Category Archives: poster

What to do with an astronomy code? Share it!

The poster I’m presenting at AAS 223 is below. Please stop by poster 255.25 on Tuesday; I would love to know whether you share your codes and why you do or do not.

Abstract: Now that you’ve written a useful astronomy code for your soon-to-be-published research, you have to figure out what you want to do with it. Our suggestion? Share it! This presentation highlights the means and benefits of sharing your code. Make your code citable — submit it to the Astrophysics Source Code Library and have it indexed by ADS! The Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL) is a free online registry of source codes of interest to astronomers and astrophysicists. With over 700 codes, it is continuing its rapid growth, with an average of 17 new codes a month. The editors seek out codes for inclusion; indexing by ADS improves the discoverability of codes and provides a way to cite codes as separate entries, especially codes without papers that describe them.

Authors: Alice Allen, Astrophysics Source Code Library
Alberto Accomazzi, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Bruce Berriman, California Institute of Technology
Kimberly DuPrie, Astrophysics Source Code Library
Robert Hanisch, Space Telescope Science Institute/Virtual Astronomical Observatory
Jessica Mink, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Robert Nemiroff, Michigan Technological University
Lior Shamir, Lawrence Technological University
Keith Shortridge, Australian Astronomical Observatory
Mark Taylor, University of Bristol, UK
Peter Teuben, University of Maryland
John Wallin, Middle Tennessee State University


When Alice asked me if I’d like to present a poster at this year’s ADASS I jumped at the chance: After all, it was Alice’s poster and presentation at ADASS XXI that prompted me to volunteer for ASCL. Also, I don’t often get the opportunity to exercise my creative side, and what better way to give it a workout than to create a poster that will be seen by millions (ok, hundreds) of people. However once I started working on the poster I realized that my creative side had atrophied a bit due to disuse. With Alice’s coaching (“You know you can use more than one color!”) I managed to pull together a poster that I hope you find informative and eye-catching without being too wordy. If I’m really lucky I might even be able to snare another ASCL volunteer.
