Birds of a Feather session at ADASS on software citation and credit

The Implementing Ideas for Improving Software Citation and Credit BoF is intended to be a working session to put ideas already generated into action! Everyone in the community has a role in improving it. We have listed a lot of ideas in the previous post about this BoF, have slides online here, and a Google doc to which you can contribute here.

2 thoughts on “Birds of a Feather session at ADASS on software citation and credit

  1. Kim DuPrie

    Notes from the BOF:
    Kai: Could ASCL provide ideas or hints on how to license software correctly? Peter: There was a workshop on this at the AAS. Oftentimes you’re bound by your home institution. Tim: recently this has changed (at least at CalTech), the lawyers said that you could use any license that the funding organization agrees to.
    Example of proprietary software in Astronomy: SLALIB is proprietary in Fortran, GPL3 in C (or maybe the other way around?)

  2. Pingback: ADASS BoF: Implementing Ideas for Improving Software Citation and Credit –

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