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Results 3525-7048 of 3529 (3441 ASCL, 88 submitted)

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[ascl:2406.021] photochem: Chemical model of planetary atmospheres

Photochem models the photochemical and climate composition of a planet's atmosphere. It takes inputs such as the stellar UV flux and atmospheric temperature structure to find the steady-state chemical composition of an atmosphere, or evolve atmospheres through time. Photochem also contains 1-D climate models and a chemical equilibrium solver.

[ascl:2406.022] phazap: Low-latency identification of strongly lensed signals

Phazap post-processes gravitational-wave (GW) parameter estimation data to obtain the phases and polarization state of the signal at a given detector and frequency. It is used for low-latency identification of strongly lensed gravitational waves via their phase consistency by measuring their distance in the detector phase space. Phazap builds on top of the IGWN conda enviroment which includes the standard GW packages LALSuite (ascl:2012.021) and bilby (ascl:1901.011), and can be applied beyond lensing to test possible deviations in the phase evolution from modified theories of gravity and constrain GW birefringence.

[ascl:2406.023] AARD: Automatic detection of solar active regions

This python code automatically detects solar active regions (AR). Based on morphological operation and region growing, it uses synoptic magnetograms from SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI and calculates the parameters that characterize each AR, including the latitude and longitude of the flux-weighted centroid of two polarities and the whole AR, the area, and the flux of each polarity, and the initial and final dipole moments.

[ascl:2406.024] GRINN: Gravity Informed Neural Network for studying hydrodynamical systems

GRINN (Gravity Informed Neural Network) solves the coupled set of time-dependent partial differential equations describing the evolution of self-gravitating flows in one, two, and three spatial dimensions. It is based on physics informed neural networks (PINNs), which are mesh-free and offer a fundamentally different approach to solving such partial differential equations. GRINN has solved for the evolution of self-gravitating, small-amplitude perturbations and long-wavelength perturbations and, when modeling 3D astrophysical flows, provides accuracy on par with finite difference (FD) codes with an improvement in computational speed.

[ascl:2406.025] PowerSpecCovFFT: FFTLog-based computation of non-Gaussian analytic covariance of galaxy power spectrum multipoles

PowerSpecCovFFT compute the non-Gaussian (regular trispectrum and its shot noise) part of the analytic covariance matrix of the redshift-space galaxy power spectrum multipoles using an FFTLog-based method. The galaxy trispectrum is based on a tree-level standard perturbation theory but with a slightly different galaxy bias expansion. The code computes the non-Gaussian covariance of the power spectrum monopole, quadrupole, hexadecapole, and their cross-covariance up to kmax ~ 0.4 h/Mpc.


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