Category Archives: people

Sverre Aarseth, father of open source stellar dynamics software, has passed on to a higher orbit

Sad news today from Simon Portegies Zwart, who wrote the following orbituary:

It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the passing away of Sverre Aarseth on 28 December this year after 90 two-body orbits. Sverre Johannes Aarseth was born on July 20, 1934, in Norway.

Sverre was a student of Fred Hoyle, and later became the supervisor of Douglas Heggie and Elena Terlevich at the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Astronomy. He pioneered computational astrophysics, developing the NBODY family of codes that revolutionized our understanding of planet formation, stellar clusters, the dynamics of black holes, and galaxy clusters. His work laid the foundation for numerous advancements in dynamical astronomy, earning him the prestigious Brouwer Award in 1998.

His commitment to open science was evident long before the concept of open-source software became popular, as he freely distributed and supported his codes. Generations of astronomers have benefited from Sverre’s codes. In recognition of his contributions, asteroid 9836 Aarseth (1985 TU) was named in his honor. Fittingly, Sverre is currently observable between Virgo and Lyra, a celestial tribute to his lasting impact on the field.

Beyond his scientific pursuits, Sverre was an avid mountaineer and accomplished chess player. He earned the title of International Master for Correspondence Chess in 1981. The astronomical community celebrated his 80th birthday in Sexten Italy in 2014, where we climnbed the Tre Cime di Lavaredo (also called der Drei Sinnen, a pathetic small mountain for Sverre), almost missing his afternoon talk.

Generations of astronomers were entertained by his vivid stories of meeting tigers (in the wild), racing cars, and stormy mountain top sleep-overs. His lively personality, humor, and groundbreaking work will be remembered fondly. As he ascends to a higher orbit, we will cherish the memory of his vibrant personality, captivating stories, and the invaluable codes he wrote. His legacy will continue to inspire future generations of astrophysicists, much like the celestial bodies he spent his life studying.

We have been lucky to have orbited Sverre.

New ASCL team member!

Dr. Oindabi Mukherjee joined the ASCL team in June. She recently received her Ph.D. in Physics from Michigan Technological University (MTU, home of the ASCL; go, Huskies!). She specializes in detecting similarities in the light curves of Gamma-ray Bursts, and is assisting the ASCL with a number of projects. She is also our Social Media Maven. Welcome, Oindabi!

The ASCL at AAS 243: A Special Session and posters!

The ASCL is at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), which is taking place in the major food destination New Orleans. In addition to tracking down beignets and bread pudding, ASCL team members have shared the stage with others in a Special Session and have presented iPosters. The Special Session was held on Monday afternoon; iPosters were presented on Monday and Tuesday evenings.

Special Session: Into the Future: Building on 25 Years of Community Organization in Astro Software Development

Abstract: Over the past 25 years, astronomy has seen many changes involving research software development. These include improved transparency, improved software availability, and changes in journal policies. Formal recognition of community-based software development has increased through targeted funding, the establishment of new journals specifically focused on software, and code citation.

Changes in astro software development include the rise of open social coding sites such as GitHub and GitLab, the establishment and growth of conferences devoted to or including research software (such as ADASS, FORCE11, and the Research Data Alliance), and community-based training in software development (for example, The Carpentries and SciCoder) and exploration (for example, .dotastro and hack days) events.

This Special Session will look back at the community-driven work that has enabled some of these changes and look forward to future horizons for the software community in astronomy. Leaders of some of these community efforts will serve on an expert panel and will share their perspectives, after which the floor will be open for discussion with participants.

Peter Teuben, University of Maryland, College Park:  Introduction and Overview
Demitri Muna, Chief Science Data Office, NASA HQ: Software Training for Research Scientists: SciCoder and Other Efforts
Aarya Patil, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy: Building the AstroPy Community
Robert Nemiroff, Michigan Technological University: How and Why the Astrophysics Source Code Library Was Formed
Kimberly DuPrie, Space Telescope Science Institute: Lessons from Industry

iPoster: Using the Astrophysics Source Code Library in the classroom
Alice Allen, Astrophysics Source Code Library; Kimberly DuPrie, Space Telescope Science Institute; Peter Teuben, University of Maryland, College Park; Robert Nemiroff, Michigan Technological University

Abstract: The Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL, is an online registry of source codes used in refereed astrophysics research. It currently lists over 3,300 codes and covers all aspects of computational astrophysics, and all of its public metadata about software can be downloaded. This presentation covers possible ways the ASCL can be used by educators and their graduate students. The ASCL serves as a discovery tool for codes that can be used for one’s own research. Graduate students can also investigate existing codes to see how common astronomical problems are approached numerically in practice, and use these codes as benchmarks for their own solutions to these problems. Further, they can deepen their knowledge of software practices and techniques through examination of others’ codes, and can use the ASCL’s data set for research on computational methods in astrophysics.

Screenshot of Using the Astrophysics Source Code Library in the Classroom iPoster

iPoster: ASCL, ADS, and EMAC: Improving the visibility and citability of exoplanet research software
Alice Allen, Astrophysics Source Code Library; Alberto Accomazzi, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian; Joe Renaud, UMD College Park / NASA Goddard.

Abstract: The Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL, is a free online registry for source codes of interest to astronomers, astrophysicists, and planetary scientists. It lists, and in some cases houses, software used in research that has appeared in, or been submitted to, peer-reviewed publications. It now has over 3300 software entries and is indexed by ADS and Clarivate’s Web of Science. In 2020, NASA created the Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center (EMAC, Housed at the Goddard Space Flight Center, EMAC serves, in part, as a catalog and repository for exoplanet research resources. EMAC currently has 223 entries, 77% of which are for downloadable software. This presentation will cover the collaborative work the ASCL is doing with EMAC and with NASA’s Astrophysics Data System (ADS) to increase the discoverability and citability of EMAC’s software entries and to strengthen the ASCL’s and ADS’s ability to serve the planetary science community.

Screenshot of ASCL, ADS and EMAC: Improving the visibility and citability of exoplanet research software iPoster

Please meet Associate Editor John Wenskovitch!

John Wenskovitch recently joined our editorial staff as an Assistant Editor. He is a visual analytics researcher at Pacific Northwest National Lab and an adjunct professor in the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech, and received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Virginia Tech in 2019. John has presented at and organized software sessions at AAS and EAS meetings and is very interested in open source software and improving research. He will be working to improve our throughput by vetting new entries to the ASCL.

Please meet Assistant Editor Catherine Gosmeyer!

Catherine (Katie) Gosmeyer recently joined our editorial staff as an Assistant Editor. She’s a Scientific Software Developer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and works on the ICESat-2 calibration team; formerly she was an analyst at Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) working on Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes. Katie is very interested in open source software and improving research and approached me after a presentation I gave at GSFC about volunteering for ASCL as an editor. Yes!! She has dived right in, and joins Associate Editor Kimberly DuPrie, who is at STScI, and me in creating and editing ASCL entries. Welcome, Katie!

Software in Astronomy Symposium Presentations, Part 6

This is the sixth in a series of posts on the six-session Software in Astronomy Symposium held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 3-4 at the 2018 EWASS/NAM meeting.

BLOCK 6: Software Publishing Special Interest Group Meeting
This meeting-within-a-meeting was an opportunity for journal editors, publishers, referees, abstract services, and others associated with research software publication to discuss how best to include research software in the scholarly record, improve the sustainability and reproducibility of research articles, and share information on issues and possible solutions. Representatives from Science, Nature-Springer, MNRAS, Oxford University Press, and AAS Journals were among the journals and publishers attending. As the session was open to all, researchers and software authors also attended. The agenda had three main items on it: journal software policies, ratings for numerical reproducibility, and improving instructions for authors and referees. The session was moderated by Rein Warmels (ESO, DE) and Alice Allen (ASCL, US).

After introductions by all in the room, the first agenda item, journal policies on software, was opened for discussion. Keith Smith, associate editor for astronomy and planetary science for Science, shared that his journal is requiring that software that enables research results be shared. Editors from other journals stated that this would probably not work for them, though they are sympathetic to the importance of research software transparency. Chris Lintott, lead editor for Instrumentation, Software, Laboratory Astrophysics, and Data for AAS Journals, said that he rewrote the Journals’ software policies on his first day at the job to require formal citation of software. Smith pointed out the expectation is different for data; people are much more open about sharing observational data, and A&A (may) require it. Warmels noted a difference between data and software; the quality of observational data from an observatory is known. This is not the case with software. We cannot know the quality of the unreleased code. Amruta Jaodand asked whether publishing houses have software reviewers. The various astronomical societies’ journals do not peer-review code; there are a few journals that do perform code review of various depths, such as the Journal of Open Source Software and Software X, both of which focus on research software across disciplines.

There was support for better software citation, but not for ratings of articles for numerical reproducibility. The idea of ratings for reproducibility led to a discussion about reproducibility itself and the issue of releasing software written for research. Adam Leary, senior publisher at Oxford University Press, said that the Journal of Biostatistics rates the reproducibility of its articles and that that journal has a reproducibility editor. The group discussed the workload this might put on reviewers along with other issues, which would slow down the review. But the real job would be for the authors! Brigitta Sipocz mentioned the need for a feedback loop, which triggered the question as to why one would want to put a lot of resources into reproducibility. Smith replied that there are cases in other sciences where whole bodies of work could not be reproduced! Warmels pointed out that a number of fake results were found by the community, not by reviewers.

Someone suggested pushing the community toward releasing software through funding councils. Lintott initially liked the idea, and stated that journals could enforce this by checking papers against funding/funders that require release. Allen found this is an intriguing suggestion. Additional discussion raised several issues with this approach. The impracticality of implementing the idea became obvious when considering the time and resources it would take and the complexity of funding, as well as varied requirements of a large number of funding organizations.

Smith’s “virtuous cycle” slide

The discussion then turned to reasons researchers do not release their software, with one advantage stated as, “If you don’t give me this funding, this research will not be done.” We have to change the way we argue for funding, then… “because as the only person who can do this, keeping my code private IS an advantage.” Jaodand mentioned that researchers get less credit for software than for research results. Smith replied that until we build up a virtuous cycle of code release, something he had mentioned in his presentation the previous day, the answer may be getting the credit system working first.

Another disincentive for code release mentioned was the possibility of someone running software incorrectly and then publishing “this code doesn’t work.” Lintott said that we should look for this and get data on it, so we can answer the question, “How often has this happened?” He also suggested looking for the positive cases, where release has been good for a developer or developer team, and provide this data to code authors.

The next agenda item was improving instructions for authors and referees on software citation and treatment. According to Smith, Science’s instructions were improved by rewiting them to accord with the Center for Open Science‘s Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines. The guidelines are very helpful, and using them provides clear instructions. Greg Schwartz, data editor for AAS Journals, asked how we could better encourage authors to read instructions. Smith waggishly replied these instructions exist so journal editors can point to them. It was suggested that journals standardize their instructions not only to help authors out but also to discourage what was referred to as “research tourism.”  The TOP Guidelines were again brought up as a good tool to use for standardizing instructions. Someone asked about having a section for acknowledgements or statements for software. Smith pointed out the danger that some may think that section as a substitute for formal citation. Allen agreed that software should have formal citations, and also stated her appreciation for the Software section that AAS Journals have added to their papers. The ASCL has long been interested in seeing such a software listing in research articles (in addition to, not as a substitute for, formal citation of software). Warmels returned the discussion to the idea of standardization of instructions, asking whether this can be done. Journal representatives said the various journals do get together to standardize where they can, and are due to do so again.

The discussion migrated to openness in general. Among the suggestions for moving the discipline to be more open were to “Advertise your openness!” and to include a slide in your presentations that say your work is open and reproducible; this lets your peers know that you value openness, and can help others think about working more openly. The point was made to not rely on policing for open practices as resources aren’t available to do so. The role of education was brought up, too: Researchers need to be taught how to make their data and software open.

The final agenda item was to decide whether an on-going software publishing special interest group might be welcomed by those in the room; there was no support for this. Journals already have a method to share information amongst themselves and everyone is oversubscribed to meetings, groups, and conference calls. With that item settled, the meeting and Software in Astronomy Symposium concluded.

The ASCL thanks the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies for its generous ongoing support, which permitted two participants in this symposium to attend the EWASS/NAM meeting who would not have been able to do so without it.

Software in Astronomy Symposium Presentations, Part 5

This is the fifth in a series of posts on the six-session Software in Astronomy Symposium held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 3-4 at the 2018 EWASS/NAM meeting.

BLOCK 5: Machine Learning & Data Mining
Stephen Serjeant (Open University, UK) moderated the fifth session. This session presented different techniques to, for example, study noise in gravitational wave interferometers, select young stellar object candidates, and directly image exoplanets. David Cornu’s (UTINAM, FR) talk, titled Selection of Spitzer YSO candidates using deep learning classifier, included a short tutorial for creating an artificial neural network, showing how a small neuron takes input vectors and updates weights associated with them to understand anti- and co-relation between various factors. Similarly, Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez (U Grenoble Alpes) showed how supervised machine learning can be used to detect exoplanets in his presentation Data science for direct imaging of exoplanets. Other talks in this session included Massimiliano Razzano (INFN, IT), Deep learning to study the noise in gravitational wave interferometers, Sebastian Turner (LJMU, UK) presenting on k-means clustering in galaxy feature data, and Emille Ishida (COIN, FR) presenting for Santiago Gonzalez Gaitan, with Spatial inference of astronomical datasets with INLA. Robert Lyon (UManchester, UK) finished this session with a presentation on Imbalanced learning in astronomy, and provides a Jupyter notebook containing a tutorial and examples. The presentations in this session were accessible even to those with no experience in data mining and machine learning, as the techniques used were explained quickly and well before moving on to how they enabled particular research.

Slides from this session

Selection of Spitzer YSO candidates using deep learning classifier by David Cornu (pdf)

Data science for direct imaging of exoplanets by Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez (pdf)

k-means clustering in galaxy feature data by Seb Turner (pdf)

Spatial inference of astronomical datasets with INLA by Emille Ishida/Santiago Gonzalez Gaitan (pdf)

Imbalanced learning in astronomy by Rob Lyon (pptx)

Software in Astronomy Symposium Presentations, Part 4

This is the fourth in a series of posts on the six-session Software in Astronomy Symposium held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 3-4 at the 2018 EWASS/NAM meeting.
BLOCK 4: Open & Transparent Data Services
Astronomy leads most sciences in providing many open services, particularly data and ways to get access to and use data. This session, moderated by Andy Pollock (USheffield, UK), highlighted some of the new and ongoing services available to not just professional astronomers, but also to students and other interested parties. Debbie Baines (ESA, ES) opened the session with her presentation ESASky version 2: the next generation, which included a live demonstration of this incredible resource. ESASky allows searching for any astronomical object and offers viewing it in different wavelengths. It is very fast, too; Baines loaded images from Herschel, XMM, Chandra, and HST in her live demo. It offers relevant links to SIMBAD, such as to papers, and one can pull up research literature from ADS in ESASky, too. Rachael Ainsworth (UMelbourne, AU), originally scheduled to give the first presentation, followed Baines; her presentation, Open Science in Astronomy, gave an overview of openness in astronomy. She pointed out that astronomy is better at open science than many other fields, crediting, among other services, arXiv and GalaxyZoo. She covered some of the challenges and shared additional resources that support, encourage, or make open science possible. Jorge Palacios (IFAE, ES), in his talk Astronomy in a Big Data platform, discussed two services, Cosmohub, a web portal for interactive exploration and distribution of massive cosmological data, and SciPIC (Scientific pipeline at PIC), software for generating synthetic galaxy catalogs using DM simulations. In An Interactive Sky Map based on the Byurakan Plate Archive, Gor Mikayelyan (BAO, AM) shared that the NAS RA Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory in Armenia is making its plate archive, covering 1947 -1991, available online in the BAO Observational Database, which will have the ability to search and select and will allow downloading the plates in different formats. A sky map will show where plates are available. After the last two talks, The ASI Cosmic Ray Database for charged particles data by Valeria Di Felice (SSDC/INFN, IT) and Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data by Guy Beech (UHuddersfield, UK), Pollock opened the floor for discussion and asked whether people could do what they’d like to do as efficiently as they’d like. One answer from the audience was no, because the data are heterogeneous and different ways are required to access them. One pointed observation arising from the back-and-forth was that “radio astronomy is decades behind” in terms of software services, with “thousands of different file formats processed by thousands of different programs”.

Slides from this session

Open Science in Astronomy by Rachael Ainsworth (pdf)

Astronomy in a Big Data platform by Jorge Palacios (pdf)

An Interactive Sky Map based on the Byurakan Plate Archive by Gor Mikayelyan (pdf) | Text (pdf)

The ASI Cosmic Ray Database for charged particles data by Valeria Di Felice (pdf)

Using XML and semantic technologies in astroinformatics to manage data by Guy Beech (pdf) | Paper (pdf)

Software in Astronomy Symposium Presentations, Part 3

This is the third in a series of posts on the six-session Software in Astronomy Symposium held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 3-4 at the 2018 EWASS/NAM meeting.

BLOCK 3: Software packages for research
Amruta Jaodand
(ASTRON, NL) moderated the third session of the Symposium, which featured talks on seven different software packages. The first presentation was by Sergio Martin (ESO, CL), on MADCUBA and SLIM: A lightweight software package for datacube handling and spectral line analysis. These software packages offer features for easier use of the ImageJ image processing framework; this framework is widely used in other disciplines for multidimentional images. SLIM provides a synthetic spectra generation and automatic fit to observed spectra; MADCUBA provides an interface to handle and manipulate multiple datacubes, process large datasets quickly, and is scriptable. Alex Hamilton (UHull, UK) presented SunPy the Open Source Solar Physics Library, giving an introduction to the package, which collects, manages, and analyzes data from many solar data sources, and sharing information on its new features and capabilities.

As one of this session’s presenters was doubled-booked, we made adjustments to the order of presentations, so The next-generation cosmological code SWIFT was the next talk; this was given by Matthieu Schaller (LeidenU, NL). This package, due for release this summer, uses task-based parallelism for intra-node parallelization; testing has demonstrated that it is more than 30x faster than the code Gadget on representative cosmological problems while using fewer resources. The next talk had generated a lot of interest, as it is not a usual astronomy conference offering. Maisie Rashman (LJMU, UK) spoke about Developing and applying astronomical software for novel use in conservation biology. The team Rashman works on has developed a pipeline using astronomy techniques to identify and track animals; their goal is to create a fully automated system for species identification, population tracking, and combating poaching using drones. After Rashman, Shane Maloney (Trinity College, IE) presented xrayvision – a collection of image reconstructions methods for X-ray visibility observations. The xrayvision package is built atop other packages, including SunPy, and fills a need for an open-source solution for these observations. One of the project’s goals is to provide access to people in poorer countries to software for solar physics. The cleverly-named software package PampelMuse was presented by its author Sebastian Kamann (LJMU, UK) in his talk Crowded-field 3D spectroscopy with PampelMuse. This Python software performs PSF deblending on the integral-field data; several thousand sources can be deblended simultaneously. The final talk of this packed and fast-paced session was by Matteo Bachetti (INAF, IT) on Stingray, HENDRICS and Dave: Spectral Timing for all. Stingray is an AstroPy affiliated package that merges timing and spectral analysis for X-ray spectral timing. The idea for spectral timing arose in a meeting at Leiden University two years ago, where a team formed and started working on the project; the code is under active development. By combining Stingray with the HENDRICS (for shell scripting) and Dave codes (a GUI atop Stingray), the team will provide the community with a Python API (for the brave), a GUI to ease the learning curve, and shell scripting capabilities for batch processing, for advanced spectral timing with a correct statistical framework.

Slides from this session

MADCUBA and SLIM: A lightweight software package for datacube handling and spectral line analysis by Sergio Martin (pdf)

The next-generation cosmological code SWIFT by Mattheiu Schaller (pdf)

Stingray, HENDRICS and Dave: Spectral Timing for all by Matteo Bachetti (pdf)

Software in Astronomy Symposium Presentations, Part 2

This is the second in a series of posts on the six-session Software in Astronomy Symposium held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 3-4 at the 2018 EWASS/NAM meeting.

BLOCK 2: Software publishing, impact, & credit
This session focused on using the available infrastructure to better reward software authors and ways to count these valuable research objects. The software contributions that enable much of the results in astronomy are often not recognized, nor considered for reward or promotion. Unlike most of the other sessions in this Symposium, this session had only three short presentations and devoted the rest of the time to an open discussion and Q&A. The session and discussion period was moderated by Rein Warmels (ESO, DE).

Slide from Bianco’s presentation

Federica Bianco (NYU, US) presented Understanding the Impact of Your Research Software to open the session. She stated that one should always cite software used in research, but “it’s not always obvious how.” She discussed a finding of Howison and Bullard (2015) in their research on software citation in biology articles: open source software is cited more informally than proprietary software. This means that software authors are not accruing credit for their contributions in a way that academia rewards: formal citations. Bianco mentioned Force11, which has published software citation principles, and the now-completed Depsy project, which sought to provide not only citation information on software but also to measure the impact and use of code through other statistics, such as downloads, number of contributors and number of projects reusing the software. Among Bianco’s suggestions for fostering good citation practices for one’s own software were to get a DOI for it and give users instructions on how the software should be cited.

One of Smith’s slides

Keith Smith (Science, UK) spoke on Citation of data and software in astronomy: A journal editor’s perspective. Smith said that most scientific advances have their base on previous work, which requires reproducibility. Citations not only enhance reproducibility, they also assign credit. He provided guidelines for citing data and software, sharing bad, better, and good examples, and spoke of a virtuous cycle that will increase reproducibility in addition to the sharing of software and data. Smith mentioned the Center for Open Science Transparency and Openness Promotion guidelines, a policy framework for journals that was developed with journal and community input, and noted that though over 5,000 journals have signed onto them, none of the major astronomy journals have done so. Science’s policies require proper citation of data and software and release of data and software upon publication. Looking forward, Smith sees data and software citation becoming more common, as could be seen with a graph from the ASCL’s dashboard showing the increasing number of citations to its entries, and stated that journals have a role in improving reproducibility and proper citations through policies and editor and referee awareness of changing community standards.

The last presentation of this session was by Alice Allen (ASCL, US), who spoke on Receiving Credit for Research Software. She discussed recent changes in astronomy and in other disciplines that make recognizing the contributions of software authors easier. These changes include new journals, both astro-specific and with a broader focus, specifically for software, policy changes for existing journals, and community resources; these resources include collaborative coding sites such as Bitbucket and GitHub and archival resources such as Figshare and Zenodo. Existing services such as the ASCL have been given new life and are growing; in its Next Generation project, arXiv is improving its support for linking data and code to research. Software citation is captured/tracked/counted by indexers such as ADS, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Broader efforts to improve reproducibility, citation,

Rein Warmels moderating

and credit, such as CodeMeta, Force11, WSSSPE, the FAIR principles, and DataCite involve those from many disciplines; the sharing of ideas influences not just those involved in the efforts, but has a greater reach with their aspirational and practical goals and guidelines. Allen shared steps code authors can take to increase the probability of having their software cited correctly and steps researchers can take to improve their articles by including citations for the computational methods that enabled their research, and provided a link to resources mentioned in her talk.

Rein Warmels then opened the floor for discussion. Someone asked whether GitHub would “be there forever?” The point was made that GitHub is not intended to be an archive, and that other services are, so use them to archive your code. On whether to release software, Smith stated that even horrible to read code is better than no code: “it’s hard, painful, and you may hate someone forever… but that’s better than nothing.” Science can provide software information as a supplement, so that is one way to ensure your software is available to support your research findings. In discussing software citations, Allen pointed out that ADS has not been able to automatically track citations to Zenedo DOIs, though that is expected to change soon. The issue of what exactly to cite also came up – should one cite all the dependencies needed to run a particular research code? Neither astronomy nor other disciplines have a way to handle this; at this time, the recommendation is to cite the research software you use well so others will know what your work relied on, and leave it to the software sites to identify the dependencies.

Slides from this session

Understanding the Impact of Your Research Software by Federica Bianco (pdf)

Citation of data and software in astronomy: A journal editor’s perspective_by Keith Smith (pdf)

Receiving Credit for Research Software by Alice Allen (pdf)