Category Archives: codes

Codes added in July 2012

Fourteen codes were added to the ASCL in July; there are now 475 codes in the library.

Astropysics: Astrophysics utilities for python
dcr: Cosmic Ray Removal
EXOFAST: Fast transit and/or RV fitter for single exoplanet
HiGPUs: Hermite’s N-body integrator running on Graphic Processing Units
Hyperion: Parallelized 3D Dust Continuum Radiative Transfer Code

JKTEBOP: Analyzing light curves of detached eclipsing binaries
L.A.Cosmic: Laplacian Cosmic Ray Identification
PCA: Principal Component Analysis for spectra modeling
PyFITS: Python FITS Module
PyRAF: Python alternative for IRAF

PySALT: SALT science pipeline
VAC: Versatile Advection Code
wvrgcal: Correction of atmospheric phase fluctuations in ALMA observations
xSonify: Sonification software

Web Tools and Resources

The ASCL has a thread of web tools and resources for astronomers that we’ve come across while code-gathering. Sometimes these are web versions of downloadable codes in the ASCL; if a code is available only in a non-downloadable version, essentially acting as a black box, it is listed here, too, rather than given a regular entry.

In June and July, we’ve added four new web tools to the thread:

PaperScope, a tool for graphically exploring the Astrophysics Data System (ADS). It’s useful for identifying the citation/reference relationships between papers, and enables the user to visualize these relationships to make locating papers of interest easier.

SpectroWeb, an online maintained interactive graphical database of digital spectral atlases of spectral standard stars.

StarView, an astronomical database browser and research analysis tool.

Time Utilities, which are online applets that convert a list of UTCs to Barycentric Julian Dates in Barycentric Dynamical Time (BJD_TDB), Barycentric Julian Dates in Barycentric Dynamical Time (BJD_TDB) to Julian Dates in UTC, and Heliocentric Julian Dates to Barycentric Julian Dates.

Have a good resource that should be listed? Please add it to the thread; thanks!

Codes added in 2012 June

On June 30, there were 461 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

bhint: High-precision integrator for stellar systems
Catena: Ensemble of stars orbit integration
Double Eclipsing Binary Fitting
FITS Liberator: Image processing software
ImageHealth: Quality Assurance for Large FITS Images

ImageJ: Image processing and analysis in Java
mkj_libs: Helper routines for plane-fitting & analysis tools
MOLSCAT: MOLecular SCATtering
Plumix: Generating mass segregated star clusters

RegiStax: Alignment, stacking and processing of images
statpl: Goodness-of-fit for power-law distributed data
STSDAS: IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction
Time Utilities

Codes added in 2012 May

On May 31, there were 447 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

ARES: Automatic Routine for line Equivalent widths in stellar Spectra
Flexion: IDL code for calculating gravitational flexion
Fv: Interactive FITS file editor
Iris: The VAO SED Application
Mayavi2: 3D Scientific Data Visualization and Plotting

Mechanic: Numerical MPI framework for dynamical astronomy
Meudon PDR: Atomic & molecular structure of interstellar clouds
MIA+EWS: MIDI data reduction tool
p3d: General data-reduction tool for fiber-fed integral-field spectrographs
Turbospectrum: Code for spectral synthesis

VOSpec: VO Spectral Analysis Tool

Codes added in 2012 April

On April 30, there were 436 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

ASCfit: Automatic Stellar Coordinate Fitting Package
BUDDA: BUlge/Disk Decomposition Analysis
epsnoise: Pixel noise in ellipticity and shear measurements
EXCOP: EXtraction of COsmological Parameters
Fosite: 2D advection problem solver

GRASIL: Spectral evolution of stellar systems with dust
MC3D: Monte-Carlo 3D Radiative Transfer Code
ORSA: Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis
PROFIT: Emission-line PROfile FITting routine
pyBLoCXS: Bayesian Low-Count X-ray Spectral analysis

Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics
StarFISH: For Inferring Star-formation Histories
STOKES: Modeling Radiative Transfer and Polarization
VH-1: Multidimensional ideal compressible hydrodynamics code
VirGO: A Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive Facility

WM-basic: Modeling atmospheres of hot stars
WOMBAT: sWift Objects for Mhd BAsed on Tvd

Codes added in 2012 March

On March 31, there were 419 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

AE: ACIS Extract
Astrometrica: Astrometric data reduction of CCD images
EBTEL: Enthalpy-Based Thermal Evolution of Loops
EMACSS: Evolve Me A Cluster of StarS
FERENGI: Full and Efficient Redshifting of Ensembles of Nearby Galaxy Images

Figaro: Data Reduction Software
GALAPAGOS: Galaxy Analysis over Large Areas: Parameter Assessment by GALFITting Objects from SExtractor
Gyoto: General relativitY Orbit Tracer of Observatoire de Paris
MegaLUT: Correcting ellipticity measurements of galaxies
MYRIAD: N-body code for simulations of star clusters

SALT2: Spectral Adaptive Lightcurve Template
spec2d: DEEP2 DEIMOS Spectral Pipeline
Youpi: YOUr processing PIpeline

Codes added in 2012 February

As of February 29, there were 406 codes in the library listed on 5 pages.

Chombo: Adaptive Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
CISM_DX: Visualization and analysis tool
CoCoNuT: General relativistic hydrodynamics code with dynamical space-time evolution
CORSIKA: An Air Shower Simulation Program
CRUNCH3D: Three-dimensional compressible MHD code

FISA: Fast Integrated Spectra Analyzer
Lattimer-Swesty Equation of State Code
Mangle: Angular Mask Software
MOOG: LTE line analysis and spectrum synthesis
NOVAS: Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software

RADMC-3D: A multi-purpose radiative transfer tool
SME: Spectroscopy Made Easy
SPECTRE: Manipulation of single-order spectra
TALYS: Nuclear Reaction Simulator
ZODIPIC: Zodiacal Cloud Image Synthesis

Codes added in 2012 January

On January 31, there were 391 codes in the library listed on 4 pages.

2LPTIC: 2nd-order Lagrangian Perturbation Theory Initial Conditions
CLUMPY: A code for gamma-ray signals from dark matter structures
Duchamp: A 3D source finder for spectral-line data
emGain: Determination of EM gain of CCD
ExoFit: Orbital parameters of extra-solar planets from radial velocity

FFTW: Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
Fisher4Cast: Fisher Matrix Toolbox
Hammurabi: Simulating polarized Galactic synchrotron emission
HNBody: Hierarchical N-Body Symplectic Integration Package
Inflation: Monte-Carlo Code for Slow-Roll Inflation

LumFunc: Luminosity Function Modeling
McScatter: Three-Body Scattering with Stellar Evolution
Mercury: A software package for orbital dynamics
Roche: Visualization and analysis tool for Roche-lobe grometry of evolving binaries
SeBa: Stellar and binary evolution

SPS: SPIRE Photometer Simulator
VIM: Visual Integration and Mining

Codes added in 2011