Sixty codes were added to the ASCL in June, 2023:
AIOLOS: Planetary atmosphere accretion and escape simulations
Albatross: Stellar stream parameter inference with neural ratio estimation
ALminer: ALMA archive mining and visualization toolkit
apollinaire: Helioseismic and asteroseismic peakbagging frameworks
ARPACK-NG: Large scale eigenvalue problem solver
Beta-SGP: Scaled Gradient Projection algorithm using β-divergence
BOXFIT: Gamma-ray burst afterglow light curve generator
Butterpy: Stellar butterfly diagram and rotational light curve simulator
CADET: CAvity DEtection Tool
CHIPS: Circumstellar matter and light curves of interaction-powered transients simulator
COFFE: COrrelation Function Full-sky Estimator
COLASolver: Particle-Mesh N-body code
COLT: Monte Carlo radiative transfer and simulation analysis toolkit
CONCEPT: COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon
CONDUCT: Electron transport coefficients of magnetized stellar plasmas
COpops: Compute CO sizes and fluxes
CosmoGraphNet: Cosmological parameters and galaxy power spectrum from galaxy catalogs
Delight: Photometric redshift via Gaussian processes with physical kernels
ECLIPSE: Efficient Cmb poLarization and Intensity Power Spectra Estimator
ESSENCE: Evaluate spatially correlated noise in interferometric images
FacetClumps: Molecular clump detection algorithm based on Facet model
FRB: Fast Radio Burst calculations, estimations, and analysis
GER: Global Extinction Reduction
GRChombo: Numerical relativity simulator
HAFFET: Supernovae photometric and spectroscopic data analyzer
Hitomi: Cosmological analysis of anisotropic galaxy distributions
IDEFIX: Astrophysical fluid dynamics
kilopop: Binary neutron star population of optical kilonovae
lasso_spectra: Predict properties from galaxy spectra using Lasso regression
Mangrove: Infer galaxy properties using dark matter merger trees
margarine: Posterior sampling and marginal Bayesian statistics
MG-PICOLA: Simulating cosmological structure formation
Mixclask: Mixing Cloudy and SKIRT
MOBSE: Massive Objects in Binary Stellar Evolution
mockFRBhosts: Limiting the visibility and follow-up of FRB host galaxies
nuPyProp: Propagate neutrinos through the earth
nuSpaceSim: Cosmic neutrino simulation
Parthenon: Portable block-structured adaptive mesh refinement framework
PEP: Planetary Ephemeris Program
PEPITA: Prediction of Exoplanet Precisions using Information in Transit Analysis
PhotoParallax: Data-driven photometric parallaxes built with Gaia and 2MASS
pipes_vis: Interactive GUI and visualizer tool for SPS spectra
PSFMachine: Toolkit for doing PSF photometry
pybranch: Calculate experimental branching fractions and transition probabilities from atomic spectra
realfast: Real-time interferometric data analysis for the VLA
RELAGN: AGN SEDs with full GR ray tracing
rfast: Planetary spectral forward and inverse modeling tool
SAVED21cm: Global 21cm signal extraction pipeline
sbi: Simulation-based inference toolkit
SCF-FDPS: Disk-halo systems simulator
SCONCE-SCMS: Spherical and conic cosmic web finders with extended SCMS algorithms
SHERLOCK: Explore Kepler, K2, and TESS data
sstrax: Fast stellar stream modelling in JAX
SubgridClumping: Clumping factor for large low-resolution N-body simulations
SuperRad: Black hole superradiance gravitational waveform modeler
threepoint: Covariance of third-order aperture statistics
TiDE: Light curves and spectra of tidal disruption events
TIDYMESS: TIdal DYnamics of Multi-body ExtraSolar Systems
Zeus21: Simulations of 21-cm at cosmic dawn
ZodiPy: Zodiacal emission simulations in timestreams or HEALPix for solar system observers