Astrophysics Source Code Library
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Results 501-750 of 3710 (3611 ASCL, 99 submitted)
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JAGS: Just Another Gibbs Sampler
LSD: Large Survey Database framework
CHORIZOS: CHi-square cOde for parameterRized modeling and characterIZation of phOtometry and Spectrophotmetry
HARM: A Numerical Scheme for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics
macula: Rotational modulations in the photometry of spotted stars
TMCalc: Fast estimation of stellar metallicity [Fe/H]
Phantom-GRAPE: SIMD accelerated numerical library for N-body simulations
ANNz: Artificial Neural Networks for estimating photometric redshifts
MeqTrees: Software package for implementing Measurement Equations
DiskFit: Modeling Asymmetries in Disk Galaxies
Scanamorphos: Maps from scan observations made with bolometer arrays
IRACproc: IRAC Post-BCD Processing
FAMIAS: Frequency Analysis and Mode Identification for AsteroSeismology
Aspects: Probabilistic/positional association of catalogs of sources
GP2PCF: Brute-force computation of 2-point correlation functions
pPXF: Penalized Pixel-Fitting stellar kinematics extraction
GOSSIP: SED fitting code
EZ: A Tool For Automatic Redshift Measurement
SGNAPS: Software for Graphical Navigation, Analysis and Plotting of Spectra
TA-DA: A Tool for Astrophysical Data Analysis
FLUKA: Fully integrated particle physics Monte Carlo simulation package
Rockstar: Phase-space halo finder
PAHFIT: Properties of PAH Emission
CALCLENS: Curved-sky grAvitational Lensing for Cosmological Light conE simulatioNS
Consistent Trees: Gravitationally Consistent Halo Catalogs and Merger Trees for Precision Cosmology
SearchCal: The JMMC Evolutive Search Calibrator Tool
ConvPhot: A profile-matching algorithm for precision photometry
TRIP: General computer algebra system for celestial mechanics
Tempo2: Pulsar Timing Package
Specview: 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms
McPHAC: McGill Planar Hydrogen Atmosphere Code
Systemic Console: Advanced analysis of exoplanetary data
QFitsView: FITS file viewer
GASGANO: Data File Organizer
SMART: Spectroscopic Modeling Analysis and Reduction Tool
HAM2D: 2D Shearing Box Model
inf_solv: Kerr inflow solver
ORBADV: ORBital ADVection by interpolation
TwoDSSM: Self-gravitating 2D shearing sheet
PVS-GRMHD: Conservative GRMHD Primitive Variable Solvers
PyCosmic: Detecting cosmics in CALIFA and other fiber-fed integral-field spectroscopy datasets
QYMSYM: A GPU-accelerated hybrid symplectic integrator
Sapporo: N-body simulation library for GPUs
BOOTTRAN: Error Bars for Keplerian Orbital Parameters
RVLIN: Fitting Keplerian curves to radial velocity data
S2LET: Fast wavelet analysis on the sphere
FreeEOS: Equation of State for stellar interiors calculations
WVT Binning: Spatially adaptive 2-D binning
CORRFIT: Cross-Correlation Routines
C-m Emu: Concentration-mass relation emulator
VorBin: Voronoi binning method
Bonsai: N-body GPU tree-code
XPHOT: Estimation of properties of weak X-ray sources
MPWide: Light-weight communication library for distributed computing
MOLIERE-5: Forward and inversion model for sub-mm wavelengths
General complex polynomial root solver
CosmoPMC: Cosmology sampling with Population Monte Carlo
WOLF: FITS file processor
SIR: Stokes Inversion based on Response functions
Aegean: Compact source finding in radio images
Synth3: Non-magnetic spectrum synthesis code
DrizzlePac: HST image software
ddisk: Debris disk time-evolution
EXSdetect: Extended X-ray Source Detection
Thrust: Productivity-Oriented Library for CUDA
TMAP: Tübingen NLTE Model-Atmosphere Package
PSFEx: Point Spread Function Extractor
MARX: Model of AXAF Response to X-rays
ISIS: Interactive Spectral Interpretation System for High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy
ACS: ALMA Common Software
pNbody: A python parallelized N-body reduction toolbox
EPICS: Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System
Minerva: Cylindrical coordinate extension for Athena
GRID-core: Gravitational Potential Identification of Cores
FASTPHOT: A simple and quick IDL PSF-fitting routine
IAS Stacking Library in IDL
ICORE: Image Co-addition with Optional Resolution Enhancement
GALA: Stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances
ME(SSY)**2: Monte Carlo Code for Star Cluster Simulations
NIFTY: A versatile Python library for signal inference
SYNMAG Photometry: Catalog-level Matched Colors of Extended Sources
DisPerSE: Discrete Persistent Structures Extractor
XDQSO: Photometic quasar probabilities and redshifts
ESO-MIDAS: General tools for image processing and data reduction
SWIFT: A solar system integration software package
emcee: The MCMC Hammer
CosmoHammer: Cosmological parameter estimation with the MCMC Hammer
UCL_PDR: Time dependent photon-dissociation regions model
SMMOL: Spherical Multi-level MOLecular line radiative transfer
UCLCHEM: Time and depth dependent gas-grain chemical model
micrOMEGAs: Calculation of dark matter properties
TYCHO: Stellar evolution code
MAGIX: Modeling and Analysis Generic Interface for eXternal numerical codes
TAC-maker: Transit Analytical Curve maker
MOPSIC: Extended Version of MOPSI
TGCat: Chandra Transmission Grating Catalog and Archive
idistort: CMB spectral distortions templates and code
BSE: Binary Star Evolution
SSE: Single Star Evolution
2MASS Kit: 2MASS Catalog Server Kit
CADRE: CArma Data REduction pipeline
Galactus: Modeling and fitting of galaxies from neutral hydrogen (HI) cubes
GBTIDL: Reduction and Analysis of GBT Spectral Line Data
Ginga: Flexible FITS viewer
Xmatch: GPU Enhanced Astronomic Catalog Cross-Matching
ionFR: Ionospheric Faraday rotation
pysynphot: Synthetic photometry software package
ATLAS12: Opacity sampling model atmosphere program
DPUSER: Interactive language for image analysis
ACORNS-ADI: Algorithms for Calibration, Optimized Registration and Nulling the Star in Angular Differential Imaging
GaPP: Gaussian Processes in Python
Stellarics: Inverse Compton scattering from stellar heliospheres
iSAP: Interactive Sparse Astronomical Data Analysis Packages
Sunrise: Radiation transfer through interstellar dust
PEC: Period Error Calculator
Astropy: Community Python library for astronomy
GALSVM: Automated Morphology Classification
Wqed: Lightcurve Analysis Suite
VOBOZ/ZOBOV: Halo-finding and Void-finding algorithms
CosmicEmuLog: Cosmological Power Spectra Emulator
DESPOTIC: Derive the Energetics and SPectra of Optically Thick Interstellar Clouds
Diffusion.f: Diffusion of elements in stars
Sérsic: Exact deprojection of Sérsic surface brightness profiles
TPZ: Trees for Photo-Z
ORIGAMI: Structure-finding routine in N-body simulation
SFH: Star Formation History
MPgrafic: A parallel MPI version of Grafic-1
TVD: Total Variation Diminishing code
Qhull: Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull
CosmoRec: Cosmological Recombination code
SZpack: Computation of Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) signals
IFrIT: Ionization FRont Interactive Tool
pyCloudy: Tools to manage astronomical Cloudy photoionization code
PyNeb: Analysis of emission lines
Copter: Cosmological perturbation theory
ESTER: Evolution STEllaire en Rotation
pynbody: N-Body/SPH analysis for python
TPM: Tree-Particle-Mesh code
AdaptaHOP: Subclump finder
PkdGRAV2: Parallel fast-multipole cosmological code
Pressure-Entropy SPH: Pressure-entropy smooth-particle hydrodynamics
PINOCCHIO: PINpointing Orbit-Crossing Collapsed HIerarchical Objects
YNOGK: Calculating null geodesics in the Kerr spacetime
GaussFit: Solving least squares and robust estimation problems
GILDAS: Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software
FITDisk: Cataclysmic Variable Accretion Disk Demonstration Tool
MapCUMBA: Multi-grid map-making algorithm for CMB experiments
Non-Gaussian Realisations
TAU: 1D radiative transfer code for transmission spectroscopy of extrasolar planet atmospheres
Merger Trees: Formation history of dark matter haloes
SAC: Sheffield Advanced Code
grmonty: Relativistic radiative transport Monte Carlo code
Harmony: Synchrotron Emission Coefficients
PROM4: 1D isothermal and isobaric modeler for solar prominences
PROS: Multi-mission X-ray analysis software system
BEHR: Bayesian Estimation of Hardness Ratios
Tapir: A web interface for transit/eclipse observability
MAPPINGS III: Modelling And Prediction in PhotoIonized Nebulae and Gasdynamical Shocks
STF: Structure Finder
MADCOW: Microwave Anisotropy Dataset Computational softWare
Pico: Parameters for the Impatient Cosmologist
LRG DR7 Likelihood Software
Bessel: Fast Bessel Function Jn(z) Routine for Large n,z
ZEUS-2D: Simulation of fluid dynamical flows
VHD: Viscous pseudo-Newtonian accretion
Yaxx: Yet another X-ray extractor
DustEM: Dust extinction and emission modelling
Monte Python: Monte Carlo code for CLASS in Python
K3Match: Point matching in 3D space
FieldInf: Field Inflation exact integration routines
LENSVIEW: Resolved gravitational lens images modeling
im2shape: Bayesian Galaxy Shape Estimation
AstroTaverna: Tool for Scientific Workflows in Astronomy
Obit: Radio Astronomy Data Handling
MAH: Minimum Atmospheric Height
cosmoxi2d: Two-point galaxy correlation function calculation
PhoSim: Photon Simulator
ITERA: IDL Tool for Emission-line Ratio Analysis
SIMX: Event simulator
Shapelets: Image Modelling
CTI Correction Code
orbfit: Orbit fitting software
NEST: Noble Element Simulation Technique
ETC++: Advanced Exposure-Time Calculations
PURIFY: Tools for radio-interferometric imaging
SOPT: Sparse OPTimisation
SMILE: Orbital analysis and Schwarzschild modeling of triaxial stellar systems
LOSSCONE: Capture rates of stars by a supermassive black hole
MapCurvature: Map Projections
LensEnt2: Maximum-entropy weak lens reconstruction
APPSPACK: Asynchronous Parallel Pattern Search
BASIN: Beowulf Analysis Symbolic INterface
SYNAPPS: Forward-modeling of supernova spectroscopy data sets
SYN++: Standalone SN spectrum synthesis
CReSyPS: Stellar population synthesis code
GYRE: Stellar oscillation code
CRUSH: Comprehensive Reduction Utility for SHARC-2 (and more...)
RADLite: Raytracer for infrared line spectra
THELI GUI: Optical, near- & mid-infrared imaging data reduction
SPEX: High-resolution cosmic X-ray spectra analysis
Ceph_code: Cepheid light-curves fitting
JHelioviewer: Visualization software for solar physics data
ChiantiPy: Python package for the CHIANTI atomic database
MoogStokes: Zeeman polarized radiative transfer
AstroImageJ: ImageJ for Astronomy
VAPHOT: Precision differential aperture photometry package
LOSP: Liège Orbital Solution Package
Spherical: Geometry operations and searches on spherical surfaces
SATMC: SED Analysis Through Monte Carlo
VOPlot: Toolkit for Scientific Discovery using VOTables
VOMegaPlot: Plotting millions of points
VOStat: Statistical analysis of astronomical data
ORAC-DR: Astronomy data reduction pipeline
PyMSES: Python modules for RAMSES
AIDA: Adaptive Image Deconvolution Algorithm
AIRY: Astronomical Image Restoration in interferometrY
ASPRO 2: Astronomical Software to PRepare Observations
AIPSLite: ParselTongue extension for distributed AIPS processing
SMURF: SubMillimeter User Reduction Facility
SPECX: Spectral Line Data Reduction Package
SciDB: Open Source DMAS for Scientific Research
PyCOOL: Cosmological Object-Oriented Lattice code
AstroAsciiData: ASCII table Python module
PlanetPack: Radial-velocity time-series analysis tool
Spheroid: Electromagnetic Scattering by Spheroids
CIAO: Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations
CUPID: Clump Identification and Analysis Package
CUPID: Customizable User Pipeline for IRS Data
CosmoTherm: Thermalization code
ARPACK: Solving large scale eigenvalue problems
MUSIC: MUlti-Scale Initial Conditions
ETC: Exposure Time Calculator
SERPent: Scripted E-merlin Rfi-mitigation PipelinE for iNTerferometry
WND-CHARM: Multi-purpose image classifier
IMCOM: IMage COMbination
BIE: Bayesian Inference Engine
XAssist: Automatic analysis of X-ray astrophysics data
LTL: The Little Template Library
SkyNet: Neural network training tool for machine learning in astronomy
BAMBI: Blind Accelerated Multimodal Bayesian Inference
YODA: Yet another Object Detection Application
GalaxyCount: Galaxy counts and variance calculator
A_phot: Photon Asymmetry
BINGO: BI-spectra and Non-Gaussianity Operator
CJAM: First and second velocity moments calculations
SL1M: Synthesis through L1 Minimization
Kirin: N-body simulation library for GPUs
SpacePy: Python-Based Tools for the Space Science Community
PyMidas: Interface from Python to Midas
Reflex: Graphical workflow engine for data reduction
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