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Results 3504-7006 of 3524 (3436 ASCL, 88 submitted)

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[submitted] pycosie - Python analysis code used on Technicolor Dawn

pycosie is analysis code used for Technicolor Dawn (TD), a Gadget-3 derived cosmological radiative SPH simulation suite. The target analyses are to complement what is done with TD and other analysis software on its suite. pycosie includes creating power spectrum from generated Lyman-alpha forests spectra, linking absorbers to potential host galaxies, gridding gas information for each galaxy, and read specific output files from software such as Rockstar and SKID.

[ascl:2406.001] GAStimator: Python MCMC gibbs-sampler with adaptive stepping

GAStimator implements a Python MCMC Gibbs-sampler with adaptive stepping. The code is simple, robust, and stable and well suited to high dimensional problems with many degrees of freedom and very sharp likelihood features. It has been used extensively for kinematic modeling of molecular gas in galaxies, but is fully general and may be used for any problem MCMC methods can tackle.

[ascl:2406.002] SRF: Scaling Relations Finder

Scaling Relations Finder finds the scaling relations between magnetic field properties and observables for a model of galactic magnetic fields. It uses observable quantities as input: the galaxy rotation curve, the surface densities of the gas, stars and star formation rate, and the gas temperature to create galactic dynamo models. These models can be used to estimate parameters of the random and mean components of the magnetic field, as well as the gas scale height, root-mean-square velocity and the correlation length and time of the interstellar turbulence, in terms of the observables.

[ascl:2406.003] SMART: Spectral energy distribution (SED) fitter

SMART (Spectral energy distributions Markov chain Analysis with Radiative Transfer models) implements a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to fit the ultraviolet to millimeter spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies exclusively with radiative transfer models. The models constitute four types of pre-computed libraries, which describe the starburst, active galactic nucleus (AGN) torus, host galaxy and polar dust components.

[ascl:2406.004] candl: Differentiable likelihood framework for analyzing CMB power spectrum measurements

candl (CMB Analysis With A Differentiable Likelihood) analyzes CMB power spectrum measurements using a differentiable likelihood framework. It is compatible with JAX (ascl:2111.002), though JAX is optional, allowing for fast and easy computation of gradients and Hessians of the likelihoods, and candl provides interface tools for working with other cosmology software packages, including Cobaya (ascl:1910.019) and MontePython (ascl:1805.027). The package also provides auxiliary tools for common analysis tasks, such as generating mock data, and supports the analysis of primary CMB and lensing power spectrum data.

[ascl:2406.005] Lenser: Measure weak gravitational flexion

Lenser estimates weak gravitational lensing signals, particularly flexion, from real survey data or realistically simulated images. Lenser employs a hybrid of image moment analysis and an Analytic Image Modeling (AIM) analysis. In addition to extracting flexion measurements by fitting a (modified Sérsic) model to a single image of a galaxy, Lenser can do multi-band, multi-epoch fitting. In multi-band mode, Lenser fits a single model to multiple postage stamps, each representing an exposure of a single galaxy in a particular band.

[ascl:2406.006] anzu: Measurements and emulation of Lagrangian bias models for clustering and lensing cross-correlations

The anzu package offers two independent codes for hybrid Lagrangian bias models in large-scale structure. The first code measures the hybrid "basis functions"; the second takes measurements of these basis functions and constructs an emulator to obtain predictions from them at any cosmology (within the bounds of the training set). anzu is self-contained; given a set of N-body simulations used to build emulators, it measures the basis functions. Alternatively, given measurements of the basis functions, anzu should in principle be useful for constructing a custom emulator.

[ascl:2406.007] CARDiAC: Anisotropic Redshift Distributions in Angular Clustering

CARDiAC (Code for Anisotropic Redshift Distributions in Angular Clustering) computes the impact of anisotropic redshift distributions on a wide class of angular clustering observables. It supports auto- and cross-correlations of galaxy samples and cosmic shear maps, including galaxy-galaxy lensing. The anisotropy can be present in the mean redshift and/or width of Gaussian distributions, as well as in the fraction of galaxies in each component of multi-modal distributions. Templates of these variations can be provided by the user or simulated internally within the code.

[ascl:2406.008] sphereint: Integrate data on a grid within a sphere

sphereint calculates the numerical volume in a sphere. It provides a weight for each grid position based on whether or not it is in (weight = 1), out (weight = 0), or partially in (weight in between 0 and 1) a sphere of a given radius. A cubic cell is placed around each grid position and the volume of the cell in the sphere (assuming a flat surface in the cell) is calculated and normalized by the cell volume to obtain the weight.

[ascl:2406.009] CBiRd: Bias tracers In Redshift space

CBiRd (Code for Bias tracers In Redshift space) provides correlators in the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure (EFTofLSS) in a ready-to-use pipeline for cosmological analysis of galaxy-redshift surveys data. It provides a core calculation package (C++BiRd), a Python implementation of a Taylor expansion of the power spectrum around a reference cosmology for efficient evaluation (TBiRd), and libraries to correct for observational systematics. CBiRd also provides MCMC samplers (MCBiRd) for a power spectrum and bispectrum analysis of galaxy-redshift surveys data based on emcee (ascl:1303.002), and can provide an earlybird pass to explore the cosmos with LSS surveys.

[ascl:2406.010] PRyMordial: Precise computations of BBN within and beyond the Standard Model

PRyMordial offers fast and precise evaluation of both the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) light-element abundances and the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom. It can be used within and beyond the Standard Model. The package calculates Neff and helium-4, deuterium, helium-3 and lithium-7 abundances. PRyMordial corrects for QED plasma effects, neutron lifetime, and incomplete neutrino decoupling, and includes an optional module that re-elaborates all the ODE systems of the code in Julia.

[ascl:2406.011] CTC: Color transformations calculator

Color transformations calculator determines the magnitude of a galaxy in a needed photometric band, given its color and magnitude in the original band. It supports various optical and near intrared surveys, including SDSS, DECaLS, DELVE, UKIDSS, VHS, and VIKING, and provides conversions for both total and aperture magnitudes with apertures of 1.5", 2" or 3" diameters. The source code, useful for performing bulk calculations, is available in Python and IDL; the calculator is also offered as a web service.

[ascl:2406.012] QMC: Quadratic Monte Carlo

Quadratic Monte Carlo generates ensembles of models and confines fitness landscapes without relying on linear stretch moves; it works very efficiently for ring potential and Rosenbrock density. The method is general and can be implemented into any existing MC software, requiring only a few lines of code.

[ascl:2406.013] AAD: ALeRCE Anomaly Detector

The ALeRCE anomaly detector cross-validates six anomaly detection algorithms for three classes (transient, periodic, and stochastic) of anomalous sources within the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) data stream using the ALeRCE light curve features. A machine and deep learning-based framework is used for anomaly detection. For each class, a distinct anomaly detection model is constructed using only information about the known objects (i.e., inliers) for training. An anomaly score is computed using the probabilities to determine whether the light curve corresponds to a transient, stochastic, or periodic nature.

[ascl:2406.014] EVA: Excess Variability-based Age

EVA (Excess Variability-based Age) computes the VarX values and VarX90 ages for a given list of stars. The package retrieves information from Gaia, performs basic var90 calculations, then calculates the age of the group in a given band or overall (by combining all three bands). EVA then analyzes and plots the results.

[ascl:2406.015] FLORAH: Galaxy merger tree generator with machine learning

FLORAH generates the assembly history of halos using a recurrent neural network and normalizing flow model. The machine-learning framework can be used to combine multiple generated networks that are trained on a suite of simulations with different redshift ranges and mass resolutions. Depending on the training, the code recovers key properties, including the time evolution of mass and concentration, and galaxy stellar mass versus halo mass relation and its residuals. FLORAH also reproduces the dependence of clustering on properties other than mass, and is a step towards a machine learning-based framework for planting full merger trees.

[ascl:2406.016] BiaPy: Bioimage analysis pipeline builder

BiaPy provides deep-learning workflows for a large variety of image analysis tasks, including 2D and 3D semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, object detection, image denoising, single image super-resolution, self-supervised learning and image classification. Though developed specifically for bioimages, it can be used for watershed-based instance segmentation for friends-of-friends proto-haloes.

[ascl:2406.017] ytree: yt-based merger-tree code

ytree reads and works with merger tree data from multiple formats. An extension of yt (ascl:1011.022), which can analyze snapshots from cosmological simulations, ytree can be thought of as the yt of merger trees. ytree's online documentation lists supported formats; support for additional formats can be added, as in principle, any type of tree-like data where an object has one or more ancestors and a single descendant can be supported.

[ascl:2406.018] SuperLite: Spectral synthesis code for interacting transients

SuperLite produces synthetic spectra for astrophysical transient phenomena affected by circumstellar interaction. It uses Monte Carlo methods and multigroup structured opacity calculations for semi-implicit, semirelativistic radiation transport in high-velocity shocked outflows, and can reproduce spectra of typical Type Ia, Type IIP, and Type IIn supernovae. SuperLite also generates high-quality spectra that can be compared with observations of transient events, including superluminous supernovae, pulsational pair-instability supernovae, and other peculiar transients.

[ascl:2406.019] MBE: Magnification bias estimation

Magnification bias estimation estimates magnification bias for a galaxy sample with a complex photometric selection for the example of SDSS BOSS. The code works for CMASS and the LOWZ, z1 and z3 samples. A template for applying the approach to other surveys is included; requirements include a galaxy catalog that provides magnitudes (used for photometric selection) and the exact conditions used for the photometric selection.

[ascl:2406.020] LeHaMoC: Leptonic-Hadronic Modeling Code for high-energy astrophysical sources

LeHaMoC simulates high-energy astrophysical sources. It simulates the behavior of relativistic pairs, protons interacting with magnetic fields, and photons in a spherical region. The package contains numerous physical processes, including synchrotron emission and self-absorption, inverse Compton scattering, photon-photon pair production, and adiabatic losses. It also includes proton-photon pion production, proton-photon (Bethe-Heitler) pair production, and proton-proton collisions. LeHaMoC can model expanding spherical sources with a variable magnetic field strength. In addition, three types of external radiation fields can be defined: grey body or black body, power-law, and tabulated.


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