Category Archives: code additions

October 2012 additions

Thirty-one codes were added to the ASCL in October; on October 31, there were 546 codes in the library.

BOOTTRAN: Error Bars for Keplerian Orbital Parameters
CALCLENS: Curved-sky grAvitational Lensing for Cosmological Light conE simulatioNS
Consistent Trees: Gravitationally Consistent Halo Catalogs and Merger Trees for Precision Cosmology
ConvPhot: A profile-matching algorithm for precision photometry
EZ: A Tool For Automatic Redshift Measurement

FLUKA: Fully integrated particle physics Monte Carlo simulation package
GASGANO: Data File Organizer
GOSSIP: SED fitting code
GP2PCF: Brute-force computation of 2-point correlation functions
HAM2D: 2D Shearing Box Model

inf_solv: Kerr inflow solver
McPHAC: McGill Planar Hydrogen Atmosphere Code
ORBADV: ORBital ADVection by interpolation
PAHFIT: Properties of PAH Emission
pPXF: Penalized Pixel-Fitting stellar kinematics extraction

PVS-GRMHD: Conservative GRMHD Primitive Variable Solvers
PyCosmic: Detecting cosmics in CALIFA and other fiber-fed integral-field spectroscopy datasets
QFitsView: FITS file viewer
QYMSYM: A GPU-accelerated hybrid symplectic integrator
Rockstar: Phase-space halo finder

RVLIN: Fitting Keplerian curves to radial velocity data
Sapporo: N-body simulation library for GPUs
SearchCal: The JMMC Evolutive Search Calibrator Tool
SGNAPS: Software for Graphical Navigation, Analysis and Plotting of Spectra
SMART: Spectroscopic Modeling Analysis and Reduction Tool

Specview: 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms
Systemic Console: Advanced analysis of exoplanetary data
TA-DA: A Tool for Astrophysical Data Analysis
Tempo2: Pulsar Timing Package
TRIP: General computer algebra system for celestial mechanics

TwoDSSM: Self-gravitating 2D shearing sheet

September 2012 additions

Fifteen codes were added to the ASCL in September, bringing the number to 515.

ANNz: Artificial Neural Networks for estimating photometric redshifts
Aspects: Probabilistic/positional association of catalogs of sources
Bayesian Blocks: Detecting and characterizing local variability in time series
CHORIZOS: CHi-square cOde for parameterRized modeling and characterIZation of phOtometry and Spectrophotmetry
DiskFit: Modeling Asymmetries in Disk Galaxies

FAMIAS: Frequency Analysis and Mode Identification for AsteroSeismology
HARM: A Numerical Scheme for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics
IRACproc: IRAC Post-BCD Processing
JAGS: Just Another Gibbs Sampler
LSD: Large Survey Database framework

macula: Rotational modulations in the photometry of spotted stars
MeqTrees: Software package for implementing Measurement Equations
Phantom-GRAPE: SIMD accelerated numerical library for N-body simulations
Scanamorphos: Maps from scan observations made with bolometer arrays
TMCalc: Fast estimation of stellar metallicity [Fe/H]

Codes added in August 2012

Twenty-five codes were added to the ASCL in August; we ended the month with 500 codes.

APLpy: Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
APT: Aperture Photometry Tool Astrometric calibration of images
BASE: Bayesian Astrometric and Spectroscopic Exoplanet Detection and Characterization Tool
Big MACS: Accurate photometric calibration

BINSYN: Simulating Spectra and Light Curves of Binary Systems with or without Accretion Disks
BLOBCAT: Software to Catalog Blobs
BLOCK: A Bayesian block method to analyze structure in photon counting data
BSGMODEL: The Bahcall-Soneira Galaxy Model
ccogs: Cosmological Calculations on the GPU

CUBEP3M: High performance P3M N-body code
EXTINCT: A computerized model of large-scale visual interstellar extinction
EzGal: A Flexible Interface for Stellar Population Synthesis Models
Fewbody: Numerical toolkit for simulating small-N gravitational dynamics
Lare3d: Lagrangian-Eulerian remap scheme for MHD

MPFIT: Robust non-linear least squares curve fitting
MPI-AMRVAC: MPI-Adaptive Mesh Refinement-Versatile Advection Code
ParselTongue: AIPS Python Interface
PSM: Planck Sky Model
PyKE: Reduction and analysis of Kepler Simple Aperture Photometry data

RADPACK: A RADical compression analysis PACKage for fitting to the CMB
SolarSoft: Programming and data analysis environment for solar physics
Swarm-NG: Parallel n-body Integrations
TiRiFiC: Tilted Ring Fitting Code
VARTOOLS: Light Curve Analysis Program

Codes added in July 2012

Fourteen codes were added to the ASCL in July; there are now 475 codes in the library.

Astropysics: Astrophysics utilities for python
dcr: Cosmic Ray Removal
EXOFAST: Fast transit and/or RV fitter for single exoplanet
HiGPUs: Hermite’s N-body integrator running on Graphic Processing Units
Hyperion: Parallelized 3D Dust Continuum Radiative Transfer Code

JKTEBOP: Analyzing light curves of detached eclipsing binaries
L.A.Cosmic: Laplacian Cosmic Ray Identification
PCA: Principal Component Analysis for spectra modeling
PyFITS: Python FITS Module
PyRAF: Python alternative for IRAF

PySALT: SALT science pipeline
VAC: Versatile Advection Code
wvrgcal: Correction of atmospheric phase fluctuations in ALMA observations
xSonify: Sonification software

Codes added in 2012 June

On June 30, there were 461 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

bhint: High-precision integrator for stellar systems
Catena: Ensemble of stars orbit integration
Double Eclipsing Binary Fitting
FITS Liberator: Image processing software
ImageHealth: Quality Assurance for Large FITS Images

ImageJ: Image processing and analysis in Java
mkj_libs: Helper routines for plane-fitting & analysis tools
MOLSCAT: MOLecular SCATtering
Plumix: Generating mass segregated star clusters

RegiStax: Alignment, stacking and processing of images
statpl: Goodness-of-fit for power-law distributed data
STSDAS: IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction
Time Utilities

Codes added in 2012 May

On May 31, there were 447 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

ARES: Automatic Routine for line Equivalent widths in stellar Spectra
Flexion: IDL code for calculating gravitational flexion
Fv: Interactive FITS file editor
Iris: The VAO SED Application
Mayavi2: 3D Scientific Data Visualization and Plotting

Mechanic: Numerical MPI framework for dynamical astronomy
Meudon PDR: Atomic & molecular structure of interstellar clouds
MIA+EWS: MIDI data reduction tool
p3d: General data-reduction tool for fiber-fed integral-field spectrographs
Turbospectrum: Code for spectral synthesis

VOSpec: VO Spectral Analysis Tool

Codes added in 2012 April

On April 30, there were 436 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

ASCfit: Automatic Stellar Coordinate Fitting Package
BUDDA: BUlge/Disk Decomposition Analysis
epsnoise: Pixel noise in ellipticity and shear measurements
EXCOP: EXtraction of COsmological Parameters
Fosite: 2D advection problem solver

GRASIL: Spectral evolution of stellar systems with dust
MC3D: Monte-Carlo 3D Radiative Transfer Code
ORSA: Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis
PROFIT: Emission-line PROfile FITting routine
pyBLoCXS: Bayesian Low-Count X-ray Spectral analysis

Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics
StarFISH: For Inferring Star-formation Histories
STOKES: Modeling Radiative Transfer and Polarization
VH-1: Multidimensional ideal compressible hydrodynamics code
VirGO: A Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive Facility

WM-basic: Modeling atmospheres of hot stars
WOMBAT: sWift Objects for Mhd BAsed on Tvd

Codes added in 2012 March

On March 31, there were 419 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

AE: ACIS Extract
Astrometrica: Astrometric data reduction of CCD images
EBTEL: Enthalpy-Based Thermal Evolution of Loops
EMACSS: Evolve Me A Cluster of StarS
FERENGI: Full and Efficient Redshifting of Ensembles of Nearby Galaxy Images

Figaro: Data Reduction Software
GALAPAGOS: Galaxy Analysis over Large Areas: Parameter Assessment by GALFITting Objects from SExtractor
Gyoto: General relativitY Orbit Tracer of Observatoire de Paris
MegaLUT: Correcting ellipticity measurements of galaxies
MYRIAD: N-body code for simulations of star clusters

SALT2: Spectral Adaptive Lightcurve Template
spec2d: DEEP2 DEIMOS Spectral Pipeline
Youpi: YOUr processing PIpeline

Codes added in 2012 February

As of February 29, there were 406 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

Chombo: Adaptive Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
CISM_DX: Visualization and analysis tool
CoCoNuT: General relativistic hydrodynamics code with dynamical space-time evolution
CORSIKA: An Air Shower Simulation Program
CRUNCH3D: Three-dimensional compressible MHD code

FISA: Fast Integrated Spectra Analyzer
Lattimer-Swesty Equation of State Code
Mangle: Angular Mask Software
MOOG: LTE line analysis and spectrum synthesis
NOVAS: Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software

RADMC-3D: A multi-purpose radiative transfer tool
SME: Spectroscopy Made Easy
SPECTRE: Manipulation of single-order spectra
TALYS: Nuclear Reaction Simulator
ZODIPIC: Zodiacal Cloud Image Synthesis

Codes added in 2012 January

On January 31, there were 391 codes in the library listed on 4 pages.

2LPTIC: 2nd-order Lagrangian Perturbation Theory Initial Conditions
CLUMPY: A code for gamma-ray signals from dark matter structures
Duchamp: A 3D source finder for spectral-line data
emGain: Determination of EM gain of CCD
ExoFit: Orbital parameters of extra-solar planets from radial velocity

FFTW: Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
Fisher4Cast: Fisher Matrix Toolbox
Hammurabi: Simulating polarized Galactic synchrotron emission
HNBody: Hierarchical N-Body Symplectic Integration Package
Inflation: Monte-Carlo Code for Slow-Roll Inflation

LumFunc: Luminosity Function Modeling
McScatter: Three-Body Scattering with Stellar Evolution
Mercury: A software package for orbital dynamics
Roche: Visualization and analysis tool for Roche-lobe grometry of evolving binaries
SeBa: Stellar and binary evolution

SPS: SPIRE Photometer Simulator
VIM: Visual Integration and Mining

Codes added in 2011