Astrophysics Source Code Library

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Results 501-600 of 3688 (3591 ASCL, 97 submitted)

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[ascl:1705.005] SPTCLASS: SPecTral CLASSificator code

SPTCLASS assigns semi-automatic spectral types to a sample of stars. The main code includes three spectral classification schemes: the first one is optimized to classify stars in the mass range of TTS (K5 or later, hereafter LATE-type scheme); the second one is optimized to classify stars in the mass range of IMTTS (F late to K early, hereafter Gtype scheme), and the third one is optimized to classify stars in the mass range of HAeBe (F5 or earlier, hereafter HAeBe scheme). SPTCLASS has an interactive module that allows the user to select the best result from the three schemes and analyze the input spectra.

[ascl:1411.025] SPT Lensing Likelihood: South Pole Telescope CMB lensing likelihood code

The SPT lensing likelihood code, written in Fortran90, performs a Gaussian likelihood based upon the lensing potential power spectrum using a file from CAMB (ascl:1102.026) which contains the normalization required to get the power spectrum that the likelihood call is expecting.

[ascl:1201.013] SPS: SPIRE Photometer Simulator

The SPS software simulates the operation of the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver on-board the ESA’s Herschel Space Observatory. It is coded using the Interactive Data Language (IDL), and produces simulated data at the level-0 stage (non-calibrated data in digitised units). The primary uses for the simulator are to:

  • optimize and characterize the photometer observing functions
  • aid in the development, validation, and characterization of the SPIRE data pipeline
  • provide a realistic example of SPIRE data, and thus to facilitate the development of specific analysis tools for specific science cases.
It should be noted that the SPS is not an officially supported product of the SPIRE ICC, and was originally developed for ICC use only. Consequently the SPS can be supported only on a "best efforts" basis.

[ascl:1806.013] SpS: Single-pulse Searcher

The presence of human-made interference mimicking the behavior of celestial radio pulses is a major challenge when searching for radio pulses emitted on millisecond timescales by celestial radio sources such as pulsars and fast radio bursts due to the highly imbalanced samples. Single-pulse Searcher (SpS) reduces the presence of radio interference when processing standard output from radio single-pulse searches to produce diagnostic plots useful for selecting good candidates. The modular software allows modifications for specific search characteristics. LOTAAS Single-pulse Searcher (L-SpS) is an implementation of different features of the software (such as a machine-learning approach) developed for a particular study: the LOFAR Tied-Array All-Sky Survey (LOTAAS).

[ascl:2309.018] Sprout: Moving mesh finite volume hydro code

The finite volume hydro code Sprout uses a simple expanding Cartesian grid to track outflows for several orders of magnitudes in expansion. It captures shocks whether they are aligned or misaligned with the grid, and provides second-order convergence for smooth flows. The code's expanding mesh capability reduces numerical diffusion drastically for outflows, especially when the analytic nature of the bulk flow is known beforehand. Sprout can be used to study fluid instabilities in expanding flows, such as in SN explosions and jets; it resolves fine fluid structures at small length scales and expand the mesh gradually as the structures grow.

[ascl:2206.028] Spritz: General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code

The Spritz code is a fully general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code based on the Einstein Toolkit (ascl:1102.014). The code solves the GRMHD equations in 3D Cartesian coordinates and on a dynamical spacetime. Spritz supports tabulated equations of state, takes finite temperature effects into account and allows for the inclusion of neutrino radiation.

[ascl:1506.008] SPRITE: Sparsity-based super-resolution algorithm

SPRITE (Sparse Recovery of InstrumenTal rEsponse) computes a well-resolved compact source image from several undersampled and noisy observations. The algorithm is based on sparse regularization; adding a sparse penalty in the recovery leads to far better accuracy in terms of ellipticity error, especially at low S/N.

[ascl:1411.015] SPOTROD: Semi-analytic model for transits of spotted stars

SPOTROD is a model for planetary transits of stars with an arbitrary limb darkening law and a number of homogeneous, circular spots on their surface. It facilitates analysis of anomalies due to starspot eclipses, and is a free, open source implementation written in C with a Python API.

[ascl:1809.006] spops: Spinning black-hole binary population synthesis

spops is a database of populations synthesis simulations of spinning black-hole binary systems, together with a python module to query it. Data are obtained with the startrack and precession [ascl:1611.004] numerical codes to consistently evolve binary stars from formation to gravitational-wave detection. spops allows quick exploration of the interplay between stellar physics and black-hole spin dynamics.

[ascl:1103.005] Splotch: Ray Tracer to Visualize SPH Simulations

Splotch is a light and fast, publicly available, ray-tracer software tool which supports the effective visualization of cosmological simulations data. The algorithm it relies on is designed to deal with point-like data, optimizing the ray-tracing calculation by ordering the particles as a function of their 'depth', defined as a function of one of the coordinates or other associated parameters. Realistic three-dimensional impressions are reached through a composition of the final colour in each pixel properly calculating emission and absorption of individual volume elements.

[ascl:1402.007] SPLAT: Spectral Analysis Tool

SPLAT is a graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analyzing astronomical spectra stored in NDF, FITS and TEXT files as well as in NDX format. It can read in many spectra at the same time and then display these as line plots. Display windows can show one or several spectra at the same time and can be interactively zoomed and scrolled, centered on specific wavelengths, provide continuous coordinate readout, produce printable hardcopy and be configured in many ways. Analysis facilities include the fitting of a polynomial to selected parts of a spectrum, the fitting of Gaussian, Lorentzian and Voigt profiles to emission and absorption lines and the filtering of spectra using average, median and line-shape window functions as well as wavelet denoising. SPLAT also supports a full range of coordinate systems for spectra, which allows coordinates to be displayed and aligned in many different coordinate systems (wavelength, frequency, energy, velocity) and transformed between these and different standards of rest (topocentric, heliocentric, dynamic and kinematic local standards of rest, etc). SPLAT is distributed as part of the Starlink (ascl:1110.012) software collection.

[ascl:1402.008] SPLAT-VO: Spectral Analysis Tool for the Virtual Observatory

SPLAT-VO is an extension of the SPLAT (Spectral Analysis Tool, ascl:1402.007) graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analyzing astronomical spectra; it includes facilities that allow it to work as part of the Virtual Observatory (VO). SPLAT-VO comes in two different forms, one for querying and downloading spectra from SSAP servers and one for interoperating with VO tools, such as TOPCAT (ascl:1101.010).

[ascl:1103.004] SPLASH: Interactive Visualization Tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations

SPLASH (formerly SUPERSPHPLOT) visualizes output from (astrophysical) simulations using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method in one, two and three dimensions. Written in Fortran 90, it uses the PGPLOT graphics subroutine library for plotting. It is based around a command-line menu structure but utilizes the interactive capabilities of PGPLOT to manipulate data interactively in the plotting window. SPLASH is fully interactive; visualizations can be changed rapidly at the touch of a button (e.g. zooming, rotating, shifting cross section positions etc). Data is read directly from the code dump format giving rapid access to results and the visualization is advanced forwards and backwards through timesteps by single keystrokes. SPLASH uses the SPH kernel to render plots of not only density but other physical quantities, giving a smooth representation of the data.

[ascl:2006.016] SPISEA: Stellar Population Interface for Stellar Evolution and Atmospheres

SPISEA (Stellar Population Interface for Stellar Evolution and Atmospheres) generates single-age, single-metallicity populations (i.e., star clusters). The software (formerly called PyPopStar) provides control over different parameters, including cluster characteristics (age, metallicity, mass, distance); total extinction, differential extinction, and extinction law; stellar evolution and atmosphere models; stellar multiplicity and Initial Mass Function; and photometric filters. SPISEA can be used to create a cluster isochrone in many filters using different stellar models, generate a star cluster at any age with an unusual IMF and unresolved multiplicity, and make a spectrum of a star cluster in integrated light.

[ascl:1512.015] Spirality: Spiral arm pitch angle measurement

Spirality measures spiral arm pitch angles by fitting galaxy images to spiral templates of known pitch. Written in MATLAB, the code package also includes GenSpiral, which produces FITS images of synthetic spirals, and SpiralArmCount, which uses a one-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform to count the spiral arms of a galaxy after its pitch is determined.

[ascl:1710.004] SPIPS: Spectro-Photo-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars

SPIPS (Spectro-Photo-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars) combines radial velocimetry, interferometry, and photometry to estimate physical parameters of pulsating stars, including presence of infrared excess, color excess, Teff, and ratio distance/p-factor. The global model-based parallax-of-pulsation method is implemented in Python. Derived parameters have a high level of confidence; statistical precision is improved (compared to other methods) due to the large number of data taken into account, accuracy is improved by using consistent physical modeling and reliability of the derived parameters is strengthened by redundancy in the data.

[ascl:2206.014] SpinSpotter: Stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry calculator

SpinSpotter calculates stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry. The code uses the autocorrelation function (ACF) to identify stellar rotation periods up to one-third the observational baseline of the data. SpinSpotter includes diagnostic tools that describe features in the ACF and allows tuning of the tolerance with which to accept a period detection.

[ascl:2210.002] SPINspiral: Parameter estimation for analyzing gravitational-wave signals

SPINspiral analyzes gravitational-wave signals from stellar-mass binary inspirals detected by ground-based interferometers such as LIGO and Virgo. It performs parameter estimation on these signals using Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) techniques. This analysis includes the spins of the binary components. Written in C, the package is modular; its main routine is as small as possible and calls other routines, which perform tasks such as reading input, choosing and setting (starting or injection) parameters, and handling noise. Other routines compute overlaps and likelihoods, contain the MCMC core, and manage more general support functions and third-party routines.

[ascl:2303.010] spinsfast: Fast and exact spin-s spherical harmonic transforms

spinsfast is a fast spin-s spherical harmonic transform algorithm, which is flexible and exact for band-limited functions. It permits the computation of several distinct spin transforms simultaneously. Specifically, only one set of special functions is computed for transforms of quantities with any spin, namely the Wigner d matrices evaluated at π/2, which may be computed with efficient recursions. For any spin, the computation scales as O(L^3), where L is the band limit of the function.

[ascl:2009.006] SPInS: Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically

SPInS (Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically) provides the age, mass, and radius of a star, among other parameters, from a set of photometric, spectroscopic, interferometric, and/or asteroseismic observational constraints; it also generates error bars and correlations. Derived from AIMS (ascl:1611.014), it relies on a stellar model grid and uses a Bayesian approach to find the PDF of stellar parameters from a set of classical constraints. The heart of SPInS is a MCMC solver coupled with interpolation within a pre-computed stellar model grid. The code can consider priors such as the IMF or SFR and can characterize single stars or coeval stars, such as members of binary systems or of stellar clusters.

[ascl:2102.001] spinOS: SPectroscopic and INterferometric Orbital Solution finder

spinOS calculates binary orbital elements. Given a set of radial velocity measurements of a spectroscopic binary and/or relative position measurement of an astrometric binary, spinOS fits an orbital model by minimizing a chi squared metric. These routines are neatly packaged in a graphical user interface, developed using tkinter, facilitating use. Minimization is achieved by default using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from lmfit [ascl:1606.014]. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo option is available to sample the posterior probability distribution in order to estimate errors on the orbital elements.

[ascl:1608.020] SPIDERz: SuPport vector classification for IDEntifying Redshifts

SPIDERz (SuPport vector classification for IDEntifying Redshifts) applies powerful support vector machine (SVM) optimization and statistical learning techniques to custom data sets to obtain accurate photometric redshift (photo-z) estimations. It is written for the IDL environment and can be applied to traditional data sets consisting of photometric band magnitudes, or alternatively to data sets with additional galaxy parameters (such as shape information) to investigate potential correlations between the extra galaxy parameters and redshift.

[ascl:1711.019] SPIDERMAN: Fast code to simulate secondary transits and phase curves

SPIDERMAN calculates exoplanet phase curves and secondary eclipses with arbitrary surface brightness distributions in two dimensions. The code uses a geometrical algorithm to solve exactly the area of sections of the disc of the planet that are occulted by the star. Approximately 1000 models can be generated per second in typical use, which makes making Markov Chain Monte Carlo analyses practicable. The code is modular and allows comparison of the effect of multiple different brightness distributions for a dataset.

[ascl:1903.016] SpiceyPy: Python wrapper for the NAIF C SPICE Toolkit

SpiceyPy is a Python wrapper for the NAIF C SPICE Toolkit (ascl:1903.015). It is compatible with Python 2 and 3, and was written using ctypes.

[ascl:1903.015] SPICE: Observation Geometry System for Space Science Missions

The SPICE (Spacecraft Planet Instrument C-matrix [“Camera matrix”] Events) toolkit offers a set of building blocks for constructing tools supporting multi-mission, international space exploration programs and research in planetary science, heliophysics, Earth science, and for observations from terrestrial observatories. It computes many kinds of observation geometry parameters, including the ephemerides, orientations, sizes, and shapes of planets, satellites, comets and asteroids. It can also compute the orientation of a spacecraft, its various moving structures, and an instrument's field-of-view location on a planet's surface or atmosphere. It can determine when a specified geometric event occurs, such as when an object is in shadow or is in transit across another object. The SPICE toolkit is available in FORTRAN 77, ANSI C, IDL, and MATLAB.

[ascl:1709.001] SPHYNX: SPH hydrocode for subsonic hydrodynamical instabilities and strong shocks

SPHYNX addresses subsonic hydrodynamical instabilities and strong shocks; it is Newtonian, grounded on the Euler-Lagrange formulation of the smoothed-particle hydrodynamics technique, and density based. SPHYNX uses an integral approach for estimating gradients, a flexible family of interpolators to suppress pairing instability, and incorporates volume elements to provides better partition of the unity.

[ascl:1103.009] SPHRAY: A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Ray Tracer for Radiative Transfer

SPHRAY, a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) ray tracer, is designed to solve the 3D, time dependent, radiative transfer (RT) equations for arbitrary density fields. The SPH nature of SPHRAY makes the incorporation of separate hydrodynamics and gravity solvers very natural. SPHRAY relies on a Monte Carlo (MC) ray tracing scheme that does not interpolate the SPH particles onto a grid but instead integrates directly through the SPH kernels. Given initial conditions and a description of the sources of ionizing radiation, the code will calculate the non-equilibrium ionization state (HI, HII, HeI, HeII, HeIII, e) and temperature (internal energy/entropy) of each SPH particle. The sources of radiation can include point like objects, diffuse recombination radiation, and a background field from outside the computational volume. The MC ray tracing implementation allows for the quick introduction of new physics and is parallelization friendly. A quick Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) test taken from computer graphics applications allows for the acceleration of the raytracing component. We present the algorithms used in SPHRAY and verify the code by performing all the test problems detailed in the recent Radiative Transfer Comparison Project of Iliev et. al. The Fortran 90 source code for SPHRAY and example SPH density fields are made available online.

[ascl:1502.012] SPHGR: Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics Galaxy Reduction

SPHGR (Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics Galaxy Reduction) is a python based open-source framework for analyzing smoothed-particle hydrodynamic simulations. Its basic form can run a baryonic group finder to identify galaxies and a halo finder to identify dark matter halos; it can also assign said galaxies to their respective halos, calculate halo & galaxy global properties, and iterate through previous time steps to identify the most-massive progenitors of each halo and galaxy. Data about each individual halo and galaxy is collated and easy to access.

SPHGR supports a wide range of simulations types including N-body, full cosmological volumes, and zoom-in runs. Support for multiple SPH code outputs is provided by pyGadgetReader (ascl:1411.001), mainly Gadget (ascl:0003.001) and TIPSY (ascl:1111.015).

[ascl:1311.005] Spheroid: Electromagnetic Scattering by Spheroids

Spheroid determines the size distribution of polarizing interstellar dust grains based on electromagnetic scattering by spheroidal particles. It contains subroutines to treat the case of complex refractive indices, and also includes checks for some limiting cases.

[ascl:1309.004] Spherical: Geometry operations and searches on spherical surfaces

The Spherical Library provides an efficient and accurate mathematical representation of shapes on the celestial sphere, such as sky coverage and footprints. Shapes of arbitrary complexity and size can be dynamically created from simple building blocks, whose exact area is also analytically computed. This methodology is also perfectly suited for censoring problematic parts of datasets, e.g., bad seeing, satellite trails or diffraction spikes of bright stars.

[ascl:2406.008] sphereint: Integrate data on a grid within a sphere

sphereint calculates the numerical volume in a sphere. It provides a weight for each grid position based on whether or not it is in (weight = 1), out (weight = 0), or partially in (weight in between 0 and 1) a sphere of a given radius. A cubic cell is placed around each grid position and the volume of the cell in the sphere (assuming a flat surface in the cell) is calculated and normalized by the cell volume to obtain the weight.

[ascl:1806.023] Spheral++: Coupled hydrodynamical and gravitational numerical simulations

Spheral++ provides a steerable parallel environment for performing coupled hydrodynamical and gravitational numerical simulations. Hydrodynamics and gravity are modeled using particle-based methods (SPH and N-Body). It uses an Adaptive Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ASPH) algorithm, provides a total energy conserving compatible hydro mode, and performs fluid and solid material modeling and damage and fracture modeling in solids.

[ascl:2105.007] SpheCow: Galaxy and dark matter halo dynamical properties

SpheCow explores the structure and dynamics of any spherical model for galaxies and dark matter haloes. The lightweight and flexible code automatically calculates the dynamical properties, assuming an isotropic or Osipkov-Merritt anisotropic orbital structure, of any model with either an analytical density profile or an analytical surface density profile as a starting point. SpheCow contains readily usable implementations for many standard models, including the Plummer, Hernquist, NFW, Einasto, Sérsic and Nuker models. The code is easily extendable, allowing new models to be added in a straightforward way. The code is publicly available as a set of C++ routines and as a Python module.

[ascl:9912.001] SPH_1D: Hierarchical gravity/SPH treecode for simulations of interacting galaxies

We describe a fast tree algorithm for gravitational N-body simulation on SIMD parallel computers. The tree construction uses fast, parallel sorts. The sorted lists are recursively divided along their x, y and z coordinates. This data structure is a completely balanced tree (i.e., each particle is paired with exactly one other particle) and maintains good spatial locality. An implementation of this tree-building algorithm on a 16k processor Maspar MP-1 performs well and constitutes only a small fraction (approximately 15%) of the entire cycle of finding the accelerations. Each node in the tree is treated as a monopole. The tree search and the summation of accelerations also perform well. During the tree search, node data that is needed from another processor is simply fetched. Roughly 55% of the tree search time is spent in communications between processors. We apply the code to two problems of astrophysical interest. The first is a simulation of the close passage of two gravitationally, interacting, disk galaxies using 65,636 particles. We also simulate the formation of structure in an expanding, model universe using 1,048,576 particles. Our code attains speeds comparable to one head of a Cray Y-MP, so single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) type computers can be used for these simulations. The cost/performance ratio for SIMD machines like the Maspar MP-1 make them an extremely attractive alternative to either vector processors or large multiple instruction, multiple data (MIMD) type parallel computers. With further optimizations (e.g., more careful load balancing), speeds in excess of today's vector processing computers should be possible.

[ascl:1404.017] Spextool: Spectral EXtraction tool

Spextool (Spectral EXtraction tool) is an IDL-based data reduction package for SpeX, a medium resolution near-infrared spectrograph on the NASA IRTF. It performs all of the steps necessary to produce spectra ready for analysis and publication including non-linearity corrections, flat fielding, wavelength calibration, telluric correction, flux calibration, and order merging.

[ascl:2007.017] SPEX: Spectral Executive

SPEX provides a uniform interface suitable for the X-ray spectral analysis of a number of solar (or other) instruments in the X and Gamma Ray energy ranges. Part of the SolarSoft (ascl:1208.013) library, this package is suitable for any datastream which can be placed in the form of response vs interval where the response is usually a counting rate (spectrum) and the interval is normally an accumulation over time. Together with an algorithm which can be used to relate a model input spectrum to the observed response, generally a response matrix, the dataset is amenable to analysis with this package. Currently the data from a large number of instruments, including SMM (HXRBS, GRS Gamma, GRS X1, and GRS X2), Yohkoh (HXT, HXS, GRS, and SXT,) CGRO (BATSE SPEC and BATSE LAD), WIND (TGRS), HIREX, and NEAR (PIN). SPEX's next generation software is available in OSPEX (ascl:2007.018), an object-oriented package that is also part of and dependent on SolarSoft.

[ascl:1308.014] SPEX: High-resolution cosmic X-ray spectra analysis

SPEX is optimized for the analysis and interpretation of high-resolution cosmic X-ray spectra. The software is especially suited for fitting spectra obtained by current X-ray observatories like XMM-Newton, Chandra, and Suzaku. SPEX can fit multiple spectra with different model components simultaneously and handles highly complex models with many free parameters.

[ascl:2007.004] spex_to_xspec: Convert SPEX output to XSPEC input

spex_to_xspec takes the output from the collisional ionisation equilibrium model in the SPEX spectral modelling and fitting package (ascl:1308.014), and converts it into a form usable by the XSPEC spectral fitting package (ascl:9910.005). For a list of temperatures it computes the line strengths and continuum spectra using SPEX. These are collated and written into an APEC-format table model which can be loaded into Xspec. By allowing SPEX models to be loaded into XSPEC, the program allows easy comparison between the results of the SPEX and APEC codes.

[ascl:2212.026] Spender: Neural spectrum encoder and decoder

Spender establishes a restframe for galaxy spectra that has higher resolution and larger wavelength range than the spectra from which it is trained. The model can be trained from spectra at different redshifts or even from different instruments without the need to standardize the observations. Spender also has an explicit, differentiable redshift dependence, which can be coupled with a redshift estimator for a fully data-driven spectrum analysis pipeline. The code describes the restframe spectrum by an autoencoder and transforms the restframe model to the observed redshift; it also matches the spectral resolution and line spread function of the instrument.

[ascl:1807.014] SPEGID: Single-Pulse Event Group IDentification

SPEGID (Single-Pulse Event Group IDentification) identifies astrophysical pulse candidates as trial single-pulse event groups (SPEGs) by first applying Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) on trial single-pulse events and then merging the clusters that fall within the expected DM (Dispersion Measure) and time span of astrophysical pulses. SPEGID also calculates the peak score for each SPEG in the S/N versus DM space to identify the expected peak-like shape in the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio versus DM curve of astrophysical pulses. Additionally, SPEGID groups SPEGs that appear at a consistent DM and therefore are likely emitted from the same source. After running SPEGID, can be used to find (or verify) the underlying periodicity among a group of SPEGs (i.e., astrophysical pulse candidates).

[ascl:2405.001] SPEDAS: Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System

The SPEDAS (Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software) framework supports multi-mission data ingestion, analysis and visualization for the Space Physics community. It standardizes the retrieval of data from distributed repositories, the scientific processing with a powerful set of legacy routines, the quick visualization with full output control and the graph creation for use in papers and presentations. SPEDAS includes a GUI for ease of use by novice users, works on multiple platforms, and though based on IDL, can be used with or without an IDL license. The framework supports plugin modules for multiple projects such as THEMIS, MMS, and WIND, and provides interfaces for software modules developed by the individual teams of those missions. A Python implementation of the framework, PySPEDAS (ascl:2405.005), is also available.

[ascl:1310.008] SPECX: Spectral Line Data Reduction Package

SPECX is a general purpose line data reduction system. It can read and write FITS data cubes but has specialist support for the GSD format data from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. It includes commands to store and retrieve intermediate spectra in storage registers and perform the fitting and removal of polynomial, harmonic and Gaussian baselines.

SPECX can filter and edit spectra and list and display spectra on a graphics terminal. It is able to perform Fourier transform and power spectrum calculations, process up to eight spectra (quadrants) simultaneously with either the same or different center, and assemble a number of reduced individual spectra into a map file and contour or greyscale any plane or planes of the resulting cube.

Two versions of SPECX are distributed. Version 6.x is the VMS and Unix version and is distributed as part of the Starlink software collection. Version 7.x is a complete rewrite of SPECX distributed for Windows.

[ascl:1902.011] SpecViz: 1D Spectral Visualization Tool

SpecViz interactively visualizes and analyzes 1D astronomical spectra. It reads data from FITS and ASCII tables and allows spectra to be easily plotted and examined. It supports instrument-specific data quality handling, flexible spectral units conversions, custom plotting attributes, plot annotations, tiled plots, among other features. SpecViz includes a measurement tool for spectral lines for performing and recording measurements and a model fitting capability for creating simple (e.g., single Gaussian) or multi-component models (e.g., multiple Gaussians for emission and absorption lines in addition to regions of flat continua). SpecViz is built on top of the Specutils (ascl:1902.012) Astropy-affiliated python library, providing a visual, interactive interface to the analysis capabilities in that library.

The functionality of SpecViz is now actively developed as part of Jdaviz (ascl:2307.001).

[ascl:1210.016] Specview: 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms

Specview is a tool for 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms. Written in Java, it is capable of reading all the Hubble Space Telescope spectral data formats as well as data from several other instruments (such as IUE, FUSE, ISO, FORS and SDSS), preview spectra from MAST, and data from generic FITS and ASCII tables. It can read data from Virtual Observatory servers, and read and write spectrogram data in Virtual Observatory SED format. It can also read files in the SPC Galactic format used in the chemistry field. Once ingested, data can be plotted and examined with a large selection of custom settings. Specview supports instrument-specific data quality handling, flexible spectral units conversions, custom plotting attributes, plot annotations, tiled plots, hardcopy to JPEG files and PostScript file or printer, etc. Specview can be used to build wide-band SEDs, overplotting or combining data from the same astronomical source taken with different instruments and/or spectral bands. Data can be further processed with averaging, splicing, detrending, and Fourier filtering tools. Specview has a spectral model fitting capability that enables the user to work with multi-component models (including user-defined models) and fit models to data.

[ascl:1902.012] Specutils: Spectroscopic analysis and reduction

Specutils provides a basic interface for the loading, manipulation, and common forms of analysis of spectroscopic data. Its generic data containers and accompanying modules can be used to build a particular scientific workflow or higher-level analysis tool. It is an AstroPy (ascl:1304.002) affiliated package, and SpecViz (ascl:1902.011), which is built on top of Specutils, provides a visual, interactive interface to its analysis capabilities.

[ascl:2412.013] Spectuner: Automated line identification of interstellar molecules

Spectuner identifies spectral lines of interstellar molecules automatically. The code uses XCLASS (ascl:1810.016) for the spectral line model and SciPy for the peak finder. Spectral fitting is performed using article swarm optimization and the peak matching loss function. From frequency in a unit of MHz and temperature in a unit of K, Spectuner returns the combined spectrum, identification of the combined spectrum, and the identification of all candidates.

[ascl:9910.002] SPECTRUM: A stellar spectral synthesis program

SPECTRUM ((C) Richard O. Gray, 1992-2008) is a stellar spectral synthesis program which runs on a number of platforms, including most flavors of UNIX and LINUX. It will also run under Windwos 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP using the Cygwin tools or the distributed Windows binaries. The code for SPECTRUM has been written in the "C" language. SPECTRUM computes the LTE synthetic spectrum given a stellar atmosphere model. SPECTRUM can use as input the fully blanketed stellar atmosphere models of Robert Kurucz including the new models of Castelli and Kurucz, but any other stellar atmosphere model which can be cast into the format of Kurucz's models can be used as well. SPECTRUM can be programmed with "command-line switches" to give a number of different outputs. In the default mode, SPECTRUM computes the stellar-disk-integrated normalized-intensity spectrum, but in addition, SPECTRUM will compute the absolute monochromatic flux from the stellar atmosphere or the specific intensity from any point on the stellar surface.

[submitted] Spectroscopic Analysis of O and B-Type Stars, Neutron Stars, and White Dwarfs Using SDSS Data and Astroquery

This project presents a comprehensive spectroscopic analysis of O and B-type stars, neutron stars, and white dwarfs, with a focus on the detection of helium (He) and oxygen (O) in stellar atmospheres. By leveraging data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and utilizing tools such as Astropy, Astroquery, and Specutils, the project aims to identify key spectral lines of helium and oxygen, as well as the formation of heliox (OHe) molecules. The methodology involves querying SDSS for relevant spectral data, filtering and analyzing it based on stellar classification, and visualizing the results using advanced techniques. The findings contribute to the understanding of stellar evolution, chemical processes, and the role of these elements in various stellar classes. Additionally, the project incorporates interactive data exploration with Aladin Lite and Simbad, offering a robust framework for future astrophysical research.

[submitted] spectrogrism

This module implements an ad-hoc grism-based spectrograph optical model. It provides a flexible chromatic mapping between the input focal plane and the output detector plane, based on an effective simplified ray-tracing model of the key optical elements defining the spectrograph (collimator, prism, grating, camera), described by a restricted number of physically-motivated distortion parameters.

[ascl:2411.014] spectroflat: Generic Python calibration library for spectro-polarimetric data

Spectroflat flat fields spectro-polarimetric data. It can be plugged into existing Python-based data reduction pipelines or used as a standalone calibration and performance analysis tool. The code includes smile distortion correction and flat field extraction. The library expects the spatial domain on the vertical-axis and the spectral domain on the horizontal axis. Spectroflat does not include any file reading/writing routines and expects numpy arrays as input.

[ascl:2104.019] SpectRes: Simple spectral resampling

SpectRes efficiently resamples spectra and their associated uncertainties onto an arbitrary wavelength grid. The Python function works with any grid of wavelength values, including non-uniform sampling, and preserves the integrated flux. This may be of use for binning data to increase the signal to noise ratio, obtaining synthetic photometry, or resampling model spectra to match the sampling of observational data.

[ascl:1202.010] SPECTRE: Manipulation of single-order spectra

SPECTRE's chief purpose is the manipulation of single-order spectra, and it performs many of the tasks contained in such IRAF routines as "splot" and "rv". It is not meant to replace the much more general capabilities of IRAF, but does some functions in a manner that some might find useful. A brief list of SPECTRE tasks are: spectrum smoothing; equivalent width calculation; continuum rectification; noise spike excision; and spectrum comparison. SPECTRE was written to manipulate coude spectra, and thus is probably most useful for working on high dispersion spectra. Echelle spectra can be gathered from various observatories, reduced to singly-dimensioned spectra using IRAF, then written out as FITS files, thus becoming accessible to SPECTRE. Three different spectra may be manipulated and displayed simultaneously. SPECTRE, written in standard FORTRAN77, can be used only with the SM graphics package.

[ascl:2209.017] SpectraPy: Extract and reduce astronomical spectral data

SpectraPy collects algorithms and methods for data reduction of astronomical spectra obtained by a through slits spectrograph. It produces two-dimensional wavelength calibrated spectra corrected by instrument distortions. The library is designed to be spectrograph independent and can be used on both longslit (LS) and multi object spectrograph (MOS) data. SpectraPy comes with a set of already configured spectrographs, but it can be easily configured to reduce data of other instruments.

[ascl:2501.010] SpectralRadex: Spectral modeling and RADEX

SpectralRadex runs RADEX (ascl:1010.075) directly from Python and creates model spectra from RADEX outputs. The package uses F2PY (Fortran to Python interface generator) to compile a version of RADEX written in modern Fortran, most importantly dropping the use of common blocks. As a result, running a RADEX model creates no subprocesses and can be parallelized. SpectralRadex uses the RADEX calculated line opacities and excitation temperatures to calculate the brightness temperature as a function of frequency. This allows observed spectra to be modeled in Python in a non-LTE fashion.

[ascl:1609.017] spectral-cube: Read and analyze astrophysical spectral data cubes

Spectral-cube provides an easy way to read, manipulate, analyze, and write data cubes with two positional dimensions and one spectral dimension, optionally with Stokes parameters. It is a versatile data container for building custom analysis routines. It provides a uniform interface to spectral cubes, robust to the wide range of conventions of axis order, spatial projections, and spectral units that exist in the wild, and allows easy extraction of cube sub-regions using physical coordinates. It has the ability to create, combine, and apply masks to datasets and is designed to work with datasets too large to load into memory, and provide basic summary statistic methods like moments and array aggregates.

[ascl:2104.004] Spectractor: Spectrum extraction tool for slitless spectrophotometry

Spectractor extracts spectra from slitless spectrophotometric images and measures the atmospheric transmission on the line of sight if standard stars are targeted. It has been optimized on CTIO images but can be configured to analyze any kind of slitless data that contains the order 0 and the order 1 of a spectrum. In particular, it can be used to estimate the atmospheric transmission of the Vera Rubin Observatory site using the dedicated Auxiliary Telescope.

[ascl:1701.003] Spectra: Time series power spectrum calculator

Spectra calculates the power spectrum of a time series equally spaced or not based on the Spectral Correlation Coefficient (Ferraz-Mello 1981, Astron. Journal 86 (4), 619). It is very efficient for detection of low frequencies.

[ascl:2108.011] Spectra-Without-Windows: Window-free analysis of the BOSS DR12 power spectrum and bispectrum

Spectra-Without-Windows (formerly called BOSS-Without-Windows) analyzes Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) DR12 data using quadratic and cubic estimators. It contains analysis codes to estimate unwindowed power spectra and unwindowed bispectra. It also supplies the raw power and bispectrum spectrum measurements of BOSS and 999 Patchy simulations, and contains a utility function to generate the background number density, n(r) from the survey mask and n(z) distribution. This code has been replaced by the newer and more powerful 3D polyspectrum code PolyBin3D (ascl:2404.006).

[ascl:1111.005] SPECTCOL: Spectroscopic and Collisional Data Retrieval

Studies of astrophysical non-LTE media require the combination of atomic and molecular spectroscopic and collisional data often described differently in various databases. SPECTCOL is a tool that implements VAMDC standards, retrieve relevant information from different databases such as CDMS, HITRAN, BASECOL, and can upload local files. All transfer of data between the client and the databases use the VAMDC-XSAMS schema. The spectroscopic and collisional information is combined and useful outputs (ascii or xsams) are provided for the study of the interstellar medium.

[ascl:1904.018] Specstack: A simple spectral stacking tool

Specstack creates stacked spectra using a simple algorithm with sigma-clipping to combine the spectra of galaxies in the rest-frame into a single averaged spectrum. Though written originally for galaxy spectra, it also works for other types of objects. It is written in Python and is started from the command-line.

[ascl:1404.014] SpecPro: Astronomical spectra viewer and analyzer

SpecPro is an interactive program for viewing and analyzing spectra, particularly in the context of modern imaging surveys. In addition to displaying the 1D and 2D spectrum, SpecPro can simultaneously display available stamp images as well as the spectral energy distribution of a source. This extra information can help significantly in assessing a spectrum.

[ascl:2307.057] species: Atmospheric characterization of directly imaged exoplanets

species (spectral characterization and inference for exoplanet science) provides a coherent framework for spectral and photometric analysis of directly imaged exoplanets and brown dwarfs which builds on publicly-available data and models from various resources. species contains tools for grid and free retrievals using Bayesian inference, synthetic photometry, interpolating a variety atmospheric and evolutionary model grids (including the possibility to add a custom grid), color-magnitude and color-color diagrams, empirical spectral analysis, spectral and photometric calibration, and analysis of emission lines.

[ascl:2301.028] special: SPEctral Characterization of directly ImAged Low-mass companions

special (SPEctral Characterization of directly ImAged Low-mass companions) characterizes low-mass (M, L, T) dwarfs down to giant planets at optical/IR wavelengths. It can also be used more generally to characterize any type of object with a measured spectrum, provided a relevant input model grid, regardless of the observational method used to obtain the spectrum (direct imaging or not) and regardless of the format of the spectra (multi-band photometry, low-resolution or medium-resolution spectrum, or a combination thereof). It analyzes measured spectra, calculating the spectral correlation between channels of an IFS datacube and empirical spectral indices for MLT-dwarfs. It fits input spectra to either photo-/atmospheric model grids or a blackbody model, including additional parameters such as (extra) black body component(s), extinction and total-to-selective extinction ratio, and can use emcee (ascl:1303.002), nestle (ascl:2103.022), or UltraNest (ascl:1611.001) samplers infer posterior distributions on spectral model parameters in a Bayesian framework, among other tasks.

[ascl:2311.003] Special-Blurring: Compare quantum-spacetime foam models to GRB localizations

The IDL code Special-Blurring compares models of quantum-foam-induced blurring with the full dataset of gamma-ray burst localizations available from the NASA High Energy Astrophysics Science Research Archive (as of 1 November 2022). This includes GRB221009A, which was especially bright and detected in extremely high energy TeV gamma-rays. An upper limit of the parameter alpha (giving the maximal strength of quantum blurring) can be entered, which is scaled in the model of blurring (called "Phi") operating much like "seeing" from the ground in the optical, and those calculations are plotted against the observations.

[ascl:1407.003] SPECDRE: Spectroscopy Data Reduction

Specdre performs spectroscopy data reduction and analysis. General features of the package include data cube manipulation, arc line calibration, resampling and spectral fitting. Particular care is taken with error propagation, including tracking covariance. SPECDRE is distributed as part of the Starlink software collection (ascl:1110.012).

[ascl:1203.003] spec2d: DEEP2 DEIMOS Spectral Pipeline

The DEEP2 DEIMOS Data Reduction Pipeline ("spec2d") is an IDL-based, automated software package designed to reduce Keck/DEIMOS multi-slit spectroscopic observations, collected as part of the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey. The pipeline is best suited for handling data taken with the 1200 line/mm grating tilted towards the red (lambda_c ~ 7800Å). The spec2d reduction package takes the raw DEIMOS data as its input and produces a variety of outputs including 2-d slit spectra and 1-d object spectra.

[ascl:1010.016] SpDust/SpDust.2: Code to Calculate Spinning Dust Spectra

SpDust is an IDL program that evaluates the spinning dust emissivity for user-provided environmental conditions. A new version of the code became available in March, 2010.

[ascl:1711.001] SpcAudace: Spectroscopic processing and analysis package of Audela software

SpcAudace processes long slit spectra with automated pipelines and performs astrophysical analysis of the latter data. These powerful pipelines do all the required steps in one pass: standard preprocessing, masking of bad pixels, geometric corrections, registration, optimized spectrum extraction, wavelength calibration and instrumental response computation and correction. Both high and low resolution long slit spectra are managed for stellar and non-stellar targets. Many types of publication-quality figures can be easily produced: pdf and png plots or annotated time series plots. Astrophysical quantities can be derived from individual or large amount of spectra with advanced functions: from line profile characteristics to equivalent width and periodogram. More than 300 documented functions are available and can be used into TCL scripts for automation. SpcAudace is based on Audela open source software.

[ascl:2202.015] SPARTAN: SPectroscopic And photometRic fiTting tool for Astronomical aNalysis

SPARTAN fits the spectroscopy and photometry of distant galaxies. The code implements multiple interfaces to help in the configuration of the fitting and the inspection of the results. SPARTAN relies on pre-computed input files (such as stellar population and IGM extinction), available for download, to save time in the fitting process.

[ascl:2007.003] SPARTA: Subhalo and PARticle Trajectory Analysis

SPARTA is a post-processing framework for particle-based cosmological simulations. The code is written in pure, MPI-parallelized C and is optimized for high performance. The main purpose of SPARTA is to understand the formation of structure in a dynamical sense, namely by analyzing the trajectories (or orbits) of dark matter particles around their halos. Within this framework, the user can add analysis modules that operate on individual trajectories or entire halos. The initial goal of SPARTA was to compute the splashback radius of halos, but numerous other applications have been implemented as well, including spherical overdensity calculations and tracking subhalos via their constituent particles.

[ascl:2007.022] SPARTA: SPectroscopic vARiabiliTy Analysis

SPARTA analyzes periodically-variable spectroscopic observations. Intended for common astronomical uses, SPARTA facilitates analysis of single- and double-lined binaries, high-precision radial velocity extraction, and periodicity searches in complex, high dimensional data. It includes two modules, UNICOR and USuRPER. UNICOR analyzes spectra using 1-d CCF. It includes maximum-likelihood analysis of multi-order spectra and detection of systematic shifts. USuRPER (Unit Sphere Representation PERiodogram) is a phase-distance correlation (PDC) based periodogram and is designed for very high-dimensional data such as spectra.

[ascl:1511.011] SparsePZ: Sparse Representation of Photometric Redshift PDFs

SparsePZ uses sparse basis representation to fully represent individual photometric redshift probability density functions (PDFs). This approach requires approximately half the parameters for the same multi-Gaussian fitting accuracy, and has the additional advantage that an entire PDF can be stored by using a 4-byte integer per basis function. Only 10-20 points per galaxy are needed to reconstruct both the individual PDFs and the ensemble redshift distribution, N(z), to an accuracy of 99.9 per cent when compared to the one built using the original PDFs computed with a resolution of δz = 0.01, reducing the required storage of 200 original values by a factor of 10-20. This basis representation can be directly extended to a cosmological analysis, thereby increasing computational performance without losing resolution or accuracy.

[ascl:2103.029] SparseBLS: Box-Fitting Least Squares implementation for sparse data

SparseBLS uses the Box-fitting Least Squares (BLS) algorithm to detect transiting exoplanets in photometric data. SparseBLS does not bin data into phase bins and does not use a phase grid. Because its detection efficiency does not depend on the transit phase, it is significantly faster than BLS for sparse data and is well-suited for large photometric surveys producing unevenly-sampled sparse light curves, such as Gaia.

[ascl:1905.013] SPARK: K-band Multi Object Spectrograph data reduction

SPARK (Software Package for Astronomical Reduction with KMOS), also called kmos-kit, reduces data from the K-band Multi Object Spectrograph (KMOS) for the VLT. In many cases, science data can be processed using a single recipe; alternately, all functions this recipe provides can be performed using other recipes provided as tools. Among the functions the recipes provide are sky subtraction, cube reconstruction with the application of flexure corrections, dividing out the telluric spectrum, applying an illumination correction, aligning the cubes, and then combinging them. The result is a set of files which contain the combined datacube and associated noise cube for each of the 24 integral field unit (IFUs). The pipeline includes simple error propagation.

[ascl:2107.010] SpArcFiRe: SPiral ARC FInder and REporter

SpArcFiRe takes as input an image of a galaxy in FITS, JPG, or PNG format, identifies spiral arms, and extracts structural information about the spiral arms. Pixels in each arm segment are listed, enabling image analysis on each segment. The automated method also performs a least-squares fit of a logarithmic spiral arc to the pixels in that segment, giving per-arc parameters, such as the pitch angle, arm segment length, and location, and outputs images showing the steps SpArcFire took to detect arm segments.

[ascl:1105.006] SPARC: Seismic Propagation through Active Regions and Convection

The Seismic Propagation through Active Regions and Convection (SPARC) code was developed by S. Hanasoge. The acoustic wavefield in SPARC is simulated by numerically solving the linearised 3-D Euler equations in Cartesian geometry (e.g., see Hanasoge, Duvall and Couvidat (2007)). Spatial derivatives are calculated using sixth-order compact finite differences (Lele,1992) and time evolution is achieved through the repeated application of an optimized second-order five-stage Runge-Kutta scheme (Hu, 1996). Periodic horizontal boundaries are used.

[ascl:2208.013] SPAMMS: Spectroscopic PAtch Model for Massive Stars

SPAMMS (Spectroscopic PAtch Model for Massive Stars), designed with geometrically deformed systems in mind, combines the eclipsing binary modelling code PHOEBE 2 (ascl:1106.002) and the NLTE radiative transfer code FASTWIND to produce synthetic spectra for systems at given phases, orientations and geometries. SPAMMS reproduces the morphology of observed spectral line profiles for overcontact systems and the Rossiter-Mclaughlin and Struve-Sahade effects.

[ascl:1812.005] SPAMCART: Smoothed PArticle Monte CArlo Radiative Transfer

SPAMCART generates synthetic spectral energy distributions and intensity maps from smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation snapshots. It follows discrete luminosity packets as they propagate through a density field, and computes the radiative equilibrium temperature of the ambient dust from their trajectories. The sources can be extended and/or embedded, and discrete and/or diffuse. The density is not mapped on to a grid, and therefore the calculation is performed at exactly the same resolution as the hydrodynamics. The code strictly adheres to Kirchhoff's law of radiation. The algorithm is based on the Lucy Monte Carlo radiative transfer method and is fairly simple to implement, as it uses data structures that are already constructed for other purposes in modern particle codes

[ascl:1408.006] SPAM: Source Peeling and Atmospheric Modeling

SPAM is a extension to AIPS for reducing high-resolution, low-frequency radio interferometric observations. Direction-dependent ionospheric calibration and image-plane ripple suppression are among the features that help to make high-quality sub-GHz images. Data reductions are captured in well-tested Python scripts that execute AIPS tasks directly (mostly during initial data reduction steps), call high-level functions that make multiple AIPS or ParselTongue calls, and require few manual operations.

[ascl:1907.007] SPAM: Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity imprints search

SPAM searches for imprints of Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity on the rotation curves of the SPARC (Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves) sample using the MCMC sampler emcee (ascl:1303.002). The code provides attributes for inspecting the MCMC chains and translating names of parameters to indices. The SPAM package also contains plotting scripts.

[ascl:2103.003] spalipy: Detection-based astronomical image registration

spalipy performs detection-based astronomical image registration in Python. A source image is transformed to the pixel-coordinate system of a template image using their respective detections as tie-points by finding matching quads of detections. spalipy also includes an optional additional warping of the initial affine transformation via splines to achieve accurate registration in the case of non-homogeneous coordinate transforms. This is particularly useful in the case of optically distorted or wide field-of-view images.

[ascl:1806.010] SpaghettiLens: Web-based gravitational lens modeling tool

SpaghettiLens allows citizen scientists to model gravitational lenses collaboratively; the software should also be easily adaptable to any other, reasonably similar problem. It lets volunteers execute a computer intensive task that cannot be easily executed client side and relies on citizen scientists collaborating. SpaghettiLens makes survey data available to citizen scientists, manages the model configurations generated by the volunteers, stores the resulting model configuration, and delivers the actual model. A model can be shared and discussed with other volunteers and revised, and new child models can be created, resulting in a branching version tree of models that explore different possibilities. Scientists can choose a collection of models; discussion among volunteers and scientists prune the tree to determine which models will receive further analysis.

[ascl:1401.002] SpacePy: Python-Based Tools for the Space Science Community

SpacePy provides data analysis and visualization tools for the space science community. Written in Python, it builds on the capabilities of the NumPy and MatPlotLib packages to make basic data analysis, modeling and visualization easier. It contains modules for handling many complex time formats, obtaining data from the OMNI database, and accessing the powerful Onera library. It contains a library of commonly used empirical relationships, performs association analysis, coordinate transformations, radiation belt modeling, and CDF reading, and creates publication quality plots.

[ascl:2104.025] SpaceHub: High precision few-body and large scale N-body simulations

SpaceHub uses unique algorithms for fast precise and accurate computations for few-body problems ranging from interacting black holes to planetary dynamics. This few-body gravity integration toolkit can treat black hole dynamics with extreme mass ratios, extreme eccentricities and very close encounters. SpaceHub offers a regularized Radau integrator with round off error control down to 64 bits floating point machine precision and can handle extremely eccentric orbits and close approaches in long-term integrations.

[ascl:1504.002] SPA: Solar Position Algorithm

The Solar Position Algorithm (SPA) calculates the solar zenith and azimuth angles in the period from the year -2000 to 6000, with uncertainties of +/- 0.0003 degrees based on the date, time, and location on Earth. SPA is implemented in C; in addition to being available for download, an online calculator using this code is available at

[ascl:1805.028] SP_Ace: Stellar Parameters And Chemical abundances Estimator

SP_Ace (Stellar Parameters And Chemical abundances Estimator) estimates the stellar parameters Teff, log g, [M/H], and elemental abundances. It employs 1D stellar atmosphere models in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). The code is highly automated and suitable for analyzing the spectra of large spectroscopic surveys with low or medium spectral resolution (R = 2000-20 000). A web service for calculating these values with the software is also available.

[ascl:2301.024] SOXS: Simulated Observations of X-ray Sources

SOXS creates simulated X-ray observations of astrophysical sources. The package provides a comprehensive set of tools to design source models and convolve them with simulated models of X-ray observatories. In particular, SOXS is the primary simulation tool for simulations of Lynx and Line Emission Mapper observations. SOXS provides facilities for creating spectral models, simple spatial models for sources, astrophysical background and foreground models, as well as a Python implementation of the SIMPUT file format.

[ascl:2212.018] SourceXtractor++: Extracts sources from astronomical images

SourceXtractor++ extracts a catalog of sources from astronomical images; it is the successor to SExtractor (ascl:1010.064). SourceXtractor++ has been completely rewritten in C++ and improves over its predecessor in many ways. It provides support for multiple “measurement” images, has an optimized multi-object, multi-frame model-fitting engine, and can define complex priors and dependencies for model parameters. It also offers efficient image data caching and multi-threaded processing, and has a modular design with support for third-party plug-ins.

[ascl:2008.004] SOT: Spin-Orbit Tomography

Spin-Orbit Tomography (SOT) is a retrieval technique of a two-dimensional map of an Exo-Earth from time-series data of integrated reflection light. The software provides code for the Bayesian version of the static SOT and dynamic mapping (time-varying mapping) with full Bayesian modeling, and tutorials for L2 and Bayesian SOT are available in jupyter notebooks.

[ascl:2108.025] SORA: Stellar Occultation Reduction Analysis

SORA optimally analyzes stellar occultation data. The library includes processes starting on the prediction of such events to the resulting size, shape and position of the Solar System object and can be used to build pipelines to analyze stellar occultation data. A stellar occultation is defined by the occulting body (Body), the occulted star (Star), and the time of the occultation. On the other hand, each observational station (Observer) will be associated with their light curve (LightCurve). SORA has tasks that allow the user to determine the immersion and emersion times and project them to the tangent sky plane, using the information within the Observer, Body and Star Objects. That projection will lead to chords that will be used to obtain the object’s apparent size, shape and position at the moment of the occultation. Automatic processes optimize the reduction of typical events. However, users have full control over the parameters and methods and can make changes in every step of the process.

[ascl:1307.020] SOPT: Sparse OPTimisation

SOPT (Sparse OPTimisation) is a C implementation of the Sparsity Averaging Reweighted Analysis (SARA) algorithm. The approach relies on the observation that natural images exhibit strong average sparsity; average sparsity outperforms state-of-the-art priors that promote sparsity in a single orthonormal basis or redundant frame, or that promote gradient sparsity.

[ascl:1607.014] SOPIE: Sequential Off-Pulse Interval Estimation

SOPIE (Sequential Off-Pulse Interval Estimation) provides functions to non-parametrically estimate the off-pulse interval of a source function originating from a pulsar. The technique is based on a sequential application of P-values obtained from goodness-of-fit tests for the uniform distribution, such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramér-von Mises, Anderson-Darling and Rayleigh goodness-of-fit tests.

[ascl:1810.017] SOPHISM: Software Instrument Simulator

SOPHISM models astronomical instrumentation from the entrance of the telescope to data acquisition at the detector, along with software blocks dealing with, for example, demodulation, inversion, and compression. The code performs most analyses done with light in astronomy, such as differential photometry, spectroscopy, and polarimetry. The simulator offers flexibility and implementation of new effects and subsystems, making it user-adaptable for a wide variety of instruments. SOPHISM can be used for all stages of instrument definition, design, operation, and lifetime tracking evaluation.

[ascl:1412.014] SOPHIA: Simulations Of Photo Hadronic Interactions in Astrophysics

SOPHIA (Simulations Of Photo Hadronic Interactions in Astrophysics) solves problems connected to photohadronic processes in astrophysical environments and can also be used for radiation and background studies at high energy colliders such as LEP2 and HERA, as well as for simulations of photon induced air showers. SOPHIA implements well established phenomenological models, symmetries of hadronic interactions in a way that describes correctly the available exclusive and inclusive photohadronic cross section data obtained at fixed target and collider experiments.

[ascl:1701.012] SONG: Second Order Non-Gaussianity

SONG computes the non-linear evolution of the Universe in order to predict cosmological observables such as the bispectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). More precisely, it is a second-order Boltzmann code, as it solves the Einstein and Boltzmann equations up to second order in the cosmological perturbations.

[ascl:2408.006] SonAD: Sonification of astronomical data

Sonification extends the Astronify software (ascl:2408.005) to sonify a spatially distributed dataset. The package contains scripts to convert images into scatterplots and sonifications. The script takes an image file and reproduces it as a scatterplot by converting the input image to grayscale, extracting pixel values and generating scatter data based on these values, and then plotting the scatter data to create a visual representation of the image. The sonifications script converts the scatterplot data into an audio series and adjusts the note spacing and sonification range to customize an auditory representation. Sonification accepts images in PNG and JPG formats.

[ascl:2209.019] SolTrack: Compute the position of the Sun in topocentric coordinates

SolTrack computes the position of the Sun, the rise and set times and azimuths, and transit times and altitudes. It includes corrections for aberration and parallax, and has a simple routine to correct for atmospheric refraction, taking into account local atmospheric conditions. SolTrack is derived from the Fortran library libTheSky (ascl:2209.018). The package can be used to track the Sun on a low-specs machine, such as a microcontroller or PLC, and can be used for (highly) concentrated (photovoltaic) solar power or accurate solar-energy modeling.

[ascl:2207.009] SolAster: 'Sun-as-a-star' radial velocity variations

SolAster provides querying, analysis, and calculation methods to independently derive 'sun-as-a-star' RV variations using SDO/HMI data for any time span since SDO has begun observing. Scaling factors are provided in order to calculate RVs comparable to magnitudes measured by ground-based spectrographs (HARPS-N and NEID). In addition, there are routines to calculate magnetic observables to compare with RV variations and determine what is driving Solar activity.

[ascl:1208.013] SolarSoft: Programming and data analysis environment for solar physics

SolarSoft is a set of integrated software libraries, data bases, and system utilities which provide a common programming and data analysis environment for Solar Physics. The SolarSoftWare (SSW) system is built from Yohkoh, SOHO, SDAC and Astronomy libraries and draws upon contributions from many members of those projects. It is primarily an IDL based system, although some instrument teams integrate executables written in other languages. The SSW environment provides a consistent look and feel at widely distributed co-investigator institutions to facilitate data exchange and to stimulate coordinated analysis. Commonalities and overlap in solar data and analysis goals are exploited to permit application of fundamental utilities to the data from many different solar instruments. The use of common libraries, utilities, techniques and interfaces minimizes the learning curve for investigators who are analyzing new solar data sets, correlating results from multiple experiments or performing research away from their home institution.

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