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Results 1-1569 of 3676 (3581 ASCL, 95 submitted)

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[ascl:1708.020] 4DAO: DAOSPEC interface
[ascl:1312.011] A_phot: Photon Asymmetry
[ascl:1302.003] ACS: ALMA Common Software
[ascl:1305.004] AdaptaHOP: Subclump finder
[ascl:1203.001] AE: ACIS Extract
[ascl:1102.009] AHF: Amiga's Halo Finder
[ascl:2307.004] ALF: Absorption line fitter
[submitted] amber_meta
[submitted] AnisoCADO
[ascl:1010.017] AOFlagger: RFI Software
[ascl:2107.018] ART: A Reconstruction Tool
[ascl:1807.030] ASP: Ames Stereo Pipeline
[ascl:2106.015] ATES: ATmospheric EScape
[ascl:1405.009] ATV: Image display tool
[submitted] BFast
[submitted] BMarXiv
[ascl:1303.014] BSE: Binary Star Evolution
[ascl:2001.007] BTS: Behind The Spectrum
[ascl:1901.003] CCL: Core Cosmology Library
[ascl:1901.001] cFE: Core Flight Executive
[ascl:2101.009] cFS: core Flight System
[ascl:1407.010] CLE: Coronal line synthesis
[ascl:2310.008] clfd: Clean folded data
[ascl:1505.010] COBS: COnstrained B-Splines
[ascl:1702.002] Corner plots
[ascl:1010.040] Cosmic String Simulations
[submitted] CRPropa 3.2
[ascl:1307.015] CTI Correction Code
[ascl:2008.017] CVXOPT: Convex Optimization
[ascl:1207.006] dcr: Cosmic Ray Removal
[ascl:1102.021] DIRT: Dust InfraRed Toolbox
[ascl:1608.013] DOLPHOT: Stellar photometry
[submitted] easyspec
[submitted] EleFits
[ascl:1303.002] emcee: The MCMC Hammer
[submitted] euclidlib
[submitted] ExoPlanet
[submitted] Exovetter
[ascl:1802.001] FAC: Flexible Atomic Code
[submitted] Finalflash
[ascl:1107.004] Flexible DM-NRG
[ascl:1105.008] Flux Tube Model
[ascl:1712.010] Flux Tube: Solar model
[submitted] forecaster-plus
[ascl:1406.006] FROG: Time-series analysis
[submitted] GalaXimView
[ascl:1510.005] GALFORM: Galactic modeling
[ascl:1509.008] GFARGO: FARGO for GPU
[ascl:1004.001] GIM2D: Galaxy IMage 2D
[ascl:1303.020] Ginga: Flexible FITS viewer
[ascl:2001.015] gnm: The MCMC Jagger
[ascl:1210.003] GOSSIP: SED fitting code
[submitted] Gradus.jl
[ascl:1402.031] gyrfalcON: N-body code
[ascl:1607.019] HIDE: HI Data Emulator
[ascl:1909.012] HISS: HI spectra stacker
[ascl:2108.001] HRK: HII Region Kinematics
[ascl:1707.001] HRM: HII Region Models
[ascl:2205.009] hyperas: Keras + Hyperopt
[ascl:1302.009] IAS Stacking Library in IDL
[ascl:1911.011] IDG: Image Domain Gridding

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