxies
GLEAM: Galaxy Line Emission and Absorption Modeling
hardCORE: Exoplanet core radius fractions calculator
HUAYNO: Hierarchically split-Up AstrophYsical N-body sOlver N-body code
lensingGW: Lensing of gravitational waves
Lightbeam: Simulate light through weakly-guiding waveguides
mirkwood: SED modeling using machine learning
MOSAIC: Multipole operator generator for Fast Multipole Method operators
MST: Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm for identifying large-scale filaments
Multi_CLASS: Cross-tracer angular power spectra of number counts using CLASS
MUSE-PSFR: PSF reconstruction for MUSE WFM-AO mode
nway: Bayesian cross-matching of astronomical catalogs
OPUS: Interoperable access to analysis and simulation codes
Piff: PSFs In the Full FOV
Pixell: Rectangular pixel map manipulation and harmonic analysis library
polgraw-allsky: All-sky almost-monochromatic gravitational-wave pipeline
PyAutoFit: Classy probabilistic programming
PyFstat: Continuous gravitational-wave data analysis
RASSINE: Normalizing 1D stellar spectra
spinOS: SPectroscopic and INterferometric Orbital Solution finder
ThumbStack: Map and profile stacking pipeline
viscm: Analyzing colormaps and creating new colormaps
X-PSI: X-ray Pulse Simulation and Inference