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[ascl:1608.020] SPIDERz: SuPport vector classification for IDEntifying Redshifts

SPIDERz (SuPport vector classification for IDEntifying Redshifts) applies powerful support vector machine (SVM) optimization and statistical learning techniques to custom data sets to obtain accurate photometric redshift (photo-z) estimations. It is written for the IDL environment and can be applied to traditional data sets consisting of photometric band magnitudes, or alternatively to data sets with additional galaxy parameters (such as shape information) to investigate potential correlations between the extra galaxy parameters and redshift.

[ascl:2102.001] spinOS: SPectroscopic and INterferometric Orbital Solution finder

spinOS calculates binary orbital elements. Given a set of radial velocity measurements of a spectroscopic binary and/or relative position measurement of an astrometric binary, spinOS fits an orbital model by minimizing a chi squared metric. These routines are neatly packaged in a graphical user interface, developed using tkinter, facilitating use. Minimization is achieved by default using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from lmfit [ascl:1606.014]. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo option is available to sample the posterior probability distribution in order to estimate errors on the orbital elements.

[ascl:2009.006] SPInS: Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically

SPInS (Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically) provides the age, mass, and radius of a star, among other parameters, from a set of photometric, spectroscopic, interferometric, and/or asteroseismic observational constraints; it also generates error bars and correlations. Derived from AIMS (ascl:1611.014), it relies on a stellar model grid and uses a Bayesian approach to find the PDF of stellar parameters from a set of classical constraints. The heart of SPInS is a MCMC solver coupled with interpolation within a pre-computed stellar model grid. The code can consider priors such as the IMF or SFR and can characterize single stars or coeval stars, such as members of binary systems or of stellar clusters.

[ascl:2303.010] spinsfast: Fast and exact spin-s spherical harmonic transforms

spinsfast is a fast spin-s spherical harmonic transform algorithm, which is flexible and exact for band-limited functions. It permits the computation of several distinct spin transforms simultaneously. Specifically, only one set of special functions is computed for transforms of quantities with any spin, namely the Wigner d matrices evaluated at π/2, which may be computed with efficient recursions. For any spin, the computation scales as O(L^3), where L is the band limit of the function.

[ascl:2210.002] SPINspiral: Parameter estimation for analyzing gravitational-wave signals

SPINspiral analyzes gravitational-wave signals from stellar-mass binary inspirals detected by ground-based interferometers such as LIGO and Virgo. It performs parameter estimation on these signals using Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) techniques. This analysis includes the spins of the binary components. Written in C, the package is modular; its main routine is as small as possible and calls other routines, which perform tasks such as reading input, choosing and setting (starting or injection) parameters, and handling noise. Other routines compute overlaps and likelihoods, contain the MCMC core, and manage more general support functions and third-party routines.

[ascl:2206.014] SpinSpotter: Stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry calculator

SpinSpotter calculates stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry. The code uses the autocorrelation function (ACF) to identify stellar rotation periods up to one-third the observational baseline of the data. SpinSpotter includes diagnostic tools that describe features in the ACF and allows tuning of the tolerance with which to accept a period detection.

[ascl:1710.004] SPIPS: Spectro-Photo-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars

SPIPS (Spectro-Photo-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars) combines radial velocimetry, interferometry, and photometry to estimate physical parameters of pulsating stars, including presence of infrared excess, color excess, Teff, and ratio distance/p-factor. The global model-based parallax-of-pulsation method is implemented in Python. Derived parameters have a high level of confidence; statistical precision is improved (compared to other methods) due to the large number of data taken into account, accuracy is improved by using consistent physical modeling and reliability of the derived parameters is strengthened by redundancy in the data.

[ascl:1512.015] Spirality: Spiral arm pitch angle measurement

Spirality measures spiral arm pitch angles by fitting galaxy images to spiral templates of known pitch. Written in MATLAB, the code package also includes GenSpiral, which produces FITS images of synthetic spirals, and SpiralArmCount, which uses a one-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform to count the spiral arms of a galaxy after its pitch is determined.

[ascl:2006.016] SPISEA: Stellar Population Interface for Stellar Evolution and Atmospheres

SPISEA (Stellar Population Interface for Stellar Evolution and Atmospheres) generates single-age, single-metallicity populations (i.e., star clusters). The software (formerly called PyPopStar) provides control over different parameters, including cluster characteristics (age, metallicity, mass, distance); total extinction, differential extinction, and extinction law; stellar evolution and atmosphere models; stellar multiplicity and Initial Mass Function; and photometric filters. SPISEA can be used to create a cluster isochrone in many filters using different stellar models, generate a star cluster at any age with an unusual IMF and unresolved multiplicity, and make a spectrum of a star cluster in integrated light.

[ascl:1103.004] SPLASH: Interactive Visualization Tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations

SPLASH (formerly SUPERSPHPLOT) visualizes output from (astrophysical) simulations using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method in one, two and three dimensions. Written in Fortran 90, it uses the PGPLOT graphics subroutine library for plotting. It is based around a command-line menu structure but utilizes the interactive capabilities of PGPLOT to manipulate data interactively in the plotting window. SPLASH is fully interactive; visualizations can be changed rapidly at the touch of a button (e.g. zooming, rotating, shifting cross section positions etc). Data is read directly from the code dump format giving rapid access to results and the visualization is advanced forwards and backwards through timesteps by single keystrokes. SPLASH uses the SPH kernel to render plots of not only density but other physical quantities, giving a smooth representation of the data.

[ascl:1402.008] SPLAT-VO: Spectral Analysis Tool for the Virtual Observatory

SPLAT-VO is an extension of the SPLAT (Spectral Analysis Tool, ascl:1402.007) graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analyzing astronomical spectra; it includes facilities that allow it to work as part of the Virtual Observatory (VO). SPLAT-VO comes in two different forms, one for querying and downloading spectra from SSAP servers and one for interoperating with VO tools, such as TOPCAT (ascl:1101.010).

[ascl:1402.007] SPLAT: Spectral Analysis Tool

SPLAT is a graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analyzing astronomical spectra stored in NDF, FITS and TEXT files as well as in NDX format. It can read in many spectra at the same time and then display these as line plots. Display windows can show one or several spectra at the same time and can be interactively zoomed and scrolled, centered on specific wavelengths, provide continuous coordinate readout, produce printable hardcopy and be configured in many ways. Analysis facilities include the fitting of a polynomial to selected parts of a spectrum, the fitting of Gaussian, Lorentzian and Voigt profiles to emission and absorption lines and the filtering of spectra using average, median and line-shape window functions as well as wavelet denoising. SPLAT also supports a full range of coordinate systems for spectra, which allows coordinates to be displayed and aligned in many different coordinate systems (wavelength, frequency, energy, velocity) and transformed between these and different standards of rest (topocentric, heliocentric, dynamic and kinematic local standards of rest, etc). SPLAT is distributed as part of the Starlink (ascl:1110.012) software collection.

[ascl:1103.005] Splotch: Ray Tracer to Visualize SPH Simulations

Splotch is a light and fast, publicly available, ray-tracer software tool which supports the effective visualization of cosmological simulations data. The algorithm it relies on is designed to deal with point-like data, optimizing the ray-tracing calculation by ordering the particles as a function of their 'depth', defined as a function of one of the coordinates or other associated parameters. Realistic three-dimensional impressions are reached through a composition of the final colour in each pixel properly calculating emission and absorption of individual volume elements.

[ascl:1809.006] spops: Spinning black-hole binary population synthesis

spops is a database of populations synthesis simulations of spinning black-hole binary systems, together with a python module to query it. Data are obtained with the startrack and precession [ascl:1611.004] numerical codes to consistently evolve binary stars from formation to gravitational-wave detection. spops allows quick exploration of the interplay between stellar physics and black-hole spin dynamics.

[ascl:1411.015] SPOTROD: Semi-analytic model for transits of spotted stars

SPOTROD is a model for planetary transits of stars with an arbitrary limb darkening law and a number of homogeneous, circular spots on their surface. It facilitates analysis of anomalies due to starspot eclipses, and is a free, open source implementation written in C with a Python API.

[ascl:1506.008] SPRITE: Sparsity-based super-resolution algorithm

SPRITE (Sparse Recovery of InstrumenTal rEsponse) computes a well-resolved compact source image from several undersampled and noisy observations. The algorithm is based on sparse regularization; adding a sparse penalty in the recovery leads to far better accuracy in terms of ellipticity error, especially at low S/N.

[ascl:2206.028] Spritz: General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code

The Spritz code is a fully general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code based on the Einstein Toolkit (ascl:1102.014). The code solves the GRMHD equations in 3D Cartesian coordinates and on a dynamical spacetime. Spritz supports tabulated equations of state, takes finite temperature effects into account and allows for the inclusion of neutrino radiation.

[ascl:2309.018] Sprout: Moving mesh finite volume hydro code

The finite volume hydro code Sprout uses a simple expanding Cartesian grid to track outflows for several orders of magnitudes in expansion. It captures shocks whether they are aligned or misaligned with the grid, and provides second-order convergence for smooth flows. The code's expanding mesh capability reduces numerical diffusion drastically for outflows, especially when the analytic nature of the bulk flow is known beforehand. Sprout can be used to study fluid instabilities in expanding flows, such as in SN explosions and jets; it resolves fine fluid structures at small length scales and expand the mesh gradually as the structures grow.

[ascl:1806.013] SpS: Single-pulse Searcher

The presence of human-made interference mimicking the behavior of celestial radio pulses is a major challenge when searching for radio pulses emitted on millisecond timescales by celestial radio sources such as pulsars and fast radio bursts due to the highly imbalanced samples. Single-pulse Searcher (SpS) reduces the presence of radio interference when processing standard output from radio single-pulse searches to produce diagnostic plots useful for selecting good candidates. The modular software allows modifications for specific search characteristics. LOTAAS Single-pulse Searcher (L-SpS) is an implementation of different features of the software (such as a machine-learning approach) developed for a particular study: the LOFAR Tied-Array All-Sky Survey (LOTAAS).

[ascl:1201.013] SPS: SPIRE Photometer Simulator

The SPS software simulates the operation of the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver on-board the ESA’s Herschel Space Observatory. It is coded using the Interactive Data Language (IDL), and produces simulated data at the level-0 stage (non-calibrated data in digitised units). The primary uses for the simulator are to:

  • optimize and characterize the photometer observing functions
  • aid in the development, validation, and characterization of the SPIRE data pipeline
  • provide a realistic example of SPIRE data, and thus to facilitate the development of specific analysis tools for specific science cases.
It should be noted that the SPS is not an officially supported product of the SPIRE ICC, and was originally developed for ICC use only. Consequently the SPS can be supported only on a "best efforts" basis.

[ascl:1411.025] SPT Lensing Likelihood: South Pole Telescope CMB lensing likelihood code

The SPT lensing likelihood code, written in Fortran90, performs a Gaussian likelihood based upon the lensing potential power spectrum using a file from CAMB (ascl:1102.026) which contains the normalization required to get the power spectrum that the likelihood call is expecting.

[ascl:1705.005] SPTCLASS: SPecTral CLASSificator code

SPTCLASS assigns semi-automatic spectral types to a sample of stars. The main code includes three spectral classification schemes: the first one is optimized to classify stars in the mass range of TTS (K5 or later, hereafter LATE-type scheme); the second one is optimized to classify stars in the mass range of IMTTS (F late to K early, hereafter Gtype scheme), and the third one is optimized to classify stars in the mass range of HAeBe (F5 or earlier, hereafter HAeBe scheme). SPTCLASS has an interactive module that allows the user to select the best result from the three schemes and analyze the input spectra.

[ascl:2406.002] SRF: Scaling Relations Finder

Scaling Relations Finder finds the scaling relations between magnetic field properties and observables for a model of galactic magnetic fields. It uses observable quantities as input: the galaxy rotation curve, the surface densities of the gas, stars and star formation rate, and the gas temperature to create galactic dynamo models. These models can be used to estimate parameters of the random and mean components of the magnetic field, as well as the gas scale height, root-mean-square velocity and the correlation length and time of the interstellar turbulence, in terms of the observables.

[ascl:1303.015] SSE: Single Star Evolution

SSE is a rapid single-star evolution (SSE) code; these analytical formulae cover all phases of evolution from the zero-age main-sequence up to and including remnant phases. It is valid for masses in the range 0.1-100 Msun and metallicity can be varied. The SSE package contains a prescription for mass loss by stellar winds. It also follows the evolution of rotational angular momentum for the star.

[ascl:2207.034] SSHT: Fast spin spherical harmonic transforms

SSHT performs fast and exact spin spherical harmonic transforms; functionality is also provided to perform fast and exact adjoint transforms, forward and inverse transforms, and spherical harmonic transforms for a number of alternative sampling schemes. The code can interface with DUCC (ascl:2008.023) and use it as a backend for spherical harmonic transforms and rotations.

[ascl:2008.007] sslf: A simple spectral-line finder

sslf is a simple, effective and useful spectral line finder for 1D data. It utilizes the continuous wavelet transform from SciPy, which is a productive way to find even weak spectral lines.

[ascl:1807.032] SSMM: Slotted Symbolic Markov Modeling for classifying variable star signatures

SSMM (Slotted Symbolic Markov Modeling) reduces time-domain stellar variable observations to classify stellar variables. The method can be applied to both folded and unfolded data, and does not require time-warping for waveform alignment. Written in Matlab, the performance of the supervised classification code is quantifiable and consistent, and the rate at which new data is processed is dependent only on the computational processing power available.

[ascl:1901.006] ssos: Solar system objects detection pipeline

The ssos pipeline detects and identifies known and unknown Solar System Objects (SSOs) in astronomical images. ssos requires at least 3 images with overlapping field-of-views in the sky taken within a reasonable amount of time (e.g., 2 hours, 1 night). SSOs are detected mainly by judging the apparent motion of all sources in the images. The pipeline serves as a wrapper for the SExtractor (ascl:1010.064) and SCAMP (ascl:1010.063) software suites and allows different source extraction strategies to be chosen. All sources in the images are subject to a highly configurable filter pipeline. ssos is a versatile, light-weight, and easy-to-use software for surveys or PI-observation campaigns lacking a dedicated SSO detection pipeline.

[ascl:2104.014] SSSpaNG: Stellar Spectra as Sparse Non-Gaussian Processes

SSSpaNG is a data-driven Gaussian Process model of the spectra of APOGEE red clump stars, whose parameters are inferred using Gibbs sampling. By pooling information between stars to infer their covariance it permits clear identification of the correlations between spectral pixels. Harnessing this correlation structure, a complete spectrum for each red clump star can be inferred, inpainting missing regions and de-noising by a factor of at least 2-3 for low-signal-to-noise stars.

[ascl:2306.008] sstrax: Fast stellar stream modelling in JAX

sstrax provides fast simulations of Milky Way stellar stream formation. Using JAX (ascl:2111.002) acceleration to support code compilation, sstrax forward models all aspects of stream formation, including evolution in gravitational potentials, tidal disruption and observational models, in a fully modular way. Although sstrax is a standalone python package, it was also developed to integrate directly with the Albatross (ascl:2306.009) inference pipeline, which performs inference on all relevant aspects of the stream model.

[ascl:1912.019] STACKER: Stack sources in interferometric data

STACKER stacks sources in interferometric data, i.e., averaging emission from different sources. The library allows stacking to be done directly on visibility data as well as in the image domain. The code is in format of a CASA (ascl:1107.013) task and implements uv- and image-stacking algorithms; it also provides several useful tasks for stacking related data processing. It allows introduction and stacking of random sources to estimate bias and noise, and also allows removal of a model of bright sources from the data.

[ascl:1105.012] Stagger: MHD Method for Modeling Star Formation

Stagger is an astrophysical MHD code actively used to model star formation. It is equipped with a multi-frequency radiative transfer module and a comprehensive equation of state module that includes a large number of atomic and molecular species, to be able to compute realistic 3-D models of the near-surface layers of stars. The current version of the code allows a discretization that explicitly conserves mass, momentum, energy, and magnetic flux. The tensor formulation of the viscosity ensures that the viscous force is insensitive to the coordinate system orientation, thereby avoiding artificial grid-alignment.

[ascl:1801.003] Stan: Statistical inference

Stan facilitates statistical inference at the frontiers of applied statistics and provides both a modeling language for specifying complex statistical models and a library of statistical algorithms for computing inferences with those models. These components are exposed through interfaces in environments such as R, Python, and the command line.

[ascl:2402.008] star_shadow: Analyze eclipsing binary light curves, find eccentricity, and more

star_shadow automatically analyzes space based light curves of eclipsing binaries and provide a measurement of eccentricity, among other parameters. It measures the timings of eclipses using the time derivatives of the light curves, using a model of orbital harmonics obtained from an initial iterative prewhitening of sinusoids. Since the algorithm extracts the harmonics from the rest of the sinusoidal variability eclipse timings can be measured even in the presence of other (astrophysical) signals, thus determining the orbital eccentricity automatically from the light curve along with information about the other variability present in the light curve. The output includes, but is not limited to, a sinusoid plus linear model of the light curve, the orbital period, the eccentricity, argument of periastron, and inclination.

[ascl:2109.012] STAR-MELT: STellar AccrRetion Mapping with Emission Line Tomography

STAR-MELT extracts and identifies emission lines from FITS files by matching to a compiled reference database of lines. Line profiles are fitted and quantified, allowing for calculations of physical properties across each individual observation. Temporal variations in lines can readily be displayed and quantified. STAR-MELT is also useful for different applications of spectral analysis where emission line identification is required. Standard data formats for spectra are automatically compatible, with user-defined custom formats also available. Any reference database (atomic or molecular) can also be used for line identification.

[ascl:1111.010] Starbase Data Tables: An ASCII Relational Database for Unix

Database management is an increasingly important part of astronomical data analysis. Astronomers need easy and convenient ways of storing, editing, filtering, and retrieving data about data. Commercial databases do not provide good solutions for many of the everyday and informal types of database access astronomers need. The Starbase database system with simple data file formatting rules and command line data operators has been created to answer this need. The system includes a complete set of relational and set operators, fast search/index and sorting operators, and many formatting and I/O operators. Special features are included to enhance the usefulness of the database when manipulating astronomical data. The software runs under UNIX, MSDOS and IRAF.

[ascl:1805.009] STARBLADE: STar and Artefact Removal with a Bayesian Lightweight Algorithm from Diffuse Emission

STARBLADE (STar and Artefact Removal with a Bayesian Lightweight Algorithm from Diffuse Emission) separates superimposed point-like sources from a diffuse background by imposing physically motivated models as prior knowledge. The algorithm can also be used on noisy and convolved data, though performing a proper reconstruction including a deconvolution prior to the application of the algorithm is advised; the algorithm could also be used within a denoising imaging method. STARBLADE learns the correlation structure of the diffuse emission and takes it into account to determine the occurrence and strength of a superimposed point source.

[ascl:2309.012] StarbugII: JWST PSF photometry for crowded fields

The python photometry suite StarbugII provides accurate photometry on point-like sources embedded in complex diffuse emissions. The tool has a simple modular interface with a wide range of photometric routines including embedded source detection, aperture and PSF photometry, diffuse background emission estimation, catalog matching and artificial star testing. The core is built around Photutils (ascl:1609.011).

[ascl:1104.003] Starburst99: Synthesis Models for Galaxies with Active Star Formation

Starburst99 is a comprehensive set of model predictions for spectrophotometric and related properties of galaxies with active star formation. The models are presented in a homogeneous way for five metallicities between Z = 0.040 and 0.001 and three choices of the initial mass function. The age coverage is 10^6 to 10^9 yr. Spectral energy distributions are used to compute colors and other quantities.

[submitted] StarburstPy: Python Wrapper for Starburst99

StarburstPy is a python wrapper for Starburst99 (ascl:1104.003). The code contains methods for setting all inputs, running Starburst99, and reading output data into python dictionaries.

[ascl:2106.012] StarcNet: Convolutional neural network for classifying galaxy images into morphological classes

StarcNet (STAR Cluster classification NETwork) classifies star clusters from galaxy images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST); it uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained to classify five-band galaxy images into four morphological classes. Written in PyTorch, StarcNet runs using mosaics (.fits files with the galaxy photometric information) and catalogs (.tab files with object coordinates), and includes the option to also download the galaxy mosaics from a single .tar.gz file per galaxy (as from the Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey).

[ascl:1010.074] StarCrash: 3-d Evolution of Self-gravitating Fluid Systems

StarCrash is a parallel fortran code based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) techniques to calculate the 3-d evolution of self-gravitating fluid systems. The code in particularly suited to the study of stellar interactions, such as mergers of binary star systems and stellar collisions. The StarCrash code comes with several important features, including:

  • Several routines which construct the initial conditions appropriate to a wide variety of physical systems
  • An efficient parallel neighbor-finding algorithm for calculating hydrodynamic quantities
  • A parallel gravitational field solver based on FFT convolution techniques, which uses the FFTW software libraries
  • Relaxation Techniques for single stars and synchronized binaries
  • Three different artificial viscosity treatments to calculate the thermodynamic evolution of the matter
  • An optional gravitational radiation back-reaction treatment, which calculates the damping force from gravity wave losses to lowest relativistic order in a spatially accurate way

[ascl:2004.009] stardate: Measure precise stellar ages

stardate measures precise stellar ages by combining isochrone fitting with gyrochronology (rotation-based ages) to increase the precision of stellar ages on the main sequence. The best possible ages provided by stardate will be for stars with rotation periods, though ages can also be predicted for stars without rotation periods. stardate is an extension to isochrones that incorporates gyrochronology and the code reverts back to isochrones when no rotation period is provided.

[ascl:2202.023] Starduster: Radiative transfer and deep learning multi-wavelength SED model

The deep learning model Starduster emulates dust radiative transfer simulations, which significantly accelerates the computation of dust attenuation and emission. Starduster contains two specific generative models, which explicitly take into account the features of the dust attenuation curves and dust emission spectra. Both generative models should be trained by a set of characteristic outputs of a radiative transfer simulation. The obtained neural networks can produce realistic galaxy spectral energy distributions that satisfy the energy balance condition of dust attenuation and emission. Applications of Starduster include SED-fitting and SED-modeling from semi-analytic models.

[ascl:0011.001] StarFinder: A code for stellar field analysis

StarFinder is an IDL code for the deep analysis of stellar fields, designed for Adaptive Optics well-sampled images with high and low Strehl ratio. The Point Spread Function is extracted directly from the frame, to take into account the actual structure of the instrumental response and the atmospheric effects. The code is written in IDL language and organized in the form of a self-contained widget-based application, provided with a series of tools for data visualization and analysis. A description of the method and some applications to Adaptive Optics data are presented.

[ascl:1204.008] StarFISH: For Inferring Star-formation Histories

StarFISH is a suite of programs designed to determine the star formation history (SFH) of a stellar population, given multicolor stellar photometry and a library of theoretical isochrones. It constructs a library of synthetic color-magnitude diagrams from the isochrones, which includes the effects of extinction, photometric errors and completeness, and binarity. A minimization routine is then used to determine the linear combination of synthetic CMDs that best matches the observed photometry. The set of amplitudes modulating each synthetic CMD describes the star formation history of the observed stellar population.

[ascl:1505.007] Starfish: Robust spectroscopic inference tools

Starfish is a set of tools used for spectroscopic inference. It robustly determines stellar parameters using high resolution spectral models and uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to explore the full posterior probability distribution of the stellar parameters. Additional potential applications include other types of spectra, such as unresolved stellar clusters or supernovae spectra.

[ascl:1010.076] Starlab: A Software Environment for Collisional Stellar Dynamics

Traditionally, a simulation of a dense stellar system required choosing an initial model, running an integrator, and analyzing the output. Almost all of the effort went into writing a clever integrator that could handle binaries, triples and encounters between various multiple systems efficiently. Recently, the scope and complexity of these simulations has increased dramatically, for three reasons: 1) the sheer size of the data sets, measured in Terabytes, make traditional 'awking and grepping' of a single output file impractical; 2) the addition of stellar evolution data brings qualitatively new challenges to the data reduction; 3) increased realism of the simulations invites realistic forms of 'SOS': Simulations of Observations of Simulations, to be compared directly with observations. We are now witnessing a shift toward the construction of archives as well as tailored forms of visualization including the use of virtual reality simulators and planetarium domes, and a coupling of both with budding efforts in constructing virtual observatories. This review describes these new trends, presenting Starlab as the first example of a full software environment for realistic large-scale simulations of dense stellar systems.

[ascl:1108.006] STARLIGHT: Spectral Synthesis Code

The study of stellar populations in galaxies is entering a new era with the availability of large and high quality databases of both observed galactic spectra and state-of-the-art evolutionary synthesis models. The power of spectral synthesis can be investigated as a mean to estimate physical properties of galaxies. Spectral synthesis is nothing more than the decomposition of an observed spectrum in terms of a superposition of a base of simple stellar populations of various ages and metallicities, producing astrophysically interesting output such as the star-formation and chemical enrichment histories of a galaxy, its extinction and velocity dispersion. This is what the STARLIGHT spectral synthesis code does.

[ascl:1411.022] Starlink Figaro: Starlink version of the Figaro data reduction software package

Starlink Figaro is an independently-maintained fork of Figaro (ascl:1203.013) that runs in the Starlink software environment (ascl:1110.012). It is a general-purpose data reduction package targeted mainly at optical/IR spectroscopy. It uses the NDF data format and the ADAM libraries for parameters and messaging.

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