Astrophysics Source Code Library

Making codes discoverable since 1999

Searching for codes credited to 'Lewis, J. W.'

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[ascl:2405.005] pySPEDAS: Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software

pySPEDAS (Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software) supports multi-mission, multi-instrument retrieval, analysis, and visualization of heliophysics time series data. A Python implementation of SPEDAS (ascl:2405.001), it supports most of the capabilities of SPEDAS; it can load heliophysics data sets from more than 30 space-based and ground-based missions, coordinate transforms, interpolation routines, and unit conversions, and provide interactive access to numerous data sets. pySPEDAS also creates multi-mission, multi-instrument figures, includes field and wave analysis tools, and performs magnetic field modeling, among other functions.

[ascl:2405.001] SPEDAS: Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System

The SPEDAS (Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software) framework supports multi-mission data ingestion, analysis and visualization for the Space Physics community. It standardizes the retrieval of data from distributed repositories, the scientific processing with a powerful set of legacy routines, the quick visualization with full output control and the graph creation for use in papers and presentations. SPEDAS includes a GUI for ease of use by novice users, works on multiple platforms, and though based on IDL, can be used with or without an IDL license. The framework supports plugin modules for multiple projects such as THEMIS, MMS, and WIND, and provides interfaces for software modules developed by the individual teams of those missions. A Python implementation of the framework, PySPEDAS (ascl:2405.005), is also available.