Author Archives: Alice Allen

February 2024 additions to the ASCL

Ten codes were added to the ASCL in February, 2024:

2cosmos: Monte Python modification for two independent instances of CLASS
CCBH-Numerics: Cosmologically-coupled-black-holes formation mass numerics
ECLIPSR: Automatically find individual eclipses in light curves, determine ephemerides, and more
MGPT: Modified Gravity Perturbation Theory code
NMMA: Nuclear Multi Messenger Astronomy framework

polarizationtools: Polarization analysis and simulation tools in python
Rfits: FITS file manipulation in R
Rwcs: World coordinate system transforms in R
SkyLine: Generate mock line-intensity maps
star_shadow: Analyze eclipsing binary light curves, find eccentricity, and more

January 2024 additions to the ASCL

Twenty codes were added to the ASCL in January, 2024:

baryon-sweep: Outlier rejection algorithm for JWST/NIRSpec IFS data
CosmosCanvas: Useful color maps for different astrophysical properties
CRR: Convex Ridge Regularizer
DARC: Dirac Atomic R-matrix Codes
deal.II: Finite element library

escatter: Electron scattering in Python
Harmonic: Learnt harmonic mean estimator
LoRD: Locate Reconnection Distribution
LoSoTo: LOFAR solutions tool
LUNA: Forward model luna simulator

maskfill: Fill in masked values in an image
ostrich: Surrogate modeling using PCA and Gaussian process interpolation
pyPETaL: A Pipeline for Estimating AGN Time Lags
QuantifAI: Radio interferometric imaging reconstruction with scalable Bayesian uncertainty quantification
Rayleigh: Pseudo-spectral MHD

SolarKAT: Solar imaging pipeline for MeerKAT
StructureFunction: Bayesian estimation of the AGN structure function for Poisson data
SYSNet: Neural Network modeling of imaging systematics in galaxy surveys
tidalspin: Constrain black hole spins using relativistic tidal forces properties
tomso: TOols for Models of Stars and their Oscillations

The ASCL at AAS 243: A Special Session and posters!

The ASCL is at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), which is taking place in the major food destination New Orleans. In addition to tracking down beignets and bread pudding, ASCL team members have shared the stage with others in a Special Session and have presented iPosters. The Special Session was held on Monday afternoon; iPosters were presented on Monday and Tuesday evenings.

Special Session: Into the Future: Building on 25 Years of Community Organization in Astro Software Development

Abstract: Over the past 25 years, astronomy has seen many changes involving research software development. These include improved transparency, improved software availability, and changes in journal policies. Formal recognition of community-based software development has increased through targeted funding, the establishment of new journals specifically focused on software, and code citation.

Changes in astro software development include the rise of open social coding sites such as GitHub and GitLab, the establishment and growth of conferences devoted to or including research software (such as ADASS, FORCE11, and the Research Data Alliance), and community-based training in software development (for example, The Carpentries and SciCoder) and exploration (for example, .dotastro and hack days) events.

This Special Session will look back at the community-driven work that has enabled some of these changes and look forward to future horizons for the software community in astronomy. Leaders of some of these community efforts will serve on an expert panel and will share their perspectives, after which the floor will be open for discussion with participants.

Peter Teuben, University of Maryland, College Park:  Introduction and Overview
Demitri Muna, Chief Science Data Office, NASA HQ: Software Training for Research Scientists: SciCoder and Other Efforts
Aarya Patil, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy: Building the AstroPy Community
Robert Nemiroff, Michigan Technological University: How and Why the Astrophysics Source Code Library Was Formed
Kimberly DuPrie, Space Telescope Science Institute: Lessons from Industry

iPoster: Using the Astrophysics Source Code Library in the classroom
Alice Allen, Astrophysics Source Code Library; Kimberly DuPrie, Space Telescope Science Institute; Peter Teuben, University of Maryland, College Park; Robert Nemiroff, Michigan Technological University

Abstract: The Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL, is an online registry of source codes used in refereed astrophysics research. It currently lists over 3,300 codes and covers all aspects of computational astrophysics, and all of its public metadata about software can be downloaded. This presentation covers possible ways the ASCL can be used by educators and their graduate students. The ASCL serves as a discovery tool for codes that can be used for one’s own research. Graduate students can also investigate existing codes to see how common astronomical problems are approached numerically in practice, and use these codes as benchmarks for their own solutions to these problems. Further, they can deepen their knowledge of software practices and techniques through examination of others’ codes, and can use the ASCL’s data set for research on computational methods in astrophysics.

Screenshot of Using the Astrophysics Source Code Library in the Classroom iPoster

iPoster: ASCL, ADS, and EMAC: Improving the visibility and citability of exoplanet research software
Alice Allen, Astrophysics Source Code Library; Alberto Accomazzi, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian; Joe Renaud, UMD College Park / NASA Goddard.

Abstract: The Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL, is a free online registry for source codes of interest to astronomers, astrophysicists, and planetary scientists. It lists, and in some cases houses, software used in research that has appeared in, or been submitted to, peer-reviewed publications. It now has over 3300 software entries and is indexed by ADS and Clarivate’s Web of Science. In 2020, NASA created the Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center (EMAC, Housed at the Goddard Space Flight Center, EMAC serves, in part, as a catalog and repository for exoplanet research resources. EMAC currently has 223 entries, 77% of which are for downloadable software. This presentation will cover the collaborative work the ASCL is doing with EMAC and with NASA’s Astrophysics Data System (ADS) to increase the discoverability and citability of EMAC’s software entries and to strengthen the ASCL’s and ADS’s ability to serve the planetary science community.

Screenshot of ASCL, ADS and EMAC: Improving the visibility and citability of exoplanet research software iPoster

December 2023 additions to the ASCL

Thirty-six codes were added to the ASCL in December, 2023:

21cmEMU: 21cmFAST summaries emulator
AM3: Astrophysical Multi-Messenger Modeling
BUQO: Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification by Optimization
C2-Ray: Time-dependent photo-ionization calculations
C2-Ray3Dm: 3D version of C2-Ray for multiple sources, hydrogen only
C2-Ray3Dm1D_Helium: Hydrogen + helium version of C2-Ray

CloudFlex: Small-scale structure observational signatures modeling
CompressedFisher: Library for testing Fisher forecasts
CosmoLED: Cosmo code for Large Extra Dimension (LED) black holes
DENSe: Bayesian density estimation for Poisson data
FORECAST: Realistic astronomical image and galaxy survey generator
gaia_tools: Tools for working with Gaia and related data sets

galclaim: GALaxy Chance of Local Alignment algorIthM
GravSphere: Jeans modeling code
GRFolres: Extension to GRChombo for modified gravity simulations
LimberJack.jl: Auto-differentiable methods for cosmology
LyaCoLoRe: Generate simulated Lyman alpha forest spectra
matvis: Fast matrix-based visibility simulator

PhotochemPy: 1-D photochemical model of rocky planet atmospheres
ProPane: Image warping and stacking utilities
PROSPECT: Profile likelihood for frequentist cosmological inference
PulsarX: Pulsar searching
pyC2Ray: Python interface to C2Ray with GPU acceleration
pycheops: Light curve analysis for ESA CHEOPS data

PyMsOfa: Python package for the Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA) service
PyRaTE: Non-LTE spectral lines simulations
RADIS: Fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra
Rainbow: Simultaneous multi-band light curve fitting
RRLFE: Metallicity calibrations for RR Lyrae variable stars
SAGE: Stellar Activity Grid for Exoplanets

smops: A sub-band model FITS image interpolator
SolarAxionFlux: Solar axion flux calculator for different solar models and opacity codes
SubGen: Fast subhalo sampler
SubGen2: Subhalo population generator
SUNBIRD: Neural-network-based models for galaxy clustering
The Farmer: Photometry routines for deep multi-wavelength galaxy surveys

ASCL at ADASS XXXIII: Broken bones and improving the visibility and citability of exoplanet research software

ADASS is my favorite conference; it’s so favored that… well, you’ll see …

ADASS was in Tucson this year. I decided to drive from Maryland to Tucson, figuring that was likely my best way to avoid getting/bringing COVID to the conference. It’s too long a drive to do in one day, so I stayed at a campsite outside Claremore, Oklahoma one night. It was lovely! Almost deserted, lots of birds, view of the lake… perfect! But alas, when making my coffee the next morning, I tripped and fell, breaking my right arm and nose and bashing up a few other body parts. I got patched up at a local hospital (excellent care!) and had surgery two days later (more excellent care!). I couldn’t drive, of course, so what to do, what to do? A friend offered to fly to Tulsa and drive me wherever I wanted to go, suggesting “back home” would be best. Where did I want to go? Tucson, of course! I did not want to miss ADASS!! So off to Tucson we went. Once I was deposited in a hotel there, she flew back to her home. (Now that’s a friend!! I’m forever grateful!!)

I gave an oral presentation at ADASS on “Improving the visibility and citability of exoplanet research software,” this about the work the ASCL is doing with NASA’s Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center (EMAC) and ADS. Links to my slides and proceedings pre-print are below.

ADASS did not disappoint! I’m so glad I attended it, and also attended the IVOA meeting immediately after. Everyone was helpful and kind, as I knew they would be. I stayed in Tucson until cleared to drive, and then drove myself the 2300 miles home. Not the trip (hahahaha) I was expecting, but it was the trip that was.

Proceedings paper

November 2023 additions to the ASCL

Sixteen codes were added to the ASCL in November, 2023:

CosmoLattice: Lattice simulator of scalar and gauge field dynamics in an expanding universe
FASMA: Stellar spectral analysis package
FPFS: Fourier Power Function Shaplets
Hi-COLA: Cosmological large-scale structure simulator for Horndeski theories

IQRM: IQRM interference flagging algorithm for radio pulsar and transient searches
KvW: Modified Kwee–Van Woerden method for eclipse minimum timing with reliable error estimates
MONDPMesh: Particle-mesh code for Milgromian dynamics
nemiss: Neutrino emission from hydrocode data

NEOexchange: Target and Observation Manager for the Solar System
PIPPIN: Polarimetric Differential Imaging (PDI) pipeline for NACO data
pygwb: Lighweight python stochastic GWB analysis pipeline
RoSSBi3D: Finite volume code for protoplanetary disk evolution study

Special-Blurring: Compare quantum-spacetime foam models to GRB localizations
tensiometer: Test a model until it breaks
VCAL-SPHERE: Hybrid pipeline for reduction of VLT/SPHERE data
wcpy: Wavelength Calibrator

October 2023 additions to the ASCL

Twelve codes were added to the ASCL in October, 2023:

AI-Feynman: Symbolic regression algorithm
celerite2: Fast and scalable Gaussian Processes in one dimension
clfd: Clean folded data
DustPyLib: A library of DustPy extensions
GRIZZLY: 1D radiative transfer code
IQRM-APOLLO: Clean narrow-band RFI using Inter-Quartile Range Mitigation (IQRM) algorithm

lcsim: Light curve simulation code
MAGPy-RV: Gaussian Process regression pipeline with MCMC parameter searching
q3dfit: PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for JWST-IFU spectroscopy
riptide: Pulsar searching with the Fast Folding Algorithm
wwz: Weighted wavelet z-transform code
zCluster: Measure photometric redshifts for galaxy clusters

September 2023 additions to the ASCL

Twenty codes were added to the ASCL in September, 2023:

bskit: Bispectra from cosmological simulation snapshots
ChEAP: Chemical Evolution Analytic Package
CoLFI: Cosmological Likelihood-Free Inference
DeepGlow: Neural network emulator for BOXFIT
fitScalingRelation: Fit galaxy cluster scaling relations using MCMC

FRISBHEE: FRIedmann Solver for Black Hole Evaporation in the Early-universe
GWSim: Mock gravitational waves event generator
maszcal: Mass calibrations for thermal-SZ clusters
MATRIX: Multi-phAse Transits Recovery from Injected eXoplanets toolkit
PCOSTPD: Periodogram Comparison for Optimizing Small Transiting Planet Detection

PEREGRINE: Gravitational wave parameter inference with neural ration estimation
PI: Plages Identification
PlanetSlicer: Orange-slice algorithm for fitting brightness maps to phase curves
pymccorrelation: Correlation coefficients with uncertainties
pymcspearman: Monte carlo calculation of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient with uncertainties

Sprout: Moving mesh finite volume hydro code
StarbugII: JWST PSF photometry for crowded fields
Swiftbat: Utilities for handing BAT instrument data from the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory
TRES: TRiple Evolution Simulation package
UBHM: Uncertainty quantification of black hole mass estimation

August 2023 additions to the ASCL

Fifteen codes were added to the ASCL in August, 2023:

AstroPhot: Fitting everything everywhere all at once in astronomical images
BCMemu: Model baryonic effects in cosmological simulations
caput: Utilities for building radio astronomy data analysis pipelines
DiskMINT: Disk Model For INdividual Targets
Driftscan: Drift scan telescope analysis

FastSpecFit: Fast spectral synthesis and emission-line fitting of DESI spectra
FishLSS: Fisher forecasting for Large Scale Structure surveys
FLATW’RM: Finding flares in Kepler data using machine-learning tools
glmnet: Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear models
KeplerFit: Keplerian velocity distribution model fitter

MOOG_SCAT: Scattering Version of the MOOG Line Transfer Code
Nemo: Millimeter-wave map filtering and Sunyaev-Zel’dovich galaxy cluster and source detection
Rapster: Rapid population synthesis for binary black hole mergers in dynamical environments
SIMBI: 3D relativistic gas dynamics code
velocileptors: Velocity-based Lagrangian and Eulerian PT expansions of redshift-space distortions

July 2023 additions to the ASCL

Sixty-two codes were added to the ASCL in July, 2023:

21cmvFAST: Adding dark matter-baryon relative velocities to 21cmFAST
adiabatic-tides: Tidal stripping of dark matter (sub)haloes
AGNvar: Model spectral timing properties in active galactic nuclei
ALF: Absorption line fitter
AmpF: Amplification factor for solar lensing

APOLLO: Radiative transfer and atmosphere spectroscopic retrieval for exoplanets
axionHMcode: Non-linear power spectrum calculator
baccoemu: Cosmological emulators for large-scale structure statistics
BE-HaPPY: Bias emulator for halo power spectrum
binary_c-python: Stellar population synthesis tool and interface to binary_c

binary_c: Stellar population synthesis software framework
BOWIE: Gravitational wave binary signal analysis
connect: COsmological Neural Network Emulator of CLASS using TensorFlow
CosmicFish: Cosmology forecasting tool
DataComb: Combining data for better images

DiscVerSt: Vertical structure calculator for accretion discs around neutron stars and black holes
EAGLES: Estimating AGes from Lithium Equivalent widthS
EFTCAMB: Effective Field Theory with CAMB
EVo: Thermodynamic magma degassing model
EVolve: Growth and evolution of volcanically-derived atmospheres

FABADA: Non-parametric noise reduction using Bayesian inference
FGBuster: Parametric component separation for Cosmic Microwave Background observations
Guacho: 3D uniform mesh parallel HD/MHD code for astrophysics
GWDALI: Gravitational wave parameter estimation
gyro-interp: Gyrochronology via interpolation of open cluster rotation sequences

HAYASHI: Halo-level AnalYsis of the Absorption Signal in HI
HELA: Random Forest retrieval for exoplanet atmospheres
HilalPy: Analysis tool for lunar crescent visibility criterion
Imber: Doppler imaging tool for modeling stellar and substellar surfaces
IMRIpy: Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals simulator

IMRPhenomD: Phenomenological waveform model
Jdaviz: JWST astronomical data analysis tools in the Jupyter platform
LEFTfield: Forward modeling of cosmological density fields
LIMpy: Line Intensity Mapping in Python
MBASC: Multi-Band AGN-SFG Classifier

mnms: Map-based Noise ModelS
NaMaster: Unified pseudo-Cl framework
NAVanalysis: Normalized Additional Velocity analysis
orbitN: Symplectic integrator for near-Keplerian planetary systems
plan-net: Bayesian neural networks for exoplanetary atmospheric retrieval

pnautilus: Three-phase chemical code
PolyBin: Binned polyspectrum estimation on the full sky
pycrires: Data reduction pipeline for VLT/CRIRES+
pyhalomodel: Halo-model implementation for power spectra
PyIMRPhenomD: Stellar origin black hole binaries population estimator

pyPplusS: Modeling exoplanets with rings
RelicFast: Fast scale-dependent halo bias
reMASTERed: Calculate contributions to pseudo-Cl for maps with correlated masks
RUBIS: Fast centrifugal deformation program for stellar and planetary models
SAMUS: Simulator of Asteroid Malformation Under Stress

SHARK: Gas and dust hydrodynamics with dust coagulation/fragmentation
SIMPLE: Intensity map generator
SIRENA: Energy reconstruction of X-ray photons for Athena X-IFU
species: Atmospheric characterization of directly imaged exoplanets
Synthetic LISA: Simulator for LISA-like gravitational-wave observatories

TidalPy: Moon and exoplanet tidal heating and dynamics estimator
TOAST: Time Ordered Astrophysics Scalable Tools
Veusz: Scientific plotting package
WarpX: Time-based electromagnetic and electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code
WDMWaveletTransforms: Fast forward and inverse WDM wavelet transforms

WeakLensingQML: Quadratic Maximum Likelihood estimator applied to Weak Lensing
νHawkHunter: Forecasting of PBH neutrinos