Results 2401-2500 of 3710 (3611 ASCL, 99 submitted)
The Gemini IRAF package processes observational data obtained with the Gemini telescopes. It is an external package layered upon IRAF and supports data from numerous instruments, including FLAMINGOS-2, GMOS-N, GMOS-S, GNIRS, GSAOI, NIFS, and NIRI. The Gemini IRAF package is organized into sub-packages; it contains a generic tools package, "gemtools", along with instrument-specific packages. The raw data from the Gemini facility instruments are stored as Multi-Extension FITS (MEF) files. Therefore, all the tasks in the Gemini IRAF package, intended for processing data from the Gemini facility instruments, are capable of handling MEF files.
Geant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits. The physics processes offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The toolkit is the result of a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers. It has been created exploiting software engineering and object-oriented technology and implemented in the C++ programming language. It has been used in applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, accelerator design, space engineering and medical physics.
gdr2_completeness queries Gaia DR2 TAP services and divides the queries into sub-queries chunked into arbitrary healpix bins. Downloaded data are formatted into arrays. Internal completeness is calculated by dividing the total starcount and starcounts with an applied cut (e.g., radial velocity measurement and good parallax). Independent determination of the external GDR2 completeness per healpix (level 6) and G magnitude bin (3 coarse bins: 8-12,12-15,15-18) is inferred from a crossmatch with 2MASS data. The overall completeness of a specific GDR2 sample can be approximated by multiplying the internal with the external completeness map, which is useful when data are compared to models thereof. Jupyter notebooks showcasing both utilities enable the user to easily construct the overall completeness for arbitrary samples of the GDR2 catalogue.
This library of scripts provides a simple interface for running the CLASS software from GILDAS (ascl:1305.010) in a semi-automatic way. Using these scripts, one can extract and organize spectra from data files in CLASS format (for example, .30m and .40m), reduce them, and even combine or average them once they are reduced. The library contains five Python scripts and two optional Julia scripts.
gCMCRT globally processes 3D atmospheric data, and as a fully 3D model, it avoids the biases and assumptions present when using 1D models to process 3D structures. It is well suited to performing the post-processing of large parameter GCM model grids, and provides simple pipelines that convert the 3D GCM structures from many well used GCMs in the community to the gCMCRT format, interpolating chemical abundances (if needed) and performing the required spectra calculation. The high-resolution spectra modes of gCMCRT provide an additional highly useful capability for 3D modellers to directly compare output to high-resolution spectral data.
GBTIDL is an interactive package for reduction and analysis of spectral line data taken with the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The package, written entirely in IDL, consists of straightforward yet flexible calibration, averaging, and analysis procedures (the "GUIDE layer") modeled after the UniPOPS and CLASS data reduction philosophies, a customized plotter with many built-in visualization features, and Data I/O and toolbox functionality that can be used for more advanced tasks. GBTIDL makes use of data structures which can also be used to store intermediate results. The package consumes and produces data in GBT SDFITS format. GBTIDL can be run online and have access to the most recent data coming off the telescope, or can be run offline on preprocessed SDFITS files.
GBKFIT performs galaxy kinematic modeling. It can be used to extract morphological and kinematical properties of galaxies by fitting models to spatially resolved kinematic data. The software can also take beam smearing into account by using the knowledge of the line and point spread functions. GBKFIT can take advantage of many-core and massively parallel architectures such as multi-core CPUs and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), making it suitable for modeling large-scale surveys of thousands of galaxies within a very seasonable time frame. GBKFIT features an extensible object-oriented architecture that supports arbitrary models and optimization techniques in the form of modules; users can write custom modules without modifying GBKFIT’s source code. The software is written in C++ and conforms to the latest ISO standards.
gbdes derives photometric and astrometric calibration solutions for complex multi-detector astronomical imagers. The package includes routines to filter catalogs down to useful stellar objects, collect metadata from the catalogs and create a config file holding FITS binary tables describing exposures, instruments, fields, and other available information in the data, and uses a friends-of-friends matching algorithm to link together all detections of common objects found in distinct exposures. gbdes also calculates airmasses and parallactic angles for each exposure, calculates and saves the expected differential chromatic refraction (DCR) needed for precision astrometry, optimizes the parameters of a photometric model to maximize agreement between magnitudes measured in different exposures of the same source, and optimizing the parameters of an astrometric model to maximize agreement among the exposures and any reference catalogs, and performs other tasks. The solutions derived and used by gbdes are stored in YAML format; gbdes uses the Python code pixmappy (ascl:2210.012) to read the astrometric solution files and execute specified transformations.
GBART is an improved version of the code for determining the orbital elements for spectroscopic binaries originally written by Bertiau & Grobben (1968).
GAz calculates photometric redshifts for low redshift galaxies. It finds optimal polynomial forms to fit to data. It explores the very large space of high order polynomials while only requiring optimization of a small number of terms. Tested with the 2SLAQ LRG data set, GAz generalizes well to various data sets and redshift ranges.
GaussPy+ is a fully automated Gaussian decomposition package for emission line spectra. It is based on GaussPy (ascl:1907.019) and offers several improvements, including automating preparatory steps and providing an accurate noise estimation, improving the fitting routine, and providing a routine to refit spectra based on neighboring fit solutions. GaussPy+ handles complex emission and low to moderate signal-to-noise values.
GaussPy implements the Autonomous Gaussian Decomposition (AGD) algorithm, which uses computer vision and machine learning techniques to provide optimized initial guesses for the parameters of a multi-component Gaussian model automatically and efficiently. The speed and adaptability of AGD allow it to interpret large volumes of spectral data efficiently. Although it was initially designed for applications in radio astrophysics, AGD can be used to search for one-dimensional Gaussian (or any other single-peaked spectral profile)-shaped components in any data set. To determine how many Gaussian functions to include in a model and what their parameters are, AGD uses a technique called derivative spectroscopy. The derivatives of a spectrum can efficiently identify shapes within that spectrum corresponding to the underlying model, including gradients, curvature and edges.
GaussFit solves least squares and robust estimation problems; written originally for reduction of NASA Hubble Space Telescope data, it includes a complete programming language designed especially to formulate estimation problems, a built-in compiler and interpreter to support the programming language, and a built-in algebraic manipulator for calculating the required partial derivatives analytically. The code can handle nonlinear models, exact constraints, correlated observations, and models where the equations of condition contain more than one observed quantity. Written in C, GaussFit includes an experimental robust estimation capability so data sets contaminated by outliers can be handled simply and efficiently.
GAUSSCLUMPS decomposes a spectral map into Gaussian-shape clumps. The clump-finding algorithm decomposes a spectral data cube by iteratively removing 3-D Gaussians as representative clumps. GAUSSCLUMPS was originally a separate code distribution but is now a contributed package in GILDAS (ascl:1305.010). A reimplementation can also be found in CUPID (ascl:1311.007).
GauPro fits a Gaussian process regression model to a dataset. A Gaussian process (GP) is a commonly used model in computer simulation. It assumes that the distribution of any set of points is multivariate normal. A major benefit of GP models is that they provide uncertainty estimates along with their predictions.
Gatspy contains efficient, well-documented implementations of several common routines for Astronomical time series analysis, including the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, the Supersmoother method, and others.
GASTLI (GAS gianT modeL for Interiors) calculates the interior structure models for gas giants exoplanets. The code computes mass-radius curves, thermal evolution curves, and interior composition retrievals to fit a interior structure model to your mass, radius, age, and if available, atmospheric metallicity data. GASTLI can also plot the results, including internal and atmospheric profiles, a pressure-temperature diagram, mass-radius relations, and thermal evolution curves.
GAStimator implements a Python MCMC Gibbs-sampler with adaptive stepping. The code is simple, robust, and stable and well suited to high dimensional problems with many degrees of freedom and very sharp likelihood features. It has been used extensively for kinematic modeling of molecular gas in galaxies, but is fully general and may be used for any problem MCMC methods can tackle.
Gaspery uses the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) to evaluate different radial velocity (RV) observing strategies; this assists observational exoplanet astronomers in constructing the observing strategy that maximizes information (or minimizes uncertainty) on the RV semi-amplitude K. The code is flexible and generalizable, however, and can maximize information on any free parameter from any model, given a time series support (x-axis).
Gasoline solves the equations of gravity and hydrodynamics in astrophysical problems, including simulations of planets, stars, and galaxies. It uses an SPH method that features correct mixing behavior in multiphase fluids and minimal artificial viscosity. This method is identical to the SPH method used in the ChaNGa code (ascl:1105.005), allowing users to extend results to problems requiring >100,000 cores. Gasoline uses a fast, memory-efficient O(N log N) KD-Tree to solve Poisson's Equation for gravity and avoids artificial viscosity in non-shocking compressive flows.
GASGANO is a GUI software tool for managing and viewing data files produced by VLT Control System (VCS) and the Data Flow System (DFS). It is developed and maintained by ESO to help its user community manage and organize astronomical data observed and produced by all VLT compliant telescopes in a systematic way. The software understands FITS, PAF, and ASCII files, and Reduction Blocks, and can group, sort, classify, filter, and search data in addition to allowing the user to browse, view, and manage them.
We present a new method for detecting the missing baryons by generating a template for the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. The template is computed from the product of a reconstructed velocity field with a galaxy field. We provide maps of such templates constructed from SDSS Data Release 7 spectroscopic data (SDSS VAGC sample) along side with their expected two point correlation functions with CMB temperature anisotropies. Codes of generating such coefficients of the two point correlation function are also released to provide users of the gas-momentum map a way to change the parameters such as cosmological parameters, reionization history, ionization parameters, etc.
The algorithm Gaussian processes can reconstruct a function from a sample of data without assuming a parameterization of the function. The GaPP code can be used on any dataset to reconstruct a function. It handles individual error bars on the data and can be used to determine the derivatives of the reconstructed function. The data sample can consist of observations of the function and of its first derivative.
GANDALF, a successor to SEREN (ascl:1102.010), is a hybrid self-gravitating fluid dynamics and collisional N-body code primarily designed for investigating star formation and planet formation problems. GANDALF uses various implementations of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) to perform hydrodynamical simulations of gas clouds undergoing gravitational collapse to form new stars (or other objects), and can perform simulations of pure N-body dynamics using high accuracy N-body integrators, model the intermediate phase of cluster evolution, and provide visualizations via its python interface as well as interactive simulations. Although based on many of the SEREN routines, GANDALF has been largely re-written from scratch in C++ using more optimal algorithms and data structures.
GANDALF (Gas AND Absorption Line Fitting) accurately separates the stellar and emission-line contributions to observed spectra. The IDL code includes reddening by interstellar dust and also returns formal errors on the position, width, amplitude and flux of the emission lines. Example wrappers that make use of pPXF (ascl:1210.002) to derive the stellar kinematics are included.
Ganalyzer is a model-based tool that automatically analyzes and classifies galaxy images. Ganalyzer works by separating the galaxy pixels from the background pixels, finding the center and radius of the galaxy, generating the radial intensity plot, and then computing the slopes of the peaks detected in the radial intensity plot to measure the spirality of the galaxy and determine its morphological class. Unlike algorithms that are based on machine learning, Ganalyzer is based on measuring the spirality of the galaxy, a task that is difficult to perform manually, and in many cases can provide a more accurate analysis compared to manual observation. Ganalyzer is simple to use, and can be easily embedded into other image analysis applications. Another advantage is its speed, which allows it to analyze ~10,000,000 galaxy images in five days using a standard modern desktop computer. These capabilities can make Ganalyzer a useful tool in analyzing large datasets of galaxy images collected by autonomous sky surveys such as SDSS, LSST or DES.
Gammapy analyzes gamma-ray data and creates sky images, spectra and lightcurves, from event lists and instrument response information; it can also determine the position, morphology and spectra of gamma-ray sources. It is used to analyze data from H.E.S.S., Fermi-LAT, and the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA).
The GammaLib is a versatile toolbox for the high-level analysis of astronomical gamma-ray data. It is implemented as a C++ library that is fully scriptable in the Python scripting language. The library provides core functionalities such as data input and output, interfaces for parameter specifications, and a reporting and logging interface. It implements instruments specific functionalities such as instrument response functions and data formats. Instrument specific functionalities share a common interface to allow for extension of the GammaLib to include new gamma-ray instruments. The GammaLib provides an abstract data analysis framework that enables simultaneous multi-mission analysis.
gammaALPs calculates the conversion probability between photons and axions/axion-like particles in various astrophysical magnetic fields. Though focused on environments relevant to mixing between gamma rays and ALPs, this suite, written in Python, can also be used for broader applications. The code also implements various models of astrophysical magnetic fields, which can be useful for applications beyond ALP searches.
GAMMA models relativistic hydrodynamics and non-thermal emission on a moving mesh. It uses an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach only in the dominant direction of fluid motion to avoid mesh entanglement and associated computational costs. Shock detection, particle injection and local calculation of their evolution including radiative cooling are done at runtime. The package is modular; though it was designed with GRB physics applications in mind, new solvers and geometries can be implemented easily, making GAMMA suitable for a wide range of applications.
GAMERA handles spectral modeling of non-thermally emitting astrophysical sources in a simple and modular way. It allows the user to devise time-dependent models of leptonic and hadronic particle populations in a general astrophysical context (including SNRs, PWNs and AGNs) and to compute their subsequent photon emission. GAMERA can calculate the spectral evolution of a particle population in the presence of time-dependent or constant injection, energy losses and particle escape; it also calculates the radiation spectrum from a parent particle population.
GAMER (GPU-accelerated Adaptive MEsh Refinement) serves as a general-purpose adaptive mesh refinement + GPU framework and solves hydrodynamics with self-gravity. The code supports adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), hydrodynamics with self-gravity, and a variety of GPU-accelerated hydrodynamic and Poisson solvers. It also supports hybrid OpenMP/MPI/GPU parallelization, concurrent CPU/GPU execution for performance optimization, and Hilbert space-filling curve for load balance. Although the code is designed for simulating galaxy formation, it can be easily modified to solve a variety of applications with different governing equations. All optimization strategies implemented in the code can be inherited straightforwardly.
GAME infers different ISM physical properties by analyzing the emission line intensities in a galaxy spectrum. The code is trained with a large library of synthetic spectra spanning many different ISM phases, including HII (ionized) regions, PDRs, and neutral regions. GAME is based on a Supervised Machine Learning algorithm called AdaBoost with Decision Trees as base learner. Given a set of input lines in a spectrum, the code performs a training on the library and then evaluates the line intensities to give a determination of the physical properties. The errors on the input emission line intensities and the uncertainties on the physical properties determinations are also taken into account. GAME infers gas density, column density, far-ultraviolet (FUV, 6–13.6 eV) flux, ionization parameter, metallicity, escape fraction, and visual extinction. A web interface for using the code is available.
GAMBIT (Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool) performs statistical global fits of generic physics models using a wide range of particle physics and astrophysics data. Modules provide native simulations of collider and astrophysics experiments, a flexible system for interfacing external codes (the backend system), a fully featured statistical and parameter scanning framework, and additional tools for implementing and using hierarchical models.
GALSVM is IDL software for automated morphology classification. It was specially designed for high redshift data but can be used at low redshift as well. It analyzes morphologies of galaxies based on a particular family of learning machines called support vector machines. The method can be seen as a generalization of the classical CAS classification but with an unlimited number of dimensions and non-linear boundaries between decision regions. It is fully automated and consequently well adapted to large cosmological surveys.
galstreams provides a compilation of spatial information for known stellar streams and overdensities in the Milky Way and includes Python tools for visualizing them. ASCII tables are also provided for quick viewing of the stream's footprints using TOPCAT (ascl:1101.010). As of 2022, the library provides celestial, distance, proper motion and radial velocity tracks for each stream (pm/vrad when available) stored as AstroPy (ascl:1304.002) SkyCoord objects and a stream's (heliocentric) coordinate frame is realized as an AstroPy reference frame. The code offers polygon footprints and pole (at mid point) and pole tracks in the heliocentric and Galactocentric (GSR) frames. It also offers angular momentum tracks in a heliocentric reference frame at rest with respect to the Galactic center, and provides uniformly reported stream length, end points and mid-point, heliocentric and Galactocentric mid-pole, track and discovery references and information flag denoting which of the 6D attributes (sky, distance, proper motions and radial velocity) are available in the track object.
galstep generates initial conditions for disk galaxy simulations with GADGET-2 (ascl:0003.001), RAMSES (ascl:1011.007) and GIZMO (ascl:1410.003), including a stellar disk, a gaseous disk, a dark matter halo and a stellar bulge. The first two components follow an exponential density profile, and the last two a Dehnen density profile with gamma=1 by default, corresponding to a Hernquist profile.
GalSim is a fast, modular software package for simulation of astronomical images. Though its primary purpose is for tests of weak lensing analysis methods, it can be used for other purposes. GalSim allows galaxies and PSFs to be represented in a variety of ways, and can apply shear, magnification, dilation, or rotation to a galaxy profile including lensing-based models from a power spectrum or NFW halo profile. It can write images in regular FITS files, FITS data cubes, or multi-extension FITS files. It can also compress the output files using various compressions including gzip, bzip2, and rice. The user interface is in python or via configuration scripts, and the computations are done in C++ for speed.
GalRotpy models the dynamical mass of disk-like galaxies and makes a parametric fit of the rotation curve by means of the composed gravitational potential of the galaxy. It can be used to check the presence of an assumed mass type component in a observed rotation curve, to determine quantitatively the main mass contribution in a galaxy by means of the mass ratios of a given set of five potentials, and to bound the contribution of each mass component given its gravitational potential parameters.
galpy is a python package for galactic dynamics. It supports orbit integration in a variety of potentials, evaluating and sampling various distribution functions, and the calculation of action-angle coordinates for all static potentials.
GALPROP is a numerical code for calculating the propagation of relativistic charged particles and the diffuse emissions produced during their propagation. The GALPROP code incorporates as much realistic astrophysical input as possible together with latest theoretical developments. The code calculates the propagation of cosmic-ray nuclei, antiprotons, electrons and positrons, and computes diffuse γ-rays and synchrotron emission in the same framework. Each run of the code is governed by a configuration file allowing the user to specify and control many details of the calculation. Thus, each run of the code corresponds to a potentially different "model." The code continues to be developed and is available to the scientific community.
GalPot finds the gravitational potential associated with axisymmetric density profiles. The package includes code that performs transformations between commonly used coordinate systems for both positions and velocities (the class OmniCoords), and that integrates orbits in the potentials. GalPot is a stand-alone version of Walter Dehnen's GalaxyPotential C++ code taken from the falcON code in the NEMO Stellar Dynamics Toolbox (ascl:1010.051).
GalPaK 3D extracts the intrinsic (i.e. deconvolved) galaxy parameters and kinematics from any 3-dimensional data. The algorithm uses a disk parametric model with 10 free parameters (which can also be fixed independently) and a MCMC approach with non-traditional sampling laws in order to efficiently probe the parameter space. More importantly, it uses the knowledge of the 3-dimensional spread-function to return the intrinsic galaxy properties and the intrinsic data-cube. The 3D spread-function class is flexible enough to handle any instrument.
GalPaK 3D can simultaneously constrain the kinematics and morphological parameters of (non-merging, i.e. regular) galaxies observed in non-optimal seeing conditions and can also be used on AO data or on high-quality, high-SNR data to look for non-axisymmetric structures in the residuals.
GalMOSS performs two-dimensional fitting of galaxy profiles. This Python-based, Torch-powered tool seamlessly enables GPU parallelization and meets the high computational demands of large-scale galaxy surveys. It incorporates widely used profiles such as the Sérsic, Exponential disk, Ferrer, King, Gaussian, and Moffat profiles, and allows for the easy integration of more complex models. Tested on over 8,000 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) g-band with a single NVIDIA A100 GPU, GalMOSS completed classical Sérsic profile fitting in about 10 minutes. Benchmark tests show that GalMOSS achieves computational speeds that are significantly faster than those of default implementations.
Galmag computes galactic magnetic fields based on mean field dynamo theory. Written in Python, Galmag allows quick exploration of solutions to the mean field dynamo equation based on galaxy parameters specified by the user, such as the scale height profile and the galaxy rotation curves. The magnetic fields are solenoidal by construction and can be helical.
GALLUMI (GALaxy LUMInosity) is a likelihood code that extracts cosmological and astrophysical parameters from the UV galaxy luminosity function. The code is implemented in the MCMC sampler MontePython (ascl:1307.002) and can be readily run in conjunction with other likelihood codes.
Gallenspy uses the gravitational lensing effect (GLE) to reconstruct mass profiles in disc-like galaxies. The algorithm inverts the lens equation for gravitational potentials with spherical symmetry, in addition to the estimation in the position of the source, given the positions of the images produced by the lens. Gallenspy also computes critical and caustic curves and the Einstein ring.
galkin is a compilation of kinematic measurements tracing the rotation curve of our Galaxy, together with a tool to treat the data. The compilation is optimized to Galactocentric radii between 3 and 20 kpc and includes the kinematics of gas, stars and masers in a total of 2780 measurements collected from almost four decades of literature. The user-friendly software provided selects, treats and retrieves the data of all source references considered. This tool is especially designed to facilitate the use of kinematic data in dynamical studies of the Milky Way with various applications ranging from dark matter constraints to tests of modified gravity.
GalIMF (Galaxy-wide Initial Mass Function) computes the galaxy-wide initial stellar mass function by integrating over a whole galaxy, parameterized by star formation rate and metallicity. The generated stellar mass distribution depends on the galaxy-wide star formation rate (SFR, which is related to the total mass of a galalxy) and the galaxy-wide metallicity. The code can generate a galaxy-wide IMF (IGIMF) and can also generate all the stellar masses within a galaxy with optimal sampling (OSGIMF). To compute the IGIMF or the OSGIMF, the GalIMF module contains all local IMF properties (e.g. the dependence of the stellar IMF on the metallicity, on the density of the star-cluster forming molecular cloud cores), and this software module can, therefore, be also used to obtain only the stellar IMF with various prescriptions, or to investigate other features of the stellar population such as what is the most massive star that can be formed in a star cluster.
Galileon-Solver adds an extra force to PMCode (ascl:9909.001) using a modified Poisson equation to provide a non-linearly transformed density field, with the operations all performed in real space. The code's implicit spherical top-hat assumption only works over fairly long distance averaging scales, where the coarse-grained picture it relies on is a good approximation of reality; it uses discrete Fourier transforms and cyclic reduction in the usual way.
GaLight (Galaxy shapes of Light) performs two-dimensional model fitting of optical and near-infrared images to characterize the light distribution of galaxies with components including a disk, bulge, bar and quasar. Light is decomposes into PSF and Sersic, and the fitting is based on lenstronomy (ascl:1804.01). GaLight's automated features including searching PSF stars in the FOV, automatically estimating the background noise level, and cutting out the target object galaxies (QSOs) and preparing the materials to model the data. It can also detect objects in the cutout stamp and quickly create Sersic keywords to model them, and model QSOs and galaxies using 2D Sersic profile and scaled point source.
GalIC (GALaxy Initial Conditions) is an implementation of an iterative method to construct steady state composite halo-disk-bulge galaxy models with prescribed density distribution and velocity anisotropy that can be used as initial conditions for N-body simulations. The code is parallelized for distributed memory based on MPI. While running, GalIC produces "snapshot files" that can be used as initial conditions files. GalIC supports the three file formats ('type1' format, the slightly improved 'type2' format, and an HDF5 format) of the GADGET (ascl:0003.001) code for its output snapshot files.
GALFORM is a semi-analytic model for calculating the formation and evolution of galaxies in hierarchical clustering cosmologies. Using a Monte Carlo algorithm to follow the merging evolution of dark matter haloes with arbitrary mass resolution, it incorporates realistic descriptions of the density profiles of dark matter haloes and the gas they contain. It follows the chemical evolution of gas and stars, and the associated production of dust and includes a detailed calculation of the sizes of discs and spheroids.
GALFIT is a two-dimensional (2-D) fitting algorithm designed to extract structural components from galaxy images, with emphasis on closely modeling light profiles of spatially well-resolved, nearby galaxies observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. The algorithm improves on previous techniques in two areas: 1.) by being able to simultaneously fit a galaxy with an arbitrary number of components, and 2.) with optimization in computation speed, suited for working on large galaxy images. 2-D models such as the "Nuker'' law, the Sersic (de Vaucouleurs) profile, an exponential disk, and Gaussian or Moffat functions are used. The azimuthal shapes are generalized ellipses that can fit disky and boxy components. Many galaxies with complex isophotes, ellipticity changes, and position-angle twists can be modeled accurately in 2-D. When examined in detail, even simple-looking galaxies generally require at least three components to be modeled accurately rather than the one or two components more often employed. This is illustrated by way of seven case studies, which include regular and barred spiral galaxies, highly disky lenticular galaxies, and elliptical galaxies displaying various levels of complexities. A useful extension of this algorithm is to accurately extract nuclear point sources in galaxies.
galfast generates catalogs for arbitrary, user-supplied Milky Way models, including empirically derived ones. The built-in model set is based on fits to SDSS stellar observations over 8000 deg2 of the sky and includes a three-dimensional dust distribution map. Because of the capability to use empirically derived models, galfast typically produces closer matches to the actual observed counts and color-magnitude diagrams. In particular, galfast-generated catalogs are used to derive the stellar component of “Universe Model” catalogs used by the LSST Project. A key distinguishing characteristic of galfast is its speed. Galfast uses the GPU (with kernels written in NVIDIA C/C++ for CUDA) to offload compute intensive model sampling computations to the GPU, enabling the generation of realistic catalogs to full LSST depth in hours (instead of days or weeks), making it possible to study proposed science cases with high precision.
GALEV evolutionary synthesis models describe the evolution of stellar populations in general, of star clusters as well as of galaxies, both in terms of resolved stellar populations and of integrated light properties over cosmological timescales of > 13 Gyr from the onset of star formation shortly after the Big Bang until today.
For galaxies, GALEV includes a simultaneous treatment of the chemical evolution of the gas and the spectral evolution of the stellar content, allowing for a chemically consistent treatment using input physics (stellar evolutionary tracks, stellar yields and model atmospheres) for a large range of metallicities and consistently account for the increasing initial abundances of successive stellar generations.
GalCraft creates mock integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) observations of the Milky Way and other hydrodynamical/N-body simulations. It conducts all the procedures from inputting data and spectral templates to the output of IFS data cubes in FITS format. The produced mock data cubes can be analyzed in the same way as real IFS observations by many methods, particularly codes like Voronoi binning (ascl:1211.006), pPXF (ascl:1210.002), line-strength indices, or a combination of them (e.g., the GIST pipeline, ascl:1907.025). The code is implemented using Python-native parallelization. GalCraft will be particularly useful for directly comparing the Milky Way with other MW-like galaxies in terms of kinematics and stellar population parameters and ultimately linking the Galactic and extragalactic to study galaxy evolution.
The stellar classification code galclassify is a stand-alone version of Galaxia (ascl:1101.007). It classifies and generates a synthetic population for each star using input containing observables in a fixed format rather than using a precomputed population over a large field. It is suitable for individual stellar classifications, but slow if you want to classify large samples of stars.
galclaim identifies association between astrophysical transient sources and host galaxy. This association is made by estimating the chance alignment between a given transient sky localization and nearby galaxies. The code can be used with various catalogs, including Pan-STARRS, HSC, AllWISE and GLADE. galclaim also pre-checks for nearby bright galaxy using the RC3 catalog ( When a nearby galaxy is found, a warning is raised and the properties of the galaxy are saved in a dedicated output file. The package can create plots displaying the computed pval for the found objects for each transient and each catalog; plots are stored in the result/plots directory.
GalCEM (GALactic Chemical Evolution Model) tracks isotope masses as a function of time in a given galaxy. The list of tracked isotopes automatically adapts to the complete set provided by the input yields. The prescription includes massive stars, low-to-intermediate mass stars, and Type Ia supernovae as enrichment channels. Multi-dimensional interpolation curves are extracted from the input yield tables with a preprocessing tool; these interpolation curves improve the computation speeds of the full convolution integrals, which are computed for each isotope and for each enrichment channel. GalCEM also provides tools to track the mass rate change of individual isotopes on a typical spiral galaxy with a final baryonic mass of 5×1010M⊙.
GalaxyGAN uses Generative Adversarial Networks to reliably recover features in images of galaxies. The package uses machine learning to train on higher quality data and learns to recover detailed features such as galaxy morphology by effectively building priors. This method opens up the possibility of recovering more information from existing and future imaging data.
GalaxyCount calculates the number and standard deviation of galaxies in a magnitude limited observation of a given area. The methods to calculate both the number and standard deviation may be selected from different options. Variances may be computed for circular, elliptical and rectangular window functions.
GALAXY evolves (almost) isolated, collisionless stellar systems, both disk-like and ellipsoidal. In addition to the N-body code galaxy, which offers eleven different methods to compute the gravitational accelerations, the package also includes sophisticated set-up and analysis software. While not as versatile as tree codes, for certain restricted applications the particle-mesh methods in GALAXY are 50 to 200 times faster than a widely-used tree code. After reading in data providing the initial positions, velocities, and (optionally) masses of the particles, GALAXY compute the gravitational accelerations acting on each particle and integrates forward the velocities and positions of the particles for a short time step, repeating these two steps as desired. Intermediate results can be saved, as can the final moment in a state from which the integration could be resumed. Particles can have individual masses and their motion can be integrated using a range of time steps for greater efficiency; message-passing-interface (MPI) calls are available to enable GALAXY's use on parallel machines with high efficiency.
GalaXimView (for Galaxies Simulations Viewer) is a python3+matplotlib tool designed to visualise simulations which use particles, providing notably a rotatable 3D view and corresponding projections in 2D, together with a way of navigating through snapshots of a simulation keeping the same projection.
We present here a fast code for creating a synthetic survey of the Milky Way. Given one or more color-magnitude bounds, a survey size and geometry, the code returns a catalog of stars in accordance with a given model of the Milky Way. The model can be specified by a set of density distributions or as an N-body realization. We provide fast and efficient algorithms for sampling both types of models. As compared to earlier sampling schemes which generate stars at specified locations along a line of sight, our scheme can generate a continuous and smooth distribution of stars over any given volume. The code is quite general and flexible and can accept input in the form of a star formation rate, age metallicity relation, age velocity dispersion relation and analytic density distribution functions. Theoretical isochrones are then used to generate a catalog of stars and support is available for a wide range of photometric bands. As a concrete example we implement the Besancon Milky Way model for the disc. For the stellar halo we employ the simulated stellar halo N-body models of Bullock & Johnston (2005). In order to sample N-body models, we present a scheme that disperses the stars spawned by an N-body particle, in such a way that the phase space density of the spawned stars is consistent with that of the N-body particles. The code is ideally suited to generating synthetic data sets that mimic near future wide area surveys such as GAIA, LSST and HERMES. As an application we study the prospect of identifying structures in the stellar halo with a simulated GAIA survey.
Galaxia_wrap is a python wrap around the popular Galaxia tool (ascl:1101.007) for generating mock stellar surveys, such as a magnitude limited survey, using a built-in Galaxy model or directly from n-body data. It also offers n-body functionality and has been used to infer the age distribution of a specific stellar tracer population.
GALAXEV is a library of evolutionary stellar population synthesis models computed using the new isochrone synthesis code of Bruzual & Charlot (2003). This code allows one to computes the spectral evolution of stellar populations in wide ranges of ages and metallicities at a resolution of 3 Å across the whole wavelength range from 3200 Å to 9500 Å, and at lower resolution outside this range.
Galax2d computes the 2D stationary solution of the isothermal Euler equations of gas dynamics in a rotating galaxy with a weak bar. The gravitational potential represents a weak bar and controls the flow. A damped Newton method solves the second-order upwind discretization of the equations for a steady-state solution, using a consistent linearization and a direct solver. The code can be applied as a tool for generating flow models if used on not too fine meshes, up to 256 by 256 cells for half a disk in polar coordinates.
The galario library exploits the computing power of modern graphic cards (GPUs) to accelerate the comparison of model predictions to radio interferometer observations. It speeds up the computation of the synthetic visibilities given a model image (or an axisymmetric brightness profile) and their comparison to the observations.
GALAPAGOS, Galaxy Analysis over Large Areas: Parameter Assessment by GALFITting Objects from SExtractor (ascl:1010.064), automates source detection, two-dimensional light-profile Sersic modelling and catalogue compilation in large survey applications. Based on a single setup, GALAPAGOS can process a complete set of survey images. It detects sources in the data, estimates a local sky background, cuts postage stamp images for all sources, prepares object masks, performs Sersic fitting including neighbours and compiles all objects in a final output catalogue. For the initial source detection GALAPAGOS applies SExtractor, while GALFIT (ascl:1104.010) is incorporated for modelling Sersic profiles. It measures the background sky involved in the Sersic fitting by means of a flux growth curve. GALAPAGOS determines postage stamp sizes based on SExtractor shape parameters. In order to obtain precise model parameters GALAPAGOS incorporates a complex sorting mechanism and makes use of multiplexing capabilities. It combines SExtractor and GALFIT data in a single output table. When incorporating information from overlapping tiles, GALAPAGOS automatically removes multiple entries from identical sources.
GALAPAGOS is programmed in the Interactive Data Language, IDL. A C implementation of the software, GALAPAGOS-C (ascl:1408.011), is available, and a multi-band Galapagos version is also available.
GALAPAGOS-C is a C implementation of the IDL code GALAPAGOS (ascl:1203.002). It processes a complete set of survey images through automation of source detection via SExtractor (ascl:1010.064), postage stamp cutting, object mask preparation, sky background estimation and complex two-dimensional light profile Sérsic modelling via GALFIT (ascl:1104.010). GALAPAGOS-C uses MPI-parallelization, thus allowing quick processing of large data sets. The code can fit multiple Sérsic profiles to each galaxy, each representing distinct galaxy components (e.g. bulge, disc, bar), and optionally can fit asymmetric Fourier mode distortions.
Galactus, written in python, is an astronomical software tool for the modeling and fitting of galaxies from neutral hydrogen (HI) cubes. Galactus uses a uniform medium to generate a cube. Galactus can perform the full-radiative transfer for the HI, so can model self-absorption in the galaxy.
Galacticus is designed to solve the physics involved in the formation of galaxies within the current standard cosmological framework. It is of a type of model known as “semi-analytic” in which the numerous complex non-linear physics involved are solved using a combination of analytic approximations and empirical calibrations from more detailed, numerical solutions. Models of this type aim to begin with the initial state of the Universe (specified shortly after the Big Bang) and apply physical principles to determine the properties of galaxies in the Universe at later times, including the present day. Typical properties computed include the mass of stars and gas in each galaxy, broad structural properties (e.g. radii, rotation speeds, geometrical shape etc.), dark matter and black hole contents, and observable quantities such as luminosities, chemical composition etc.
GalactICS generates N-body realizations of axisymmetric galaxy models consisting of disk, bulge and halo. Some of the code is in Fortran 77, using lines longer than 72 characters in some cases. The -e flag in the makefile allow for this for a Solaris f77 compiler. Other programs are written in C. Again, the linking between these routines works on Solaris systems, but may need to be adjusted for other architectures. We have found that linking using f77 instead of ld will often automatically load the appropriate libraries.
The graphics output by some of the programs (dbh, plotforce, diskdf, plothalo) uses the PGPLOT library. Alternatively, remove all calls to routines with names starting with "PG", as well as the -lpgplot flag in the Makefile, and the programs should still run fine.
GalacticDNSMass performs Bayesian inference on Galactic double neutron stars (DNS) to investigate their mass distribution. Each DNS is comprised of two neutron stars (NS), a recycled NS and a non-recycled (slow) NS. It compares two hypotheses: A - recycled NS and non-recycled NS follow an identical mass distribution, and B - they are drawn from two distinct populations. Within each hypothesis it also explore three possible functional models: Gaussian, two-Gaussian (mixture model), and uniform mass distributions.
GALA is a freely distributed Fortran code to derive the atmospheric parameters (temperature, gravity, microturbulent velocity and overall metallicity) and abundances for individual species of stellar spectra using the classical method based on the equivalent widths of metallic lines. The abundances of individual spectral lines are derived by using the WIDTH9 code developed by R. L. Kurucz. GALA is designed to obtain the best model atmosphere, by optimizing temperature, surface gravity, microturbulent velocity and metallicity, after rejecting the discrepant lines. Finally, it computes accurate internal errors for each atmospheric parameter and abundance. The code obtains chemical abundances and atmospheric parameters for large stellar samples quickly, thus making GALA an useful tool in the epoch of the multi-object spectrographs and large surveys.
Gala is a Python package (and Astropy affiliated package) for Galactic astronomy and gravitational dynamics. The bulk of the package centers around implementations of gravitational potentials, numerical integration, nonlinear dynamics, and astronomical velocity transformations (i.e. proper motions). Gala uses the Astropy units and coordinates subpackages extensively to provide a clean, pythonic interface to these features but does any heavy-lifting in C and Cython for speed.
GAIA is an image and data-cube display and analysis tool for astronomy. It provides the usual facilities of image display tools, plus more astronomically useful ones such as aperture and optimal photometry, contouring, source detection, surface photometry, arbitrary region analysis, celestial coordinate readout, calibration and modification, grid overlays, blink comparison, defect patching and the ability to query on-line catalogues and image servers. It can also display slices from data-cubes, extract and visualize spectra as well as perform full 3D rendering. GAIA uses the Starlink software environment (ascl:1110.012) and is derived from the ESO SkyCat tool (ascl:1109.019).
gaia_tools contains codes for working with the ESA/Gaia data and related data sets (APOGEE, GALAH, LAMOST DR2, and RAVE). Written in Python, it includes tools to read catalogs, perform cross-matching, read RVS or XP spectra, and query the Gaia archive. gaia_tools also contains various matching recipes, such as matching APOGEE or APOGEE-RC to Gaia DR2, and RAVE to TGAS (taking into account the epoch difference).
Gaepsi is a PYTHON extension for visualizing cosmology simulations produced by Gadget. Visualization is the most important facet of Gaepsi, but it also allows data analysis on GADGET simulations with its growing number of physics related subroutines and constants. Unlike mesh based scheme, SPH simulations are directly visible in the sense that a splatting process is required to produce raster images from the simulations. Gaepsi produces images of 2-dimensional line-of-sight projections of the simulation. Scalar fields and vector fields are both supported.
Besides the traditional way of slicing a simulation, Gaepsi also has built-in support of 'Survey-like' domain transformation proposed by Carlson & White. An improved implementation is used in Gaepsi. Gaepsi both implements an interactive shell for plotting and exposes its API for batch processing. When complied with OpenMP, Gaepsi automatically takes the advantage of the multi-core computers. In interactive mode, Gaepsi is capable of producing images of size up to 32000 x 32000 pixels. The user can zoom, pan and rotate the field with a command in on the finger tip. The interactive mode takes full advantages of matplotlib's rich annotating, labeling and image composition facilities. There are also built-in commands to add objects that are commonly used in cosmology simulations to the figures.
GADGET-4 (GAlaxies with Dark matter and Gas intEracT) is a parallel cosmological N-body and SPH code that simulates cosmic structure formation and calculations relevant for galaxy evolution and galactic dynamics. It is massively parallel and flexible, and can be applied to a variety of different types of simulations, offering a number of sophisticated simulation algorithms. GADGET-4 supports collisionless simulations and smoothed particle hydrodynamics on massively parallel computers.
The code can be used for plain Newtonian dynamics, or for cosmological integrations in arbitrary cosmologies, both with or without periodic boundary conditions. Stretched periodic boxes, and special cases such as simulations with two periodic dimensions and one non-periodic dimension are supported as well. The modeling of hydrodynamics is optional. The code is adaptive both in space and in time, and its Lagrangian character makes it particularly suitable for simulations of cosmic structure formation. Several post-processing options such as group- and substructure finding, or power spectrum estimation are built in and can be carried out on the fly or applied to existing snapshots. Through a built-in cosmological initial conditions generator, it is also particularly easy to carry out cosmological simulations. In addition, merger trees can be determined directly by the code.
The cosmological simulation code GADGET-2, a new massively parallel TreeSPH code, is capable of following a collisionless fluid with the N-body method, and an ideal gas by means of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The implementation of SPH manifestly conserves energy and entropy in regions free of dissipation, while allowing for fully adaptive smoothing lengths. Gravitational forces are computed with a hierarchical multipole expansion, which can optionally be applied in the form of a TreePM algorithm, where only short-range forces are computed with the `tree'-method while long-range forces are determined with Fourier techniques. Time integration is based on a quasi-symplectic scheme where long-range and short-range forces can be integrated with different timesteps. Individual and adaptive short-range timesteps may also be employed. The domain decomposition used in the parallelisation algorithm is based on a space-filling curve, resulting in high flexibility and tree force errors that do not depend on the way the domains are cut. The code is efficient in terms of memory consumption and required communication bandwidth. It has been used to compute the first cosmological N-body simulation with more than 10^10 dark matter particles, reaching a homogeneous spatial dynamic range of 10^5 per dimension in a 3D box. It has also been used to carry out very large cosmological SPH simulations that account for radiative cooling and star formation, reaching total particle numbers of more than 250 million. GADGET-2 is publicly released to the research community.
GABE (Grid And Bubble Evolver) evolves scalar fields (as well as other purposes) on an expanding background for non-canonical and non-linear classical field theory. GABE is based on the Runge-Kutta method.
GA Galaxy fits models of interacting galaxies to synthetic data using a genetic algorithm and custom fitness function. The genetic algorithm is real-coded and uses a mixed Gaussian kernel for mutation. The fitness function incorporates 1.) a direct pixel-to-pixel comparison between the target and model images and 2.) a comparison of the degree of tidal distortion present in the target and model image such that target-model pairs which are similarly distorted will have a higher relative fitness. The genetic algorithm is written in Python 2.7 while the simulation code (SPAM: Stellar Particle Animation Module) is written in Fortran 90.
Fyris Alpha is a high resolution, shock capturing, multi-phase, up-wind Godunov method hydrodynamics code that includes a variable equation of state and optional microphysics such as cooling, gravity and multiple tracer variables. The code has been designed and developed for use primarily in astrophysical applications, such as galactic and interstellar bubbles, hypersonic shocks, and a range of jet phenomena. Fyris Alpha boasts both higher performance and more detailed microphysics than its predecessors, with the aim of producing output that is closer to the observational domain, such as emission line fluxes, and eventually, detailed spectral synthesis. Fyris Alpha is approximately 75,000 lines of C code; it encapsulates the split sweep semi-lagrangian remap PPM method used by ppmlr (in turn developed from VH1, Blondin et al. 1998) but with an improved Riemann solver, which is derived from the exact solver of Gottlieb and Groth (1988), a significantly faster solution than previous solvers. It has a number of optimisations that have improved the speed so that additional calculations neeed for multi-phase simulations become practical.
Funtools is a "minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package developed at the the High Energy Astrophysics Division of SAO. The Funtools library provides simplified access to a wide array of file types: standard astronomical FITS images and binary tables, raw arrays and binary event lists, and even tables of ASCII column data. A sophisticated region filtering library (compatible with ds9) filters images and tables using boolean operations between geometric shapes, support world coordinates, etc. Funtools also supports advanced capabilities such as optimized data searching using index files.
Because Funtools consists of a library and a set of user programs, it is most appropriately built from source. Funtools has been ported to Solaris, Linux, LinuxPPC, SGI, Alpha OSF1, Mac OSX (darwin) and Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. Once the source code tar file is retrieved, Funtools can be built and installed easily using standard commands.
FUNDPAR determines fundamental parameters of solar-type stars, by using as input the Equivalent Widths of Fe I,II lines. The code uses solar-scaled ATLAS9 model atmospheres with NEWODF opacities, together with the 2009 version of the MOOG (ascl:1202.009) program. Parameter files control different details, such as the mixing-length parameter, the overshooting, and the damping of the lines. FUNDPAR also derives the uncertainties of the parameters.
The Fast Template Periodogram extends the Generalised Lomb Scargle periodogram (Zechmeister and Kurster 2009) for arbitrary (periodic) signal shapes. A template is first approximated by a truncated Fourier series of length H. The Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform NFFT is used to efficiently compute frequency-dependent sums. Template fitting can now be done in NlogN time, improving existing algorithms by an order of magnitude for even small datasets. The FTP can be used in conjunction with gradient descent to accelerate a non-linear model fit, or be used in place of the multi-harmonic periodogram for non-sinusoidal signals with a priori known shapes.
FTOOLS, a highly modular collection of utilities for processing and analyzing data in the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format, has been developed in support of the HEASARC (High Energy Astrophysics Research Archive Center) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The FTOOLS package contains many utility programs which perform modular tasks on any FITS image or table, as well as higher-level analysis programs designed specifically for data from current and past high energy astrophysics missions. The utility programs for FITS tables are especially rich and powerful, and provide functions for presentation of file contents, extraction of specific rows or columns, appending or merging tables, binning values in a column or selecting subsets of rows based on a boolean expression. Individual FTOOLS programs can easily be chained together in scripts to achieve more complex operations such as the generation and displaying of spectra or light curves. FTOOLS development began in 1991 and has produced the main set of data analysis software for the current ASCA and RXTE space missions and for other archival sets of X-ray and gamma-ray data. The FTOOLS software package is supported on most UNIX platforms and on Windows machines. The user interface is controlled by standard parameter files that are very similar to those used by IRAF. The package is self documenting through a stand alone help task called fhelp. Software is written in ANSI C and FORTRAN to provide portability across most computer systems. The data format dependencies between hardware platforms are isolated through the FITSIO library package.
FTbg performs Fourier transforms on FITS images and separates low- and high-spatial frequency components by a user-specified cut. Both components are then inverse Fourier transformed back to image domain. FTbg can remove large-scale background/foreground emission in many astrophysical applications. FTbg has been designed to identify and remove Galactic background emission in Herschel/Hi-GAL continuum images, but it is applicable to any other (e.g., Planck) images when background/foreground emission is a concern.
FSPS is a flexible SPS package that allows the user to compute simple stellar populations (SSPs) for a range of IMFs and metallicities, and for a variety of assumptions regarding the morphology of the horizontal branch, the blue straggler population, the post--AGB phase, and the location in the HR diagram of the TP-AGB phase. From these SSPs the user may then generate composite stellar populations (CSPs) for a variety of star formation histories (SFHs) and dust attenuation prescriptions. Outputs include the "observed" spectra and magnitudes of the SSPs and CSPs at arbitrary redshift. In addition to these fortran routines, several IDL routines are provided that allow easy manipulation of the output. FSPS was designed with the intention that the user would make full use of the provided fortran routines. However, the full FSPS package is quite large, and requires some time for the user to become familiar with all of the options and syntax. Some users may only need SSPs for a range of metallicities and IMFs. For such users, standard SSP sets for several IMFs, evolutionary tracks, and spectral libraries are available here.
The fake spectra flux extractor generates simulated quasar absorption spectra from a particle or adaptive mesh-based hydrodynamic simulation. It is implemented as a python module. It can produce both hydrogen and metal line spectra, if the simulation includes metals. The cloudy table for metal ionization fractions is included. Unlike earlier spectral generation codes, it produces absorption from each particle close to the sight-line individually, rather than first producing an average density in each spectral pixel, thus substantially preserving more of the small-scale velocity structure of the gas. The code supports both Gadget (ascl:0003.001) and AREPO (ascl:1909.010).
Fsclean produces 3D Faraday spectra using the Faraday synthesis method, transforming directly from multi-frequency visibility data to the Faraday depth-sky plane space. Deconvolution is accomplished using the CLEAN algorithm, and the package includes Clark and Högbom style CLEAN algorithms. Fsclean reads in MeasurementSet visibility data and produces HDF5 formatted images; it handles images and data of arbitrary size, using scratch HDF5 files as buffers for data that is not being immediately processed, and is limited only by available disk space.
Fruitbat estimates the redshift of Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) from their dispersion measure. The code combines various dispersion measure (DM) and redshift relations with the YMW16 galactic dispersion measure model into a single easy to use API.
FROG performs time series analysis and display. It provides a simple user interface for astronomers wanting to do time-domain astrophysics but still offers the powerful features found in packages such as PERIOD (ascl:1406.005). FROG includes a number of tools for manipulation of time series. Among other things, the user can combine individual time series, detrend series (multiple methods) and perform basic arithmetic functions. The data can also be exported directly into the TOPCAT (ascl:1101.010) application for further manipulation if needed.
FRISBHEE (FRIedmann Solver for Black Hole Evaporation in the Early-universe solves the Friedmann - Boltzmann equations for Primordial Black Holes + SM radiation + BSM Models. Considering the collapse of density fluctuations as the PBH formation mechanism, the code handles monochromatic and extended mass and spin distributions. FRISBHEE can return the full evolution of the PBH, SM and Dark Radiation comoving energy densities, together with the evolution of the PBH mass and spin as a function of the log10 at scale factor, and can determine the relic abundance in the case of Dark Matter produced from BH evaporation for monochromatic and extended distributions.
FRIDDA forecasts the cosmological impact of measurements of the redshift drift and the fine-structure constant (alpha) as well as their combination. The code is based on Fisher Matrix Analysis techniques and works for various fiducial cosmological models. Though designed for the ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph (ANDES), it is easily adaptable to other fiducial cosmological models and to other instruments with similar scientific goals.
FRELLED (FITS Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension) creates 3D images in real time from 3D FITS files and is written in Python for the 3D graphics suite Blender. Users can interactively generate masks around regions of arbitrary geometry and use them to catalog sources, hide regions, and perform basic analysis (e.g., image statistics within the selected region, generate contour plots, query NED and the SDSS). World coordinates are supported and multi-volume rendering is possible. FRELLED is designed for viewing HI data cubes and provides a number of tasks to commonly-used MIRIAD (ascl:1106.007) tasks (e.g. mbspect); however, many of its features are suitable for any type of data set. It also includes an n-body particle viewer with the ability to display 3D vector information as well as the ability to render time series movies of multiple FITS files and setup simple turntable rotation movies for single files.
FreeTure monitors images from GigE all-sky cameras to detect and record falling stars and fireball. Originally, it was developed for the FRIPON (Fireball Recovery and InterPlanetary Observation Network) project, which sought to cover all of France with 100 fish eyes cameras, but can be used by any station that has a GigE camera.
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