➥ Tip! Refine or expand your search. Authors are sometimes listed as 'Smith, J. K.' instead of 'Smith, John' so it is useful to search for last names only. Note this is currently a simple phrase search.
Tempo2 is a pulsar timing package developed to be used both for general pulsar timing applications and also for pulsar timing array research in which data-sets from multiple pulsars need to be processed simultaneously. It was initially developed by George Hobbs and Russell Edwards as part of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project. Tempo2 is based on the original Tempo (ascl:1509.002) code and can be used (from the command-line) in a similar fashion. It is very versatile and can be extended by plugins.
SMURF reduces submillimeter single-dish continuum and heterodyne data. It is mainly targeted at data produced by the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope but data from other telescopes have been reduced using the package. SMURF is released as part of the bundle that comprises Starlink (ascl:1110.012) and most of the packages that use it. The two key commands are MAKEMAP for the creation of maps from sub millimeter continuum data and MAKECUBE for the creation of data cubes from heterodyne array instruments. The software can also convert data from legacy JCMT file formats to the modern form to allow it to be processed by MAKECUBE. SMURF is a core component of the ORAC-DR (ascl:1310.001) data reduction pipeline for JCMT.
dStar is a collection of modules for computing neutron star structure and evolution, and uses the numerical, utility, and equation of state libraries of MESA (ascl:1010.083).
Astroquery allows users to access online astronomical data from a wide range of sources; it is an Astropy-affiliated package. Each web service has its own sub-package for interfacing with a particular data source.
ExtLaw_H18 generates the extinction law between 0.8 - 2.2 microns. The law is derived using the Westerlund 1 (Wd1) main sequence (A_Ks ~ 0.6 mag) and Arches cluster field Red Clump at the Galactic Center (A_Ks ~ 2.7 mag). To derive the law a Wd1 cluster age of 5 Myr is assumed, though changing the cluster age between 4 Myr -- 7 Myr has no effect on the law. This extinction law can be applied to highly reddened stellar populations that have similar foreground material as Wd1 and the Arches RC, namely dust from the spiral arms of the Milky Way in the Galactic Plane.
PyUltraLight computes non-relativistic ultralight dark matter dynamics in a static spacetime background. It uses pseudo-spectral methods to compute the evolution of a complex scalar field governed by the Schrödinger-Poisson system of coupled differential equations. Computations are performed on a fixed-grid with periodic boundary conditions, allowing for a decomposition of the field in momentum space by way of the discrete Fourier transform. The field is then evolved through a symmetrized split-step Fourier algorithm, in which nonlinear operators are applied in real space, while spatial derivatives are computed in Fourier space. Fourier transforms within PyUltraLight are handled using the pyFFTW pythonic wrapper around FFTW (ascl:1201.015).
Nestcheck analyzes nested sampling runs and estimates numerical uncertainties on calculations using them. The package can load results from a number of nested sampling software packages, including MultiNest (ascl:1109.006), PolyChord (ascl:1502.011), dynesty (ascl:1809.013) and perfectns (ascl:1809.005), and offers the flexibility to add input functions for other nested sampling software packages. Nestcheck utilities include error analysis, diagnostic tests, and plots for nested sampling calculations.
perfectns performs dynamic nested sampling and standard nested sampling for spherically symmetric likelihoods and priors, and analyses the samples produced. The spherical symmetry allows the nested sampling algorithm to be followed “perfectly” - i.e. without implementation-specific errors correlations between samples. It is intended for use in research into the statistical properties of nested sampling, and to provide a benchmark for testing the performance of nested sampling software packages used for practical problems - which rely on numerical techniques to produce approximately uncorrelated samples.
dyPolyChord implements dynamic nested sampling using the efficient PolyChord (ascl:1502.011) sampler to provide state-of-the-art nested sampling performance. Any likelihoods and priors which work with PolyChord can be used (Python, C++ or Fortran), and the output files produced are in the PolyChord format.
The ROSAT X-Ray Background Tool (sxrbg) calculates the average X-ray background count rate and statistical uncertainty in each of the six standard bands of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) diffuse background maps (R1, R2, R4, R5, R6, R7) for a specified astronomical position and a search region consisting of either a circle with a specified radius or an annulus with specified inner and outer radii centered on the position. The values returned by the tool are in units of 10^-6 counts/second/arcminute^2. sxrbg can also create a count-rate-based spectrum file which can be used with XSpec (ascl:9910.005) to calculate fluxes and offers support for counts statistics (cstat), an alternative method for generating a background spectrum. HEASoft (ascl:1408.004) is a prerequisite for building. The code is in the public domain.
PypeIt reduces data from echelle and low-resolution spectrometers; the code can be run in several modes of reduction that demark the level of sophistication (e.g. quick and dirty vs. MonteCarlo) and also the amount of output written to disk. It also generates numerous data products, including 1D and 2D spectra; calibration images, fits, and meta files; and quality assurance figures.
Wilson-Devinney binary star modeling code (WD) is a complete package for modeling binary stars and their eclipes and consists of two main modules. The LC module generates light and radial velocity curves, spectral line profiles, images, conjunction times, and timing residuals; the DC module handles differential corrections, performing parameter adjustment of light curves, velocity curves, and eclipse timings by the Least Squares criterion. WD handles eccentric orbits and asynchronous rotation, and can compute velocity curves (with proximity and eclipse effects). It offers options for detailed reflection and nonlinear (logarithmic law) limb darkening, adjustment of spot parameters, an optional provision for spots to drift over the surface, and can follow light curve development over large numbers of orbits. Absolute flux solution allow Direct Distance Estimation (DDE) and there are improved solutions for ellipsoidal variables and for eclipsing binaries (EBs) with very shallow eclipses. Absolute flux solutions also can estimate temperatures of both EB components under suitable circumstances.
AxionNS computes radio light curves resulting from the resonant conversion of Axion dark matter into photons within the magnetosphere of a neutron star. Photon trajectories are traced from the observer to the magnetosphere where a root finding algorithm identifies the regions of resonant conversion. Given the modeling of the axion dark matter distribution and conversion probability, one can compute the photon flux emitted from these regions. The individual contributions from all the trajectories is then summed to obtain the radiated photon power per unit solid angle.
X-PSI simulates rotationally-modified (pulsed) surface X-ray emission from neutron stars, taking into account relativistic effects on the emitted radiation. This can then be used to perform Bayesian statistical inference on real or simulated astronomical data sets. Model parameters of interest may include neutron star mass and radius (useful to constrain the properties of ultradense nuclear matter) or the system geometry and properties of the hot emitting surface-regions. To achieve this, X-PSI couples code for likelihood functionality (simulation) with existing open-source software for posterior sampling (inference).
WIMpy_NREFT (also known as WIMpy) calculates Dark Matter-Nucleus scattering rates in the framework of non-relativistic effective field theory (NREFT). It currently supports operators O1 to O11, as well as millicharged and magnetic dipole Dark Matter. It can be used to generate spectra for Xenon, Argon, Carbon, Germanium, Iodine and Fluorine targets. WIMpy_NREFT also includes functionality to calculate directional recoil spectra, as well as signals from coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering (including fluxes from the Sun, atmosphere and diffuse supernovae).
Swordfish studies the information yield of counting experiments. It implements at its core a rather general version of a Poisson point process with background uncertainties described by a Gaussian random field, and provides easy access to its information geometrical properties. Based on this information, a number of common and less common tasks can be performed. Swordfish allows quick and accurate forecasts of experimental sensitivities without time-intensive Monte Carlos, mock data generation and likelihood maximization. It can:
- calculate the expected upper limit or discovery reach of an instrument;
- derive expected confidence contours for parameter reconstruction;
- visualize confidence contours as well as the underlying information metric field;
- calculate the information flux, an effective signal-to-noise ratio that accounts for background systematics and component degeneracies; and
- calculate the Euclideanized signal which approximately maps the signal to a new vector which can be used to calculate the Euclidean distance between points.
HoloSim-ML performs beam simulation and analysis of radio holography data from complex optical systems. The code uses machine learning to efficiently determine the position of hundreds of mirror adjusters on multiple mirrors with few micron accuracy.
MIRaGe creates simulated exposures for NIRCam’s imaging and wide field slitless spectroscopy (WFSS) modes, NIRISS’s imaging, WFSS, and aperture masking interferometery (AMI) modes, and FGS’s imaging mode. It supports sidereal as well as non-sidereal tracking; for example, sources can be made to move across the field of view within an observation.
ExoRad 2.0, a generic point source radiometric model, interfaces with any instrument to provide an estimate of several Payload performance metrics. For each target and for each photometric and spectroscopic channel, the code provides estimates of signals in pixels, saturation times, and read, photon, and dark current noise. ExoRad also provides estimates for the zodiacal background, inner sanctum, and sky foreground.
desitarget selects targets for spectroscopic follow-up by Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). The pipeline uses bitmasks to record that a specific source has been selected by a particular targeting algorithm, setting bit-values in output data files in a number of different columns that indicate whether a particular target meets specific selection criteria. desitarget also outputs a unique TARGETID that allows each target to be tracked throughout the DESI survey. This TARGETID encodes information about each DESI target, such as the catalog the target was selected from, whether a target is a sky location or part of a random catalog, and whether a target is part of a secondary program.
mnms (Map-based Noise ModelS) creates map-based models of Simons Observatory Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) data. Each model supports drawing map-based simulations from data splits with independent realizations of the noise or equivalent, similar to an independent set of time-domain sims. In addition to the ability to create on-the-fly simulations, mnms also includes ready-made scripts for writing a large batch of products to disk in a dedicated SLURM job.
The NEOexchange web portal and Target and Observation Manager ingests solar system objects, including Near-Earth Object (NEO) candidates from the Minor Planet Center, schedules observations on the Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network and reduces, displays, and analyzes the resulting data. NEOexchange produces calibrated photometry from the imaging data and uses Source Extractor (ascl:1010.064) and SCAMP (ascl:1010.063) to perform object detection and astrometric fitting and calviacat (ascl:2207.015) to perform photometric calibration against photometric catalogs. It also has the ability to perform image registration and subtraction using SWARP (ascl:1010.068) and HOTPANTS (ascl:1504.004) and image stacking, alignment, and faint feature detection using gnuastro (ascl:1801.009).
FitTeD solves time-dependent general relativistic disc equations to fit multi-band light curves and spectra. It includes relativistic optics effects such as Doppler and gravitational energy shifting, and gravitational lensing, and can include non-disc light curve and spectral components to, for example, model the early time rise and decay of tidal disruption event light curves in optical-to-UV bands. FitTeD also provides Monte Carlo Markov Chain fitting procedures that return posterior distributions of black hole and disc parameters.
legacypipe produces DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys (aka the Legacy Surveys). It can process individual exposures from many cameras, including the Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco telescope, the 90Prime camera on the Bok telescope, and the Mosaic3 camera on the Mayall telescope. The code can also process exposures from the Hyper-SuprimeCam on Subaru, the old SuprimeCam on Subaru, MegaCam on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, and image products from the GALEX and WISE satellites. Legacypipe performs source detection, and then measurement via forward-modeling using The Tractor (ascl:1604.008). It generates coadded output images as well as catalogs, plus a variety of metrics useful for understanding the properties of the imaging.