In conclusion 1…

Here are a few slides from presentations mentioned in a previous blog post; slides from more of the talks at EWASS will be covered in another post.

Software development best practices from Astropy, Thomas Robitaille (slides: PDF)

All contributions are made in GitHub repositor(ies). All contributions are reviewed via pull requests. Test suite run using pytest. Docs written in Sphinx, hosted on ReadTheDocs. Continuous integration on Travis AppVeyor, Circle CI.

A Computer Science Perspective on the Astronomy Research Software Process by John Wenskovitch (slides: PDF)

Summary: 1. Acknowledgement of strengths. 2. Version control. a. Use it. b. Commit often. 3. Frequent communication. 4. Manage feature requests. 5. Collaborate with an expert.

TARDIS: A radiative transfer code, an open source community, and an interdisciplinary collaboration by Wolfgang Kerzendorf (slides: PDF)

Developing simulation codes. Science discovery needs to be the key driver (everything else is secondary). Only write code that doesn't exist anywhere else. Many of the software engineering techniques are geared towards team development -- not always applicable.

Research software best practices: Transparency, credit, and citation by yours truly (slides: PDF, PPTX)

You can change the world! Or at least a little piece of it. Release your code. Specify how you want your code to be cited. License your code. Register your code. Archive your code.

Dagstuhl Manifesto on Citation: I will make explicit how to cite my software. I will cite the software I used to produce my research results. When reviewing, I will encourage others to cite the software they have used.

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