Astrophysics Source Code Library
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Results 2501-2750 of 3678 (3581 ASCL, 97 submitted)
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RadioFisher: Fisher forecasting for 21cm intensity mapping and spectroscopic galaxy surveys
PyBird: Python code for biased tracers in redshift space
GAMMA: Relativistic hydro and local cooling on a moving mesh
SpaceHub: High precision few-body and large scale N-body simulations
Skye: Equation of state for fully ionized matter
linemake: Line list generator
globalemu: Global (sky-averaged) 21-cm signal emulation
TES: Terrestrial Exoplanet Simulator
lofti_gaiaDR2: Orbit fitting with Gaia astrometry
Posidonius: N-Body simulator for planetary and/or binary systems
Py-PDM: A Python wrapper of the Phase Dispersion Minimization (PDM)
BHPToolkit: Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit
PDM2: Phase Dispersion Minimization
ATARRI: A TESS Archive RR Lyrae Classifier
TesseRACt: Tessellation-based Recovery of Amorphous halo Concentrations
COMPAS: Rapid binary population synthesis code
The Sequencer: Detect one-dimensional sequences in complex datasets
SpheCow: Galaxy and dark matter halo dynamical properties
MCALF: Velocity information from spectral imaging observations
MeerCRAB: Transient classifier using a deep learning model
ZOGY: Python implementation of proper image subtraction
BlackBOX: BlackGEM and MeerLICHT image reduction software
orvara: Orbits from Radial Velocity, Absolute, and/or Relative Astrometry
SISPO: Imaging simulator for small solar system body missions
encore: Efficient isotropic 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-point correlation functions
PyTorchDIA: Difference Image Analysis tool
CUDAHM: MCMC sampling of hierarchical models with GPUs
Pyrat Bay: Python Radiative Transfer in a Bayesian framework
ClaRAN: Classifying Radio sources Automatically with Neural networks
RandomQuintessence: Integrate the Klein-Gordon and Friedmann equations with random initial conditions
Kepler's Goat Herd: Solving Kepler's equation via contour integration
PFITS: Spectra data reduction
KOBE: Kepler Observes Bern Exoplanets
dopmap: Fast Doppler mapping program
PyDoppler: Wrapper for Doppler tomography software
crowdsource: Crowded field photometry pipeline
Marvin: Data access and visualization for MaNGA
Pyshellspec: Binary systems with circumstellar matter
CoMover: Bayesian probability of co-moving stars
simqso: Simulated quasar spectra generator
baofit: Fit cosmological data to measure baryon acoustic oscillations
Maneage: Managing data lineage
MakeCloud: Turbulent GMC initial conditions for GIZMO
StarcNet: Convolutional neural network for classifying galaxy images into morphological classes
Kadath: Spectral solver
Lemon: Linear integral Equations' Monte carlo solver based On the Neumann solution
ATES: ATmospheric EScape
QuasarNET: CNN for redshifting and classification of astrophysical spectra
redvsblue: Quasar and emission line redshift fitting
picca: Package for Igm Cosmological-Correlations Analyses
GLEMuR: GPU-based Lagrangian mimEtic Magnetic Relaxation
simple_reg_dem: Differential Emission Measures in the solar corona
aztekas: GRHD numerical code
STaRS: Sejong Radiative Transfer through Raman and Rayleigh Scattering with atomic hydrogen
so_noise_models: Simons Observatory N(ell) noise models
RedPipe: Reduction Pipeline
ModeChord: Primordial scalar and tensor power spectra solver
Katu: Interaction of particles in plasma simulator
MultiModeCode: Numerical exploration of multifield inflation models
FRBSTATS: A web-based platform for visualization of fast radio burst properties
EMBERS: Experimental Measurement of BEam Responses with Satellites
DM_statistics: Statistics of the cosmological dispersion measure (DM)
BiHalofit: Fitting formula of non-linear matter bispectrum
DarkSirensStat: Measuring modified GW propagation and the Hubble parameter
ZWAD: Anomaly detection pipeline
ztf-viewer: SNAD ZTF data releases object viewer
CalPriorSNIa: Effective calibration prior on the absolute magnitude of Type Ia supernovae
BiFFT: Fast estimation of the bispectrum
PORTA: POlarized Radiative TrAnsfer
ehtplot: Plotting functions for the Event Horizon Telescope
atmos: Coupled climate–photochemistry model
IRAGNSEP: Spectral energy distribution fitting code
light-curve: Light curve analysis toolbox
ROA: Running Optimal Average
PMN-body: Particle Mesh N-body code
FoF-Halo-finder: Halo location and size
ReionYuga: Epoch of Reionization neutral Hydrogen field generator
snmachine: Photometric supernova classification
Skymapper: Mapping astronomical survey data on the sky
nimbus: A Bayesian inference framework to constrain kilonova models
Balrog: Astronomical image simulation
SpArcFiRe: SPiral ARC FInder and REporter
AlignBandColors: Inter-color-band image alignment tool
PyROA: Modeling quasar light curves
GUBAS: General Use Binary Asteroid Simulator
Skylens++: Simulation package for optical astronomical observations
shapelens: Astronomical image analysis and shape estimation framework
shear-stacking: Stacked shear profiles and tests based upon them
PyCactus: Post-processing tools for Cactus computational toolkit simulation data
ART: A Reconstruction Tool
PlaSim: Planet Simulator
Chem-I-Calc: Chemical Information Calculator
RePrimAnd: Recovery of Primitives And EOS framework
Kd-match: Correspondences of objects between two catalogs through pattern matching
cosmic_variance: Cosmic variance calculator
K2-CPM: Causal Pixel Model for K2 data
MCPM: Modified CPM method
K2mosaic: Mosaic Kepler pixel data
KeplerPORTS: Kepler Planet Occurrence Rate Tools
TRINITY: Dark matter halos, galaxies and supermassive black holes empirical model
PHL: Persistent_Homology_LSS
HERMES: High-Energy Radiative MESsengers
MALU IFS visualisation tool
HRK: HII Region Kinematics
AUM: A Unified Modeling scheme for galaxy abundance, galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing
MAPS: Multi-frequency Angular Power Spectrum estimator
WaldoInSky: Anomaly detection algorithms for time-domain astronomy
millennium-tap-query: Python tool to query the Millennium Simulation UWS/TAP client
viper: Velocity and IP EstimatoR
catwoman: Transit modeling Python package for asymmetric light curves
CatBoost: High performance gradient boosting on decision trees library
caesar-rest: Web service for the caesar source extractor
FIREFLY: Chi-squared minimization full spectral fitting code
Spectra-Without-Windows: Window-free analysis of the BOSS DR12 power spectrum and bispectrum
NRDD_constraints: Dark Matter interaction with the Standard Model exclusion plot calculator
AMOEBA: Automated Gaussian decomposition
StelNet: Stellar mass and age predictor
ELISa: Eclipsing binaries Learning Interactive System
Chemulator: Thermochemical emulator for hydrodynamical modeling
AutoProf: Automatic Isophotal solutions for galaxy images
Cosmic-CoNN: Cosmic ray detection toolkit
PIPS: Period detection and Identification Pipeline Suite
DBSP_DRP: DBSP Data Reduction Pipeline
ExoPlaSim: Exoplanet climate simulator
COSMIC: Compact Object Synthesis and Monte Carlo Investigation Code
CMC-COSMIC: Cluster Monte Carlo code
iminuit: Jupyter-friendly Python interface for C++ MINUIT2
SORA: Stellar Occultation Reduction Analysis
ScopeSim Templates
ScopeSim Instrument Reference Database
gammaALPs: Conversion probability between photons and axions/axionlike particles
alpconv: Calculating alp-photon conversion
VOLKS2: VLBI Observation for transient Localization Keen Searcher
DviSukta: Spherically Averaged Bispectrum calculator
SoFiA 2: An automated, parallel HI source finding pipeline
eMCP: e-MERLIN CASA pipeline
SkyCalc_ipy: SkyCalc wrapper for interactive Python
pyia: Python package for working with Gaia data
pyFFTW: Python wrapper around FFTW
Frankenstein: Flux reconstructor
Rubble: Simulating dust size distributions in protoplanetary disks
STAR-MELT: STellar AccrRetion Mapping with Emission Line Tomography
WimPyDD: WIMP direct–detection rates predictor
HSS: The Hough Stream Spotter
unpopular: Using CPM detrending to obtain TESS light curves
SkyPy: Simulating the astrophysical sky
HTOF: Astrometric solutions for Hipparcos and Gaia intermediate data
GLoBES: General Long Baseline Experiment Simulator
SNOwGLoBES: SuperNova Observatories with GLoBES
SNEWPY: Supernova Neutrino Early Warning Models for Python
WeakLensingDeblending: Weak lensing fast simulations and analysis of blended objects
ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism: Fisher Formalism for Weak Lensing
gphist: Cosmological expansion history inference using Gaussian processes
BHJet: Semi-analytical black hole jet model
Menura: Multi-GPU numerical model for space plasma simulation
Varstar Detect: Variable star detection in TESS data
OSPREI: Sun-to-Earth (or satellite) CME simulator
Healpix.jl: Julia-only port of the HEALPix library
BiPoS1: Dynamical processing of the initial binary star population
Snowball: Generalizable atmospheric mass loss calculator
JWSTSim: Geometric-Focused JWST Deep Field Image Simulation
exodetbox: Finding planet-star projected separation extrema and difference in magnitude extrema
PSRDADA: Distributed Acquisition and Data Analysis for Radio Astronomy
TULIPS: Tool for Understanding the Lives, Interiors, and Physics of Stars
TauRunner: Code to propagate tau neutrinos at very high energies
ArtPop: Artificial Stellar Populations generator
PISCOLA: Python for Intelligent Supernova-COsmology Light-curve Analysis
ParSNIP: Parametrization of SuperNova Intrinsic Properties
Quokka: Two-moment AMR radiation hydrodynamics on GPUs for astrophysics
BASTA: BAyesian STellar Algorithm
GRASS: GRanulation and Spectrum Simulator
GGCHEMPY: Gas-Grain CHEMical code for interstellar medium in Python3
Nauyaca: N-body approach for determining planetary masses and orbital elements
swordfish: Information yield of counting experiments
Flux: Julia machine learning library
pyro: Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch
ThERESA: 3D Exoplanet Cartography
FEniCS: Computing platform for solving partial differential equations
SELCIE: Screening Equations Linearly Constructed and Iteratively Evaluated
BCES: Linear regression for data with measurement errors and intrinsic scatter
PT-REX: Point-to-point TRend EXtractor
XookSuut: Model circular and noncircular flows on 2D velocity maps
Data modelling approaches to astronomical data - Mapping large spectral line data cubes to dimensional data models
astroDDPM: Realistic galaxy simulation via score-based generative models
JAX: Autograd and XLA
PSwarm: Global optimization solver for bound and linear constrained problems
NLopt: Nonlinear optimization library
CEvNS: Calculate Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering cross sections and recoil spectra
prose: FITS images processing pipeline
LEGWORK: LISA Evolution and Gravitational Wave ORbit Kit
COCOPLOT: COlor COllapsed PLOTting software
CoLoRe: Cosmological Lofty Realization
Nii: Multidimensional posterior distributions framework
p-winds: Python implementation of Parker wind models for planetary atmospheres
flatstar: Make 2d intensity maps of limb-darkened stars
Astrosat: Satellite transit calculator
UniMAP: Unicorn Multi-window Anomaly Detection Pipeline
gCMCRT: 3D Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer for exoplanet atmospheres using GPUs
SteParSyn: Stellar atmospheric parameters using the spectral synthesis method
pySYD: Measuring global asteroseismic parameters
GWToolbox: Gravitational wave observation simulator
Caustic Mass Estimator for Galaxy Clusters
DIPol-UF: Remote control software for DIPol-UF polarimeter
pycelp: Python package for Coronal Emission Line Polarization
QUESTFIT: Fitter for mid-infrared galaxy spectra
SCORPIO: Sky COllector of galaxy Pairs and Image Output
Defringe: Fringe artifact correction
Interferopy: Analyzing datacubes from radio-to-submm observations
STDPipe: Simple Transient Detection Pipeline
NeutrinoFog: Neutrino fog and floor for direct dark matter searches
MISTTBORN: MCMC Interface for Synthesis of Transits, Tomography, Binaries, and Others of a Relevant Nature
AsteroGaP: Asteroid Gaussian Processes
WIMpy_NREFT: Dark Matter direct detection rates detector
DarkARC: Dark Matter-induced Atomic Response Code
DiracVsMajorana: Statistical discrimination of sub-GeV Majorana and Dirac dark matter
Qwind: Non-hydrodynamical model for AGN line-drive winds
Qwind3: Modeling UV line-driven winds originating from accretion discs
SAPHIRES: Stellar Analysis in Python for HIgh REsolution Spectroscopy
TESSreduce: Transient focused reduction for TESS data
deeplenstronomy: Pipeline for versatile strong lens sample simulations
Optab: Ideal-gas opacity tables generator
O'TRAIN: Optical TRAnsient Identification NEtwork
BayesicFitting: Model fitting and Bayesian evidence calculation package
GRIT: Gravitational Rigid-body InTegrators for simulating coupled dynamics
hankl: Python implementation of the FFTLog algorithm for cosmology
wpca: Weighted Principal Component Analysis in Python
l1p: Python implementation of the l1 periodogram
FTP: Fast Template Periodogram
HoloSim-ML: Analyzing radio holography measurements of complex optical systems
JexoSim 2.0: JWST Exoplanet Observation Simulator
EzTao: Easier CARMA Modeling
AstroToolBox: Java tools for identifying and classifying astronomical objects
BLOSMapping: Determine line-of-sight magnetic fields of molecular clouds
FitsMap: Interactive astronomical image and catalog data visualizer
AllStarFit: R package for source detection, PSF and multi-component galaxy fitting
dark-photons-perturbations: Dark photon conversions in our inhomogeneous Universe
tellrv: Radial velocities for low-resolution NIR spectra
fermi-gce-flows: Infer the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess
AltaiPony: Flare finder for Kepler, K2, and TESS light curves
statmorph: Non-parametric morphological diagnostics of galaxy images
COWS: Cosmic web filament finder
MAGRATHEA: Planet interior structure code
disnht: Absorption spectrum solver
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