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[ascl:2406.005] Lenser: Measure weak gravitational flexion

Lenser estimates weak gravitational lensing signals, particularly flexion, from real survey data or realistically simulated images. Lenser employs a hybrid of image moment analysis and an Analytic Image Modeling (AIM) analysis. In addition to extracting flexion measurements by fitting a (modified Sérsic) model to a single image of a galaxy, Lenser can do multi-band, multi-epoch fitting. In multi-band mode, Lenser fits a single model to multiple postage stamps, each representing an exposure of a single galaxy in a particular band.

[ascl:2210.027] LensingETC: Lensing Exposure Time Calculator

LensingETC optimizes observing strategies for multi-filter imaging campaigns of galaxy-scale strong lensing systems. It uses the lens modelling software lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012) to simulate and model mock imaging data, forecasts the lens model parameter uncertainties, and optimizes observing strategies.

[ascl:2102.021] lensingGW: Lensing of gravitational waves

lensingGW simulates lensed gravitational waves in ground-based interferometers from arbitrary compact binaries and lens models. Its algorithm resolves strongly lensed images and microimages simultaneously, such as the images resulting from hundreds of microlenses embedded in galaxies and galaxy clusters. It is based on Lenstronomy (ascl:1804.012),

[ascl:2404.008] LensIt: CMB lensing delensing tools

LensIt enables CMB lensing and CMB delensing using the flat-sky approximation. The package can find the maximum posterior estimation of CMB lensing deflection maps from temperature and/or polarization maps and perform Wiener filtering of masked CMB data and allow for inhomogenous noise, including lensing deflections, using a multigrid preconditioner. It contains fast and accurate simulation libraries for lensed CMB skies, and standard quadratic estimator lensing reconstruction tools. LensIt also includes CMB internal delensing tools, including internal delensing biases calculation for temperature and/or polarization maps.

[ascl:9903.001] LENSKY: Galactic Microlensing Probability

Given a model for the Galaxy, this program computes the microlensing rate in any direction. Program features include the ability to include the brightness of the lens and to compute the probability of lens detection at any level of lensing amplification. The program limits itself to lensing by single stars of single sources. The program is currently setup to accept input from the Galactic models of Bahcall and Soniera (1982, 1986).

There are three files needed for LENSKY, the Fortran file lensky.for and two input files: galmod.dsk (15 Megs) and galmod.sph (22 Megs). The zip file available below contains all three files. The program generates output to the file lensky.out. The program is pretty self-explanatory past that.

[ascl:1010.050] LensPerfect: Gravitational Lens Massmap Reconstructions Yielding Exact Reproduction of All Multiple Images

LensPerfect is a new approach to the massmap reconstruction of strong gravitational lenses. Conventional methods iterate over possible lens models which reproduce the observed multiple image positions well but not exactly. LensPerfect only produces solutions which fit all of the data exactly. Magnifications and shears of the multiple images can also be perfectly constrained to match observations.

[ascl:1102.025] LensPix: Fast MPI full sky transforms for HEALPix

Modelling of the weak lensing of the CMB will be crucial to obtain correct cosmological parameter constraints from forthcoming precision CMB anisotropy observations. The lensing affects the power spectrum as well as inducing non-Gaussianities. We discuss the simulation of full sky CMB maps in the weak lensing approximation and describe a fast numerical code. The series expansion in the deflection angle cannot be used to simulate accurate CMB maps, so a pixel remapping must be used. For parameter estimation accounting for the change in the power spectrum but assuming Gaussianity is sufficient to obtain accurate results up to Planck sensitivity using current tools. A fuller analysis may be required to obtain accurate error estimates and for more sensitive observations. We demonstrate a simple full sky simulation and subsequent parameter estimation at Planck-like sensitivity.

[ascl:1705.009] LensPop: Galaxy-galaxy strong lensing population simulation

LensPop simulates observations of the galaxy-galaxy strong lensing population in the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), and Euclid surveys.

[ascl:2010.010] lenspyx: Curved-sky python lensed CMB maps simulation package

lenspyx creates curved-sky python lensed CMB maps simulations; the software allows those familiar with healpy (ascl:2008.022) to build very easily lensed CMB simulations. Parallelization is done with openmp. The numerical cost is approximately that of an high-res harmonic transform. lenspyx provides two methods to build a simulation; one method computes a deflected spin-0 healpix map from its alm and deflection field alm, and the other computes a deflected spin-weight Healpix map from its gradient and curl modes and deflection field alm. lenspyx can be used in conjunction with the Planck 2018 CMB lensing pipeline plancklens (ascl:2010.009) to reproduce the published map and band-powers.

[ascl:1905.017] LensQuEst: CMB Lensing QUadratic Estimator

LensQuEst forecasts the signal-to-noise of CMB lensing estimators (standard, shear-only, magnification-only), generates mock maps, lenses them, and applies various lensing estimators to them. It can manipulate flat sky maps in various ways, including FFT, filtering, power spectrum, generating Gaussian random field, and applying lensing to a map, and evaluate these estimators on flat sky maps.

[ascl:1102.004] LENSTOOL: A Gravitational Lensing Software for Modeling Mass Distribution of Galaxies and Clusters (strong and weak regime)

We describe a procedure for modelling strong lensing galaxy clusters with parametric methods, and to rank models quantitatively using the Bayesian evidence. We use a publicly available Markov chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) sampler ('Bayesys'), allowing us to avoid local minima in the likelihood functions. To illustrate the power of the MCMC technique, we simulate three clusters of galaxies, each composed of a cluster-scale halo and a set of perturbing galaxy-scale subhalos. We ray-trace three light beams through each model to produce a catalogue of multiple images, and then use the MCMC sampler to recover the model parameters in the three different lensing configurations. We find that, for typical Hubble Space Telescope (HST)-quality imaging data, the total mass in the Einstein radius is recovered with ~1-5% error according to the considered lensing configuration. However, we find that the mass of the galaxies is strongly degenerated with the cluster mass when no multiple images appear in the cluster centre. The mass of the galaxies is generally recovered with a 20% error, largely due to the poorly constrained cut-off radius. Finally, we describe how to rank models quantitatively using the Bayesian evidence. We confirm the ability of strong lensing to constrain the mass profile in the central region of galaxy clusters in this way. Ultimately, such a method applied to strong lensing clusters with a very large number of multiple images may provide unique geometrical constraints on cosmology.

[ascl:1602.009] LensTools: Weak Lensing computing tools

LensTools implements a wide range of routines frequently used in Weak Gravitational Lensing, including tools for image analysis, statistical processing and numerical theory predictions. The package offers many useful features, including complete flexibility and easy customization of input/output formats; efficient measurements of power spectrum, PDF, Minkowski functionals and peak counts of convergence maps; survey masks; artificial noise generation engines; easy to compute parameter statistical inferences; ray tracing simulations; and many others. It requires standard numpy and scipy, and depending on tools used, may require Astropy (ascl:1304.002), emcee (ascl:1303.002), matplotlib, and mpi4py.

[ascl:1804.012] Lenstronomy: Multi-purpose gravitational lens modeling software package

Lenstronomy is a multi-purpose open-source gravitational lens modeling python package. Lenstronomy reconstructs the lens mass and surface brightness distributions of strong lensing systems using forward modelling and supports a wide range of analytic lens and light models in arbitrary combination. The software is also able to reconstruct complex extended sources as well as point sources. Lenstronomy is flexible and numerically accurate, with a clear user interface that could be deployed across different platforms. Lenstronomy has been used to derive constraints on dark matter properties in strong lenses, measure the expansion history of the universe with time-delay cosmography, measure cosmic shear with Einstein rings, and decompose quasar and host galaxy light.

[ascl:1307.005] LENSVIEW: Resolved gravitational lens images modeling

Lensview models resolved gravitational lens systems based on LensMEM but using the Skilling & Bryan MEM algorithm. Though its primary purpose is to find statistically acceptable lens models for lensed images and to reconstruct the surface brightness profile of the source, LENSVIEW can also be used for more simple tasks such as projecting a given source through a lens model to generate a “true” image by conserving surface brightness. The user can specify complicated lens models based on one or more components, such as softened isothermal ellipsoids, point masses, exponential discs, and external shears; LENSVIEW generates a best-fitting source matching the observed data for each specific combination of model parameters.

[ascl:1910.011] LEO-Py: Likelihood Estimation of Observational data with Python

LEO-Py uses a novel technique to compute the likelihood function for data sets with uncertain, missing, censored, and correlated values. It uses Gaussian copulas to decouple the correlation structure of variables and their marginal distributions to compute likelihood functions, thus mitigating inconsistent parameter estimates and accounting for non-normal distributions in variables of interest or their errors.

[ascl:2404.026] LEO-vetter: Automated vetting for TESS planet candidates

LEO-vetter automatically vets transit signals found in light curve data. Inspired by the Kepler Robovetter (ascl:2012.006), LEO-vetter computes vetting metrics to be compared to a series of pass-fail thresholds. If a signal passes all tests, it is considered a planet candidate (PC). If a signal fails at least one test, it may be either an astrophysical false positive (FP; e.g., eclipsing binary, nearby eclipsing signal) or false alarm (FA; e.g., systematic, stellar variability). Pass-fail thresholds can be changed to suit individual research purposes, and LEO-vetter produces vetting reports for manual inspection of signals. Flux-level vetting can be applied to any light curve dataset (such as Kepler, K2, and TESS), including light curves with mixes of cadences, while pixel-level vetting has been implemented for TESS.

[ascl:1108.009] LePHARE: Photometric Analysis for Redshift Estimate

LePHARE is a set of Fortran commands to compute photometric redshifts and to perform SED fitting. The latest version includes new features with FIR fitting and a more complete treatment of physical parameters and uncertainties based on PÉGASE and Bruzual & Charlot population synthesis models. The program is based on a simple chi2 fitting method between the theoretical and observed photometric catalogue. A simulation program is also available in order to generate realistic multi-colour catalogues taking into account observational effects.

[ascl:2208.009] LeXInt: Leja Exponential Integrators

LeXInt (Leja interpolation for eXponential Integrators) is a temporal exponential integration package using the method of polynomial interpolation at Leja points. Exponential Rosenbrock (EXPRB) and Exponential Propagation Iterative Runge-Kutta (EPIRK) methods use the Leja interpolation method to compute the functions. For linear PDEs, one can get the exact solution (in time) by directly computing the matrix exponential.

[ascl:1711.018] LExTeS: Link Extraction and Testing Suite

LExTeS (Link Extraction and Testing Suite) extracts hyperlinks from PDF documents, tests the extracted links to see which are broken, and tabulates the results. Though written to support a particular set of PDF documents, the dataset and scripts can be edited for use on other documents.

[ascl:1804.024] LFlGRB: Luminosity function of long gamma-ray bursts

LFlGRB models the luminosity function (LF) of long Gamma Ray Bursts (lGRBs) by using a sample of Swift and Fermi lGRBs to re-derive the parameters of the Yonetoku correlation and self-consistently estimate pseudo-redshifts of all the bursts with unknown redshifts. The GRB formation rate is modeled as the product of the cosmic star formation rate and a GRB formation efficiency for a given stellar mass.

[ascl:1804.023] LFsGRB: Binary neutron star merger rate via the luminosity function of short gamma-ray bursts

LFsGRB models the luminosity function (LF) of short Gamma Ray Bursts (sGRBs) by using the available catalog data of all short GRBs (sGRBs) detected till 2017 October, estimating the luminosities via pseudo-redshifts obtained from the Yonetoku correlation, and then assuming a standard delay distribution between the cosmic star formation rate and the production rate of their progenitors. The data are fit well both by exponential cutoff powerlaw and broken powerlaw models. Using the derived parameters of these models along with conservative values in the jet opening angles seen from afterglow observations, the true rate of short GRBs is derived. Assuming a short GRB is produced from each binary neutron star merger (BNSM), the rate of gravitational wave (GW) detections from these mergers are derived for the past, present and future configurations of the GW detector networks.

[ascl:1710.016] LGMCA: Local-Generalized Morphological Component Analysis

LGMCA (Local-Generalized Morphological Component Analysis) is an extension to GMCA (ascl:1710.015). Similarly to GMCA, it is a Blind Source Separation method which enforces sparsity. The novel aspect of LGMCA, however, is that the mixing matrix changes across pixels allowing LGMCA to deal with emissions sources which vary spatially. These IDL scripts compute the CMB map from WMAP and Planck data; running LGMCA on the WMAP9 temperature products requires the main script and a selection of mandatory files, algorithm parameters and map parameters.

[ascl:1712.016] LgrbWorldModel: Long-duration Gamma-Ray Burst World Model

LgrbWorldModel is written in Fortran 90 and attempts to model the population distribution of the Long-duration class of Gamma-Ray Bursts (LGRBs) as detected by the NASA's now-defunct Burst And Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) onboard the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO). It is assumed that the population distribution of LGRBs is well fit by a multivariate log-normal distribution. The best-fit parameters of the distribution are then found by maximizing the likelihood of the observed data by BATSE detectors via a native built-in Adaptive Metropolis-Hastings Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (AMH-MCMC) Sampler.

[ascl:1408.002] LIA: LWS Interactive Analysis

The Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) was one of two complementary spectrometers on the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). LIA (LWS Interactive Analysis) is used for processing data from the LWS. It provides access to the different processing steps, including visualization of intermediate products and interactive manipulation of the data at each stage.

[ascl:1206.009] Libimf

Libimf provides a collection of programming functions based on the general IMF-algorithm by Pflamm-Altenburg & Kroupa (2006).

[ascl:1502.016] libnova: Celestial mechanics, astrometry and astrodynamics library

libnova is a general purpose, double precision, celestial mechanics, astrometry and astrodynamics library. Among many other calculations, it can calculate aberration, apparent position, proper motion, planetary positions, orbit velocities and lengths, angular separation of bodies, and hyperbolic motion of bodies.

[ascl:1604.002] libpolycomp: Compression/decompression library

Libpolycomp compresses and decompresses one-dimensional streams of numbers by means of several algorithms. It is well-suited for time-ordered data acquired by astronomical instruments or simulations. One of the algorithms, called "polynomial compression", combines two widely-used ideas (namely, polynomial approximation and filtering of Fourier series) to achieve substantial compression ratios for datasets characterized by smoothness and lack of noise. Notable examples are the ephemerides of astronomical objects and the pointing information of astronomical telescopes. Other algorithms implemented in this C library are well known and already widely used, e.g., RLE, quantization, deflate (via libz) and Burrows-Wheeler transform (via libbzip2). Libpolycomp can compress the timelines acquired by the Planck/LFI instrument with an overall compression ratio of ~9, while other widely known programs (gzip, bzip2) reach compression ratios less than 1.5.

[ascl:1612.003] libprofit: Image creation from luminosity profiles

libprofit is a C++ library for image creation based on different luminosity profiles. It offers fast and accurate two-dimensional integration for a useful number of profiles, including Sersic, Core-Sersic, broken-exponential, Ferrer, Moffat, empirical King, point-source and sky, with a simple mechanism for adding new profiles. libprofit provides a utility to read the model and profile parameters from the command-line and generate the corresponding image. It can output the resulting image as text values, a binary stream, or as a simple FITS file. It also provides a shared library exposing an API that can be used by any third-party application. R and Python interfaces are available: ProFit (ascl:1612.004) and PyProfit (ascl:1612.005).

[ascl:1010.020] Libpsht: Algorithms for Efficient Spherical Harmonic Transforms

Libpsht (or "library for Performing Spherical Harmonic Transforms") is a collection of algorithms for efficient conversion between spatial-domain and spectral-domain representations of data defined on the sphere. The package supports transforms of scalars as well as spin-1 and spin-2 quantities, and can be used for a wide range of pixelisations (including HEALPix, GLESP and ECP). It will take advantage of hardware features like multiple processor cores and floating-point vector operations, if available. Even without this additional acceleration, the employed algorithms are among the most efficient (in terms of CPU time as well as memory consumption) currently being used in the astronomical community.

The library is written in strictly standard-conforming C90, ensuring portability to many different hard- and software platforms, and allowing straightforward integration with codes written in various programming languages like C, C++, Fortran, Python etc.

Libpsht is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.

Development on this project has ended; its successor is libsharp (ascl:1402.033).

[ascl:2104.002] Librarian: The HERA Librarian

The HERA Librarian system keeps track of all the primary data products for the telescope at a given site. The Librarian supports large data volumes and automated data processing capabilities. A web-based application handles human user and automatic requests and interfaces with a backing database and data storage servers. The system supports the long-term data storage of all relevant telescope data, as well as staging data to individual users' directories for processing.

[ascl:1402.033] libsharp: Library for spherical harmonic transforms

Libsharp is a collection of algorithms for efficient conversion between maps on the sphere and their spherical harmonic coefficients. It supports a wide range of pixelisations (including HEALPix, GLESP, and ECP). This library is a successor of libpsht (ascl:1010.020); it adds MPI support for distributed memory systems and SHTs of fields with arbitrary spin, and also supports new developments in CPU instruction sets like the Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) or fused multiply-accumulate (FMA) instructions. libsharp is written in portable C99; it provides an interface accessible to other programming languages such as C++, Fortran, and Python.

[ascl:2002.017] libstempo: Python wrapper for Tempo2

libstempo uses the Tempo2 library (ascl:1210.015) to load a pulsar's tim/par files, providing Python access to the TOAs, the residuals, the timing-model parameters, the fit procedure, and more.

[ascl:2209.018] libTheSky: Compute positions of celestial bodies and events

libTheSky compute the positions of celestial bodies, such as the Moon, planets, and stars, and events, including conjunctions and eclipses, with great accuracy. Written in Fortran, libTheSky can use different reference frames (heliocentric, geocentric, topocentric) and coordinate systems (ecliptic, equatorial, galactic; spherical, rectangular), and the user can choose low- or high-accuracy calculations, depending on need.

[ascl:2012.008] LIFELINE: LIne proFiles in massivE coLliding wInd biNariEs

LIFELINE (LIne proFiles in massivE coLliding wInd biNariEs) simulates the X-ray lines profile in colliding wind binaries. The code is self-consistent and computes the distribution of the wind velocity, the characterization of the wind shock region, and the line profile. In addition to perform the overall computation, LIFELINE can use a pre-computed velocity distribution to compute the shock characteristics and the line profile, or use pre-computed shock characteristics and velocity distributions to compute only the line profile.

[ascl:2107.001] light-curve: Light curve analysis toolbox

light-curve implements the extraction of numerous light curve features suitable for processing alert and archival data for the current ZTF and future Vera Rubin Observatory LSST photometric surveys. These high-performance irregular time series processing tools are written in Rust and Python.

[ascl:2102.006] Lightbeam: Simulate light through weakly-guiding waveguides

Lightbeam simulates the 3D propagation of light through waveguides of arbitrary geometries. This code package is based off of the finite-differences beam propagation method, and employs a transverse adaptive mesh for extra computational efficiency. Also included are tools to simulate adaptive optics systems for use in conjunction with waveguides, useful in astronomical contexts for simulating coupling devices which transfer telescope light to the science instrument.

[ascl:1403.004] Lightcone: Light-cone generating script

Lightcone works with simulated galaxy data stored in a relational database to rearrange the data in a shape of a light-cone; simulated galaxy data is expected to be in a box volume. The light-cone constructing script works with output from the SAGE semi-analytic model (ascl:1601.006), but will work with any other model that has galaxy positions (and other properties) saved per snapshots of the simulation volume distributed in time. The database configuration file is set up for PostgreSQL RDBMS, but can be modified for use with any other SQL database.

[ascl:1408.012] LightcurveMC: An extensible lightcurve simulation program

LightcurveMC is a versatile and easily extended simulation suite for testing the performance of time series analysis tools under controlled conditions. It is designed to be highly modular, allowing new lightcurve types or new analysis tools to be introduced without excessive development overhead. The statistical tools are completely agnostic to how the lightcurve data is generated, and the lightcurve generators are completely agnostic to how the data will be analyzed. The use of fixed random seeds throughout guarantees that the program generates consistent results from run to run.

LightcurveMC can generate periodic light curves having a variety of shapes and stochastic light curves having a variety of correlation properties. It features two error models (Gaussian measurement and signal injection using a randomized sample of base light curves), testing of C1 shape statistic, periodograms, ΔmΔt plots, autocorrelation function plots, peak-finding plots, and Gaussian process regression. The code is written in C++ and R.

[ascl:1812.013] Lightkurve: Kepler and TESS time series analysis in Python

Lightkurve analyzes astronomical flux time series data, in particular the pixels and light curves obtained by NASA’s Kepler, K2, and TESS exoplanet missions. This community-developed Python package is designed to be user friendly to lower the barrier for students, astronomers, and citizen scientists interested in analyzing data from these missions. Lightkurve provides easy tools to download, inspect, and analyze time series data and its documentation is supported by a large syllabus of tutorials.

[ascl:1711.009] Lightning: SED Fitting Package

Lightning is a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting procedure that quickly and reliably recovers star formation history (SFH) and extinction parameters. The SFH is modeled as discrete steps in time. The code consists of a fully vectorized inversion algorithm to determine SFH step intensities and combines this with a grid-based approach to determine three extinction parameters.

[ascl:1906.007] limb-darkening: Limb-darkening coefficients generator

Limb-darkening generates limb-darkening coefficients from ATLAS and PHOENIX model atmospheres using arbitrary response functions. The code uses PyFITS (ascl:1207.009) and has several other dependencies, and produces a folder of results with descriptions of the columns contained in each file.

[ascl:2312.017] LimberJack.jl: Auto-differentiable methods for cosmology

LimberJack.jl performs cosmological analyses of 2 point auto- and cross-correlation measurements from galaxy clustering, CMB lensing and weak lensing data. Written in Julia, it obtains gradients for its outputs faster than traditional finite difference methods, making the code greatly synergistic with gradient-based sampling methods such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. LimberJack.jl can efficiently exploring parameter spaces with hundreds of dimensions.

[ascl:1107.012] LIME: Flexible, Non-LTE Line Excitation and Radiation Transfer Method for Millimeter and Far-infrared Wavelengths

LIME solves the molecular and atomic excitation and radiation transfer problem in a molecular gas and predicting emergent spectra. The code works in arbitrary three dimensional geometry using unstructured Delaunay latices for the transport of photons. Various physical models can be used as input, ranging from analytical descriptions over tabulated models to SPH simulations. To generate the Delaunay grid we sample the input model randomly, but weigh the sample probability with the molecular density and other parameters, and thereby we obtain an average grid point separation that scales with the local opacity. Slow convergence of opaque models becomes traceable; when convergence between the level populations, the radiation field, and the point separation has been obtained, the grid is ray-traced to produced images that can readily be compared to observations. LIME is particularly well suited for modeling of ALMA data because of the high dynamic range in scales that can be resolved using this type of grid, and can furthermore deal with overlapping lines of multiple molecular and atomic species.

[ascl:1710.023] LIMEPY: Lowered Isothermal Model Explorer in PYthon

LIMEPY solves distribution function (DF) based lowered isothermal models. It solves Poisson's equation used on input parameters and offers fast solutions for isotropic/anisotropic, single/multi-mass models, normalized DF values, density and velocity moments, projected properties, and generates discrete samples.

[ascl:2307.042] LIMpy: Line Intensity Mapping in Python

LIMpy models and analyzes multi-line intensity maps of CII (158 µ), OIII (88 µ), and CO (1-0) to CO (13-12) transitions. It can be used as an analytic model for star formation rate, to simulate line intensity maps based on halo catalogs, and to calculate the power spectrum from simulated maps and the cross-correlated signal between two separate lines. Among other things, LIMpy can also create multi-line luminosity models and determine the multi-line intensity power spectrum.

[ascl:2303.002] line_selections: Automatic line detection for large spectroscopic surveys

The Python code line_selections reads synthetic "full" spectra and elemental spectra, automatically identifies the detectable lines at a given resolution (provided the linelist used to compute the spectra), and returns a table containing various properties of the lines (e.g., purity, central wavelength, and depth). The code then stores the information in a pandas DataFrame. line_selections demonstrates where chemical information is present in a stellar spectrum, and allows the user to optimize observational strategies, such as choosing resolution and spectra windows, as well as analysis codes with the application of high-quality masks.

[ascl:2007.012] Line-Stacker: Spectral lines stacking

Line-Stacker stacks both 3D cubes or already extracted spectra and is an extension of Stacker (ascl:1912.019). It is an ensemble of both CASA tasks and native python tasks. Line-Stacker supports image stacking and some additional tools, allowing further analysis of the stack product, are also included in the module.

[ascl:2104.027] linemake: Line list generator

linemake generates formatted and curated atomic and molecular line lists suitable for spectral synthesis work. It is lightweight and easy-to-use. The code requires that the requested beginning and ending wavelengths not bridge the divide between two files of atomic line data; in such cases, run the code twice, once on either side of the divide, to generate the desired lists.

[ascl:1504.019] LineProf: Line Profile Indicators

LineProf implements a series of line-profile analysis indicators and evaluates its correlation with RV data. It receives as input a list of Cross-Correlation Functions and an optional list of associated RV. It evaluates the line-profile according to the indicators and compares it with the computed RV if no associated RV is provided, or with the provided RV otherwise.

[ascl:1602.006] LIRA: LInear Regression in Astronomy

LIRA (LInear Regression in Astronomy) performs Bayesian linear regression that accounts for heteroscedastic errors in both the independent and the dependent variables, intrinsic scatters (in both variables), time evolution of slopes, normalization and scatters, Malmquist and Eddington bias, and break of linearity. The posterior distribution of the regression parameters is sampled with a Gibbs method exploiting the JAGS (ascl:1209.002) library.

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