Astrophysics Source Code Library
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Results 1-3730 of 3730 (3626 ASCL, 104 submitted)
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GaMorNet -- Galaxy Morphology Network
GaMPEN -- Galaxy Morphology Posterior Estimation Network
StellarSpecModel: a interpolating stellar spectrum and generating theoretical SEDs tool
Deep-Transit: Transit detection with a 2D object detection algorithm
ROCKE-3D: Fully coupled ocean atmosphere 3-D General Circulation Model
spectools_ir: Medium/high-resolution IR molecular spectra analysis tools
NbodyGradient: Compute gradients of N-body integrations
HiSS-Cube: Hierarchical Semi-Sparse Cube
spectool: a spectral data processing and analysis tool
hmvec: Vectorized halo model code
SZiFi: Sunyaev-Zeldovich iterative finder
cosmocnc: Galaxy cluster number count likelihood computation
Sledgehamr: Dynamics of coupled scalar fields on a 3-dimensional adaptive mesh simulator
polkat: Semi-automate full polarization of MeerKAT observations
smhr: Automatic curve-of-growth analyses of high-resolution stellar spectra
legacypipe: Image reduction pipeline for DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
Pigi: Parallel Interferometric GPU Imager
THAI: Analysis and visualization code for the TRAPPIST Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison
AccretR: Planetary accretion and composition code in R
LESSPayne: Labeling Echelle Spectra with SMHR and Payne
IGRINS_RV: Radial velocity pipeline for IGRINS
IGRINS_PLP: Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrometer PipeLine Package
TESS-SIP: Long term rotation period finding tool
blasé: Interpretable machine learning for high-resolution astronomical spectroscopy
ATOCA: Decontaminate and extract spectra from image
Optimal BLS: Optimally-efficient code for transit searches in long time series
spaceKLIP: JWST coronagraphy data data reduction and analysis pipeline
SpecMatch-Emp: Empirical SpecMatch
PACMAN: Data reduction and analysis pipeline for HST/WFC3 data
PyMieScatt: Forward and inverse Mie solving routines
Crimson Light
WATSON: Visual Vetting and Analysis of Transits of Space ObservatioNs
Tiberius: Time series spectral extraction and transit light curve fitting
SPCA: Spitzer Phase Curve Analysis
TLCM: Transit and Light Curve Modeler
Giants: Pipeline to search for exoplanets around evolved stars
polyrot: Polytropic modeling of rapidly rotating planets and stars
MOLPOP-CEP: Exact solution of radiative transfer problems in multi-level atomic systems
chemcomp: Chemical composition modeling of gas giants by accretion of pebbles, planetesimals and gas
speedyfit: Single and binary stars photometric spectral energy distribution fitter
RadioBEAR: BErkeley Atmospheric Radiative transfer
SpectralRadex: Spectral modeling and RADEX
breads: Broad Repository for Exoplanet Analysis, Discovery, and Spectroscopy
ECCOplanets: Simulation and analysis of rocky planets
NEXO: Nonsingular Estimator for EXoplanet Orbits
ExoTR: Bayesian inverse retrieval algorithm to interpret exoplanetary transmission spectra
CIANNA: Convolutional Interactive Artificial Neural Networks by/for Astrophysicists
tshirt: Time Series Helper and Integration Reduction Tool
Haystacks: High-fidelity planetary system models for simulating exoplanet imaging
pympc: Minor planet checking
CAFE: Continuum And Feature Extraction tool
S3Fit: a Simultaneous Spectrum and photometric-SED Fitting code for observation of galaxies
A Library of Synthetic X-ray Spectra for Fitting Tidal Disruption Events
γ-Cascade V4: Gamma-ray propagation package
lintsampler: Efficient random sampling via linear interpolation
POSEIDON: Multidimensional atmospheric retrieval of exoplanet spectra
mr-plotter: Mass-radius diagrams plotter
MARDIGRAS: MAss-Radius DIaGRAm with Sliders
squishyplanet: Non-spherical exoplanet transit modeling
CLOWN: Cloud detection software for observatories with an all-sky camera
cogsworth: Self-consistent population synthesis and galactic dynamics simulations
ForestFlow: Lyman-alpha cosmology emulator
BlendingToolKit: Tools to create blend catalogs, produce training samples, and implement blending metrics
Combustion Toolbox: Gaseous combustion problem solver
FitTeD: Fitting Transients with Discs
gwforge: Mock gravitational wave detector data generator
Particle_spray: Modeling globular cluster streams
WD_models: WD photometry to physical parameters transformer
The Payne: Interpolate spectral models with neural networks
Siril: Astronomical image processing tool
Spectuner: Automated line identification of interstellar molecules
CosmoFlow: A systematic approach to primordial correlators
DIES: Dust radiative transfer with the immediate reemission method
exoTEDRF: Tools for end-to-end reduction of JWST exoplanet observations
Codex Africanus: Radio astronomy algorithms library
nifty-ls: Fast Lomb-Scargle periodogram
FINUFFT: Flatiron Institute Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform
Coport: Covariant polarized radiative transfer
pmwd: Particle Mesh With Derivatives
BADASS: Bayesian AGN Decomposition Analysis for SDSS Spectra
dask-ms: xarray datasets from CASA tables
Stimela2: Workflow management framework for data reduction workflows
Twinkle: Calculate and plot spectral energy distribution of main-sequence stars
Colume: Estimating volume densities clouds from their column density morphology
Spectroscopic Analysis of O and B-Type Stars, Neutron Stars, and White Dwarfs Using SDSS Data and Astroquery
Analysis and Super-Resolution of Astronomical Data from FITS Files of NGC 0628
NEMESISPY: Modeling exoplanet spectra
IcyDwarf: Coupled geophysical-geochemical-orbital evolution model of icy worlds
SMINT: Structure Model INTerpolator
DarkMatters: Multi-frequency emissions from Dark Matter annihilation and decay
DustPOL-py: Numerical modeling of dust polarization
DAMSPI: DArk Matter SPIkes in EAGLE simulations
jaxspec: X-ray spectra Bayesian analysis
mochi_class: Modelling Optimization to Compute Horndeski in CLASS
HIILines: Analytical ionized ISM emission line model
McFine: Muli-component hyperfine fitting tool
Diagnose: Spectral classification code
unicorn: Full 3D-HST grism pipeline
threedhst: 3D-HST grism analysis software
CLASS LVDM: Cosmological model of Lorentz invariance violation in gravity and dark matter
fits_warp: Warp catalogs and images to dedistort the effects of the ionosphere
atlas-fit: Python tool to fit solar spectra to a known atlas
spectroflat: Generic Python calibration library for spectro-polarimetric data
NE2001p: Python implementation of the NE2001 Galactic electron density model
BSAVI: Bayesian SAmple VIsualizer for cosmological likelihoods
MMLPhoto-z: Cross-modal contrastive learning method for estimating photo-z of quasars
ReverseDiff: Reverse mode automatic Differentiation for Julia
pycosmicstar: PYthon cosmic STar formAtion Rate
Astrocats: Construct astronomical catalogs
EFTofPNG: Effective Field Theory of Post-Newtonian Gravity
HBSGSep: Hierarchical Bayesian Star-Galaxy Separations
GAz: Genetic Algorithm for photometric redshift estimation
DarkRayNet: Simulation tool for indirect Dark Matter searches
PyMerger: Einstein Telescope binary black hole merger detector
flashcurve: Fast generation of adaptive-binning light curves with Fermi-LAT data
Mosaic: Multibeamformed Observation Simulation And Interferometry Characterization
Falcon-DM: N-body code for inspirals in DM spikes
Heracles: Harmonic-space statistics on the sphere
fastPTA: Constraining power of PTA configurations forecaster
SSOF: Data-driven models for extremely precise radial velocity (EPRV) spectra
Gaspery: Radial velocity (RV) observing strategies
Kamodo: Space weather data access, interpolation, and visualization
CloudCovErr.jl: Debias fluxes and improve error bar estimates for photometry on structured backgrounds
ARK: 3D hydrodynamics code for the study of convective problems
Exo-REM: 1D self-consistent radiative-equilibrium model for exoplanetary atmospheres
DGEM: 3D dust continuum radiative transfer code for method comparison
lensitbiases: rFFT-based flat-sky CMB lensing tools
DIRTY: 3D dust radiative transfer for dusty astrophysical sources
solar-vSI: Calculate solar antineutrino spectra
measure_extinction: Measure interstellar dust extinction using pair method
forcepho: Generative modeling galaxy photometry for JWST
BayeSED: Bayesian SED synthesis and analysis of galaxies and AGNs
iPIC3D: Multi-scale plasma simulations of plasma
vortex-p: Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decomposition algorithm for particle-based simulations
pysymlog: Symmetric (signed) logarithm scale for Python plots
RadioSunPy: A Robust Preprocessing Pipeline for RATAN-600 Solar Radio Observations Data
ysoisochrone: A Python package to estimate masses and ages for YSOs
Kete: Solar System survey tools
GalCraft: Building integral-field spectrograph data cubes of the Milky Way
pyRRG: Weak lensing shape measurement code
Padé: Protoplanetary disk turbulence simulator
PySR: High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia
WISE2MBH: Mass of supermassive black holes estimator
PyExoCross: Molecular line lists post-processor
GASTLI: GAS gianT modeL for Interiors
symbolic_pofk: Precise symbolic emulators of the linear and nonlinear matter power spectrum
planetMagFields: Routines to plot magnetic fields of planets in our solar system
AMReX: Software framework for block structured AMR
ClassiPyGRB: Swift/BAT GRB visualizer and classifier
BeyonCE: Beyond Common Eclipsers
resonances: Mean-motion resonances in Solar system and other planetary systems identifier
cloudyfsps: Python interface between FSPS and Cloudy
Stardust: Composite template fitting software
PICASSO: Inpainter for point-sources for synchrotron and dust polarization
MCMole3D: Statistical model for galactic molecular clouds
FGCluster: ForeGround Clustering
SUSHI: Semi-blind Unmixing with Sparsity for Hyperspectral Images
UltraDark: Cosmological scalar fields simulator
DarsakX: X-ray telescope design and imaging performance analyzer
SAQQARA: Stochastic gravitational wave background analysis
21cmFirstCLASS: Generate initial conditions at recombination
GRBoondi: AMR-based code to evolve generalized Proca fields on arbitrary fixed backgrounds
RadioSED: Radio SED fitting for AGN
M_SMiLe: Magnification Statistics of Micro-Lensing
BELTCROSS2: Calculate the closest approaches of asteroids to meteoroid streams
Cue: Nebular emission modeling
HaloFlow: Simulation-Based Inference (SBI) using forward modeled galaxy photometry
LADDER: Learning Algorithm for Deep Distance Estimation and Reconstruction
SonAD: Sonification of astronomical data
Astronify: Astronomical data sonification
Sailfish: GPU-accelerated grid-based astrophysics gas dynamics code
AntabGMVA: A Python tool for managing GMVA metadata
SHARC: SHArpened Dimensionality Reduction and Classification
pySDR: Wrapper for sharpened dimensionality reduction code
SDR: Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction
Package-X: Calculate Feynman loop integrals
hipipe: VLT/HiRISE reduction pipeline
pony3d: Efficient island-finding tool for radio spectral line imaging
photGalIMF: Stellar mass and luminosity evolution calculator
ELISA: Efficient Library for Spectral Analysis in High-Energy Astrophysics
Heimdall: GPU accelerated transient detection pipeline for radio astronomy
Flash-X: A Performance Portable, Multiphysics Simulation Software Instrument
AstroCLIP: Multimodal contrastive pretraining for astronomical data
PFFT: Parallel fast Fourier transforms
cola_halo: Parallel cosmological N-body simulator
Fof: Friends-of-friends code to find groups
bigfile: A reproducible massively parallel IO library for hierarchical data
UFalcon: Ultra Fast Lightcone
ATM: Asteroid Thermal Modeling
RealSim: Statistical observational realism for synthetic images from galaxy simulations
GRDzhadzha: Evolve matter on curved spacetimes
provabgs: SED modeling tools for PROVABGS
BaCoN: BAyesian COsmological Network
Forklens: Deep learning weak lensing shear
pycosie: Python analysis code used on Technicolor Dawn
pyFAT: Python Fully Automated TiRiFiC
MAKEE: MAuna Kea Echelle Extraction
WinNet: Flexible, multi-purpose, single-zone nuclear reaction network
AutoPhOT: Rapid publication-quality photometry of transients
Redback: Bayesian inference package for fitting electromagnetic transients
phi-GPU: Parallel Hermite Integration on GPU
Faceted-HyperSARA: Parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry
PowerSpecCovFFT: FFTLog-based computation of non-Gaussian analytic covariance of galaxy power spectrum multipoles
GRINN: Gravity Informed Neural Network for studying hydrodynamical systems
AARD: Automatic detection of solar active regions
phazap: Low-latency identification of strongly lensed signals
photochem: Chemical model of planetary atmospheres
LeHaMoC: Leptonic-Hadronic Modeling Code for high-energy astrophysical sources
MBE: Magnification bias estimation
SuperLite: Spectral synthesis code for interacting transients
ytree: yt-based merger-tree code
BiaPy: Bioimage analysis pipeline builder
FLORAH: Galaxy merger tree generator with machine learning
EVA: Excess Variability-based Age
AAD: ALeRCE Anomaly Detector
QMC: Quadratic Monte Carlo
CTC: Color transformations calculator
PRyMordial: Precise computations of BBN within and beyond the Standard Model
CBiRd: Bias tracers In Redshift space
sphereint: Integrate data on a grid within a sphere
CARDiAC: Anisotropic Redshift Distributions in Angular Clustering
anzu: Measurements and emulation of Lagrangian bias models for clustering and lensing cross-correlations
Lenser: Measure weak gravitational flexion
candl: Differentiable likelihood framework for analyzing CMB power spectrum measurements
SMART: Spectral energy distribution (SED) fitter
SRF: Scaling Relations Finder
GAStimator: Python MCMC gibbs-sampler with adaptive stepping
CosmoPower: Machine learning-accelerated Bayesian inference
ndcube: Multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate-aware arrays
raccoon: Radial velocities and Activity indicators from Cross-COrrelatiON with masks
blackthorn: Spectra from right-handed neutrino decays
PALpy: Python positional astronomy library interface
tapify: Multitaper spectrum for time-series analysis
coronagraph: Python noise model for directly imaging exoplanets
coronagraph_noise: Coronagraph noise modeling routines
AFINO: Automated Flare Inference of Oscillations
ABBHI: Autoregressive binary black hole inference
sunbather: Escaping exoplanet atmospheres and transit spectra simulator
EF-TIGRE: Effective Field Theory of Interacting dark energy with Gravitational REdshift
LTdwarfIndices: Variable brown dwarf identifier
fitramp: Likelihood-based jump detection
DirectSHT: Direct spherical harmonic transform
riddler: Type Ia supernovae spectral time series fitter
morphen: Astronomical image analysis and processing functions
i-SPin: Multicomponent Schrodinger-Poisson systems with self-interactions
GauPro: R package for Gaussian process modeling
ICPertFLRW: Cactus Code thorn for initial conditions
pySPEDAS: Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software
pyADfit: Nested sampling approach to quasi-stellar object (QSO) accretion disc fitting
raynest: Parallel nested sampling based on ray
nessai: Nested sampling with artificial intelligence
SPEDAS: Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System
PypeIt-NIRSPEC: A PypeIt Module for Reducing Keck/NIRSPEC High Resolution Spectra
RhoPop: Small-planet populations identifier
ExoPlex: Thermodynamically self-consistent mass-radius-composition calculator
binary_precursor: Light curve model of supernova precursors powered by compact object companions
s2fft: Differentiable and accelerated spherical transforms
LEO-vetter: Automated vetting for TESS planet candidates
stringgen: Scattering based cosmic string emulation
pAGN: AGN disk model equations solver
mhealpy: Object-oriented healpy wrapper with support for multi-resolution maps
jetsimpy: Hydrodynamic model of gamma-ray burst jet and afterglow
cudisc: CUDA-accelerated 2D code for protoplanetary disc evolution simulations
NbodyIMRI: N-body solver for intermediate-mass ratio inspirals of black holes and dark matter spikes
PySSED: Python Stellar Spectral Energy Distributions
GPUniverse: Quantum fields in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces modeler
pyilc: Needlet ILC in Python
MLTPC: Machine Learning Telescope Pointing Correction
EBWeyl: Compute the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor
astroNN: Deep learning for astronomers with Tensorflow
Meanoffset: Photometric image alignment with row and column means
EffectiveHalos: Matter power spectrum and cluster counts covariance modeler
BayeSN: NumPyro implementation of BayeSN
Panphasia: Create cosmological and resimulation initial conditions
superABC: Cosmological constraints from SN light curves using Approximate Bayesian Computation
LensIt: CMB lensing delensing tools
WignerFamilies: Compute families of wigner symbols with recurrence relations
PolyBin3D: Binned polyspectrum estimation for 3D large-scale structure
GalMOSS: GPU-accelerated galaxy surface brightness fitting via gradient descent
TAT: Timing Analysis Toolkit for high-energy pulsar astrophysics
KCWIKit: KCWI Post-Processing and Improvements
PIPE: Extracting PSF photometry from CHEOPS data
cbeam: Coupled-mode propagator for slowly-varying waveguides
obsplanning - a set of python utilities to aid in planning astronomical observations
DensityFieldTools: Manipulating density fields and measuring power spectra and bispectra
CLASS-PT: Nonlinear perturbation theory extension of the Boltzmann code CLASS
OneLoopBispectrum: Computation of the one-loop bispectrum of galaxies in redshift space
URecon: Reconstruct initial conditions of N-Body simulations
Pylians3: Libraries to analyze numerical simulations in Python 3
LtU-ILI: Robust machine learning in astro
FitCov: Fitted Covariance generation
pycorr: Two-point correlation function estimation
s4cmb: Systematics For Cosmic Microwave Background
MINDS: Hybrid pipeline for the reduction of JWST/MIRI-MRS data
fkpt: Compute LCDM and modified gravity perturbation theory using fk-kernels
Poke: Polarization ray tracing and Gaussian beamlet module for Python
BTSbot: Automated identification of supernovae with multi-modal deep learning
kinematic_scaleheight: Infer the vertical distribution of clouds in the solar neighborhood
DistClassiPy: Distance-based light curve classification
Pynkowski: Minkowski functionals and other higher order statistics
2cosmos: Monte Python modification for two independent instances of CLASS
SkyLine: Generate mock line-intensity maps
star_shadow: Analyze eclipsing binary light curves, find eccentricity, and more
ECLIPSR: Automatically find individual eclipses in light curves, determine ephemerides, and more
polarizationtools: Polarization analysis and simulation tools in python
MGPT: Modified Gravity Perturbation Theory code
CCBH-Numerics: Cosmologically-coupled-black-holes formation mass numerics
Rwcs: World coordinate system transforms in R
Rfits: FITS file manipulation in R
NMMA: Nuclear Multi Messenger Astronomy framework
escatter: Electron scattering in Python
StructureFunction: Bayesian estimation of the AGN structure function for Poisson data
tidalspin: Constrain black hole spins using relativistic tidal forces properties
QuantifAI: Radio interferometric imaging reconstruction with scalable Bayesian uncertainty quantification
CRR: Convex Ridge Regularizer
maskfill: Fill in masked values in an image
LoRD: Locate Reconnection Distribution
SolarKAT: Solar imaging pipeline for MeerKAT
baryon-sweep: Outlier rejection algorithm for JWST/NIRSpec IFS data
ostrich: Surrogate modeling using PCA and Gaussian process interpolation
SYSNet: Neural Network modeling of imaging systematics in galaxy surveys
Harmonic: Learnt harmonic mean estimator
DARC: Dirac Atomic R-matrix Codes
deal.II: Finite element library
LoSoTo: LOFAR solutions tool
CosmosCanvas: Useful color maps for different astrophysical properties
pyPETaL: A Pipeline for Estimating AGN Time Lags
LUNA: Forward model luna simulator
Rayleigh: Pseudo-spectral MHD
tomso: TOols for Models of Stars and their Oscillations
SubGen2: Subhalo population generator
SubGen: Fast subhalo sampler
pycheops: Light curve analysis for ESA CHEOPS data
RADIS: Fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra
gaia_tools: Tools for working with Gaia and related data sets
: Astrophysical Multi-Messenger Modeling
matvis: Fast matrix-based visibility simulator
RRLFE: Metallicity calibrations for RR Lyrae variable stars
SAGE: Stellar Activity Grid for Exoplanets
galclaim: GALaxy Chance of Local Alignment algorIthM
CloudFlex: Small-scale structure observational signatures modeling
Ray: Python interface to C
Ray with GPU acceleration
-Ray3Dm1D_Helium: Hydrogen + helium version of C
-Ray3Dm: 3D version of C
-Ray for multiple sources, hydrogen only
-Ray: Time-dependent photo-ionization calculations
PyRaTE: Non-LTE spectral lines simulations
ProPane: Image warping and stacking utilities
Rainbow: Simultaneous multi-band light curve fitting
PyMsOfa: Python package for the Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA) service
LimberJack.jl: Auto-differentiable methods for cosmology
The Farmer: Photometry routines for deep multi-wavelength galaxy surveys
SUNBIRD: Neural-network-based models for galaxy clustering
GRFolres: Extension to GRChombo for modified gravity simulations
21cmEMU: 21cmFAST summaries emulator
PulsarX: Pulsar searching
PhotochemPy: 1-D photochemical model of rocky planet atmospheres
FORECAST: Realistic astronomical image and galaxy survey generator
GravSphere: Jeans modeling code
CompressedFisher: Library for testing Fisher forecasts
CosmoLED: Cosmo code for Large Extra Dimension (LED) black holes
SolarAxionFlux: Solar axion flux calculator for different solar models and opacity codes
LyaCoLoRe: Generate simulated Lyman alpha forest spectra
DENSe: Bayesian density estimation for Poisson data
BUQO: Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification by Optimization
PROSPECT: Profile likelihood for frequentist cosmological inference
smops: A sub-band model FITS image interpolator
prodimopy: Python tools for the radiation thermo-chemical code ProDiMo
RoSSBi3D: Finite volume code for protoplanetary disk evolution study
nemiss: Neutrino emission from hydrocode data
FASMA: Stellar spectral analysis package
pygwb: Lighweight python stochastic GWB analysis pipeline
CosmoLattice: Lattice simulator of scalar and gauge field dynamics in an expanding universe
PIPPIN: Polarimetric Differential Imaging (PDI) pipeline for NACO data
FPFS: Fourier Power Function Shaplets
Hi-COLA: Cosmological large-scale structure simulator for Horndeski theories
IQRM: IQRM interference flagging algorithm for radio pulsar and transient searches
tensiometer: Test a model until it breaks
MONDPMesh: Particle-mesh code for Milgromian dynamics
NEOexchange: Target and Observation Manager for the Solar System
KvW: Modified Kwee–Van Woerden method for eclipse minimum timing with reliable error estimates
CRPropa 3.2
Special-Blurring: Compare quantum-spacetime foam models to GRB localizations
VCAL-SPHERE: Hybrid pipeline for reduction of VLT/SPHERE data
wcpy: Wavelength Calibrator
GRIZZLY: 1D radiative transfer code
AI-Feynman: Symbolic regression algorithm
riptide: Pulsar searching with the Fast Folding Algorithm
IQRM-APOLLO: Clean narrow-band RFI using Inter-Quartile Range Mitigation (IQRM) algorithm
clfd: Clean folded data
zCluster: Measure photometric redshifts for galaxy clusters
MAGPy-RV: Gaussian Process regression pipeline with MCMC parameter searching
DustPyLib: A library of DustPy extensions
q3dfit: PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for JWST-IFU spectroscopy
wwz: Weighted wavelet z-transform code
lcsim: Light curve simulation code
celerite2: Fast and scalable Gaussian Processes in one dimension
PlanetSlicer: Orange-slice algorithm for fitting brightness maps to phase curves
FRISBHEE: FRIedmann Solver for Black Hole Evaporation in the Early-universe
Sprout: Moving mesh finite volume hydro code
ChEAP: Chemical Evolution Analytic Package
PEREGRINE: Gravitational wave parameter inference with neural ration estimation
bskit: Bispectra from cosmological simulation snapshots
fitScalingRelation: Fit galaxy cluster scaling relations using MCMC
maszcal: Mass calibrations for thermal-SZ clusters
StarbugII: JWST PSF photometry for crowded fields
PCOSTPD: Periodogram Comparison for Optimizing Small Transiting Planet Detection
pymccorrelation: Correlation coefficients with uncertainties
pymcspearman: Monte carlo calculation of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient with uncertainties
INSPECTA: INtegrated SDHDF Processing Engine in C for Telescope data Analysis
A pseudo GUI with pyplot
qmatch: Some astronomical image matching programs
LOFAR H5plot
PI: Plages Identification
MATRIX: Multi-phAse Transits Recovery from Injected eXoplanets toolkit
CoLFI: Cosmological Likelihood-Free Inference
DeepGlow: Neural network emulator for BOXFIT
GWSim: Mock gravitational waves event generator
Swiftbat: Utilities for handing BAT instrument data from the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory
UBHM: Uncertainty quantification of black hole mass estimation
TRES: TRiple Evolution Simulation package
FishLSS: Fisher forecasting for Large Scale Structure surveys
velocileptors: Velocity-based Lagrangian and Eulerian PT expansions of redshift-space distortions
Driftscan: Drift scan telescope analysis
KeplerFit: Keplerian velocity distribution model fitter
glmnet: Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear models
BCemu: Model baryonic effects in cosmological simulations
caput: Utilities for building radio astronomy data analysis pipelines
Rapster: Rapid population synthesis for binary black hole mergers in dynamical environments
DiskMINT: Disk Model For INdividual Targets
Nemo: Millimeter-wave map filtering and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich galaxy cluster and source detection
FastSpecFit: Fast spectral synthesis and emission-line fitting of DESI spectra
AstroPhot: Fitting everything everywhere all at once in astronomical images
SIMBI: 3D relativistic gas dynamics code
FLATW'RM: Finding flares in Kepler data using machine-learning tools
MOOG_SCAT: Scattering version of the MOOG Line Transfer Code
FABADA: Non-parametric noise reduction using Bayesian inference
connect: COsmological Neural Network Emulator of CLASS using TensorFlow
MBASC: Multi-Band AGN-SFG Classifier
orbitN: Symplectic integrator for near-Keplerian planetary systems
APOLLO: Radiative transfer and atmosphere spectroscopic retrieval for exoplanets
species: Atmospheric characterization of directly imaged exoplanets
HELA: Random Forest retrieval for exoplanet atmospheres
plan-net: Bayesian neural networks for exoplanetary atmospheric retrieval
LEFTfield: Forward modeling of cosmological density fields
backtrack: fit relative motion of candidate direct imaging sources with background proper motion and parallax
EVolve: Growth and evolution of volcanically-derived atmospheres
EVo: Thermodynamic magma degassing model
WeakLensingQML: Quadratic Maximum Likelihood estimator applied to Weak Lensing
νHawkHunter: Forecasting of PBH neutrinos
reMASTERed: Calculate contributions to pseudo-Cl for maps with correlated masks
NaMaster: Unified pseudo-Cl framework
GWDALI: Gravitational wave parameter estimation
HAYASHI: Halo-level AnalYsis of the Absorption Signal in HI
NAVanalysis: Normalized Additional Velocity analysis
RUBIS: Fast centrifugal deformation program for stellar and planetary models
EAGLES: Estimating AGes from Lithium Equivalent widthS
LIMpy: Line Intensity Mapping in Python
EFTCAMB: Effective Field Theory with CAMB
pycrires: Data reduction pipeline for VLT/CRIRES+
adiabatic-tides: Tidal stripping of dark matter (sub)haloes
WarpX: Time-based electromagnetic and electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code
WDMWaveletTransforms: Fast forward and inverse WDM wavelet transforms
binary_c-python: Stellar population synthesis tool and interface to binary_c
binary_c: Stellar population synthesis software framework
Guacho: 3D uniform mesh parallel HD/MHD code for astrophysics
Imber: Doppler imaging tool for modeling stellar and substellar surfaces
AmpF: Amplification factor for solar lensing
HilalPy: Analysis tool for lunar crescent visibility criterion
SAMUS: Simulator of Asteroid Malformation Under Stress
SIMPLE: Intensity map generator
TidalPy: Moon and exoplanet tidal heating and dynamics estimator
CosmicFish: Cosmology forecasting tool
gyrointerp: Gyrochronology via interpolation of open cluster rotation sequences
pyhalomodel: Halo-model implementation for power spectra
SHARK: Gas and dust hydrodynamics with dust coagulation/fragmentation
PyIMRPhenomD: Stellar origin black hole binaries population estimator
TOAST: Time Ordered Astrophysics Scalable Tools
FGBuster: Parametric component separation for Cosmic Microwave Background observations
PolyBin: Binned polyspectrum estimation on the full sky
IMRPhenomD: Phenomenological waveform model
IMRIpy: Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals simulator
Veusz: Scientific plotting package
DataComb: Combining data for better images
BOWIE: Gravitational wave binary signal analysis
Synthetic LISA: Simulator for LISA-like gravitational-wave observatories
SIRENA: Energy reconstruction of X-ray photons for Athena X-IFU
mnms: Map-based Noise ModelS
DiscVerSt: Vertical structure calculator for accretion discs around neutron stars and black holes
Coniferest: Python package for active anomaly detection
baccoemu: Cosmological emulators for large-scale structure statistics
pnautilus: Three-phase chemical code
21cmvFAST: Adding dark matter-baryon relative velocities to 21cmFAST
AGNvar: Model spectral timing properties in active galactic nuclei
pyPplusS: Modeling exoplanets with rings
axionHMcode: Non-linear power spectrum calculator
ALF: Absorption line fitter
RelicFast: Fast scale-dependent halo bias
BE-HaPPY: Bias emulator for halo power spectrum
Jdaviz: JWST astronomical data analysis tools in the Jupyter platform
SCF-FDPS: Disk-halo systems simulator
BOXFIT: Gamma-ray burst afterglow light curve generator
GER: Global Extinction Reduction
pybranch: Calculate experimental branching fractions and transition probabilities from atomic spectra
PSFMachine: Toolkit for doing PSF photometry
ESSENCE: Evaluate spatially correlated noise in interferometric images
threepoint: Covariance of third-order aperture statistics
TiDE: Light curves and spectra of tidal disruption events
kilopop: Binary neutron star population of optical kilonovae
Hitomi: Cosmological analysis of anisotropic galaxy distributions
SubgridClumping: Clumping factor for large low-resolution N-body simulations
ARPACK-NG: Large scale eigenvalue problem solver
MG-PICOLA: Simulating cosmological structure formation
COLASolver: Particle-Mesh N-body code
CHIPS: Circumstellar matter and light curves of interaction-powered transients simulator
nuPyProp: Propagate neutrinos through the earth
nuSpaceSim: Cosmic neutrino simulation
SHERLOCK: Explore Kepler, K2, and TESS data
CONDUCT: Electron transport coefficients of magnetized stellar plasmas
COFFE: COrrelation Function Full-sky Estimator
PEPITA: Prediction of Exoplanet Precisions using Information in Transit Analysis
GRChombo: Numerical relativity simulator
FacetClumps: Molecular clump detection algorithm based on Facet model
CADET: X-ray cavity detection tool
IDEFIX: Astrophysical fluid dynamics
CONCEPT: COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon
COLT: Monte Carlo radiative transfer and simulation analysis toolkit
lasso_spectra: Predict properties from galaxy spectra using Lasso regression
CosmoGraphNet: Cosmological parameters and galaxy power spectrum from galaxy catalogs
ECLIPSE: Efficient Cmb poLarization and Intensity Power Spectra Estimator
Butterpy: Stellar butterfly diagram and rotational light curve simulator
Mixclask: Mixing Cloudy and SKIRT
rfast: Planetary spectral forward and inverse modeling tool
PEP: Planetary Ephemeris Program
Parthenon: Portable block-structured adaptive mesh refinement framework
ALminer: ALMA archive mining and visualization toolkit
COpops: Compute CO sizes and fluxes
RELAGN: AGN SEDs with full GR ray tracing
apollinaire: Helioseismic and asteroseismic peakbagging frameworks
pipes_vis: Interactive GUI and visualizer tool for SPS spectra
mockFRBhosts: Limiting the visibility and follow-up of FRB host galaxies
: Real-time interferometric data analysis for the VLA
FRB: Fast Radio Burst calculations, estimations, and analysis
Zeus21: Simulations of 21-cm at cosmic dawn
SuperRad: Black hole superradiance gravitational waveform modeler
Mangrove: Infer galaxy properties using dark matter merger trees
AIOLOS: Planetary atmosphere accretion and escape simulations
SCONCE-SCMS: Spherical and conic cosmic web finders with extended SCMS algorithms
ZodiPy: Zodiacal emission simulations in timestreams or HEALPix for solar system observers
margarine: Posterior sampling and marginal Bayesian statistics
MOBSE: Massive Objects in Binary Stellar Evolution
Albatross: Stellar stream parameter inference with neural ratio estimation
sstrax: Fast stellar stream modelling in JAX
PhotoParallax: Data-driven photometric parallaxes built with Gaia and 2MASS
β-SGP: Scaled Gradient Projection algorithm using β-divergence
Delight: Photometric redshift via Gaussian processes with physical kernels
TIDYMESS: TIdal DYnamics of Multi-body ExtraSolar Systems
SAVED21cm: Global 21cm signal extraction pipeline
sbi: Simulation-based inference toolkit
HAFFET: Supernovae photometric and spectroscopic data analyzer
CELEBI: Precision localizations and polarimetric data for fast radio bursts
Nextflow: DSL for data-driven computational pipelines
GLASS: Cosmological simulations on the sphere
GrGadget: Evolve metric perturbations in the weak field limit
COLIBRI: Cosmological libraries in Python
JEDI: James's EVE Dimming Index
sterile-dm: Sterile neutrino production
GWSurrogate: Gravitational wave surrogate models
simple-m2m: Extensions to the standard M2M algorithm for full modeling of observational data
gw_pta_emulator: Gravitational Waves via Pulsar Timing Arrays
EIDOS: Modeling primary beams of radio astronomy antennas
DP3: Streaming processing pipeline for radio interferometric data
aartfaac2ms: Aartfaac datasets converter
KERN: Radio telescope toolkit
DarkMappy: Mapping the dark universe
FLAGLET: Fast and exact wavelet transform on the ball
breizorro: Image masking tool
DDFacet: Facet-based radio imaging package
Stimela: Containerized radio interferometry scripting framework
QuartiCal: Fast radio interferometric calibration
killMS: Direction-dependent radio interferometric calibration package
katdal: MeerKAT Data Access Library
extrapops: Fast simulation and analysis of extra-galactic binary GW sources
Virtual Telescope: Next-Generation Space Telescope Simulator
FRIDDA: Fisher foRecast code for combIned reDshift Drift and Alpha
JET: JWST Exoplanet Targeting
FALCO: Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer in Python
FALCO: Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer in MATLAB
BatAnalysis: HEASOFT wrapper for processing Swift-BAT data
Applefy: Robust detection limits for high-contrast imaging
ASSIST: Solar system test particles trajectories integrator
HaloGraphNet: Predict halo masses from simulations
pulsar_spectra: Pulsar flux density measurements, spectral models fitting, and catalog
MORPHOFIT: Morphological analysis of galaxies
bajes: Bayesian Jenaer software
SatGen: Semi-analytical satellite galaxy and dark matter halo generator
SIDM: Density profiles of self-interacting dark-matter halos with inhabitant galaxies
Delphes: Fast simulation of a generic collider experiment
FastJet: Jet finding in pp and e+e− collisions
EvoEMD: Cosmic Evolution with an Early Matter-Dominated era
Scri: Manipulate time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics
spinsfast: Fast and exact spin-s spherical harmonic transforms
Pandora: Fast exomoon transit detection algorithm
nd-redshift: Number Density Redshift Evolution Code
PyCom: Interstellar communication
GPCC: Gaussian process cross-correlation for time delay estimation
Blobby3D: Bayesian inference for gas kinematics
naif: Frequency analysis package
SeeKAT: Localizer for transients detected in tied-array beams
line_selections: Automatic line detection for large spectroscopic surveys
World Observatory
cysgp4: Wrapper for C++ SGP4 satellite library
HDMSpectra: Dark Matter Spectra from the electroweak to the Planck scale
Diffmah: Differentiable models of halo and galaxy formation history
DSPS: Differentiable Stellar Population Synthesis
AART: Adaptive Analytical Ray Tracing
RALF: RADEX Line Fitter
AMICAL: Aperture Masking Interferometry Calibration and Analysis Library
UBER: Universal Boltzmann Equation Solver
MADCUBA: MAdrid Data CUBe Analysis
GCP: Automated GILDAS-CLASS Pipeline
RichValues: Managing numeric values with uncertainties and upper/lower limits
swyft: Scientific simulation-based inference at scale
FCFC: C toolkit for computing correlation functions from pair counts
kima: Exoplanet detection in RVs with DNest4 and GPs
SASHIMI-C: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Cold Dark Matter
Diffstar: Differentiable star formation histories
UniverseMachine: Empirical model for galaxy formation
SASHIMI-W: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Warm Dark Matter
EXOTIC: EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code
HawkingNet: Finding Hawking points in the Cosmic Microwave Background
AnalyticLC: Dynamical modeling of planetary systems
RCR: Robust Chauvenet Outlier Rejection
celmech: Sandbox for celestial mechanics calculations
SFQEDtoolkit: Strong-field QED processes modeling for PIC and Monte Carlo codes
PHOTOe: Monte Carlo model for simulating the slowing down of photoelectrons
deconfuser: Fast orbit fitting to directly imaged multi-planetary systems
nicaea: NumerIcal Cosmology And lEnsing cAlculations
PREVIS: Python Request Engine for Virtual Interferometric Survey
HIPP: HIgh-Performance Package for scientific computation
ALMA3: plAnetary Love nuMbers cAlculator
special: SPEctral Characterization of directly ImAged Low-mass companions
Puri-Psi: Radio interferometric imaging
MGwave: Detect kinematic moving groups in astronomical data
desitarget: Selecting DESI targets from photometric catalogs
nFITSview: A simple and user-friendly FITS image viewer
SOXS: Simulated Observations of X-ray Sources
PoWR: Potsdam Wolf-Rayet Models
GalCEM: GALactic Chemical Evolution Model
WALDO: Waveform AnomaLy DetectOr
VDA: Void Dwarf Analyzer
KCWI_DRP: Keck Cosmic Web Imager Data Reduction Pipeline in Python
kderp: Keck Cosmic Web Imager Data Extraction and Reduction Pipeline in IDL
ReACT: Calculation of non-linear power spectra from non-standard physics
FERRE: Match physical models to measurements
SOAP-GPU: Spectral time series simulations with GPU
LBL: Line-by-line velocity measurements
pyExoRaMa: An interactive tool to investigate the radius-mass diagram for exoplanets
XGA: Efficient analysis of XMM observations
Rosetta: Platform for resource-intensive, interactive data analysis
Fastcc: Broadband radio telescope receiver fast color corrections
Xpol: Pseudo-Cl power spectrum estimator
HiLLiPoP: High-L Likelihood Polarized for Planck
LoLLiPoP: Low-L Likelihood Polarized for Planck
Self-cal: Optical/IR long-baseline interferometry
fitOmatic: Interferometric data modeling
HEADSS: HiErArchical Data Splitting and Stitching for non-distributed clustering algorithms
WF4Py: Gravitational waves waveform models in pure Python language
Pyxel: Detector and end-to-end instrument simulation
CALSAGOS: Select cluster members and search, find, and identify substructures
unWISE-verse: An Integrated WiseView and Zooniverse Data Pipeline
Spender: Neural spectrum encoder and decoder
CONTROL: Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment data reduction pipeline
Burning Arrow: Black hole massive particles orbit degradation
Tranquillity: Creating black hole spin divergence plots
Elysium: Observing black hole accretion disks
Infinity: Calculate accretion disk radiation forces onto moving particles
Omega: Photon equations of motion
m2mcluster: Star clusters made-to-measure modeling
SourceXtractor++: Extracts sources from astronomical images
powspec: Power and cross spectral density of 2D arrays
AbundanceMatching: Subhalo abundance matching with scatter
SImMER: Stellar Image Maturation via Efficient Reduction
pyTANSPEC: Python tool for extracting 1D TANSPEC spectra from 2D images
PACMAN: Planetary Atmosphere, Crust, and MANtle geochemical evolution
BANZAI-NRES: BANZAI data reduction pipeline for NRES
xwavecal: Wavelength calibrating echelle spectrographs
sf_deconvolve: PSF deconvolution and analysis
Hazma: Compute indirect detection constraints on sub-GeV dark matter
panco2: Pressure profile measurements of galaxy clusters
PyMCCF: Python Modernized Cross Correlation Function for reverberation mapping studies
GPry: Bayesian inference of expensive likelihoods with Gaussian processes
MTNeedlet: Spherical maps filtering
FastDF: Integrating neutrino geodesics in linear theory
MGCosmoPop: Modified gravity and cosmology with binary black holes population models
Eventdisplay: Analysis and reconstruction package for ground-based Gamma-ray astronomy
GWFAST: Fisher information matrix python package for gravitational-wave detectors
EXCEED-DM: EXtended Calculation of Electronic Excitations for Direct detection of Dark Matter
APERO: A PipelinE to Reduce Observations
ODNet: Asteroid occultation detection convolutional neural network
BiGONLight: Bi-local Geodesic Operators framework for Numerical Light propagation
Korg: 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium stellar spectral synthesis
H-FISTA: Phase retrieval for pulsar spectroscopy
PDFchem: Average abundance of species from Av-PDFs
2DFFTUtils: 2DFFT Utilities implementation
gsf: Grism SED Fitting package
fastSHT: Fast Spherical Harmonic Transforms
BlackJAX: Library of samplers for JAX
ovejero: Bayesian neural network inference of strong gravitational lenses
pmclib: Population Monte Carlo library
mgcnn: Standard and modified gravity (MG) cosmological models classifier
baobab: Training data generator for hierarchically modeling strong lenses with Bayesian neural networks
unTimely_Catalog_explorer: A search and visualization tool for the unTimely Catalog
PAHDecomp: Decomposing the mid-IR spectra of extremely obscured galaxies
AMBER: Abundance Matching Box for the Epoch of Reionization
KC: Analytical propagator with collision detection for Keplerian systems
PTAfast: PTA correlations from stochastic gravitational wave background
cuvarbase: fast period finding utilities for GPUs
paltas: Simulation-based inference on strong gravitational lensing systems
CK: Cloud modeling and removal
LensingETC: Lensing Exposure Time Calculator
PGOPHER: Rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra simulator
tvguide: Observability by TESS
Faiss: Similarity search and clustering of dense vectors library
BornRaytrace: Weak gravitational lensing effects simulator
MCCD: Multi-CCD Point Spread Function Modelling
SHEEP: Machine Learning pipeline for astronomy classification
ixpeobssim: Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer simulator and analyzer
POSYDON: Single and binary star population synthesis code
LavAtmos: Gas-melt equilibrium calculations for a given temperature and melt composition
PySME: Spectroscopy Made Easy reimplemented with Python
PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
Solar-MACH: Multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter
Blacklight: GR ray tracing code for post-processing Athena++ simulations
iharm3D: Hybrid MPI/OpenMP 3D HARM with vectorization
pixmappy: Python interface to gbdes astrometry solutions
gbdes: DECam instrumental signature fitting and processing programs
TSRecon: Time series reconstruction method of massive astronomical catalogs
NEMESIS: Non-linear optimal estimator for multivariate spectral analysis
RADTRAN: General purpose planetary radiative transfer model
COMET: Emulated predictions of large-scale structure observables
ExoRad2: Generic point source radiometric model
PSFr: Point Spread Function reconstruction
Finder_charts: Create finder charts from image data of various sky surveys
NIRDust: Near Infrared Dust finder for Type2 AGN K-band spectra
SPINspiral: Parameter estimation for analyzing gravitational-wave signals
PSS: Pulsar Survey Scraper
FastQSL: Quasi-separatrix Layers computation method
SolTrack: Compute the position of the Sun in topocentric coordinates
libTheSky: Compute positions of celestial bodies and events
SpectraPy: Extract and reduce astronomical spectral data
RAPOC: Rosseland and Planck mean opacities calculator
TauREx3: Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets
SyntheticISOs: Synthetic Population of Interstellar Objects
wsynphot: Synthetic photometry package using quantities
URILIGHT: Time-dependent Monte-Carlo radiative-transfer
GaLight: 2D modeling of galaxy images
HyPhy: Hydrodynamical Physics via Deep Generative Painting
GRUMPY: Galaxy formation with RegUlator Model in PYthon
PINION: Accelerating radiative transfer simulations for cosmic reionization
AMBER: Fast pipeline for detecting single-pulse radio transients
KaRMMa: Curved-sky mass map reconstruction
SCORE: Shape COnstraint REstoration
Cluster Toolkit: Tools for analyzing galaxy clusters
DeepMass: Cosmological map inference with deep learning
Herculens: Differentiable gravitational lensing
A-SLOTH: Semi-analytical model to connect first stars and galaxies to observables
Yonder: Data denoising and reconstruction
toise: Performance estimator for high-energy neutrino detectors
CubeFit: Regularized 3D fitting for spectro-imaging data
PyNAPLE: Automated pipeline for detecting changes on the lunar surface
GSSP: Grid Search in Stellar Parameters
GStokes: Magnetic field structure and line profiles calculator
RadioLensfit: Radio weak lensing shear measurement in the visibility domain
EstrellaNueva: Expected rates of supernova neutrinos calculator
HOCHUNK3D: Dust radiative transfer in 3D
CRPropa3: Simulation framework for propagating extraterrestrial ultra-high energy particles
J-comb: Combine high-resolution and low-resolution data
uvcombine: Combine images with different resolutions
SPAMMS: Spectroscopic PAtch Model for Massive Stars
DELIGHT: Identify host galaxies of transient candidates
POIS: Python Optical Interferometry Simulation
FFD: Flare Frequency Distribution
LeXInt: Leja Exponential Integrators
RJ-plots: Automated objective classification of 2D structures
VapoRock: Modeling magma ocean atmospheres and stellar nebula
ThermoEngine: Thermodynamic properties estimator and phase equilibrium calculator
Asymmetric Uncertainty: Handling nonstandard numerical uncertainties
TOM Toolkit: Target and Observation Manager Toolkit
Scatfit: Scattering fits of time domain radio signals (Fast Radio Bursts or pulsars)
qrpca: QR-based Principal Components Analysis
BlaST: Synchrotron peak estimator for blazars
Eidein: Interactive Visualization Tool for Deep Active Learning
massmappy: Mapping dark matter on the celestial sphere
SSHT: Fast spin spherical harmonic transforms
piXedfit: Analyze spatially resolved SEDs of galaxies
gwdet: Detectability of gravitational-wave signals from compact binary coalescences
BANZAI: Beautiful Algorithms to Normalize Zillions of Astronomical Images
Analysis of dipole alignment in large-scale distribution of galaxy spin directions
ParticleGridMapper: Particle data interpolator
disksurf: Measure the molecular emission surface of protoplanetary disks
ConeRot: Velocity perturbations extractor
pdspy: MCMC tool for continuum and spectral line radiative transfer modeling
casa_cube: Display and analyze astronomical data cubes
pymcfost: Python interface to the MCFOST 3D radiative transfer code
MCFOST: Radiative transfer code
triple-stability: Triple-star system stability determinator
BAYGAUD: BAYesian GAUssian Decomposer
vKompth: Time-dependent Comptonization model for black-hole X-ray binaries
walter: Predictor for the number of resolved stars in a given observation from RST
pocoMC: Preconditioned Monte Carlo method for accelerated Bayesian inference
LOTUS: 1D Non-LTE stellar parameter determination via Equivalent Width method
DustPy: Simulation of dust evolution in protoplanetary disks
calviacat: Calibrate star photometry by catalog comparison
petitRADTRANS: Exoplanet spectra calculator
MuSCAT2_transit_pipeline: MuSCAT2 photometry and transit analysis pipelines
ExoCTK: Exoplanet Characterization Tool Kit
samsam: Scaled Adaptive Metropolis SAMpler
Helios-r2: Bayesian nested-sampling retrieval code
SolAster: 'Sun-as-a-star' radial velocity variations
TESS_PRF: Display the TESS pixel response function
Pyriod: Period detection and fitting routines
MultiModes: Efficiently analyze pulsating stars
echelle: Dynamic echelle diagrams for asteroseismology
cosmic-kite: Auto-encoding the Cosmic Microwave Background
MeSsI: MErging SystemS Identification
pynucastro: Python interfaces to the nuclear reaction rate databases
MULTIGRIS: Multicomponent probabilistic grid search
CosmicEmu: High Precision Emulator for the Nonlinear Matter Power Spectrum
Compact Binary Chebyshev Polynomial Representation Ephemeris Kernel
Spritz: General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code
DustFilaments: Paint filaments to produce a thermal dust full sky map at mm frequencies
ShapePipe: Galaxy shape measurement pipeline
CuspCore: Core formation in dark matter haloes and ultra-diffuse galaxies by outflow episodes
Wavetrack: Arbitrary time-evolving solar object recognition and tracking
pyPipe3D: Spectroscopy analysis pipeline
RealSim-IFS: Realistic synthetic integral field spectrscopy of galaxies from numerical simulations
PyCASSO2: Stellar population and emission line fits in integral field spectra
CCDLAB: FITS image viewer and data reducer
SEVN: Stellar EVolution for N-body
MADYS: Isochronal parameter determination for young stellar and substellar objects
atoMEC: Average-Atom code for Matter under Extreme Conditions
wdwarfdate: White dwarfs age calculator
Smart: Automatic differentiation of accelerations and variational equations
SpinSpotter: Stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry calculator
smooth: Smoothing for N-body simulations
WDPhotTools: White Dwarf Photometric SED fitter and luminosity function builder
IFSCube: Analyze and process integral field spectroscopy data cubes
JPFITS (C# .Net FITS File Interaction)
fastrometry: Fast world coordinate solution solver
pyHIIexplorerV2: Integrated spectra of HII regions extractor
Craterstats3: Analyze and plot crater count data for planetary surface dating
Craterstats2: Planetary surface dating from crater size-frequency distribution measurements
CircleCraters: Crater-counting plugin for QGIS
MYRaf: Aperture photometry GUI for IRAF
NonnegMFPy: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with heteroscedastic uncertainties and missing data
pystortion: Distortion measurement support
ExoJAX: Spectrum modeling of exoplanets and brown dwarfs
Green Bank Observatory Gridder
TCF: Transit Comb Filter periodogram
vortex: Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition for an AMR velocity field
simulateSearch: High-time resolution data sets simulations for radio telescopes
MM-LSD: Multi-Mask Least-Squares Deconvolution
PyWPF: Waterfall Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Folding
BANG: BAyesian decomposiotioN of Galaxies
CPNest: Parallel nested sampling
ASTROMER: Building light curves embeddings using transfomers
HOPS: Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System
ASOHF: Adaptive Spherical Overdensity Halo Finder
LiSA: LIghtweight Source finding Algorithms for analysis of HI spectral data
Pryngles: PlanetaRY spaNGLES
CS-ROMER: Compressed Sensing ROtation MEasure Reconstruction
FHD: Fast Holographic Deconvolution
ld-exosim: Simulate biases using different limb darkening laws
Zelda: Generate correlation functions and power spectra from a galaxy catalog
myRadex: Radex with a twist
pyICs: Initial Conditions creator for isolated galaxy formation simulations
hyperas: Keras + Hyperopt
Hyperopt: Distributed asynchronous hyper-parameter optimization
EarthScatterLikelihood: Event rates and likelihoods for Dark Matter direct detection in the presence of Earth-Scattering
LATTE: Lightcurve Analysis Tool for Transiting Exoplanet
maelstrom: Forward modeling of pulsating stars in binaries
FAlCon-DNS: Framework of time schemes for direct numerical simulation of annular convection
QSOGEN: Model quasar SEDs
am: Microwave through submillimeter-wave propagation tool for the terrestrial atmosphere
PMOIRED: Parametric Modeling of Optical Interferometric Data
Python “sgp4” module that offers official SGP4 C++ library
MonoTools: Planets of uncertain periods detector and modeler
DarkFlux: Dark Matter annihilation spectrum computer
ProFuse: Galaxies and components modeler
RSG: Redshift Search Graphs
pySIDES: Simulated Infrared Dusty Extragalactic Sky in Python
ADBSat: Aerodynamic Database for Satellites
GADGET-4: Parallel cosmological N-body and SPH code
SCRIPT: Semi-numerical Code for ReIonization with PhoTon-conservation
SpECTRE: Multi-scale, multi-physics problem solver
SimAb: Planet formation model
FBCTrack: Fragmentation and bulk composition tracking
MAYONNAISE: ADI data imaging processing pipeline
RMNest: Bayesian approach to measuring Faraday rotation and conversion in radio signals
RTS: Radio Transient Simulations
dsigma: Galaxy-galaxy lensing Python package
TESS-Localize: Localize variable star signatures in TESS Photometry
Bayesian SZNet: Bayesian deep learning to predict redshift with uncertainty
legacystamps: Retrieve DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys cutouts
Astroplotlib: Python scripts to handle astronomical images
TG: Turbulence Generator
TAWAS: Wave equation solver
Wigglewave: Linearized governing equations solver
Bootsik: Potential field calculator
SimLine: Radiative transfer in molecular lines
Zoobot: Deep learning galaxy morphology classifier
axionCAMB: Modification of the CAMB Boltzmann code
SetCoverPy: A heuristic solver for the set cover problem
Magrathea-Pathfinder: 3D AMR ray-tracing in simulations
MAGRATHEA: Multi-processor Adaptive Grid Refinement Analysis for THEoretical Astrophysics
Vetting: Stand-alone tools for vetting transit signals in Kepler, K2 and TESS data
MG-MAMPOSSt: Test gravity with the mass profiles of galaxy clusters
MAMPOSSt: Mass/orbit modeling of spherical systems
agnpy: Modeling jetted Active Galactic Nuclei radiative processes with Python
sympy2c: Generating fast C/C++ functions and ODE solvers from symbolic expressions
MaNGA-DAP: MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline
MaNGA-DRP: MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline
easyFermi: Fermi-LAT data analyzer
AutoSourceID-Light: Source localization in optical images
PetroFit: Petrosian properties calculator and galaxy light profiles fitter
pyobs: Python framework for autonomous astronomical observatories
SATCHEL: Pipeline to search for long-period exoplanet signals
D2O: Distributed Data Object
fleck: Fast starspot rotational modulation light curves
MIRaGe: Multi Instrument Ramp Generator
GAMERA: Source modeling in gamma astronomy
starry_process: Interpretable Gaussian processes for stellar light curves
pygacs: Toolkit to manipulate Gaia catalog tables
imexam: IMage EXAMination and plotting
NIMBLE: Non-parametrIc jeans Modeling with B-spLinEs
exoVista: Planetary systems generator
SISTER: Starshade Imaging Simulation Toolkit for Exoplanet Reconnaissance
RCETC: Roman Coronagraph Exposure Time Calculator
topoaccel: Topological acceleration scripts
INSANE: INflationary potential Simulator and ANalysis Engine
SunnyNet: Neural network framework for solving 3D NLTE radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres
Starduster: Radiative transfer and deep learning multi-wavelength SED model
ASPIRED: Automated SpectroPhotometric Image REDuction
popsynth: Observed surveys from latent population models
distance-omnibus: Distance estimation method for molecular cloud clumps in the Milky Way
Contaminante: Identify blended targets in Kepler, TESS, and K2 data
Sculptor: Interactive modeling of astronomical spectra
GALLUMI: GALaxy LUMInosity function pipeline
Find_Orb: Orbit determination from observations
SPARTAN: SPectroscopic And photometRic fiTting tool for Astronomical aNalysis
Mean Motion Resonances
Citlalicue: Create and manipulate stellar light curves
PSLS: PLATO Solar-like Light-curve Simulator
fiducial_flare: Spectra and lightcurves of a standardized far ultraviolet flare
RFEP: Residual Feature Extraction Pipeline
EDIVU: Exoplanet Detection Identifier Vetter Unplugged
EDIV: Exoplanet Detection Identifier Vetter
TERRA: Transit detection code
SciCatalog: Tools for scientific data catalogs
FIRE Studio: Movie making utilities for the FIRE simulations
palettable: Color palettes for Python
SUPPNet: Spectrum normalization neural network
Zwindstroom: Cosmological growth factors from fluid calculations
NWelch: Spectral analysis of time series with nonuniform observing cadence
frbmclust: Model-independent classification of events from the first CHIME/FRB Fast Radio Burst catalog
GA Galaxy: Interacting galaxies model fitter
nProFit: n-Profile Fitting tool
disnht: Absorption spectrum solver
MAGRATHEA: Planet interior structure code
COWS: Cosmic web filament finder
statmorph: Non-parametric morphological diagnostics of galaxy images
AltaiPony: Flare finder for Kepler, K2, and TESS light curves
fermi-gce-flows: Infer the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess
tellrv: Radial velocities for low-resolution NIR spectra
dark-photons-perturbations: Dark photon conversions in our inhomogeneous Universe
AllStarFit: R package for source detection, PSF and multi-component galaxy fitting
FitsMap: Interactive astronomical image and catalog data visualizer
BLOSMapping: Determine line-of-sight magnetic fields of molecular clouds
AstroToolBox: Java tools for identifying and classifying astronomical objects
EzTao: Easier CARMA Modeling
JexoSim 2.0: JWST Exoplanet Observation Simulator
HoloSim-ML: Analyzing radio holography measurements of complex optical systems
FTP: Fast Template Periodogram
l1p: Python implementation of the l1 periodogram
wpca: Weighted Principal Component Analysis in Python
hankl: Python implementation of the FFTLog algorithm for cosmology
GRIT: Gravitational Rigid-body InTegrators for simulating coupled dynamics
BayesicFitting: Model fitting and Bayesian evidence calculation package
O'TRAIN: Optical TRAnsient Identification NEtwork
Optab: Ideal-gas opacity tables generator
deeplenstronomy: Pipeline for versatile strong lens sample simulations
TESSreduce: Transient focused reduction for TESS data
SAPHIRES: Stellar Analysis in Python for HIgh REsolution Spectroscopy
Qwind3: Modeling UV line-driven winds originating from accretion discs
Qwind: Non-hydrodynamical model for AGN line-drive winds
DiracVsMajorana: Statistical discrimination of sub-GeV Majorana and Dirac dark matter
DarkARC: Dark Matter-induced Atomic Response Code
WIMpy_NREFT: Dark Matter direct detection rates detector
AsteroGaP: Asteroid Gaussian Processes
MISTTBORN: MCMC Interface for Synthesis of Transits, Tomography, Binaries, and Others of a Relevant Nature
NeutrinoFog: Neutrino fog and floor for direct dark matter searches
STDPipe: Simple Transient Detection Pipeline
Interferopy: Analyzing datacubes from radio-to-submm observations
Defringe: Fringe artifact correction
SCORPIO: Sky COllector of galaxy Pairs and Image Output
QUESTFIT: Fitter for mid-infrared galaxy spectra
pycelp: Python package for Coronal Emission Line Polarization
DIPol-UF: Remote control software for DIPol-UF polarimeter
Caustic Mass Estimator for Galaxy Clusters
GWToolbox: Gravitational wave observation simulator
pySYD: Measuring global asteroseismic parameters
SteParSyn: Stellar atmospheric parameters using the spectral synthesis method
gCMCRT: 3D Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer for exoplanet atmospheres using GPUs
UniMAP: Unicorn Multi-window Anomaly Detection Pipeline
Astrosat: Satellite transit calculator
flatstar: Make 2d intensity maps of limb-darkened stars
p-winds: Python implementation of Parker wind models for planetary atmospheres
Nii: Multidimensional posterior distributions framework
CoLoRe: Cosmological Lofty Realization
COCOPLOT: COlor COllapsed PLOTting software
LEGWORK: LISA Evolution and Gravitational Wave ORbit Kit
prose: FITS images processing pipeline
CEvNS: Calculate Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering cross sections and recoil spectra
NLopt: Nonlinear optimization library
PSwarm: Global optimization solver for bound and linear constrained problems
JAX: Autograd and XLA
astroDDPM: Realistic galaxy simulation via score-based generative models
Data modelling approaches to astronomical data - Mapping large spectral line data cubes to dimensional data models
XookSuut: Model circular and noncircular flows on 2D velocity maps
PT-REX: Point-to-point TRend EXtractor
BCES: Linear regression for data with measurement errors and intrinsic scatter
SELCIE: Screening Equations Linearly Constructed and Iteratively Evaluated
FEniCS: Computing platform for solving partial differential equations
ThERESA: 3D Exoplanet Cartography
pyro: Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch
Flux: Julia machine learning library
swordfish: Information yield of counting experiments
Nauyaca: N-body approach for determining planetary masses and orbital elements
GGCHEMPY: Gas-Grain CHEMical code for interstellar medium in Python3
GRASS: GRanulation and Spectrum Simulator
BASTA: BAyesian STellar Algorithm
Quokka: Two-moment AMR radiation hydrodynamics on GPUs for astrophysics
ParSNIP: Parametrization of SuperNova Intrinsic Properties
PISCOLA: Python for Intelligent Supernova-COsmology Light-curve Analysis
ArtPop: Artificial Stellar Populations generator
TauRunner: Code to propagate tau neutrinos at very high energies
TULIPS: Tool for Understanding the Lives, Interiors, and Physics of Stars
PSRDADA: Distributed Acquisition and Data Analysis for Radio Astronomy
exodetbox: Finding planet-star projected separation extrema and difference in magnitude extrema
JWSTSim: Geometric-Focused JWST Deep Field Image Simulation
Snowball: Generalizable atmospheric mass loss calculator
BiPoS1: Dynamical processing of the initial binary star population
Healpix.jl: Julia-only port of the HEALPix library
OSPREI: Sun-to-Earth (or satellite) CME simulator
Varstar Detect: Variable star detection in TESS data
Menura: Multi-GPU numerical model for space plasma simulation
BHJet: Semi-analytical black hole jet model
gphist: Cosmological expansion history inference using Gaussian processes
ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism: Fisher Formalism for Weak Lensing
WeakLensingDeblending: Weak lensing fast simulations and analysis of blended objects
SNEWPY: Supernova Neutrino Early Warning Models for Python
SNOwGLoBES: SuperNova Observatories with GLoBES
GLoBES: General Long Baseline Experiment Simulator
HTOF: Astrometric solutions for Hipparcos and Gaia intermediate data
SkyPy: Simulating the astrophysical sky
unpopular: Using CPM detrending to obtain TESS light curves
HSS: The Hough Stream Spotter
WimPyDD: WIMP direct–detection rates predictor
STAR-MELT: STellar AccrRetion Mapping with Emission Line Tomography
Rubble: Simulating dust size distributions in protoplanetary disks
Frankenstein: Flux reconstructor
pyFFTW: Python wrapper around FFTW
pyia: Python package for working with Gaia data
SkyCalc_ipy: SkyCalc wrapper for interactive Python
eMCP: e-MERLIN CASA pipeline
SoFiA 2: An automated, parallel HI source finding pipeline
DviSukta: Spherically Averaged Bispectrum calculator
VOLKS2: VLBI Observation for transient Localization Keen Searcher
alpconv: Calculating alp-photon conversion
gammaALPs: Conversion probability between photons and axions/axionlike particles
ScopeSim Instrument Reference Database
ScopeSim Templates
SORA: Stellar Occultation Reduction Analysis
iminuit: Jupyter-friendly Python interface for C++ MINUIT2
CMC-COSMIC: Cluster Monte Carlo code
COSMIC: Compact Object Synthesis and Monte Carlo Investigation Code
ExoPlaSim: Exoplanet climate simulator
DBSP_DRP: DBSP Data Reduction Pipeline
PIPS: Period detection and Identification Pipeline Suite
Cosmic-CoNN: Cosmic ray detection toolkit
AutoProf: Automatic Isophotal solutions for galaxy images
Chemulator: Thermochemical emulator for hydrodynamical modeling
ELISa: Eclipsing binaries Learning Interactive System
StelNet: Stellar mass and age predictor
AMOEBA: Automated Gaussian decomposition
NRDD_constraints: Dark Matter interaction with the Standard Model exclusion plot calculator
Spectra-Without-Windows: Window-free analysis of the BOSS DR12 power spectrum and bispectrum
FIREFLY: Chi-squared minimization full spectral fitting code
caesar-rest: Web service for the caesar source extractor
CatBoost: High performance gradient boosting on decision trees library
catwoman: Transit modeling Python package for asymmetric light curves
viper: Velocity and IP EstimatoR
millennium-tap-query: Python tool to query the Millennium Simulation UWS/TAP client
WaldoInSky: Anomaly detection algorithms for time-domain astronomy
MAPS: Multi-frequency Angular Power Spectrum estimator
AUM: A Unified Modeling scheme for galaxy abundance, galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing
HRK: HII Region Kinematics
MALU IFS visualisation tool
HERMES: High-Energy Radiative MESsengers
PHL: Persistent_Homology_LSS
TRINITY: Dark matter halos, galaxies and supermassive black holes empirical model
KeplerPORTS: Kepler Planet Occurrence Rate Tools
K2mosaic: Mosaic Kepler pixel data
MCPM: Modified CPM method
K2-CPM: Causal Pixel Model for K2 data
cosmic_variance: Cosmic variance calculator
Kd-match: Correspondences of objects between two catalogs through pattern matching
RePrimAnd: Recovery of Primitives And EOS framework
Chem-I-Calc: Chemical Information Calculator
PlaSim: Planet Simulator
ART: A Reconstruction Tool
PyCactus: Post-processing tools for Cactus computational toolkit simulation data
shear-stacking: Stacked shear profiles and tests based upon them
shapelens: Astronomical image analysis and shape estimation framework
Skylens++: Simulation package for optical astronomical observations
GUBAS: General Use Binary Asteroid Simulator
PyROA: Modeling quasar light curves
AlignBandColors: Inter-color-band image alignment tool
SpArcFiRe: SPiral ARC FInder and REporter
Balrog: Astronomical image simulation
nimbus: A Bayesian inference framework to constrain kilonova models
Skymapper: Mapping astronomical survey data on the sky
snmachine: Photometric supernova classification
ReionYuga: Epoch of Reionization neutral Hydrogen field generator
FoF-Halo-finder: Halo location and size
PMN-body: Particle Mesh N-body code
ROA: Running Optimal Average
light-curve: Light curve analysis toolbox
IRAGNSEP: Spectral energy distribution fitting code
atmos: Coupled climate–photochemistry model
ehtplot: Plotting functions for the Event Horizon Telescope
PORTA: POlarized Radiative TrAnsfer
BiFFT: Fast estimation of the bispectrum
CalPriorSNIa: Effective calibration prior on the absolute magnitude of Type Ia supernovae
ztf-viewer: SNAD ZTF data releases object viewer
ZWAD: Anomaly detection pipeline
DarkSirensStat: Measuring modified GW propagation and the Hubble parameter
BiHalofit: Fitting formula of non-linear matter bispectrum
DM_statistics: Statistics of the cosmological dispersion measure (DM)
EMBERS: Experimental Measurement of BEam Responses with Satellites
FRBSTATS: A web-based platform for visualization of fast radio burst properties
MultiModeCode: Numerical exploration of multifield inflation models
Katu: Interaction of particles in plasma simulator
ModeChord: Primordial scalar and tensor power spectra solver
RedPipe: Reduction Pipeline
so_noise_models: Simons Observatory N(ell) noise models
STaRS: Sejong Radiative Transfer through Raman and Rayleigh Scattering with atomic hydrogen
aztekas: GRHD numerical code
simple_reg_dem: Differential Emission Measures in the solar corona
GLEMuR: GPU-based Lagrangian mimEtic Magnetic Relaxation
picca: Package for Igm Cosmological-Correlations Analyses
redvsblue: Quasar and emission line redshift fitting
QuasarNET: CNN for redshifting and classification of astrophysical spectra
ATES: ATmospheric EScape
Lemon: Linear integral Equations' Monte carlo solver based On the Neumann solution
Kadath: Spectral solver
StarcNet: Convolutional neural network for classifying galaxy images into morphological classes
MakeCloud: Turbulent GMC initial conditions for GIZMO
Maneage: Managing data lineage
baofit: Fit cosmological data to measure baryon acoustic oscillations
simqso: Simulated quasar spectra generator
CoMover: Bayesian probability of co-moving stars
Pyshellspec: Binary systems with circumstellar matter
Marvin: Data access and visualization for MaNGA
crowdsource: Crowded field photometry pipeline
PyDoppler: Wrapper for Doppler tomography software
dopmap: Fast Doppler mapping program
KOBE: Kepler Observes Bern Exoplanets
PFITS: Spectra data reduction
Kepler's Goat Herd: Solving Kepler's equation via contour integration
RandomQuintessence: Integrate the Klein-Gordon and Friedmann equations with random initial conditions
ClaRAN: Classifying Radio sources Automatically with Neural networks
Pyrat Bay: Python Radiative Transfer in a Bayesian framework
CUDAHM: MCMC sampling of hierarchical models with GPUs
PyTorchDIA: Difference Image Analysis tool
encore: Efficient isotropic 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-point correlation functions
SISPO: Imaging simulator for small solar system body missions
orvara: Orbits from Radial Velocity, Absolute, and/or Relative Astrometry
BlackBOX: BlackGEM and MeerLICHT image reduction software
ZOGY: Python implementation of proper image subtraction
MeerCRAB: Transient classifier using a deep learning model
MCALF: Velocity information from spectral imaging observations
SpheCow: Galaxy and dark matter halo dynamical properties
The Sequencer: Detect one-dimensional sequences in complex datasets
COMPAS: Rapid binary population synthesis code
TesseRACt: Tessellation-based Recovery of Amorphous halo Concentrations
ATARRI: A TESS Archive RR Lyrae Classifier
PDM2: Phase Dispersion Minimization
BHPToolkit: Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit
Py-PDM: A Python wrapper of the Phase Dispersion Minimization (PDM)
Posidonius: N-Body simulator for planetary and/or binary systems
lofti_gaiaDR2: Orbit fitting with Gaia astrometry
TES: Terrestrial Exoplanet Simulator
globalemu: Global (sky-averaged) 21-cm signal emulation
linemake: Line list generator
Skye: Equation of state for fully ionized matter
SpaceHub: High precision few-body and large scale N-body simulations
GAMMA: Relativistic hydro and local cooling on a moving mesh
PyBird: Python code for biased tracers in redshift space
RadioFisher: Fisher forecasting for 21cm intensity mapping and spectroscopic galaxy surveys
cmblensplus: Cosmic microwave background tools
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
SpectRes: Simple spectral resampling
GGchem: Fast thermo-chemical equilibrium code
Bagpipes: Bayesian Analysis of Galaxies for Physical Inference and Parameter EStimation
Skyoffset: Sky offset optimization and mosaicing toolkit
dense_basis: Dense Basis SED fitting
SSSpaNG: Stellar Spectra as Sparse Non-Gaussian Processes
pfits: PSRFITS-format data file processor
Mo'Astro: MongoDB framework for observational astronomy
Freeture: Free software to capTure meteors
Ulula: a lightweight 2D hydro code for teaching
OpTool: Command-line driven tool for creating complex dust opacities
OpacityTool: Dust opacities for disk modeling
LaFuLi: NASA Langley Fu-Liou radiative transfer code
EPIC5: Lindblad orbits in ovally perturbed potentials
RJObject: Reversible Jump Objects
CTR: Coronal Temperature Reconstruction
Spectractor: Spectrum extraction tool for slitless spectrophotometry
Hilal-Obs: Authentication agorithm for new moon visibility report
Librarian: The HERA Librarian
hera_opm: The HERA Online Processing Module
CARTA: Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy
DIAPHANE: Library for radiation and neutrino transport in hydrodynamical simulations
SparseBLS: Box-Fitting Least Squares implementation for sparse data
Astro-Fix: Correcting astronomical bad pixels in Python
GalLenspy: Reconstruction of mass profile in disc-like galaxies from the gravitational lensing effect
PyPion: Post-processing code for PION simulation data
Silo: Saving scientific data to binary disk files
PION: Computational fluid-dynamics package for astrophysics
DRAKE: Relic density in concrete models prediction
nestle: Nested sampling algorithms for evaluating Bayesian evidence
Carsus: Atomic database for astronomy
ARTIS: 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for supernovae
SUPERNU: Radiative transfer code for explosive outflows using Monte Carlo methods
GalacticDNSMass: Bayesian inference determination of mass distribution of Galactic double neutron stars
CRIME: Cosmological Realizations for Intensity Mapping Experiments
RAiSERed: Analytic AGN model based code for radio-frequency redshifts
LPF: Real-time detection of transient sources in radio data streams
QuickCBC: Rapid and reliable inference for binary mergers
schNell: Fast calculation of N_ell for GW anisotropies
AstroNet-Triage: Neural network for TESS light curve triage
AstroNet-Vetting: Neural network for TESS light curve vetting
TransitFit: Exoplanet transit fitting package for multi-telescope datasets
DarkEmulator: Cosmological emulation code for halo clustering statistics
MRS: The MOS Reduction Software
Pyedra: Python implementation for asteroid phase curve fitting
TFF: Template Fourier Fitting
ggm: Gaussian gradient magnitude filtering of astronomical images
satcand: Orbital stability and tidal migration constraints for KOI exomoon candidates
Deep Embedded Clustering for Open Cluster Characterization with Gaia DR2 Data
redshifts: Spectroscopic redshifts search tool
spalipy: Detection-based astronomical image registration
hfs_fit: Atomic emission spectral line hyperfine structure fitting
21cmDeepLearning: Matter density map extractor
synchrofit: Python-based synchrotron spectral fitting
U.S. Naval Observatory Ephemerides of the Largest Asteroids (USNO/AE98)
FLARE: Synthetic Fast Radio Burst catalog generator
GLEAM: Galaxy Line Emission and Absorption Modeling
BALRoGO: Bayesian Astrometric Likelihood Recovery of Galactic Objects
PyAutoFit: Classy probabilistic programming
PyFstat: Continuous gravitational-wave data analysis
extinction: Dust extinction laws
binaryoffset: Detecting and correcting the binary offset effect in CCDs
Piff: PSFs In the Full FOV
Multi_CLASS: Cross-tracer angular power spectra of number counts using CLASS
RASSINE: Normalizing 1D stellar spectra
lensingGW: Lensing of gravitational waves
MOSAIC: Multipole operator generator for Fast Multipole Method operators
HUAYNO: Hierarchically split-Up AstrophYsical N-body sOlver N-body code
DaMaSCUS-SUN: Dark Matter Simulation Code for Underground Scatterings - Sun Edition
mirkwood: SED modeling using machine learning
OPUS: Interoperable access to analysis and simulation codes
ForwardDiff: Forward mode automatic differentiation for Julia
nway: Bayesian cross-matching of astronomical catalogs
GalRotpy: Parametrize the rotation curve and gravitational potential of disk-like galaxies
MUSE-PSFR: PSF reconstruction for MUSE WFM-AO mode
polgraw-allsky: All-sky almost-monochromatic gravitational-wave pipeline
hardCORE: Exoplanet core radius fractions calculator
EqTide: Equilibrium Tide calculations
CMasher: Scientific colormaps for making accessible, informative plots
viscm: Colormaps analyzer and creator
Lightbeam: Simulate light through weakly-guiding waveguides
The NASA Goddard Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center
X-PSI: X-ray Pulse Simulation and Inference
ThumbStack: Map and profile stacking pipeline
Pixell: Rectangular pixel map manipulation and harmonic analysis library
MST: Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm for identifying large-scale filaments
spinOS: SPectroscopic and INterferometric Orbital Solution finder
stratsi: Stratified streaming instability
Eigentools: Tools for studying linear eigenvalue problems
pyUPMASK: Unsupervised clustering method for stellar clusters
DarpanX: X-ray reflectivity of multilayer mirrors
PyXspec: Python interface to XSPEC spectral-fitting program
Curvit: Create light curves from UVIT data
Octo-Tiger: HPX parallelized 3-D hydrodynamic code for stellar mergers
Nigraha: Find and evaluate planet candidates from TESS light curves
apogee: Tools for APOGEE data
cFS: core Flight System
EphemMatch: Ephemeris matching of DR25 TCEs, KOIs, and EBs for false positive identification
Mask galaxy: Machine learning pipeline for morphological segmentation of galaxies
ptemcee: A parallel-tempered version of emcee
Avocado: Photometric classification of astronomical transients and variables with biased spectroscopic samples
radiowinds: Radio emission from stellar winds
whereistheplanet: Predicting positions of directly imaged companions
BAYES-LOSVD: Bayesian framework for non-parametric extraction of the LOSVD
3LPT-init: Initial conditions with third-order Lagrangian perturbation for cosmological N-body simulations
EinsteinPy: General Relativity and gravitational physics problems solver
Magritte: 3D radiative transfer library
DRAGraces: Reduction pipeline for GRACES spectra
HCGrid: Mapping non-uniform radio astronomy data onto a uniformly distributed grid
SWIGLAL: Access LALSuite libraries with Python and Octave scripts
LALSuite: LIGO Scientific Collaboration Algorithm Library Suite
BlackHawk: Black hole evaporation calculator
PyXel: Astronomical X-ray imaging data modeling
SimCADO: Observations simulator for infrared telescopes and instruments
SLIT: Sparse Lens Inversion Technique
Pomegranate: Probabilistic model builder
seaborn: Statistical data visualization
dolphin: Automated pipeline for lens modeling
sedop: Optimize discrete versions of common SEDs
TRAN_K2: Planetary transit search
Skye: Excess clustering of transit times detection
MADLens: Differentiable lensing simulator
HydroCode1D: 1D finite volume code
LIFELINE: LIne proFiles in massivE coLliding wInd biNariEs
EOS: Equation of State for planetary impacts
Robovetter: Automatic vetting of Threshold Crossing Events (TCEs)
MLC_ELGs: Machine Learning Classifiers for intermediate redshift Emission Line Galaxies
BinaryStarSolver: Orbital elements of binary stars solver
Sengi: Interactive viewer for spectral outputs from stellar population synthesis models
NSCG: NOIRLab Source Catalog Generator
getsf: Multi-scale, multi-wavelength sources and filaments extraction
ExoPix: Exoplanet Imaging with JWST
DDCalc: Dark matter direct detection phenomenology package
DarkBit: Dark matter constraints calculator
CWITools: Tools for Cosmic Web Imager data
kiauhoku: Stellar model grid interpolation
DeepShadows: Finding low-surface-brightness galaxies in survey images
PNICER: Extinction estimator
ACStools: Python tools for Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys data
reproject: Python-based astronomical image reprojection
GPCAL: Instrumental polarization calibration in VLBI data
HSTCosmicrays: Analyzing cosmic rays in HST calibration data
REBOUNDx: Adding effects in REBOUND N-body integrations
Scintools: Pulsar scintillation data tools
Clustering: Code for clustering single pulse events
RRATtrap: Rotating Radio Transient identifier
GoFish: Molecular line detections in protoplanetary disks
EvapMass: Minimum mass of planets predictor
SEDkit: Spectral energy distribution construction and analysis tools
TLC: Tidally Locked Coordinates
wobble: Time-series spectra analyzer
frbcat: Fast Radio Burst CATalog querying package
ARES: Accelerated Reionization Era Simulations
HaloGen: Modular halo model code
GOTHIC: Double nuclei galaxy detector
DYNAMITE: DYnamics, Age and Metallicity Indicators Tracing Evolution
tlpipe: Data processing pipeline for the Tianlai experiment
DarkCapPy: Dark Matter Capture and Annihilation
MCMCDiagnostics: Markov Chain Monte Carlo convergence diagnostics
Kalkayotl: Inferring distances to stellar clusters from Gaia parallaxes
CAPTURE: Interferometric pipeline for image creation from GMRT data
AdaMet: Adaptive Metropolis for Bayesian analysis
relxill: Reflection models of black hole accretion disks
Pix2Prof: Deep learning for textraction of useful sequential information from galaxy imagery
Legolas: Large Eigensystem Generator for One-dimensional pLASmas
Astronomaly: Flexible framework for anomaly detection in astronomy
ROGER: Automatic classification of galaxies using phase-space information
lenspyx: Curved-sky python lensed CMB maps simulation package
plancklens: Planck 2018 lensing pipeline
Exo-DMC: Exoplanet Detection Map Calculator
stella: Stellar flares identifier
LaSSI: Large-Scale Structure Information
GRAPUS: GRAvitational instability PopUlation Synthesis
TACHE: TensoriAl Classification of Hydrodynamic Elements
stsynphot: synphot for HST and JWST
GSpec: Gamma-ray Burst Monitor analyzer
MBF: MOLSCAT 2020, BOUND, and FIELD for atomic and molecular collisions
Binary-Speckle: Binary or triple star parameters
MSL: Mining for Substructure Lenses
DASTCOM5: JPL small-body data browser
Harmonia: Hybrid-basis inference for large-scale galaxy clustering
Chrono: Multi-physics simulation engine
cosmoFns: Functions for observational cosmology
FLEET: Finding Luminous and Exotic Extragalactic Transients
CRAC: Cosmology R Analysis Code
CosmoloPy: Cosmology package for Python
halomod: Flexible interface for the halo model of dark matter halos
rcosmo: Cosmic Microwave Background data analysis
pySpectrum: Power spectrum and bispectrum calculator
AstroVaDEr: Unsupervised clustering and synthetic image generation
minot: Modeling framework for diffuse components in galaxy clusters
PyWST: WST and RWST for astrophysics
MLG: Microlensing with Gaia
MADHAT: Gamma-ray emission analyzer
Paramo: PArticle and RAdiation MOnitor
J plots: Tool for characterizing 2D and 3D structures in the interstellar medium
SPInS: Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically
CASI-3D: Convolutional Approach to Structure Identification-3D
ISPy3: Integrated-light Spectroscopy for Python3
oxkat: Semi-automated imaging of MeerKAT observations
vlt-sphere: Automatic VLT/SPHERE data reduction and analysis
JetSeT: Numerical modeling and SED fitting tool for relativistic jets
HorizonGRound: Relativistic effects in ultra-large-scale clustering
TDEmass: Tidal Disruption Event interpretor
TRISTAN: TRIdimensional STANford code
MUSIC2-monofonIC: 3LPT initial condition generator
DUCC: Distinctly Useful Code Collection
healpy: Python wrapper for HEALPix
ramses2hsim: RAMSES output to 3D data cube for HSIM
Eclaire: CUDA-based Library for Astronomical Image REduction
iFIT: 1D surface photometry code
maxsmooth: Derivative constrained function fitting
CVXOPT: Convex Optimization
ParaMonte: Parallel Monte Carlo library
CMEchaser: Coronal Mass Ejection line-of-sight occultation detector
SuperRAENN: Supernova photometric classification pipeline
SEDBYS: Spectral Energy Distribution Builder for Young Stars
Ujti: Geodesics in general relativity
Magnetizer: Computing magnetic fields of evolving galaxies
zeus: Lightning Fast MCMC
SuperNNova: Photometric classification
Barry: Modular BAO fitting code
sslf: A simple spectral-line finder
Umbrella: Asteroid detection, validation, and identification
PySAP: Python Sparse data Analysis Package
SOT: Spin-Orbit Tomography
KLLR: Kernel Localized Linear Regression
PhaseTracer: Cosmological phases mapping
kinesis: Kinematic modeling of clusters
CaTffs: Calcium triplet indexes
CosmoGRaPH: Cosmological General Relativity and (Perfect fluid | Particle) Hydrodynamics
SPARTA: SPectroscopic vARiabiliTy Analysis
JB2008: Empirical Thermospheric Density Model
pygwinc: Gravitational Wave Interferometer Noise Calculator
TROVE: Theoretical ROVibrational Energies
OSPEX: Object Spectral Executive
SPEX: Spectral Executive
ReadPDS: Visualization tools for PDS4 data
MAGI: Initial-condition generator for galactic N-body simulations
PARS: Paint the Atmospheres of Rotating Stars
wdtools: Spectroscopic analysis of white dwarfs
Line-Stacker: Spectral lines stacking
FleCSPH: Parallel and distributed SPH implementation based on the FleCSI
DarkHistory: Modified cosmic ionization and thermal histories calculator
polyMV: Multipolar coefficients converter
MPSolve: Multiprecision Polynomial SOLVEr
PSRVoid: Statistical suite for folded pulsar data
PoPE: Population Profile Estimator
PeTar: ParticlE Tree & particle-particle & Algorithmic Regularization code for simulating massive star clusters
spex_to_xspec: Convert SPEX output to XSPEC input
SPARTA: Subhalo and PARticle Trajectory Analysis
hierArc: Hierarchical analysis of strong gravitational lenses
GProtation: Measuring stellar rotation periods with Gaussian processes
deepSIP: deep learning of Supernova Ia Parameters
MCSED: Spectral energy distribution fitting package for galactic systems
FAMED: Extraction and mode identification of oscillation frequencies for solar-like pulsators
GenetIC: Initial conditions generator for cosmological simulations
TATOO: Tidal-chronology Age TOOl
Powderday: Dust radiative transfer package
AstroCatR: Time series reconstruction of large-scale astronomical catalogs
SPISEA: Stellar Population Interface for Stellar Evolution and Atmospheres
ARCHI: Add-on pipeline module for background star analysis from CHEOPS data
CARACal: Containerized Automated Radio Astronomy Calibration pipeline
JoXSZ: Joint X-ray and SZ fitting for galaxy clusters in Python
pxf_kin_err: Radial velocity and velocity dispersion uncertainties estimator
SERVAL: SpEctrum Radial Velocity AnaLyser
PRISim: Precision Radio Interferometer Simulator
AxionNS: Ray-tracing in neutron stars
DeepSphere: Graph-based spherical convolutional neural network for cosmology
TATTER: Two-sAmple TesT EstimatoR
CosmoLike: Cosmological Likelihood analyses
CosmoCov: Configuration space covariances for projected galaxy 2-point statistics
2D-FFTLog: Generalized FFTLog algorithm for non-Gaussian covariance matrices
KinMS: Three-dimensional kinematic modeling of arbitrary gas distributions
PRIISM: Python module for Radio Interferometry Imaging with Sparse Modeling
HEARSAY: Simulations for the probability of alien contact
HIPSTER: HIgh-k Power Spectrum EstimatoR
MCRaT: Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer
RFCDE: Random Forests for Conditional Density Estimation
cdetools: Tools for Conditional Density Estimates
RAPP: Robust Automated Photometry Pipeline
AMPEL: Alert Management, Photometry, and Evaluation of Light curves
FETCH: Fast Extragalactic Transient Candidate Hunter
qubefit: MCMC kinematic modeling
2DBAT: 2D Bayesian Automated Tilted-ring fitter
gotetra: Cosmic velocity fields tracking through the use of tetrahedra
NNKCDE: Nearest Neighbor Kernel Conditional Density Estimation
s3PCF: Compute the 3-point correlation function in the squeezed limit
HiFLEx: Echelle data reduction pipeline
Carpyncho: VVV Catalog browser toolkit
FFANCY: Fast Folding Algorithm for pulsar searching
RoLo: Calculate radius and potential of the Roche Lobe
REDFIT: Red-noise spectra directly from unevenly spaced time series
RM-Tools: Rotation measure (RM) synthesis and Stokes QU-fitting
michi2: SED and SLED fitting tool
RID: Relativistic Image Doubling in water Cherenkov detectors
PRECISION: Astronomical infrared observations data reduction
IRDAP: SPHERE-IRDIS polarimetric data reduction pipeline
PyKat: Python interface and tools for Finesse
Finesse: Frequency domain INterfErometer Simulation SoftwarE
ArviZ: Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
FUNDPAR: Deriving FUNDamental PARameters from equivalent widths
kombine: Kernel-density-based parallel ensemble sampler
stardate: Measure precise stellar ages
PPMAP: Column density mapping with extra dimensions
PyCosmo: Multi-purpose cosmology calculation tool
ASTRAEUS: Semi-analytical semi-numerical galaxy evolution and reionization code
PyWD2015: Wilson-Devinney code GUI
WD: Wilson-Devinney binary star modeling
IllinoisGRMHD: GRMHD code for dynamical spacetimes
Tangra: Software for video photometry and astrometry
Locus: Optimized differential photometry
Torch: Coupled gas and N-body dynamics simulator
AstroHOG: Analysis correlations using the Histograms of Oriented Gradients
PYSOLATOR: Remove orbital modulation from a binary pulsar and/or its companion
HOMER: A Bayesian inverse modeling code
MARGE: Machine learning Algorithm for Radiative transfer of Generated Exoplanets
TOASTER: Times-Of-Arrival Tracker
CoastGuard: Automated timing data reduction pipeline
RAPID: Real-time Automated Photometric IDentification
PORTAL: POlarized Radiative Transfer Adapted to Lines
RHT: Rolling Hough Transform
scousepy: Semi-automated multi-COmponent Universal Spectral-line fitting Engine
acorns: Agglomerative Clustering for ORganising Nested Structures
MAGNETAR: Histogram of relative orientation calculator for MHD observations
TESS-Point: High precision TESS pointing tool
DISKMODs: Accretion Disk Radial Structure Models
CR-SISTEM: Symplectic integrator for lunar core-mantle and orbital dynamics
ExoCAM: Exoplanet Community Atmospheric Model
ExoRT: Two-stream radiative transfer code
Bayesfit: Command-line program for combining Tempo2 and MultiNest components
libstempo: Python wrapper for Tempo2
Cobra: Bayesian pulsar searching
GizmoAnalysis: Read and analyze Gizmo simulations
HaloAnalysis: Read and analyze halo catalogs and merger trees
GWecc: Calculator for pulsar timing array signals due to eccentric supermassive binaries
DMRadon: Radon Transform calculation tools
PyHammer: Python spectral typing suite
Apercal: Pipeline for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope Apertif upgrade
DASH: Deep Automated Supernova and Host classifier
ExoSim: Simulator for predicting signal and noise in transit spectroscopy observations
ProSpect: Spectral generation package
ScamPy: Sub-halo Clustering and Abundance Matching Python interface
ODUSSEAS: Observing Dwarfs Using Stellar Spectroscopic Energy-Absorption Shapes
triceratops: Candidate exoplanet rating tool
ORIGIN: detectiOn and extRactIon of Galaxy emIssion liNes
RASCAS: Resonant line transfer in AMR simulations
SDAR: Slow-Down Algorithmic Regularization code for solving few-body problems
Determination of Length of (Earth) Day [LOD] in the past geologic epochs
MERA: Analysis Tool for Astrophysical Simulation Data in the Julia Language
pycf3 - Cosmicflows-3 Distance-Velocity Calculator client for Python
StarburstPy: Python Wrapper for Starburst99
gnm: The MCMC Jagger
Peasoup: C++/CUDA GPU pulsar searching library
RPPPS: Re-analyzing Pipeline for Parkes Pulsar Survey
MCMCI: Markov Chain Monte Carlo + Isochrones method for characterizing exoplanetary systems
ExoTETHyS: Exoplanetary transits and eclipsing binaries modeler
CosMOPED: Compressed Planck likelihood
ORCS: Analysis engine for SITELLE spectral cubes
DebrisDiskFM: Debris Disk Forward Modeling
BTS: Behind The Spectrum
Protostellar Evolution: Stellar evolution simulator
FAKEOBS: Model visibilities generator
FragMent: Fragmentation techniques for studying filaments
sf3dmodels: Star-forming regions 3D modelling package
TRANSPHERE: 1-D spherical continuum radiative transfer
Min-CaLM: Mineral compositional analysis on debris disk spectra
Time-domain astronomy sandbox
SDSS Dual Active Nuclei Galaxy Detection Pipeline
K2CE: Kepler-K2 Cadence Events
MRExo: Non-parametric mass-radius relationship for exoplanets
STACKER: Stack sources in interferometric data
Tangos: Framework and web interface for database-driven analysis of numerical structure formation simulations
PTMCMCSampler: Parallel tempering MCMC sampler package written in Python
GWpy: Python package for studying data from gravitational-wave detectors
ENTERPRISE: Enhanced Numerical Toolbox Enabling a Robust PulsaR Inference SuitE
HARMPI: 3D massively parallel general relativictic MHD code
GriSPy: Fixed-radius nearest neighbors grid search in Python
GAME: GAlaxy Machine learning for Emission lines
QSOSIM: Simulated Quasar Spectrum Generator
AstroAccelerate: Accelerated software package for processing time-domain radio astronomy data
FORSTAND: Flexible ORbit Superposition Toolbox for ANalyzing Dynamical models
Exo-MerCat: a merged exoplanet catalog with Virtual Observatory connection
PyFOSC: a pipeline toolbox for BFOSC/YFOSC long-slit spectroscopy data reduction
PopSyCLE: Population Synthesis for Compact object Lensing Events
anesthetic: Nested sampling visualization
HSIM: HARMONI simulation pipeline
Athena++: Radiation GR magnetohydrodynamics code
DALiuGE: Data Activated Liu Graph Engine
ASKAPsoft: ASKAP science data processor software
casacore: Suite of C++ libraries for radio astronomy data processing
Polyspectrum: Computing polyspectra using an FFT estimator
comb: Spectral line data reduction and analysis package
miluphcuda: Smooth particle hydrodynamics code
FFTLog-and-beyond: Generalized FFTLog algorithm
TreeFrog: Construct halo merger trees and compare halo catalogs
VELOCIraptor-STF: Six-dimensional Friends-of-Friends phase space halo finder
OrbWeaver: Galaxy/(sub)halo orbital processing tool
WhereWolf: Galaxy/(sub)Halo ghosting tool for N-body simulations
HLattice: Scalar fields and gravity simulator for the early universe
CLUSTEREASY: Lattice simulator for evolving interacting scalar fields in an expanding universe on parallel computing clusters
LATTICEEASY: Lattice simulator for evolving interacting scalar fields in an expanding universe
MORDI: Massively-Overlapped Ring-Diagram Inversion
ATLAS: Turning Dopplergram images into frequency shift measurements
Zeltron: Explicit 3D relativistic electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell code
IDG: Image Domain Gridding
Fruitbat: Fast radio burst redshift estimation
frbpoppy: Fast radio burst population synthesis in Python
HeatingRate: Radioactive heating rate and macronova (kilonova) light curve
planetplanet: General photodynamical code for exoplanet light curves
ATHOS: A Tool for HOmogenizing Stellar parameters
MARTINI: Mock spatially resolved spectral line observations of simulated galaxies
PypeIt: Python spectroscopic data reduction pipeline
OpenSPH: Astrophysical SPH and N-body simulations and interactive visualization tools
uvplot: Interferometric visibilities plotter
PLAN: A Clump-finder for Planetesimal Formation Simulations
Network Flux Transport Demonstration
qnm: Kerr quasinormal modes, separation constants, and spherical-spheroidal mixing coefficients calculator
AOtools: Adaptive optics modeling and analysis toolkit
OCD: O'Connell Effect Detector using push-pull learning
Cobaya: Bayesian analysis in cosmology
GetDist: Monte Carlo sample analyzer
ChainConsumer: Corner plots, LaTeX tables and plotting walks
MiSTree: Construct and analyze Minimum Spanning Tree graphs
MarsLux: Illumination Mars maps generator
ANNz2: Estimating photometric redshift and probability density functions using machine learning methods
E0102-VR: Virtual Reality application to visualize the optical ejecta in SNR 1E 0102.2-7219
AOTOOLS: Reduce IR images from Adaptive Optics
LEO-Py: Likelihood Estimation of Observational data with Python
PEXO: Precise EXOplanetology
orbitize: Orbit-fitting for directly imaged objects
ECLIPS3D: Linear wave and circulation calculations
TLS: Transit Least Squares
EMERGE: Empirical ModEl for the foRmation of GalaxiEs
exoplanet: Probabilistic modeling of transit or radial velocity observations of exoplanets
DM_phase: Algorithm for correcting dispersion of radio signals
a3cosmos-gas-evolution: Galaxy cold molecular gas evolution functions
PreProFit: Pressure Profile Fitter for galaxy clusters in Python
PINK: Parallelized rotation and flipping INvariant Kohonen maps
fgivenx: Functional posterior plotter
EPOS: Exoplanet Population Observation Simulator
HISS: HI spectra stacker
WVTICs: SPH initial conditions using Weighted Voronoi Tesselations
AREPO: Cosmological magnetohydrodynamical moving-mesh simulation code
CLOVER: Convolutional neural network spectra identifier and kinematics predictor
RascalC: Fast code for galaxy covariance matrix estimation
EBHLIGHT: General relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics with Monte Carlo transport
ChempyMulti: Multi-star Bayesian inference with Chempy
HADES: Hexadecapolar Analysis for Dust Estimation in Simulations (of CMB B-mode thermal dust emission)
TPI: Test Particle Integrator
SecularMultiple: Hierarchical multiple system secular evolution model
MultiColorFits: Colorize and combine multiple fits images for visually aesthetic scientific plots
Auto-multithresh: Automated masking for clean
FastCSWT: Fast directional Continuous Spherical Wavelet Transform
PYSAT: Python Satellite Data Analysis Toolkit
FIRST Classifier: Automated compact and extended radio sources classifier
YMW16: Electron-density model
bias_emulator: Halo bias emulator
QLF: Luminosity function analysis code
MAESTROeX: Low Mach number stellar hydrodynamics code
EBAI: Eclipsing Binaries with Artificial Intelligence
JPLephem: Jet Propulsion Lab ephemerides package
DustCharge: Charge distribution for a dust grain
Analysator: Quantitative analysis of Vlasiator files
Vlasiator: Hybrid-Vlasov simulation code
BEAST: Bayesian Extinction And Stellar Tool
oscode: Oscillatory ordinary differential equation solver
NuRadioMC: Monte Carlo simulation package for radio neutrino detectors
SNAPDRAGONS: Stellar Numbers And Parameters Determined Routinely And Generated Observing N-body Systems
PyRADS: Python RADiation model for planetary atmosphereS
TRISTAN-MP: TRIdimensional STANford - Massively Parallel code
MosfireDRP: MOSFIRE Data Reduction Pipeline
GBKFIT: Galaxy kinematic modeling
dips: Detrending periodic signals in timeseries
Gramsci: GRAph Made Statistics for Cosmological Information
ActSNClass: Active learning for supernova photometric classification
Molsoft: Molonglo Telescope Observing Software
QAC: Quick Array Combinations front end to CASA
Astro-SCRAPPY: Speedy Cosmic Ray Annihilation Package in Python
MGB: Interactive spectral classification code
Wōtan: Stellar detrending methods
XDF-GAN: Mock astronomical survey generator
ROHSA: Separation of diffuse sources in hyper-spectral data
intensitypower: Spectrum multipoles modeler
MCRGNet: Morphological Classification of Radio Galaxy Network
GIST: Galaxy IFU Spectroscopy Tool
Skyfield: High precision research-grade positions for planets and Earth satellites generator
REVOLVER: REal-space VOid Locations from suVEy Reconstruction
CMDPT: Color Magnitude Diagrams Plot Tool
PRISM: Probabilistic Regression Instrument for Simulating Models
GaussPy+: Gaussian decomposition package for emission line spectra
GaussPy: Python implementation of the Autonomous Gaussian Decomposition algorithm
StePar: Inferring stellar atmospheric parameters using the EW method
ZChecker: Zwicky Transient Facility moving target checker for short object lists
astrodendro: Astronomical data dendrogram creator
TurbuStat: Turbulence statistics in spectral-line data cubes
sbpy: Small-body planetary astronomy
RVSpecFit: Radial velocity and stellar atmospheric parameter fitting
molly: 1D astronomical spectra analyzer
beamconv: Cosmic microwave background detector data simulator
OMNICAL: Redundant calibration code for low frequency radio interferometers
Plonk: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics data analysis and visualization
Dewarp: Distortion removal and on-sky orientation solution for LBTI detectors
SPAM: Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity imprints search
POCS: PANOPTES Observatory Control System
SARA-PPD: Preconditioned primal-dual algorithm for radio-interferometric imaging
pyGTC: Parameter covariance plots
pyuvdata: Pythonic interface to interferometric data sets
healvis: Radio interferometric visibility simulator based on HEALpix maps
schwimmbad: Parallel processing pools interface
pyLIMA: Microlensing modeling package
centerRadon: Center determination code in stellar images
LIZARD: Particle initial conditions for cosmological simulations
PlasmaPy: Core Python package for plasma physics
MEGAlib: Medium Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy library
mcfit: Multiplicatively Convolutional Fast Integral Transforms
PandExo: Instrument simulations for exoplanet observation planning
OIT: Nonconvex optimization approach to optical-interferometric imaging
GPUVMEM: Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) GPU algorithm for radio astronomical image synthesis
MORPHEUS: A 3D Eulerian Godunov MPI-OpenMP hydrodynamics code with multiple grid geometries
Morpheus: Library to generate morphological semantic segmentation maps of astronomical images
Lizard: An extensible Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer
PyA: Python astronomy-related packages
PyMORESANE: Python MOdel REconstruction by Synthesis-ANalysis Estimators
T-RECS: Tiered Radio Extragalactic Continuum Simulation
limb-darkening: Limb-darkening coefficients generator
turboSETI: Python-based SETI search algorithm
Kalman: Forecasts and interpolations for ALMA calibrator variability
The Exo-Striker: Transit and radial velocity interactive fitting tool for orbital analysis and N-body simulations
FREDDA: A fast, real-time engine for de-dispersing amplitudes
Blimpy: Breakthrough Listen I/O Methods for Python
Astroalign: Asterism-matching alignment of astronomical images
Sacc: Save All Correlations and Covariances
PyPDR: Python Photo Dissociation Regions
SEDPY: Modules for storing and operating on astronomical source spectral energy distribution
Prospector: Stellar population inference from spectra and SEDs
SICON: Stokes Inversion based on COnvolutional Neural networks
CASI-2D: Convolutional Approach to Shell Identification - 2D
ClusterPyXT: Galaxy cluster pipeline for X-ray temperature maps
ODEPACK: Ordinary differential equation solver library
NAPLES: Numerical Analysis of PLanetary EncounterS
PICASO: Planetary Intensity Code for Atmospheric Scattering Observations
THALASSA: Orbit propagator for near-Earth and cislunar space
LensQuEst: CMB Lensing QUadratic Estimator
LensCNN: Gravitational lens detector
rPICARD: Radboud PIpeline for the Calibration of high Angular Resolution Data
Bandmerge: Merge data from different wavebands
SPARK: K-band Multi Object Spectrograph data reduction
Fitsverify: FITS file format-verification tool
Fermitools: Fermi Science Tools
FastPM: Scaling N-body Particle Mesh solver
HAOS-DIPER: HAO Spectral Diagnostic Package For Emitted Radiation
Q3C: A PostgreSQL package for spatial queries and cross-matches of large astronomical catalogs
Astrocut: Tools for creating cutouts of TESS images
MiraPy: Python package for Deep Learning in Astronomy
beamModelTester: Model evaluation for fixed antenna phased array radio telescopes
MMIRS-DRP: MMIRS Data Reduction Pipeline
Binospec: Data reduction pipeline for the Binospec imaging spectrograph
evolstate: Assign simple evolutionary states to stars
Py4CAtS: PYthon for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy
Grizli: Grism redshift and line analysis software
nudec_BSM: Neutrino Decoupling Beyond the Standard Model
JVarStar: Variable Star Analysis Library
covdisc: Disconnected covariance of 2-point functions in large-scale structure of the Universe
nbodykit: Massively parallel, large-scale structure toolkit
pyRSD: Accurate predictions for the clustering of galaxies in redshift-space in Python
Properimage: Image coaddition and subtraction
OoT: Out-of-Transit Light Curve Generator
digest2: NEO binary classifier
eleanor: Extracted and systematics-corrected light curves for TESS-observed stars
TP2VIS: Total Power Map to Visibilities
SARAH: SUSY and non-SUSY model builder and analyzer
Vevacious: Global minima of one-loop effective potentials generator
Specstack: A simple spectral stacking tool
dfitspy: A dfits/fitsort implementation in Python
simuTrans: Gravity-darkened exoplanet transit simulator
SBGAT: Small Bodies Geophysical Analysis Tool
rate: Reliable Analytic Thermochemical Equilibrium
EightBitTransit: Calculate light curves from pixel grids
CausticFrog: 1D Lagrangian Simulation Package
FortesFit: Flexible spectral energy distribution modelling with a Bayesian backbone
CLEAR: CANDELS Ly-alpha Emission at Reionization processing pipeline and library
deproject: Deprojection of two-dimensional annular X-ray spectra
repack: Repack and compress line-transition data
AutoBayes: Automatic design of customized analysis algorithms and programs
CDAWeb: Coordinated Data Analysis Web
SMILI: Sparse Modeling Imaging Library for Interferometry
ehtim: Imaging, analysis, and simulation software for radio interferometry
CGS: Collisionless Galactic Simulator
GALAXY: N-body simulation software for isolated, collisionless stellar systems
sxrbg: ROSAT X-Ray Background Tool
HelioPy: Heliospheric and planetary physics library
SpiceyPy: Python wrapper for the NAIF C SPICE Toolkit
SPICE: Observation Geometry System for Space Science Missions
PLATON: PLanetary Atmospheric Transmission for Observer Noobs
NFWdist: Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the 3D NFW profile
DAVE: Discovery And Vetting of K2 Exoplanets
AsPy: Aspherical fluctuations on the spherical collapse background
GalIMF: Galaxy-wide Initial Mass Function
PRF: Probabilistic Random Forest
NIFTy5: Numerical Information Field Theory v5
ICSF: Intensity Conserving Spectral Fitting
SimSpin: Kinematic analysis of galaxy simulations
Galmag: Computation of realistic galactic magnetic fields
brutifus: Python module to post-process datacubes from integral field spectrographs
allesfitter: Flexible star and exoplanet inference from photometry and radial velocity
SIXTE: Simulation of X-ray Telescopes
Specutils: Spectroscopic analysis and reduction
SpecViz: 1D Spectral Visualization Tool
dyPolyChord: Super fast dynamic nested sampling with PolyChord
ExPRES: Exoplanetary and Planetary Radio Emissions Simulator
Radynversion: Solar atmospheric properties during a solar flare
BELLAMY: A cross-matching package for the cynical astronomer
PINT: High-precision pulsar timing analysis package
RPFITS: Routines for reading and writing RPFITS files
LiveData: Data reduction pipeline
GraviDy: Gravitational Dynamics
PyMF: Matched filtering techniques for astronomical images
LPNN: Limited Post-Newtonian N-body code for collisionless self-gravitating systems
SNTD: Supernova Time Delays
stellarWakes: Dark matter subhalo searches using stellar kinematic data
Bilby: Bayesian inference library
eddy: Extracting Disk DYnamics
bettermoments: Line-of-sight velocity calculation
SEDobs: Observational spectral energy distribution simulation
Photon: Python tool for data plotting
ssos: Solar system objects detection pipeline
Galaxia_wrap: Galaxia wrapper for generating mock stellar surveys
unwise_psf: PSF models for unWISE coadds
CCL: Core Cosmology Library
OCFit: Python package for fitting of O-C diagrams
cFE: Core Flight Executive
OctApps: Octave functions for continuous gravitational-wave data analysis
psrqpy: Python module to query the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue
Juliet: Transiting and non-transiting exoplanetary systems modelling tool
AUTOSPEC: Automated Spectral Extraction Software for integral field unit data cubes
GENGA: Gravitational ENcounters with Gpu Acceleration
Lightkurve: Kepler and TESS time series analysis in Python
distlink: Minimum orbital intersection distance (MOID) computation library
GRAND-HOD: GeneRalized ANd Differentiable Halo Occupation Distribution
PynPoint 0.6.0: Pipeline for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data
galclassify: Stellar classifications using a galactic population synthesis model
easyaccess: SQL command line interpreter for astronomical surveys
ExoGAN: Exoplanets Generative Adversarial Network
Fermipy: Fermi-LAT data analysis package
SPAMCART: Smoothed PArticle Monte CArlo Radiative Transfer
aesop: ARC Echelle Spectroscopic Observation Pipeline
PFANT: Stellar spectral synthesis code
GLADIS: GLobal Accretion Disk Instability Simulation
WISP: Wenger Interferometry Software Package
taktent: A Python framework for agent-based simulations of SETI observations
PulsarHunter: Searching for and confirming pulsars
PENTACLE: Large-scale particle simulations code for planet formation
gdr2_completeness: GaiaDR2 data retrieval and manipulation
VPLanet: Virtual planet simulator
VoigtFit: Absorption line fitting for Voigt profiles
radon: Streak detection using the Fast Radon Transform
pygad: Analyzing Gadget Simulations with Python
DiskSim: Modeling Accretion Disk Dynamics with SPH
muLAn: gravitational MICROlensing Analysis Software
SIM5: Library for ray-tracing and radiation transport in general relativity
MillCgs: Searching for Compact Groups in the Millennium Simulation
RLOS: Time-resolved imaging of model astrophysical jets
Pylians: Python libraries for the analysis of numerical simulations
Flame: Near-infrared and optical spectroscopy data reduction pipeline
QuickSip: Project survey image properties onto the sky into Healpix maps
Shark: Flexible semi-analytic galaxy formation model
SEP: Source Extraction and Photometry
binaryBHexp: On-the-fly visualizations of precessing binary black holes
DRAGONS: Gemini Observatory data reduction platform
synphot: Synthetic photometry using Astropy
stginga: Ginga for STScI
Firefly: Interactive exploration of particle-based data
DDS: Debris Disk Radiative Transfer Simulator
MIEX: Mie scattering code for large grains
APPLawD: Accurate Potentials in Power Law Disks
SOPHISM: Software Instrument Simulator
XCLASS: eXtended CASA Line Analysis Software Suite
cuFFS: CUDA-accelerated Fast Faraday Synthesis
STiC: Stockholm inversion code
catsHTM: Catalog cross-matching tool
GiRaFFE: General relativistic force-free electrodynamics code
Eclairs: Efficient Codes for the LArge scales of the unIveRSe
ODTBX: Orbit Determination Toolbox
PyUltraLight: Pseudo-spectral Python code to compute ultralight dark matter dynamics
pycraf: Spectrum-management compatibility
ARTES: 3D Monte Carlo scattering radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres
Echelle++: Generic spectrum simulator
STARRY: Analytic computation of occultation light curves
VaeX: Visualization and eXploration of Out-of-Core DataFrames
JETGET: Hydrodynamic jet simulation visualization and analysis
Barcode: Bayesian reconstruction of cosmic density fields
galfast: Milky Way mock catalog generator
RequiSim: Variance weighted overlap calculator
MrMoose: Multi-Resolution Multi-Object/Origin Spectral Energy distribution fitting procedure
stepped_luneburg: Stacked-based ray tracing code to model a stepped Luneburg lens
dynesty: Dynamic Nested Sampling package
nestcheck: Nested sampling calculations analysis
qp: Quantile parametrization for probability distribution functions
Isca: Idealized global circulation modeling
NEBULA: Radiative transfer code of ionized nebulae at radio wavelengths
PyQSOFit: Python code to fit the spectrum of quasars
surfinBH: Surrogate final black hole properties for mergers of binary black holes
spops: Spinning black-hole binary population synthesis
perfectns: "Perfect" dynamic and standard nested sampling for spherically symmetric likelihoods and priors
VBBINARYLENSING: Microlensing light-curve computation
PASTA: Python Astronomical Stacking Tool Array
PCCDPACK: Polarimetry with CCD
LEMON: Differential photometry pipeline
Robbie: Radio transients and variables detection workflow
hi_class: Horndeski in the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System
py-sdm: Support Distribution Machines
PyMieDap: Python Mie Doubling Adding Program
2DSF: Vectorized Structure Function Algorithm
Fips: An OpenGL based FITS viewer
hfof: Friends-of-Friends via spatial hashing
ImPlaneIA: Image Plane Approach to Interferometric Analysis
CPF: Corral Pipeline Framework
rsigma: Resonant disturbance
Barycorrpy: Barycentric velocity calculation and leap second management
3D texturized model of MARS (MOLA) regions
LSC: Supervised classification of time-series variable stars
SSMM: Slotted Symbolic Markov Modeling for classifying variable star signatures
xGDS: Exploration Ground Data Systems
ASP: Ames Stereo Pipeline
EVEREST: Tools for de-trending stellar photometry
ktransit: Exoplanet transit modeling tool in python
kplr: Tools for working with Kepler data using Python
SENR: Simple, Efficient Numerical Relativity
NRPy+: Code generator for Numerical Relativity
TBI: Three-Body Integration
DAMOCLES: Monte Carlo line radiative transfer code
PUMA: Low-frequency radio catalog cross-matching
POWER: Python Open-source Waveform ExtractoR
wdmerger: Simulate white dwarf mergers with CASTRO
GLS: Generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram
BARYCORR: Python interface for barycentric RV correction
ZBARYCORR: Barycentric redshift calculator
MIDLL: Markwardt IDL Library
CAESAR: Compact And Extended Source Automated Recognition
SPEGID: Single-Pulse Event Group IDentification
CLASSgal: Relativistic cosmological large scale structure code
AngPow: Fast computation of accurate tomographic power spectra
nfield: Stochastic tool for QFT on inflationary backgrounds
THOR: Global Circulation Model for planetary atmospheres
HELIOS: Radiative transfer code for exoplanetary atmospheres
HII-CHI-mistry_UV: Oxygen abundance and ionizionation parameters for ultraviolet emission lines
HII-CHI-mistry: Oxygen abundance and ionizionation parameters for optical emission lines
pyqz: Emission line code
MAPPINGS V: Astrophysical plasma modeling code
ARKCoS: Radial kernel convolution on the sphere
PyAutoLens: Strong lens modeling
Warpfield: Winds And Radiation Pressure: Feedback Induced Expansion, colLapse and Dissolution
POLARIS: POLArized RadIation Simulator
pwv_kpno: Modeling atmospheric absorption
ASPIC: Accurate Slow-roll Predictions for Inflationary Cosmology
foxi: Forecast Observations and their eXpected Information
EXO-NAILER: EXOplanet traNsits and rAdIal veLocity fittER
PyMUSE: VLT/MUSE data analyzer
fcmaker: Creating ESO-compliant finding charts for Observing Blocks on p2
BWED: Brane-world extra dimensions
BRATS: Broadband Radio Astronomy ToolS
RMextract: Ionospheric Faraday Rotation calculator
Spheral++: Coupled hydrodynamical and gravitational numerical simulations
Keras: The Python Deep Learning library
LASR: Linear Algorithm for Significance Reduction
exoinformatics: Compute the entropy of a planetary system's size-ordering
SYGMA: Modeling stellar yields for galactic modeling
OMEGA: One-zone Model for the Evolution of GAlaxies
RadFil: Radial density profile builder for interstellar filaments
DirectDM-py: Dark matter direct detection
DirectDM-mma: Dark matter direct detection
pile-up: Monte Carlo simulations of star-disk torques on hot Jupiters
SpS: Single-pulse Searcher
WDEC: White Dwarf Evolution Code
P2DFFT: Parallelized technique for measuring galactic spiral arm pitch angles
SpaghettiLens: Web-based gravitational lens modeling tool
GLASS: Parallel, free-form gravitational lens modeling tool and framework
gsf: galactic structure finder
PyAMOR: AMmOnia data Reduction
QE: Quantum opEn-Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation, and Optimization
Indri: Pulsar population synthesis toolset
WiseView: Visualizing motion and variability of faint WISE sources
pyZELDA: Python code for Zernike wavefront sensors
BHDD: Primordial black hole binaries code
PyCCF: Python Cross Correlation Function for reverberation mapping studies
CubiCal: Suite for fast radio interferometric calibration
PyCBC: Gravitational-wave data analysis toolkit
DeepMoon: Convolutional neural network trainer to identify moon craters
SP_Ace: Stellar Parameters And Chemical abundances Estimator
MontePython 3: Parameter inference code for cosmology
PySE: Python Source Extractor for radio astronomical images
GLACiAR: GaLAxy survey Completeness AlgoRithm
ASTROPOP: ASTROnomical Polarimetry and Photometry pipeline
PROM7: 1D modeler of solar filaments or prominences
BCcodes: Bolometric Corrections and Synthetic Stellar Photometry
PampelMuse: Crowded-field 3D spectroscopy
SWIFT: SPH With Inter-dependent Fine-grained Tasking
HENDRICS: High ENergy Data Reduction Interface from the Command Shell
CUBE: Information-optimized parallel cosmological N-body simulation code
SNSEDextend: SuperNova Spectral Energy Distributions extrapolation toolkit
xspec_emcee: XSPEC-friendly interface for the emcee package
BinMag: Widget for comparing stellar observed with theoretical spectra
OSS: OSSOS Survey Simulator
Arcmancer: Geodesics and polarized radiative transfer library
PoMiN: A Post-Minkowskian N-Body Solver
StarSmasher: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code for smashing stars and planets
STARBLADE: STar and Artefact Removal with a Bayesian Lightweight Algorithm from Diffuse Emission
AGAMA: Action-based galaxy modeling framework
exocartographer: Constraining surface maps orbital parameters of exoplanets
StePS: Stereographically Projected Cosmological Simulations
3DCORE: Forward modeling of solar storm magnetic flux ropes for space weather prediction
EARL: Exoplanet Analytic Reflected Lightcurves package
lcps: Light curve pre-selection
dftools: Distribution function fitting
powerbox: Arbitrarily structured, arbitrary-dimension boxes and log-normal mocks
pydftools: Distribution function fitting in Python
KSTAT: KD-tree Statistics Package
FastChem: An ultra-fast equilibrium chemistry
LFlGRB: Luminosity function of long gamma-ray bursts
LFsGRB: Binary neutron star merger rate via the luminosity function of short gamma-ray bursts
UniDAM: Unified tool to estimate Distances, Ages, and Masses
allantools: Allan deviation calculation
Agatha: Disentangling period signals from correlated noise in a periodogram framework
ViSBARD: Visual System for Browsing, Analysis and Retrieval of Data
3DView: Space physics data visualizer
APPHi: Automated Photometry Pipeline for High Cadence Large Volume Data
surrkick: Black-hole kicks from numerical-relativity surrogate models
NR-code: Nonlinear reconstruction code
IMNN: Information Maximizing Neural Networks
CAT-PUMA: CME Arrival Time Prediction Using Machine learning Algorithms
Lenstronomy: Multi-purpose gravitational lens modeling software package
DESCQA: Synthetic Sky Catalog Validation Framework
SMERFS: Stochastic Markov Evaluation of Random Fields on the Sphere
orbit-estimation: Fast orbital parameters estimator
EGG: Empirical Galaxy Generator
chroma: Chromatic effects for LSST weak lensing
ProFound: Source Extraction and Application to Modern Survey Data
DaCHS: Data Center Helper Suite
AstroCV: Astronomy computer vision library
DPPP: Default Pre-Processing Pipeline
ipole: Semianalytic scheme for relativistic polarized radiative transport
ASERA: A Spectrum Eye Recognition Assistant
RAPTOR: Imaging code for relativistic plasmas in strong gravity
ExoCross: Spectra from molecular line lists
optBINS: Optimal Binning for histograms
LWPC: Long Wavelength Propagation Capability
ExtLaw_H18: Extinction law code
3D-PDR: Three-dimensional photodissociation region code
SETI-EC: SETI Encryption Code
FAST: Fitting and Assessment of Synthetic Templates
IMAGINE: Interstellar MAGnetic field INference Engine
MulensModel: Microlensing light curves modeling
Kadenza: Kepler/K2 Raw Cadence Data Reader
nanopipe: Calibration and data reduction pipeline for pulsar timing
scarlet: Source separation in multi-band images by Constrained Matrix Factorization
CIFOG: Cosmological Ionization Fields frOm Galaxies
DaMaSCUS-CRUST: Dark Matter Simulation Code for Underground Scatterings - Crust Edition
eqpair: Electron energy distribution calculator
mrpy: Renormalized generalized gamma distribution for HMF and galaxy ensemble properties comparisons
collapse: Spherical-collapse model code
BHMcalc: Binary Habitability Mechanism Calculator
PyOSE: Orbital sampling effect (OSE) simulator
runDM: Running couplings of Dark Matter to the Standard Model
Glimpse: Sparsity based weak lensing mass-mapping tool
astroplan: Observation planning package for astronomers
AntiparticleDM: Discriminating between Majorana and Dirac Dark Matter
HiGal_SED_Fitter: SED fitting tools for Herschel Hi-Gal data
VISIBLE: VISIbility Based Line Extraction
Verne: Earth-stopping effect for heavy dark matter
Opik Collision Probability
ARTIP: Automated Radio Telescope Image Processing Pipeline
CMacIonize: Monte Carlo photoionisation and moving-mesh radiation hydrodynamics
venice: Mask utility
FAC: Flexible Atomic Code
RadVel: General toolkit for modeling Radial Velocities
GABE: Grid And Bubble Evolver
DICE/ColDICE: 6D collisionless phase space hydrodynamics using a lagrangian tesselation
Gnuastro: GNU Astronomy Utilities
BOND: Bayesian Oxygen and Nitrogen abundance Determinations
cambmag: Magnetic Fields in CAMB
DecouplingModes: Passive modes amplitudes
InitialConditions: Initial series solutions for perturbations in our Universe
hh0: Hierarchical Hubble Constant Inference
Stan: Statistical inference
iWander: Dynamics of interstellar wanderers
BANYAN_Sigma: Bayesian classifier for members of young stellar associations
A Neural Network for the Identification of Dangerous Planetesimals (Including scripts for data generation)
loci: Smooth Cubic Multivariate Local Interpolations
LgrbWorldModel: Long-duration Gamma-Ray Burst World Model
SgrbWorldModel: Short-duration Gamma-Ray Burst World Model
QATS: Quasiperiodic Automated Transit Search
photodynam: Photodynamical code for fitting the light curves of multiple body systems
MadDM: Computation of dark matter relic abundance
FBEYE: Analyzing Kepler light curves and validating flares
Flux Tube: Solar model
RODRIGUES: RATT Online Deconvolved Radio Image Generation Using Esoteric Software
CosApps: Simulate gravitational lensing through ray tracing and shear calculation
SFoF: Friends-of-friends galaxy cluster detection algorithm
Nyx: Adaptive mesh, massively-parallel, cosmological simulation code
draco: Analysis and simulation of drift scan radio data
Bitshuffle: Filter for improving compression of typed binary data
Py-SPHViewer: Cosmological simulations using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
MPI_XSTAR: MPI-based parallelization of XSTAR program
KDUtils: Kinematic Distance Utilities
NOD3: Single dish reduction software
HBT+: Subhalo finder and merger tree builder
HBT: Hierarchical Bound-Tracing
Bifrost: Stream processing framework for high-throughput applications
MARXS: Multi-Architecture Raytrace Xray mission Simulator
SPIDERMAN: Fast code to simulate secondary transits and phase curves
LExTeS: Link Extraction and Testing Suite
FATS: Feature Analysis for Time Series
Thindisk: Protoplanetary disk model
rac-2d: Thermo-chemical for modeling water vapor formation in protoplanetary disks
Gammapy: Python toolbox for gamma-ray astronomy
HO-CHUNK: Radiation Transfer code
megaman: Manifold Learning for Millions of Points
galkin: Milky Way rotation curve data handler
galstreams: Milky Way streams footprint library and toolkit
Lightning: SED Fitting Package
clustep: Initial conditions for galaxy cluster halo simulations
galstep: Initial conditions for spiral galaxy simulations
RGW: Goodman-Weare Affine-Invariant Sampling
correlcalc: Two-point correlation function from redshift surveys
BayesVP: Full Bayesian Voigt profile fitting
FTbg: Background removal using Fourier Transform
inhomog: Biscale kinematical backreaction analytical evolution
SpcAudace: Spectroscopic processing and analysis package of Audela software
pred_loggs: Predicting individual galaxy G/S probability distributions
LIMEPY: Lowered Isothermal Model Explorer in PYthon
galario: Gpu Accelerated Library for Analyzing Radio Interferometer Observations
OSIRIS Toolbox: OH-Suppressing InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph pipeline
PSPLINE: Princeton Spline and Hermite cubic interpolation routines
GASOLINE: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code
FITSFH: Star Formation Histories
ATLAS9: Model atmosphere program with opacity distribution functions
LGMCA: Local-Generalized Morphological Component Analysis
GMCALab: Generalized Morphological Component Analysis
GBART: Determination of the orbital elements of spectroscopic binaries
Ramses-GPU: Second order MUSCL-Handcock finite volume fluid solver
FSFE: Fake Spectra Flux Extractor
mTransport: Two-point-correlation function calculator
PyTransport: Calculate inflationary correlation functions
CppTransport: Two- and three-point function transport framework for inflationary cosmology
Binary: Accretion disk evolution
FLAG: Exact Fourier-Laguerre transform on the ball
MOSFiT: Modular Open-Source Fitter for Transients
SkyNet: Modular nuclear reaction network library
SPIPS: Spectro-Photo-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars
EXOFASTv2: Generalized publication-quality exoplanet modeling code
rfpipe: Radio interferometric transient search pipeline
vysmaw: Fast visibility stream muncher
FLaapLUC: Fermi-LAT automatic aperture photometry light curve
MagIC: Fluid dynamics in a spherical shell simulator
bmcmc: MCMC package for Bayesian data analysis
celerite: Scalable 1D Gaussian Processes in C++, Python, and Julia
MSSC: Multi-Source Self-Calibration
DCMDN: Deep Convolutional Mixture Density Network
DanIDL: IDL solutions for science and astronomy
DOOp: DAOSPEC Output Optimizer pipeline
MeshLab: 3D triangular meshes processing and editing
PHANTOM: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics code
SPHYNX: SPH hydrocode for subsonic hydrodynamical instabilities and strong shocks
GAMBIT: Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool
iSEDfit: Bayesian spectral energy distribution modeling of galaxies
ANA: Astrophysical Neutrino Anisotropy
empiriciSN: Supernova parameter generator
XDGMM: eXtreme Deconvolution Gaussian Mixture Modeling
extinction-distances: Estimating distances to dark clouds
ComEst: Completeness Estimator
ExoSOFT: Exoplanet Simple Orbit Fitting Toolbox
Naima: Derivation of non-thermal particle distributions through MCMC spectral fitting
4DAO: DAOSPEC interface
SINFONI Pipeline: Data reduction pipeline for the Very Large Telescope SINFONI spectrograph
CUTEX: CUrvature Thresholding EXtractor
LCC: Light Curves Classifier
pyLCSIM: X-ray lightcurves simulator
KERTAP: Strong lensing effects of Kerr black holes
TWO-POP-PY: Two-population dust evolution model
PACSman: IDL Suite for Herschel/PACS spectrometer data
GMM: Gaussian Mixture Modeling
GANDALF: Gas AND Absorption Line Fitting
RM-CLEAN: RM spectra cleaner
BAGEMASS: Bayesian age and mass estimates for transiting planet host stars
FIEStool: Automated data reduction for FIber-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES)
ALCHEMIC: Advanced time-dependent chemical kinetics
PBMC: Pre-conditioned Backward Monte Carlo code for radiative transport in planetary atmospheres
DISORT: DIScrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer
STools: IDL Tools for Spectroscopic Analysis
Astroquery: Access to online data resources
CRISPRED: CRISP imaging spectropolarimeter data reduction pipeline
CINE: Comet INfrared Excitation
ATOOLS: A command line interface to the AST library
swot: Super W Of Theta
Gala: Galactic astronomy and gravitational dynamics
PyMOC: Multi-Order Coverage map module for Python
CCFpams: Atmospheric stellar parameters from cross-correlation functions
pyaneti: Multi-planet radial velocity and transit fitting
SASRST: Semi-Analytic Solutions for 1-D Radiative Shock Tubes
HRM: HII Region Models
KeplerSolver: Kepler equation solver
PyPulse: PSRFITS handler
EXOSIMS: Exoplanet Open-Source Imaging Mission Simulator
Kliko - The Scientific Compute Container Format
sick: Spectroscopic inference crank
the-wizz: Clustering redshift estimation code
encube: Large-scale comparative visualization and analysis of sets of multidimensional data
GenPK: Power spectrum generator
LMC: Logarithmantic Monte Carlo
Dark Sage: Semi-analytic model of galaxy evolution
DaMaSCUS: Dark Matter Simulation Code for Underground Scatterings
rtpipe: Searching for Fast Radio Transients in Interferometric Data
Exotrending: Fast and easy-to-use light curve detrending software for exoplanets
supernovae: Photometric classification of supernovae
astroABC: Approximate Bayesian Computation Sequential Monte Carlo sampler
WeirdestGalaxies: Outlier Detection Algorithm on Galaxy Spectra
NPTFit: Non-Poissonian Template Fitting
PSOAP: Precision Spectroscopic Orbits A-Parametrically
fd3: Spectral disentangling of double-lined spectroscopic binary stars
FDBinary: A tool for spectral disentangling of double-lined spectroscopic binary stars
PROFILER: 1D galaxy light profile decomposition
LensPop: Galaxy-galaxy strong lensing population simulation
MBProj2: Multi-Band x-ray surface brightness PROJector 2
HHTpywrapper: Python Wrapper for Hilbert–Huang Transform MATLAB Package
getimages: Background derivation and image flattening method
f3: Full Frame Fotometry for Kepler Full Frame Images
SPTCLASS: SPecTral CLASSificator code
PCAT: Probabilistic Cataloger
demc2: Differential evolution Markov chain Monte Carlo parameter estimator
DMATIS: Dark Matter ATtenuation Importance Sampling
COSMOS: Carnegie Observatories System for MultiObject Spectroscopy
Multipoles: Potential gain for binary lens estimation
Difference-smoothing: Measuring time delay from light curves
XID+: Next generation XID development
VULCAN: Chemical Kinetics For Exoplanetary Atmospheres
A-Track: Detecting Moving Objects in FITS images
Photo-z-SQL: Photometric redshift estimation framework
Transit: Radiative-transfer code for planetary atmospheres
PySM: Python Sky Model
Quickclump: Identify clumps within a 3D FITS datacube
VaST: Variability Search Toolkit
STATCONT: Statistical continuum level determination method for line-rich sources
Shwirl: Meaningful coloring of spectral cube data with volume rendering
UDAT: A multi-purpose data analysis tool
pwkit: Astronomical utilities in Python
Charm: Cosmic history agnostic reconstruction method
MC-SPAM: Monte-Carlo Synthetic-Photometry/Atmosphere-Model
Atmospheric Athena: 3D Atmospheric escape model with ionizing radiative transfer
ICICLE: Initial Conditions for Isolated CoLlisionless systEms
QtClassify: IFS data emission line candidates classifier
TransitSOM: Self-Organizing Map for Kepler and K2 transits
PyMVPA: MultiVariate Pattern Analysis in Python
exorings: Exoring Transit Properties
sidm-nbody: Monte Carlo N-body Simulation for Self-Interacting Dark Matter
SNRPy: Supernova remnant evolution modeling
starsense_algorithms: Performance evaluation of various star sensors
PHOTOMETRYPIPELINE: Automated photometry pipeline
Corrfunc: Blazing fast correlation functions on the CPU
COCOA: Simulating Observations of Star Cluster Simulations
Larch: X-ray Analysis for Synchrotron Applications using Python
GRIM: General Relativistic Implicit Magnetohydrodynamics
Chempy: A flexible chemical evolution model for abundance fitting
streamgap-pepper: Effects of peppering streams with many small impacts
stream-stream: Stellar and dark-matter streams interactions
HOURS: Simulation and analysis software for the KM3NeT
KEPLER: General purpose 1D multizone hydrodynamics code
GalaxyGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for recovery of galaxy features
JetCurry: Modeling 3D geometry of AGN jets from 2D images
Validation: Codes to compare simulation data to various observations
juwvid: Julia code for time-frequency analysis
[ascl:1702.002] Corner plots
ORBE: Orbital integrator for educational purposes
SONG: Second Order Non-Gaussianity
GWFrames: Manipulate gravitational waveforms
kcorrect: Calculate K-corrections between observed and desired bandpasses
ChromaStarServer (formerly GrayStarServer): Stellar atmospheric modeling and spectrum synthesis
ChromaStar (formerly GrayStar): Web-based pedagogical stellar modeling
Forecaster: Mass and radii of planets predictor
MSWAVEF: Momentum-Space Wavefunctions
KAULAKYS: Inelastic collisions between hydrogen atoms and Rydberg atoms
CosmoSlik: Cosmology sampler of likelihoods
Spectra: Time series power spectrum calculator
Vizic: Jupyter-based interactive visualization tool for astronomical catalogs
The Joker: A custom Monte Carlo sampler for binary-star and exoplanet radial velocity data
REPS: REscaled Power Spectra for initial conditions with massive neutrinos
BaTMAn: Bayesian Technique for Multi-image Analysis
Grackle: Chemistry and radiative cooling library for astrophysical simulations
Trident: Synthetic spectrum generator
pylightcurve: Exoplanet lightcurve model
GAMER: GPU-accelerated Adaptive MEsh Refinement code
CELib: Software library for simulations of chemical evolution
Superplot: Graphical interface for plotting and analyzing data
AUTOSTRUCTURE: General program for calculation of atomic and ionic properties
InversionKit: Linear inversions from frequency data
Meso-NH: Non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model
QSFit: Quasar Spectral FITting
Earthshine simulator: Idealized images of the Moon
CRETE: Comet RadiativE Transfer and Excitation
PyORBIT: Exoplanet orbital parameters and stellar activity
dacapo_calibration: Photometric calibration code
flexCE: Flexible one-zone chemical evolution code
PyProfit: Wrapper for libprofit
ProFit: Bayesian galaxy fitting tool
libprofit: Image creation from luminosity profiles
LSDCat: Line Source Detection and Cataloguing Tool
Python-CPL: Python interface for the ESO Common Pipeline Library
SlicerAstro: Astronomy (HI) extension for 3D Slicer
CMCIRSED: Far-infrared spectral energy distribution fitting for galaxies near and far
phase_space_cosmo_fisher: Fisher matrix 2D contours
Icarus: Stellar binary light curve synthesis tool
SNCosmo: Python library for supernova cosmology
Carpet: Adaptive Mesh Refinement for the Cactus Framework
Pippi: Parse and plot MCMC chains
AIMS: Asteroseismic Inference on a Massive Scale
pyGMMis: Mixtures-of-Gaussians density estimation method
EarthShadow: Calculator for dark matter particle velocity distribution after Earth-scattering
OXAF: Ionizing spectra of Seyfert galaxies for photoionization modeling
Kapteyn Package: Tools for developing astronomical applications
RHOCUBE: 3D density distributions modeling code
Transit Clairvoyance: Predicting multiple-planet systems for TESS
GRASP2K: Relativistic Atomic Structure Package
GalPot: Galaxy potential code
Exo-Transmit: Radiative transfer code for calculating exoplanet transmission spectra
PRECESSION: Python toolbox for dynamics of spinning black-hole binaries
MPDAF: MUSE Python Data Analysis Framework
tf_unet: Generic convolutional neural network U-Net implementation in Tensorflow
UltraNest: Pythonic Nested Sampling Development Framework and UltraNest
PyMC3: Python probabilistic programming framework
NuPyCEE: NuGrid Python Chemical Evolution Environment
Freddi: Fast Rise Exponential Decay accretion Disk model Implementation
: Multi-core Markov-chain Monte Carlo code
Fourierdimredn: Fourier dimensionality reduction model for interferometric imaging
BXA: Bayesian X-ray Analysis
BurnMan: Lower mantle mineral physics toolkit
velbin: radial velocity corrected for binary orbital motions
cluster-in-a-box: Statistical model of sub-millimeter emission from embedded protostellar clusters
gatspy: General tools for Astronomical Time Series in Python
: Command-line Catalogue Crossmatch for modern astronomical surveys
GSGS: In-Focus Phase Retrieval Using Non-Redundant Mask Data
MUSE-DRP: MUSE Data Reduction Pipeline
DSDEPROJ: Direct Spectral Deprojection
CERES: Collection of Extraction Routines for Echelle Spectra
Piccard: Pulsar timing data analysis package
PYESSENCE: Generalized Coupled Quintessence Linear Perturbation Python Code
AdaptiveBin: Adaptive Binning
contbin: Contour binning and accumulative smoothing
PyPHER: Python-based PSF Homogenization kERnels
TIDEV: Tidal Evolution package
Askaryan Module: Askaryan electric fields predictor
SuperBoL: Module for calculating the bolometric luminosities of supernovae
SIP: Systematics-Insensitive Periodograms
spectral-cube: Read and analyze astrophysical spectral data cubes
PKDGRAV3: Parallel gravity code
FIT3D: Fitting optical spectra
Sky3D: Time-dependent Hartree-Fock equation solver
21cmSense: Calculating the sensitivity of 21cm experiments to the EoR power spectrum
AIPY: Astronomical Interferometry in PYthon
Photutils: Photometry tools
CuBANz: Photometric redshift estimator
NSCool: Neutron star cooling code
GRASP: General-purpose Relativistic Atomic Structure Package
Weighted EMPCA: Weighted Expectation Maximization Principal Component Analysis
SCIMES: Spectral Clustering for Interstellar Molecular Emission Segmentation
FISHPACK90: Efficient FORTRAN Subprograms for the Solution of Separable Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
FISHPACK: Efficient FORTRAN Subprograms for the Solution of Separable Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Kranc: Cactus modules from Mathematica equations
StarPy: Quenched star formation history parameters of a galaxy using MCMC
T-PHOT: PSF-matched, prior-based, multiwavelength extragalactic deconfusion photometry
SPIDERz: SuPport vector classification for IDEntifying Redshifts
NEBULAR: Spectrum synthesis for mixed hydrogen-helium gas in ionization equilibrium
LORENE: Spectral methods differential equations solver
21CMMC: Parallelized Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis tool for the epoch of reionization (EoR)
NICIL: Non-Ideal magnetohydrodynamics Coefficients and Ionisation Library
2DFFT: Measuring Galactic Spiral Arm Pitch Angle
gevolution: General Relativity Cosmological N-body code for evolution of large scale structures
DOLPHOT: Stellar photometry
OBERON: OBliquity and Energy balance Run on N-body systems
PROFFIT: Analysis of X-ray surface-brightness profiles
pvextractor: Position-Velocity Diagram Extractor
FilFinder: Filamentary structure in molecular clouds
Cuba: Multidimensional numerical integration library
BASE-9: Bayesian Analysis for Stellar Evolution with nine variables
Gemini IRAF: Data reduction software for the Gemini telescopes
AstroVis: Visualizing astronomical data cubes
BART: Bayesian Atmospheric Radiative Transfer fitting code
appaloosa: Python-based flare finding code for Kepler light curves
pyXSIM: Synthetic X-ray observations generator
Stingray: Spectral-timing software
SEEK: Signal Extraction and Emission Kartographer
HIDE: HI Data Emulator
LZIFU: IDL emission line fitting pipeline for integral field spectroscopy data
BoxRemap: Volume and local structure preserving mapping of periodic boxes
astLib: Tools for research astronomers
RT1D: 1D code for Rayleigh-Taylor instability
SOPIE: Sequential Off-Pulse Interval Estimation
Kālī: Time series data modeler
ZASPE: Zonal Atmospheric Stellar Parameters Estimator
HfS: Hyperfine Structure fitting tool
PICsar: Particle in cell pulsar magnetosphere simulator
K2PS: K2 Planet search
BLS: Box-fitting Least Squares
JUDE: An Utraviolet Imaging Telescope pipeline
Cholla: 3D GPU-based hydrodynamics code for astrophysical simulation
Planetary3br: Three massive body resonance calculator
Atlas3bgeneral: Three-body resonance calculator
Atlas2bgeneral: Two-body resonance calculator
DICE: Disk Initial Conditions Environment
AGNfitter: SED-fitting code for AGN and galaxies from a MCMC approach
FLASK: Full-sky Lognormal Astro-fields Simulation Kit
Lmfit: Non-Linear Least-Square Minimization and Curve-Fitting for Python
Pulse Portraiture: Pulsar timing
KMDWARFPARAM: Parameters estimator for K and M dwarf stars
FDIPS: Finite Difference Iterative Potential-field Solver
SimpLens: Interactive gravitational lensing simulator
Companion-Finder: Planets and binary companions in time series spectra
s2: Object oriented wrapper for functions on the sphere
COMB: Compact embedded object simulations
uvmcmcfit: Parametric models to interferometric data fitter
PyMultiNest: Python interface for MultiNest
HIBAYES: Global 21-cm Bayesian Monte-Carlo Model Fitting
Cygrid: Cython-powered convolution-based gridding module for Python
PAL: Positional Astronomy Library
SWOC: Spectral Wavelength Optimization Code
Surprise Calculator: Estimating relative entropy and Surprise between samples
zeldovich-PLT: Zel'dovich approximation initial conditions generator
SAND: Automated VLBI imaging and analyzing pipeline
DUO: Spectra of diatomic molecules
grtrans: Polarized general relativistic radiative transfer via ray tracing
K2SC: K2 Systematics Correction
DISCO: 3-D moving-mesh magnetohydrodynamics package
TRIPPy: Python-based Trailed Source Photometry
ASTRiDE: Automated Streak Detection for Astronomical Images
PDT: Photometric DeTrending Algorithm Using Machine Learning
MUSCLE: MUltiscale Spherical-ColLapse Evolution
CAMELOT: Cloud Archive for MEtadata, Library and Online Toolkit
TMBIDL: Single dish radio astronomy data reduction package
BACCHUS: Brussels Automatic Code for Characterizing High accUracy Spectra
Shadowfax: Moving mesh hydrodynamical integration code
cluster-lensing: Tools for calculating properties and weak lensing profiles of galaxy clusters
MARZ: Redshifting Program
TTVFaster: First order eccentricity transit timing variations (TTVs)
FDPS: Framework for Developing Particle Simulators
CCSNMultivar: Core-Collapse Supernova Gravitational Waves
The Tractor: Probabilistic astronomical source detection and measurement
DNest3: Diffusive Nested Sampling
2-DUST: Dust radiative transfer code
Halotools: Galaxy-Halo connection models
magicaxis: Pretty scientific plotting with minor-tick and log minor-tick support
LAMBDAR: Lambda Adaptive Multi-Band Deblending Algorithm in R
libpolycomp: Compression/decompression library
OpenMHD: Godunov-type code for ideal/resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
PolRadTran: Polarized Radiative Transfer Model Distribution
HIIexplorer: Detect and extract integrated spectra of HII regions
ellc: Light curve model for eclipsing binary stars and transiting exoplanets
Dedalus: Flexible framework for spectrally solving differential equations
fibmeasure: Python/Cython module to find the center of back-illuminated optical fibers in metrology images
PyGDSM: Python interface to Global Diffuse Sky Models
tpipe: Searching radio interferometry data for fast, dispersed transients
DiskJockey: Protoplanetary disk modeling for dynamical mass derivation
ExoPriors: Accounting for observational bias of transiting exoplanets
Asfgrid: Asteroseismic parameters for a star
ROBAST: ROOT-based ray-tracing library for cosmic-ray telescopes
SMARTIES: Spheroids Modelled Accurately with a Robust T-matrix Implementation for Electromagnetic Scattering
FAST-PT: Convolution integrals in cosmological perturbation theory calculator
EQUIB: Atomic level populations and line emissivities calculator
gPhoton: Time-tagged GALEX photon events analysis tools
VIP: Vortex Image Processing pipeline for high-contrast direct imaging of exoplanets
CORBITS: Efficient Geometric Probabilities of Multi-Transiting Exoplanetary Systems
SILSS: SPHERE/IRDIS Long-Slit Spectroscopy pipeline
COLAcode: COmoving Lagrangian Acceleration code
mbb_emcee: Modified Blackbody MCMC
CLOC: Cluster Luminosity Order-Statistic Code
POPPY: Physical Optics Propagation in PYthon
CHIP: Caltech High-res IRS Pipeline
IRSFRINGE: Interactive tool for fringe removal from Spitzer IRS spectra
GANDALF: Graphical Astrophysics code for N-body Dynamics And Lagrangian Fluids
k2photometry: Read, reduce and detrend K2 photometry
TailZ: Redshift distributions estimator of photometric samples of galaxies
DELightcurveSimulation: Light curve simulation code
Celestial: Common astronomical conversion routines and functions
The Cannon: Data-driven method for determining stellar parameters and abundances from stellar spectra
LensTools: Weak Lensing computing tools
NuCraft: Oscillation probabilities for atmospheric neutrinos calculator
FilTER: Filament Trait-Evaluated Reconstruction
LIRA: LInear Regression in Astronomy
LRGS: Linear Regression by Gibbs Sampling
DUSTYWAVE: Linear waves in gas and dust
ZAP: Zurich Atmosphere Purge
pyraf-dbsp: Reduction pipeline for the Palomar Double Beam Spectrograph
Automark: Automatic marking of marked Poisson process in astronomical high-dimensional datasets
ISO: Isochrone construction
ProC: Process Coordinator
WzBinned: Binned and uncorrelated estimates of dark energy EOS extractor
MATPHOT: Stellar photometry and astrometry with discrete point spread functions
BASCS: Bayesian Separation of Close Sources
Fit Kinematic PA: Fit the global kinematic position-angle of galaxies
QDPHOT: Quick & Dirty PHOTometry
Nulike: Neutrino telescope likelihood tools
ImpactModel: Black Hole Accretion Disk Impact Model
SavGolFilterCov: Savitzky Golay filter for data with error covariance
LACEwING: LocAting Constituent mEmbers In Nearby Groups
PARAVT: Parallel Voronoi Tessellation
K2fov: Field of view software for NASA's K2 mission
CosmicPy: Interactive cosmology computations
LIRA: Low-counts Image Reconstruction and Analysis
SAGE: Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution
ctools: Cherenkov Telescope Science Analysis Software
Odyssey: Ray tracing and radiative transfer in Kerr spacetime
SCOUSE: Semi-automated multi-COmponent Universal Spectral-line fitting Engine
Hyper-Fit: Fitting routines for multidimensional data with multivariate Gaussian uncertainties
TRADES: TRAnsits and Dynamics of Exoplanetary Systems
TACT: The Action Computation Tool
UPSILoN: AUtomated Classification of Periodic Variable Stars using MachIne LearNing
growl: Growth factor and growth rate of expanding universes
FFTLog: Fast Fourier or Hankel transform
ZeldovichRecon: Halo correlation function using the Zeldovich approximation
Spirality: Spiral arm pitch angle measurement
TM: Torus Mapper
CounterPoint: Zeeman-split absorption lines
DiffuseModel: Modeling the diffuse ultraviolet background
ExoData: Open Exoplanet Catalogue exploration and analysis tool
CubeIndexer: Indexer for regions of interest in data cubes
DRACULA: Dimensionality Reduction And Clustering for Unsupervised Learning in Astronomy
Bisous model: Detecting filamentary pattern in point processes
AstroBlend: Visualization package for use with Blender
GPC: General Polygon Clipper library
ALFA: Automated Line Fitting Algorithm
EDRSX: Extensions to the EDRS package
EDRS: Electronography Data Reduction System
GetData: A filesystem-based, column-oriented database format for time-ordered binary data
IRACpm: Distortion correction for IRAC astrometric data
PromptNuFlux: Prompt atmospheric neutrino flux calculator
ZInCo: Zoomed Initial Conditions
EPIC: E-field Parallel Imaging Correlator
Mercury-T: Tidally evolving multi-planet systems code
CosmoBolognaLib: Open source C++ libraries for cosmological calculations
LDC3: Three-parameter limb darkening coefficient sampling
DES exposure checker: Dark Energy Survey image quality control crowdsourcer
JKTLD: Limb darkening coefficients
George: Gaussian Process regression
HumVI: Human Viewable Image creation
CCDtoRGB: RGB image production from three-band astronomical images
milkywayproject_triggering: Correlation functions for two catalog datasets
SparsePZ: Sparse Representation of Photometric Redshift PDFs
Galileon-Solver: N-body code
Pangloss: Reconstructing lensing mass
MCAL: M dwarf metallicity and temperature calculator
MHF: MLAPM Halo Finder
T-Matrix: Codes for Computing Electromagnetic Scattering by Nonspherical and Aggregated Particles
pyhrs: Spectroscopic data reduction package for SALT
Xgremlin: Interferograms and spectra from Fourier transform spectrometers analysis
SkyView Virtual Telescope
JSPAM: Interacting galaxies modeller
SuperFreq: Numerical determination of fundamental frequencies of an orbit
ccdproc: CCD data reduction software
Xsmurf - Measuring multifractal properties with the continuous wavelet transform modulus maxima (WTMM) method
ASPIC: STARLINK image processing package
GALFORM: Galactic modeling
DEBiL: Detached Eclipsing Binary Light curve fitter
PyLDTk: Python toolkit for calculating stellar limb darkening profiles and model-specific coefficients for arbitrary filters
batman: BAsic Transit Model cAlculatioN in Python
GGADT: Generalized Geometry Anomalous Diffraction Theory
PyCS : Python Curve Shifting
OPERA: Objective Prism Enhanced Reduction Algorithms
pycola: N-body COLA method code
FARGO3D: Hydrodynamics/magnetohydrodynamics code
TRUVOT: True Background Technique for the Swift UVOT Grisms
FalconIC: Initial conditions generator for cosmological N-body simulations in Newtonian, Relativistic and Modified theories
AFR (ASPFitsReader): A pulsar FITS file reader and analysis package
Tempo: Pulsar timing data analysis
XSHPipelineManager: Wrapper for the VLT/X-shooter Data Reduction Pipeline
SHDOM: Spherical Harmonic Discrete Ordinate Method for atmospheric radiative transfer
Trilogy: FITS image conversion software
NGMIX: Gaussian mixture models for 2D images
TreeCorr: Two-point correlation functions
SExSeg: SExtractor segmentation
ColorPro: PSF-corrected aperture-matched photometry
FRELLED: FITS Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension
REDUCEME: Long-slit spectroscopic data reduction and analysis
NICOLE: NLTE Stokes Synthesis/Inversion Code
HMcode: Halo-model matter power spectrum computation
IEHI: Ionization Equilibrium for Heavy Ions
AstroStat: Statistical analysis tool
pyro: Python-based tutorial for computational methods for hydrodynamics
REDSPEC: NIRSPEC data reduction
Least Asymmetry: Centering Method
DALI: Derivative Approximation for LIkelihoods
getsources: Multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction
K-Inpainting: Inpainting for Kepler
DRAMA: Instrumentation software environment
FAT: Fully Automated TiRiFiC
Astrochem: Abundances of chemical species in the interstellar medium
PPInteractions: Secondary particle spectra from proton-proton interactions
HLINOP: Hydrogen LINe OPacity in stellar atmospheres
abo-cross: Hydrogen broadening cross-section calculator
Toyz: Large datasets and astronomical images analysis framework
slimplectic: Discrete non-conservative numerical integrator
L-PICOLA: Fast dark matter simulation code
Pelican: Pipeline for Extensible, Lightweight Imaging and CAlibratioN
SUPERBOX: Particle-multi-mesh code to simulate galaxies
3D-Barolo: 3D fitting tool for the kinematics of galaxies
VAPID: Voigt Absorption-Profile [Interstellar] Dabbler
HEATCVB: Coronal heating rate approximations
SPRITE: Sparsity-based super-resolution algorithm
REALMAF: Magnetic power spectra from Faraday rotation maps
fsclean: Faraday Synthesis CLEAN imager
PyMC: Bayesian Stochastic Modelling in Python
multiband_LS: Multiband Lomb-Scargle Periodograms
PLATO Simulator: Realistic simulations of expected observations
dmdd: Dark matter direct detection
pyKLIP: PSF Subtraction for Exoplanets and Disks
dStar: Neutron star thermal evolution code
SNEC: SuperNova Explosion Code
Planck Level-S: Planck Simulation Package
TEA: Thermal Equilibrium Abundances
CANDID: Companion Analysis and Non-Detection in Interferometric Data
fits2hdf: FITS to HDFITS conversion
RESOLVE: Bayesian algorithm for aperture synthesis imaging in radio astronomy
BAYES-X: Bayesian inference tool for the analysis of X-ray observations of galaxy clusters
Lensed: Forward parametric modelling of strong lenses
pyMCZ: Oxygen abundances calculations and uncertainties from strong-line flux measurements
PyTransit: Transit light curve modeling
SNooPy: TypeIa supernovae analysis tools
Snoopy: General purpose spectral solver
relline: Relativistic line profiles calculation
rvfit: Radial velocity curves fitting for binary stars or exoplanets
TFIT: Mixed-resolution data set photometry package
POKER: P Of K EstimatoR
HALOGEN: Approximate synthetic halo catalog generator
CUTE: Correlation Utilities and Two-point Estimation
2dfdr: Data reduction software
FCLC: Featureless Classification of Light Curves
cosmoabc: Likelihood-free inference for cosmology
LSSGALPY: Visualization of the large-scale environment around galaxies on the 3D space
missForest: Nonparametric missing value imputation using random forest
COBS: COnstrained B-Splines
StellaR: Stellar evolution tracks and isochrones tools
SCEPtER: Stellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid
Starfish: Robust spectroscopic inference tools
Athena3D: Flux-conservative Godunov-type algorithm for compressible magnetohydrodynamics
ARoME: Analytical Rossiter-McLaughlin Effects
KS Integration: Kelvin-Stokes integration
caret: Classification and Regression Training
ASteCA: Automated Stellar Cluster Analysis
CALCEPH: Planetary ephemeris files access code
SOAP 2.0: Spot Oscillation And Planet 2.0
BGLS: A Bayesian formalism for the generalised Lomb-Scargle periodogram
LineProf: Line Profile Indicators
D3PO: Denoising, Deconvolving, and Decomposing Photon Observations
JWFront: Wavefronts and Light Cones for Kerr Spacetimes
MRrelation: Posterior predictive mass distribution
IGMtransmission: Transmission curve computation
abcpmc: Approximate Bayesian Computation for Population Monte-Carlo code
kozai: Hierarchical triple systems evolution
DPI: Symplectic mapping for binary star systems for the Mercury software package
samiDB: A Prototype Data Archive for Big Science Exploration
CosmoTransitions: Cosmological Phase Transitions
Self-lensing binary code with Markov chain
MCSpearman: Monte Carlo error analyses of Spearman's rank test
WebbPSF: James Webb Space Telescope PSF Simulation Tool
drive-casa: Python interface for CASA scripting
chimenea: Multi-epoch radio-synthesis data imaging
HOTPANTS: High Order Transform of PSF ANd Template Subtraction
EsoRex: ESO Recipe Execution Tool
SPA: Solar Position Algorithm
UPMASK: Unsupervised Photometric Membership Assignment in Stellar Clusters
VESPA: False positive probabilities calculator
isochrones: Stellar model grid package
GSD: Global Section Datafile access library
pYSOVAR: Lightcurves analysis
UniPOPS: Unified data reduction suite
AMADA: Analysis of Multidimensional Astronomical DAtasets
dust: Dust scattering and extinction in the X-ray
HELIOS-K: Opacity Calculator for Radiative Transfer
TAME: Tool for Automatic Measurement of Equivalent-width
Galax2d: 2D isothermal Euler equations solver
K2flix: Kepler pixel data visualizer
ROBOSPECT: Width fitting program
AstroLines: Astrophysical line list generator in the H-band
MaLTPyNT: Quick look timing analysis for NuSTAR data
ketu: Exoplanet candidate search code
XPCell: Convective plasma cells simulator
XFGLENSES: Gravitational lens visualizer
AMIsurvey: Calibration and imaging pipeline for radio data
libnova: Celestial mechanics, astrometry and astrodynamics library
Camelus: Counts of Amplified Mass Elevations from Lensing with Ultrafast Simulations
Magnetron: Fitting bursts from magnetars
Rabacus: Analytic Cosmological Radiative Transfer Calculations
SPHGR: Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics Galaxy Reduction
PolyChord: Nested sampling for cosmology
nbody6tt: Tidal tensors in N-body simulations
HDS: Hierarchical Data System
KAPPA: Optically thin spectra synthesis for non-Maxwellian kappa-distributions
PyBDSF: Python Blob Detection and Source Finder
Montblanc: GPU accelerated Radio Interferometer Measurement Equations in support of Bayesian Inference for Radio Observations
PARSEC: PARametrized Simulation Engine for Cosmic rays
ADAM: All-Data Asteroid Modeling
N-GenIC: Cosmological structure initial conditions
OpenOrb: Open-source asteroid orbit computation software
RH 1.5D: Polarized multi-level radiative transfer with partial frequency distribution
Colossus: COsmology, haLO, and large-Scale StrUcture toolS
Exoplanet: Trans-dimensional MCMC method for exoplanet discovery
GalPaK 3D: Galaxy parameters and kinematics extraction from 3D data
Molecfit: Telluric absorption correction tool
Exorings: Exoring modelling software
transfer: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Transfer Infrastructure
PythonPhot: Simple DAOPHOT-type photometry in Python
BIANCHI: Bianchi VIIh Simulations
Enrico: Python package to simplify Fermi-LAT analysis
LP-VIcode: La Plata Variational Indicators Code
PsrPopPy: Pulsar Population Modelling Programs in Python
DECA: Decomposition of images of galaxies
dst: Polarimeter data destriper
python-qucs: Python package for automating QUCS simulations
NIGO: Numerical Integrator of Galactic Orbits
PynPoint: Exoplanet image data analysis
SOPHIA: Simulations Of Photo Hadronic Interactions in Astrophysics
CRPropa: Numerical tool for the propagation of UHE cosmic rays, gamma-rays and neutrinos
GeoTOA: Geocentric TOA tools
TraP: Transients discovery pipeline for image-plane surveys
MMAS: Make Me A Star
URCHIN: Reverse ray tracer
Hrothgar: MCMC model fitting toolkit
PIAO: Python spherIcAl Overdensity code
HMF: Halo Mass Function calculator
BRUCE/KYLIE: Pulsating star spectra synthesizer
DAMIT: Database of Asteroid Models from Inversion Techniques
UTM: Universal Transit Modeller
Cheetah: Starspot modeling code
SoFiA: Source Finding Application
BKGE: Fermi-LAT Background Estimator
sic: Sparse Inpainting Code
SPT Lensing Likelihood: South Pole Telescope CMB lensing likelihood code
CGS3DR: UKIRT CGS3 data reduction software
NDF: Extensible N-dimensional Data Format Library
Starlink Figaro: Starlink version of the Figaro data reduction software package
POSTMORTEM: Visibility data reduction and map making package
JCMT COADD: UKT14 continuum and photometry data reduction
Anmap: Image and data analysis
GPI Pipeline: Gemini Planet Imager Data Pipeline
ECCSAMPLES: Bayesian Priors for Orbital Eccentricity
Flicker: Mean stellar densities from flicker
SPOTROD: Semi-analytic model for transits of spotted stars
NAFE: Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Equalization
NEAT: Nebular Empirical Analysis Tool
util_2comp: Planck-based two-component dust model utilities
PyMGC3: Finding stellar streams in the Galactic Halo using a family of Great Circle Cell counts methods
Raga: Monte Carlo simulations of gravitational dynamics of non-spherical stellar systems
iDealCam: Interactive Data Reduction and Analysis for CanariCam
galpy: Galactic dynamics package
segueSelect: SDSS/SEGUE selection function modelling
RC3 mosaicking pipeline: Creating mosaics for the RC3 Catalogue
HOPE: Just-in-time Python compiler for astrophysical computations
OPERA: Open-source Pipeline for Espadons Reduction and Analysis
voevent-parse: Parse, manipulate, and generate VOEvent XML packets
pysovo: A library for implementing alerts triggered by VOEvents
pyGadgetReader: GADGET snapshot reader for python
RICH: Numerical simulation of compressible hydrodynamics on a moving Voronoi mesh
UVOTPY: Swift UVOT grism data reduction
GIZMO: Multi-method magneto-hydrodynamics+gravity code
MEPSA: Multiple Excess Peak Search Algorithm
DIAMONDS: high-DImensional And multi-MOdal NesteD Sampling
IM3SHAPE: Maximum likelihood galaxy shear measurement code for cosmic gravitational lensing
CosmoSIS: Cosmological parameter estimation
rmfit: Forward-folding spectral analysis software
Slim: Numerical data compression for scientific data sets
Nahoon: Time-dependent gas-phase chemical model
CHLOE: A tool for automatic detection of peculiar galaxies
ORBS: A reduction software for SITELLE and SpiOMM data
iSpec: Stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances
IFSFIT: Spectral Fitting for Integral Field Spectrographs
IFSRED: Data Reduction for Integral Field Spectrographs
LANL*: Radiation belt drift shell modeling
TGFM: Tsyganenko Geomagnetic Field Models
mixT: single-temperature fit for a multi-component thermal plasma
WSClean: Widefield interferometric imager
PhotoRApToR: PHOTOmetric Research APplication TO Redshifts
APS: Active Parameter Searching
bamr: Bayesian analysis of mass and radius observations
scl: Object-oriented scientific computing library
CosmoPhotoz: Photometric redshift estimation using generalized linear models
RDGEN: Routines for data handling, display, and adjusting
vpguess: Fitting multiple Voigt profiles to spectroscopic data
VPFIT: Voigt profile fitting program
pieflag: CASA task to efficiently flag bad data
NumCosmo: Numerical Cosmology
LightcurveMC: An extensible lightcurve simulation program
GALAPAGOS-C: Galaxy Analysis over Large Areas
VisiOmatic: Celestial image viewer
IIPImage: Large-image visualization
GALIC: Galaxy initial conditions construction
Skycorr: Sky emission subtraction for observations without plain sky information
SPAM: Source Peeling and Atmospheric Modeling
POET: Planetary Orbital Evolution due to Tides
HEAsoft: Unified Release of FTOOLS and XANADU
PIA: ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis
LIA: LWS Interactive Analysis
Imfit: A Fast, Flexible Program for Astronomical Image Fitting
Halogen: Multimass spherical structure models for N-body simulations
EZ_Ages: Stellar population age calculator
AstroML: Machine learning and data mining in astronomy
e-MERLIN data reduction pipeline
Brut: Automatic bubble classifier
BayesFlare: Bayesian method for detecting stellar flares
VIDE: The Void IDentification and Examination toolkit
VStar: Variable star data visualization and analysis tool
PINGSoft2: Integral Field Spectroscopy Software
kungifu: Calibration and reduction of fiber-fed IFU astronomical spectroscopy
CLE: Coronal line synthesis
Period04: Statistical analysis of large astronomical time series
Exopop: Exoplanet population inference
ASTRORAY: General relativistic polarized radiative transfer code
SAMI: Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph pipeline
MAAT: MATLAB Astronomy and Astrophysics Toolbox
MCMAC: Monte Carlo Merger Analysis Code
SPECDRE: Spectroscopy Data Reduction
TWODSPEC: Long-slit and optical fiber array spectra extensions for FIGARO
The Starfish Diagram: Statistical visualization tool
STARMAN: Stellar photometry and image/table handling
JCMTDR: Applications for reducing JCMT continuum data in GSD format
GAUSSCLUMPS: Gaussian-shaped clumping from a spectral map
COCO: Conversion of Celestial Coordinates
IUEDR: IUE Data Reduction package
IRCAMDR: IRCAM3 Data Reduction Software
IRAS90: IRAS Data Processing
CGS4DR: Automated reduction of data from CGS4
POLMAP: Interactive data analysis package for linear spectropolarimetry
TSP: Time-Series/Polarimetry Package
MATCH: A program for matching star lists
VADER: Viscous Accretion Disk Evolution Resource
ASTROM: Basic astrometry program
RV: Radial Components of Observer's Velocity
FROG: Time-series analysis
PERIOD: Time-series analysis package
Autoastrom: Autoastrometry for Mosaics
CoREAS: CORSIKA-based Radio Emission from Air Showers simulator
PAMELA: Optimal extraction code for long-slit CCD spectroscopy
ASURV: Astronomical SURVival Statistics
ECHOMOP: Echelle data reduction package
ESP: Extended Surface Photometry
DIPSO: Spectrum analysis code
CURSA: Catalog and Table Manipulation Applications
POLPACK: Imaging polarimetry reduction package
PHOTOM: Photometry of digitized images
PISA: Position Intensity and Shape Analysis
DATACUBE: A datacube manipulation package
FLUXES: Position and flux density of planets
ATV: Image display tool
TRIPP: Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package
FORWARD: Forward modeling of coronal observables
PROPER: Optical propagation routines
HIIPHOT: Automated Photometry of H II Regions
Defringeflat: Fringe pattern removal
The Hammer: An IDL Spectral Typing Suite
TelFit: Fitting the telluric absorption spectrum
LBLRTM: Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model
Spextool: Spectral EXtraction tool
AST: World Coordinate Systems in Astronomy
TTVFast: Transit timing inversion
SpecPro: Astronomical spectra viewer and analyzer
WFC3UV_GC: WFC3 UVIS geometric-distortion correction
RegPT: Regularized cosmological power spectrum
CAP_LOESS_1D & CAP_LOESS_2D: Recover mean trends from noisy data
VictoriaReginaModels: Stellar evolutionary tracks
carma_pack: MCMC sampler for Bayesian inference
Comet: Multifunction VOEvent broker
AMBIG: Automated Ambiguity-Resolution Code
TORUS: Radiation transport and hydrodynamics code
SER: Subpixel Event Repositioning Algorithms
SAS: Science Analysis System for XMM-Newton observatory
ZDCF: Z-Transformed Discrete Correlation Function
LTS_LINEFIT & LTS_PLANEFIT: LTS fit of lines or planes
SOFA: Standards of Fundamental Astronomy
SLALIB: A Positional Astronomy Library
GAIA: Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool
ASTERIX: X-ray Data Processing System
KAPPA: Kernel Applications Package
CCDPACK: CCD Data Reduction Package
disc2vel: Tangential and radial velocity components derivation
KINEMETRY: Analysis of 2D maps of kinematic moments of LOSVD
JAM: Jeans Anisotropic MGE modeling method
MGE_FIT_SECTORS: Multi-Gaussian Expansion fits to galaxy images
Viewpoints: Fast interactive linked plotting of large multivariate data sets
computePk: Power spectrum computation
T(dust) as a function of sSFR
BAOlab: Image processing program
YNOGKM: Time-like geodesics in the Kerr-Newmann Spacetime calculations
RMHB: Hierarchical Reverberation Mapping
Inverse Beta: Inverse cumulative density function (CDF) of a Beta distribution
ISAP: ISO Spectral Analysis Package
SURF: Submm User Reduction Facility
PC: Unified EOS for neutron stars
CHIMERA: Core-collapse supernovae simulation code
GRay: Massive parallel ODE integrator
Lightcone: Light-cone generating script
MLZ: Machine Learning for photo-Z
pyExtinction: Atmospheric extinction
GPU-D: Generating cosmological microlensing magnification maps
MGHalofit: Modified Gravity extension of Halofit
PyWiFeS: Wide Field Spectrograph data reduction pipeline
libsharp: Library for spherical harmonic transforms
HALOFIT: Nonlinear distribution of cosmological mass and galaxies
gyrfalcON: N-body code
P2SAD: Particle Phase Space Average Density
wssa_utils: WSSA 12 micron dust map utilities
Commander 2: Bayesian CMB component separation and analysis
Darth Fader: Galaxy catalog cleaning method for redshift estimation
athena: Tree code for second-order correlation functions
BAOlab: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations software
QuickReduce: Data reduction pipeline for the WIYN One Degree Imager
Vissage: ALMA VO Desktop Viewer
Glue: Linked data visualizations across multiple files
astroplotlib: Astronomical library of plots
PyVO: Python access to the Virtual Observatory
Aladin Lite: Lightweight sky atlas for browsers
Munipack: General astronomical image processing software
SPLAT: Spectral Analysis Tool
SPLAT-VO: Spectral Analysis Tool for the Virtual Observatory
GalSim: Modular galaxy image simulation toolkit
CPL: Common Pipeline Library
KROME: Chemistry package for astrophysical simulations
QUICKCV: Cosmic variance calculator
CASSIS: Interactive spectrum analysis
ARTIST: Adaptable Radiative Transfer Innovations for Submillimeter Telescopes
BF_dist: Busy Function fitting
FAMA: Fast Automatic MOOG Analysis
UVMULTIFIT: Fitting astronomical radio interferometric data
TARDIS: Temperature And Radiative Diffusion In Supernovae
ANAigm: Analytic model for attenuation by the intergalactic medium
XNS: Axisymmetric equilibrium configuration of neutron stars
PyGFit: Python Galaxy Fitter
DexM: Semi-numerical simulations for very large scales
HydraLens: Gravitational lens model generator
Kirin: N-body simulation library for GPUs
SpacePy: Python-Based Tools for the Space Science Community
PyMidas: Interface from Python to Midas
Reflex: Graphical workflow engine for data reduction
PyDrizzle: Python version of Drizzle
[ascl:1401.006] Common-Resolution Convolution Kernels for Space- and Ground-Based Telescopes
abundance: High Redshift Cluster Abundance
massconvert: Halo Mass Conversion
PPF module for CAMB
sunpy: Python for Solar Physicists
YODA: Yet another Object Detection Application
GalaxyCount: Galaxy counts and variance calculator
A_phot: Photon Asymmetry
BINGO: BI-spectra and Non-Gaussianity Operator
CJAM: First and second velocity moments calculations
SL1M: Synthesis through L1 Minimization
SERPent: Scripted E-merlin Rfi-mitigation PipelinE for iNTerferometry
WND-CHARM: Multi-purpose image classifier
IMCOM: IMage COMbination
BIE: Bayesian Inference Engine
XAssist: Automatic analysis of X-ray astrophysics data
LTL: The Little Template Library
SkyNet: Neural network training tool for machine learning in astronomy
BAMBI: Blind Accelerated Multimodal Bayesian Inference
SciDB: Open Source DMAS for Scientific Research
PyCOOL: Cosmological Object-Oriented Lattice code
AstroAsciiData: ASCII table Python module
PlanetPack: Radial-velocity time-series analysis tool
Spheroid: Electromagnetic Scattering by Spheroids
CIAO: Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations
CUPID: Clump Identification and Analysis Package
CUPID: Customizable User Pipeline for IRS Data
CosmoTherm: Thermalization code
ARPACK: Solving large scale eigenvalue problems
MUSIC: MUlti-Scale Initial Conditions
ETC: Exposure Time Calculator
ORAC-DR: Astronomy data reduction pipeline
PyMSES: Python modules for RAMSES
AIDA: Adaptive Image Deconvolution Algorithm
AIRY: Astronomical Image Restoration in interferometrY
ASPRO 2: Astronomical Software to PRepare Observations
AIPSLite: ParselTongue extension for distributed AIPS processing
SMURF: SubMillimeter User Reduction Facility
SPECX: Spectral Line Data Reduction Package
AstroImageJ: ImageJ for Astronomy
VAPHOT: Precision differential aperture photometry package
LOSP: Liège Orbital Solution Package
Spherical: Geometry operations and searches on spherical surfaces
SATMC: SED Analysis Through Monte Carlo
VOPlot: Toolkit for Scientific Discovery using VOTables
VOMegaPlot: Plotting millions of points
VOStat: Statistical analysis of astronomical data
SMILE: Orbital analysis and Schwarzschild modeling of triaxial stellar systems
LOSSCONE: Capture rates of stars by a supermassive black hole
MapCurvature: Map Projections
LensEnt2: Maximum-entropy weak lens reconstruction
APPSPACK: Asynchronous Parallel Pattern Search
BASIN: Beowulf Analysis Symbolic INterface
SYNAPPS: Forward-modeling of supernova spectroscopy data sets
SYN++: Standalone SN spectrum synthesis
CReSyPS: Stellar population synthesis code
GYRE: Stellar oscillation code
CRUSH: Comprehensive Reduction Utility for SHARC-2 (and more...)
RADLite: Raytracer for infrared line spectra
THELI GUI: Optical, near- & mid-infrared imaging data reduction
SPEX: High-resolution cosmic X-ray spectra analysis
Ceph_code: Cepheid light-curves fitting
JHelioviewer: Visualization software for solar physics data
ChiantiPy: Python package for the CHIANTI atomic database
MoogStokes: Zeeman polarized radiative transfer
DustEM: Dust extinction and emission modelling
Monte Python: Monte Carlo code for CLASS in Python
K3Match: Point matching in 3D space
FieldInf: Field Inflation exact integration routines
LENSVIEW: Resolved gravitational lens images modeling
im2shape: Bayesian Galaxy Shape Estimation
AstroTaverna: Tool for Scientific Workflows in Astronomy
Obit: Radio Astronomy Data Handling
MAH: Minimum Atmospheric Height
cosmoxi2d: Two-point galaxy correlation function calculation
PhoSim: Photon Simulator
ITERA: IDL Tool for Emission-line Ratio Analysis
SIMX: Event simulator
Shapelets: Image Modelling
CTI Correction Code
orbfit: Orbit fitting software
NEST: Noble Element Simulation Technique
ETC++: Advanced Exposure-Time Calculations
PURIFY: Tools for radio-interferometric imaging
SOPT: Sparse OPTimisation
SAC: Sheffield Advanced Code
grmonty: Relativistic radiative transport Monte Carlo code
Harmony: Synchrotron Emission Coefficients
PROM4: 1D isothermal and isobaric modeler for solar prominences
PROS: Multi-mission X-ray analysis software system
BEHR: Bayesian Estimation of Hardness Ratios
Tapir: A web interface for transit/eclipse observability
MAPPINGS III: Modelling And Prediction in PhotoIonized Nebulae and Gasdynamical Shocks
STF: Structure Finder
MADCOW: Microwave Anisotropy Dataset Computational softWare
Pico: Parameters for the Impatient Cosmologist
LRG DR7 Likelihood Software
Bessel: Fast Bessel Function Jn(z) Routine for Large n,z
ZEUS-2D: Simulation of fluid dynamical flows
VHD: Viscous pseudo-Newtonian accretion
Yaxx: Yet another X-ray extractor
ESTER: Evolution STEllaire en Rotation
pynbody: N-Body/SPH analysis for python
TPM: Tree-Particle-Mesh code
AdaptaHOP: Subclump finder
PkdGRAV2: Parallel fast-multipole cosmological code
Pressure-Entropy SPH: Pressure-entropy smooth-particle hydrodynamics
PINOCCHIO: PINpointing Orbit-Crossing Collapsed HIerarchical Objects
YNOGK: Calculating null geodesics in the Kerr spacetime
GaussFit: Solving least squares and robust estimation problems
GILDAS: Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software
FITDisk: Cataclysmic Variable Accretion Disk Demonstration Tool
MapCUMBA: Multi-grid map-making algorithm for CMB experiments
Non-Gaussian Realisations
TAU: 1D radiative transfer code for transmission spectroscopy of extrasolar planet atmospheres
Merger Trees: Formation history of dark matter haloes
PEC: Period Error Calculator
Astropy: Community Python library for astronomy
GALSVM: Automated Morphology Classification
Wqed: Lightcurve Analysis Suite
VOBOZ/ZOBOV: Halo-finding and Void-finding algorithms
CosmicEmuLog: Cosmological Power Spectra Emulator
DESPOTIC: Derive the Energetics and SPectra of Optically Thick Interstellar Clouds
Diffusion.f: Diffusion of elements in stars
Sérsic: Exact deprojection of Sérsic surface brightness profiles
TPZ: Trees for Photo-Z
ORIGAMI: Structure-finding routine in N-body simulation
SFH: Star Formation History
MPgrafic: A parallel MPI version of Grafic-1
TVD: Total Variation Diminishing code
Qhull: Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull
CosmoRec: Cosmological Recombination code
SZpack: Computation of Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) signals
IFrIT: Ionization FRont Interactive Tool
pyCloudy: Tools to manage astronomical Cloudy photoionization code
PyNeb: Analysis of emission lines
Copter: Cosmological perturbation theory
SWIFT: A solar system integration software package
emcee: The MCMC Hammer
CosmoHammer: Cosmological parameter estimation with the MCMC Hammer
UCL_PDR: Time dependent photon-dissociation regions model
SMMOL: Spherical Multi-level MOLecular line radiative transfer
UCLCHEM: Time and depth dependent gas-grain chemical model
micrOMEGAs: Calculation of dark matter properties
TYCHO: Stellar evolution code
MAGIX: Modeling and Analysis Generic Interface for eXternal numerical codes
TAC-maker: Transit Analytical Curve maker
MOPSIC: Extended Version of MOPSI
TGCat: Chandra Transmission Grating Catalog and Archive
idistort: CMB spectral distortions templates and code
BSE: Binary Star Evolution
SSE: Single Star Evolution
2MASS Kit: 2MASS Catalog Server Kit
CADRE: CArma Data REduction pipeline
Galactus: Modeling and fitting of galaxies from neutral hydrogen (HI) cubes
GBTIDL: Reduction and Analysis of GBT Spectral Line Data
Ginga: Flexible FITS viewer
Xmatch: GPU Enhanced Astronomic Catalog Cross-Matching
ionFR: Ionospheric Faraday rotation
pysynphot: Synthetic photometry software package
ATLAS12: Opacity sampling model atmosphere program
DPUSER: Interactive language for image analysis
ACORNS-ADI: Algorithms for Calibration, Optimized Registration and Nulling the Star in Angular Differential Imaging
GaPP: Gaussian Processes in Python
Stellarics: Inverse Compton scattering from stellar heliospheres
iSAP: Interactive Sparse Astronomical Data Analysis Packages
Sunrise: Radiation transfer through interstellar dust
MARX: Model of AXAF Response to X-rays
ISIS: Interactive Spectral Interpretation System for High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy
ACS: ALMA Common Software
pNbody: A python parallelized N-body reduction toolbox
EPICS: Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System
Minerva: Cylindrical coordinate extension for Athena
GRID-core: Gravitational Potential Identification of Cores
FASTPHOT: A simple and quick IDL PSF-fitting routine
IAS Stacking Library in IDL
ICORE: Image Co-addition with Optional Resolution Enhancement
GALA: Stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances
ME(SSY)**2: Monte Carlo Code for Star Cluster Simulations
NIFTY: A versatile Python library for signal inference
SYNMAG Photometry: Catalog-level Matched Colors of Extended Sources
DisPerSE: Discrete Persistent Structures Extractor
XDQSO: Photometic quasar probabilities and redshifts
ESO-MIDAS: General tools for image processing and data reduction
PSFEx: Point Spread Function Extractor
DrizzlePac: HST image software
ddisk: Debris disk time-evolution
EXSdetect: Extended X-ray Source Detection
Thrust: Productivity-Oriented Library for CUDA
TMAP: Tübingen NLTE Model-Atmosphere Package
Bonsai: N-body GPU tree-code
XPHOT: Estimation of properties of weak X-ray sources
MPWide: Light-weight communication library for distributed computing
MOLIERE-5: Forward and inversion model for sub-mm wavelengths
General complex polynomial root solver
CosmoPMC: Cosmology sampling with Population Monte Carlo
WOLF: FITS file processor
SIR: Stokes Inversion based on Response functions
Aegean: Compact source finding in radio images
Synth3: Non-magnetic spectrum synthesis code
S2LET: Fast wavelet analysis on the sphere
FreeEOS: Equation of State for stellar interiors calculations
WVT Binning: Spatially adaptive 2-D binning
CORRFIT: Cross-Correlation Routines
C-m Emu: Concentration-mass relation emulator
VorBin: Voronoi binning method
GP2PCF: Brute-force computation of 2-point correlation functions
pPXF: Penalized Pixel-Fitting stellar kinematics extraction
GOSSIP: SED fitting code
EZ: A Tool For Automatic Redshift Measurement
SGNAPS: Software for Graphical Navigation, Analysis and Plotting of Spectra
TA-DA: A Tool for Astrophysical Data Analysis
FLUKA: Fully integrated particle physics Monte Carlo simulation package
Rockstar: Phase-space halo finder
PAHFIT: Properties of PAH Emission
CALCLENS: Curved-sky grAvitational Lensing for Cosmological Light conE simulatioNS
Consistent Trees: Gravitationally Consistent Halo Catalogs and Merger Trees for Precision Cosmology
SearchCal: The JMMC Evolutive Search Calibrator Tool
ConvPhot: A profile-matching algorithm for precision photometry
TRIP: General computer algebra system for celestial mechanics
Tempo2: Pulsar Timing Package
Specview: 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms
McPHAC: McGill Planar Hydrogen Atmosphere Code
Systemic Console: Advanced analysis of exoplanetary data
QFitsView: FITS file viewer
GASGANO: Data File Organizer
SMART: Spectroscopic Modeling Analysis and Reduction Tool
HAM2D: 2D Shearing Box Model
inf_solv: Kerr inflow solver
ORBADV: ORBital ADVection by interpolation
TwoDSSM: Self-gravitating 2D shearing sheet
PVS-GRMHD: Conservative GRMHD Primitive Variable Solvers
PyCosmic: Detecting cosmics in CALIFA and other fiber-fed integral-field spectroscopy datasets
QYMSYM: A GPU-accelerated hybrid symplectic integrator
Sapporo: N-body simulation library for GPUs
BOOTTRAN: Error Bars for Keplerian Orbital Parameters
RVLIN: Fitting Keplerian curves to radial velocity data
Bayesian Blocks: Detecting and characterizing local variability in time series
JAGS: Just Another Gibbs Sampler
LSD: Large Survey Database framework
CHORIZOS: CHi-square cOde for parameterRized modeling and characterIZation of phOtometry and Spectrophotmetry
HARM: A Numerical Scheme for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics
macula: Rotational modulations in the photometry of spotted stars
TMCalc: Fast estimation of stellar metallicity [Fe/H]
Phantom-GRAPE: SIMD accelerated numerical library for N-body simulations
ANNz: Artificial Neural Networks for estimating photometric redshifts
MeqTrees: Software package for implementing Measurement Equations
DiskFit: Modeling Asymmetries in Disk Galaxies
Scanamorphos: Maps from scan observations made with bolometer arrays
IRACproc: IRAC Post-BCD Processing
FAMIAS: Frequency Analysis and Mode Identification for AsteroSeismology
Aspects: Probabilistic/positional association of catalogs of sources
[ascl:1208.001] Astrometric calibration of images
BINSYN: Simulating Spectra and Light Curves of Binary Systems with or without Accretion Disks
APT: Aperture Photometry Tool
PyKE: Reduction and analysis of Kepler Simple Aperture Photometry data
PSM: Planck Sky Model
ccogs: Cosmological Calculations on the GPU
Big MACS: Accurate photometric calibration
TiRiFiC: Tilted Ring Fitting Code
BLOBCAT: Software to Catalog Blobs
BASE: Bayesian Astrometric and Spectroscopic Exoplanet Detection and Characterization Tool
Fewbody: Numerical toolkit for simulating small-N gravitational dynamics
Swarm-NG: Parallel n-body Integrations
SolarSoft: Programming and data analysis environment for solar physics
MPI-AMRVAC: MPI-Adaptive Mesh Refinement-Versatile Advection Code
Lare3d: Lagrangian-Eulerian remap scheme for MHD
VARTOOLS: Light Curve Analysis Program
APLpy: Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
CUBEP3M: High performance P3M N-body code
MPFIT: Robust non-linear least squares curve fitting
ParselTongue: AIPS Python Interface
EzGal: A Flexible Interface for Stellar Population Synthesis Models
EXOFAST: Fast transit and/or RV fitter for single exoplanet
HiGPUs: Hermite's N-body integrator running on Graphic Processing Units
VAC: Versatile Advection Code
Hyperion: Parallelized 3D Dust Continuum Radiative Transfer Code
L.A.Cosmic: Laplacian Cosmic Ray Identification
dcr: Cosmic Ray Removal
Astropysics: Astrophysics utilities for python
xSonify: Sonification software
PyFITS: Python FITS Module
PySALT: SALT science pipeline
PyRAF: Python alternative for IRAF
PCA: Principal Component Analysis for spectra modeling
JKTEBOP: Analyzing light curves of detached eclipsing binaries
wvrgcal: Correction of atmospheric phase fluctuations in ALMA observations
RegiStax: Alignment, stacking and processing of images
FITS Liberator: Image processing software
STSDAS: IRAF Tools for Hubble Space Telescope data reduction
MOLSCAT: MOLecular SCATtering v. 14
bhint: High-precision integrator for stellar systems
statpl: Goodness-of-fit for power-law distributed data
Plumix: Generating mass segregated star clusters
Catena: Ensemble of stars orbit integration
mkj_libs: Helper routines for plane-fitting & analysis tools
Double Eclipsing Binary Fitting
Time Utilities
ImageJ: Image processing and analysis in Java
ImageHealth: Quality Assurance for Large FITS Images
Mechanic: Numerical MPI framework for dynamical astronomy
p3d: General data-reduction tool for fiber-fed integral-field spectrographs
MIA+EWS: MIDI data reduction tool
Turbospectrum: Code for spectral synthesis
Fv: Interactive FITS file editor
Flexion: IDL code for calculating gravitational flexion
Iris: The VAO SED Application
Mayavi2: 3D Scientific Data Visualization and Plotting
ARES: Automatic Routine for line Equivalent widths in stellar Spectra
Meudon PDR: Atomic & molecular structure of interstellar clouds
VOSpec: VO Spectral Analysis Tool
WM-basic: Modeling atmospheres of hot stars
pyBLoCXS: Bayesian Low-Count X-ray Spectral analysis
BUDDA: BUlge/Disk Decomposition Analysis
Fosite: 2D advection problem solver
MC3D: Monte-Carlo 3D Radiative Transfer Code
GRASIL: Spectral evolution of stellar systems with dust
VH-1: Multidimensional ideal compressible hydrodynamics code
StarFISH: For Inferring Star-formation Histories
STOKES: Modeling Radiative Transfer and Polarization
Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics
EXCOP: EXtraction of COsmological Parameters
VirGO: A Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive Facility
ORSA: Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis
WOMBAT: sWift Objects for Mhd BAsed on Tvd
PROFIT: Emission-line PROfile FITting routine
ASCfit: Automatic Stellar Coordinate Fitting Package
epsnoise: Pixel noise in ellipticity and shear measurements
AE: ACIS Extract
GALAPAGOS: Galaxy Analysis over Large Areas: Parameter Assessment by GALFITting Objects from SExtractor
spec2d: DEEP2 DEIMOS Spectral Pipeline
FERENGI: Full and Efficient Redshifting of Ensembles of Nearby Galaxy Images
Gyoto: General relativitY Orbit Tracer of Observatoire de Paris
EMACSS: Evolve Me A Cluster of StarS
EBTEL: Enthalpy-Based Thermal Evolution of Loops
MegaLUT: Correcting ellipticity measurements of galaxies
MYRIAD: N-body code for simulations of star clusters
Youpi: YOUr processing PIpeline
SALT2: Spectral Adaptive Lightcurve Template
Astrometrica: Astrometric data reduction of CCD images
Figaro: Data Reduction Software
MOOG: LTE line analysis and spectrum synthesis
SPECTRE: Manipulation of single-order spectra
Lattimer-Swesty Equation of State Code
CoCoNuT: General relativistic hydrodynamics code with dynamical space-time evolution
SME: Spectroscopy Made Easy
FISA: Fast Integrated Spectra Analyzer
RADMC-3D: A multi-purpose radiative transfer tool
CISM_DX: Visualization and analysis tool
ZODIPIC: Zodiacal Cloud Image Synthesis
NOVAS: Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software
TALYS: Nuclear Reaction Simulator
Mangle: Angular Mask Software
CORSIKA: An Air Shower Simulation Program
CRUNCH3D: Three-dimensional compressible MHD code
Chombo: Adaptive Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
McScatter: Three-Body Scattering with Stellar Evolution
Roche: Visualization and analysis tool for Roche-lobe geometry of evolving binaries
SeBa: Stellar and binary evolution
emGain: Determination of EM gain of CCD
2LPTIC: 2nd-order Lagrangian Perturbation Theory Initial Conditions
VIM: Visual Integration and Mining
Fisher4Cast: Fisher Matrix Toolbox
Mercury: A software package for orbital dynamics
ExoFit: Orbital parameters of extra-solar planets from radial velocity
HNBody: Hierarchical N-Body Symplectic Integration Package
Duchamp: A 3D source finder for spectral-line data
CLUMPY: A code for gamma-ray signals from dark matter structures
SPS: SPIRE Photometer Simulator
Hammurabi: Simulating polarized Galactic synchrotron emission
FFTW: Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
LumFunc: Luminosity Function Modeling
Inflation: Monte-Carlo Code for Slow-Roll Inflation
Eclipse: ESO C Library for an Image Processing Software Environment
Funtools: FITS Users Need Tools
THERMINATOR 2: THERMal heavy IoN generATOR 2
PHOX: X-ray Photon Simulator
GIDGET: Gravitational Instability-Dominated Galaxy Evolution Tool
PhAst: Display and Analysis of FITS Images
FLAGCAL: FLAGging and CALlibration Pipeline for GMRT Data
GGobi: A data visualization system
LISACode: A scientific simulator of LISA
MRS3D: 3D Spherical Wavelet Transform on the Sphere
CMBview: A Mac OS X program for viewing HEALPix-format sky map data on a sphere
CORA: Emission Line Fitting with Maximum Likelihood
XEphem: Interactive Astronomical Ephemeris
PyEphem: Astronomical Ephemeris for Python
Dexter: Data Extractor for scanned graphs
PREDICT: Satellite tracking and orbital prediction
ASpec: Astronomical Spectrum Analysis Package
SwiftVis: Data Analysis & Visualization For Planetary Science
Aladin: Interactive Sky Atlas
HIPE: Herschel Interactive Processing Environment
CRBLASTER: A Parallel-Processing Computational Framework for Embarrassingly-Parallel Image-Analysis Algorithms
Saada: A Generator of Astronomical Database
CIGALE: Code Investigating GALaxy Emission
SPECTCOL: Spectroscopic and Collisional Data Retrieval
MOPEX: MOsaicker and Point source EXtractor
CUBISM: CUbe Builder for IRS Spectra Maps
SITools2: A Framework for Archival Systems
MESS: Multi-purpose Exoplanet Simulation System
Starbase Data Tables: An ASCII Relational Database for Unix
3DEX: Fast Fourier-Bessel Decomposition of Spherical 3D Surveys
VAPOR: Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers
FIBRE-pac: FMOS Image-based Reduction Package
FITSH: Software Package for Image Processing
TIPSY: Code for Display and Analysis of N-body Simulations
analytic_infall: A Molecular Line Infall Fitting Program
DarkSUSY: Supersymmetric Dark Matter Calculations
iGalFit: An Interactive Tool for GalFit
SHTOOLS: Tools for Working with Spherical Harmonics
ZEBRA: Zurich Extragalactic Bayesian Redshift Analyzer
STIFF: Converting Scientific FITS Images to TIFF
GammaLib: Toolbox for High-level Analysis of Astronomical Gamma-ray Data
Glnemo2: Interactive Visualization 3D Program
AAOGlimpse: Three-dimensional Data Viewer
MOCASSIN: MOnte CArlo SimulationS of Ionized Nebulae
Pacerman: Polarisation Angle CorrEcting Rotation Measure ANalysis
Starlink: Multi-purpose Astronomy Software
S2HAT: Scalable Spherical Harmonic Transform Library
pureS2HAT: S 2HAT-based Pure E/B Harmonic Transforms
atlant: Advanced Three Level Approximation for Numerical Treatment of Cosmological Recombination
REBOUND: Multi-purpose N-body code for collisional dynamics
POWMES: Measuring the Power Spectrum in an N-body Simulation
MADmap: Fast Parallel Maximum Likelihood CMB Map Making Code
CosmoNest: Cosmological Nested Sampling
CROSS_CMBFAST: ISW-correlation Code
Univiewer: Visualisation Program for HEALPix Maps
simple_cosfitter: Supernova-centric Cosmological Fitter
SiFTO: An Empirical Method for Fitting SN Ia Light Curves
CosmoMC SNLS: CosmoMC Plug-in to Analyze SNLS3 SN Data
MIS: A Miriad Interferometry Singledish Toolkit
PySpecKit: Python Spectroscopic Toolkit
ADIPLS: Aarhus Adiabatic Oscillation Package (ADIPACK)
SKIRT: Stellar Kinematics Including Radiative Transfer
HAZEL: HAnle and ZEeman Light
PolSpice: Spatially Inhomogeneous Correlation Estimator for Temperature and Polarisation
MultiNest: Efficient and Robust Bayesian Inference
SuperBayeS: Supersymmetry Parameters Extraction Routines for Bayesian Statistics
Multipole Vectors: Decomposing Functions on a Sphere
CMBquick: Spectrum and Bispectrum of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
PyModelFit: Model-fitting Framework and GUI Tool
GalactICS: Galaxy Model Building Package
EnBiD: Fast Multi-dimensional Density Estimation
CULSP: Fast Calculation of the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram Using Graphics Processing Units
Supernova Flux-averaging Likelihood Code
WCSTools: Image Astrometry Toolkit
aXe: Spectral Extraction and Visualization Software
IRDR: InfraRed Data Reduction
GIPSY: Groningen Image Processing System
SkyCat: Visualization and Catalog and Data Access Tool
CMFGEN: Probing the Universe through Spectroscopy
TLUSTY: Stellar Atmospheres, Accretion Disks, and Spectroscopic Diagnostics
Synspec: General Spectrum Synthesis Program
MOKA: A New Tool for Strong Lensing Studies
Jupiter: Multidimensional Astrophysical Hydrocode
IMCAT: Image and Catalogue Manipulation Software
SHERA: SHEar Reconvolution Analysis
Galacticus: A Semi-Analytic Model of Galaxy Formation
Gaepsi: Gadget Visualization Toolkit
STARLIGHT: Spectral Synthesis Code
PÉGASE: Metallicity-consistent Spectral Evolution Model of Galaxies
PÉGASE-HR: Stellar Population Synthesis at High Resolution Spectra
LePHARE: Photometric Analysis for Redshift Estimate
Hyperz: Photometric Redshift Code
BPZ: Bayesian Photometric Redshift Code
TITAN: General-purpose Radiation Hydrodynamics Code
STELLA: Multi-group Radiation Hydrodynamics Code
RADICAL: Multi-purpose 2-D Radiative Transfer Code
DISKSTRUCT: A Simple 1+1-D Disk Structure Code
RADMC: A 2-D Continuum Radiative Transfer Tool
SHELLSPEC: Simple Radiative Transfer along Line of Sight in Moving Media
STECKMAP: STEllar Content and Kinematics via Maximum A Posteriori likelihood
BOREAS: Mass Loss Rate of a Cool, Late-type Star
ARCHANGEL: Galaxy Photometry System
LIME: Flexible, Non-LTE Line Excitation and Radiation Transfer Method for Millimeter and Far-infrared Wavelengths
CASA: Common Astronomy Software Applications
Clumpfind: Determining Structure in Molecular Clouds
McLuster: A Tool to Make a Star Cluster
SIGPROC: Pulsar Signal Processing Programs
PRESTO: PulsaR Exploration and Search TOolkit
HEALPix: Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization of a sphere
PSRPOP: Pulsar Population Modelling Programs
SNID: Supernova Identification
GIBIS: Gaia Instrument and Basic Image Simulator
FITSManager: Management of Personal Astronomical Data
Flexible DM-NRG
Sherpa: CIAO Modeling and Fitting Package
AIRES: AIRshower Extended Simulations
AMUSE: Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment
STARS: A Stellar Evolution Code
REAS3: Modeling Radio Emission from Cosmic Ray Air Showers
XDSPRES: CL-based package for Reducing OSIRIS Cross-dispersed Spectra
AlterBBN: A program for calculating the BBN abundances of the elements in alternative cosmologies
PHOEBE: PHysics Of Eclipsing BinariEs
PLplot: Cross-platform Software Package for Scientific Plots
E3D: The Euro3D Visualization Tool
R3D: Reduction Package for Integral Field Spectroscopy
MECI: A Method for Eclipsing Component Identification
MIRIAD: Multi-channel Image Reconstruction, Image Analysis, and Display
GRAFIC-2: Multiscale Gaussian Random Fields for Cosmological Simulations
PARAMESH V4.1: Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement
MAGPHYS: Multi-wavelength Analysis of Galaxy Physical Properties
DRAGON: Galactic Cosmic Ray Diffusion Code
SLUG: Stochastically Lighting Up Galaxies
MGCAMB: Modification of Growth with CAMB
Transit Analysis Package (TAP and autoKep): IDL Graphical User Interfaces for Extrasolar Planet Transit Photometry
OrbFit: Software to Determine Orbits of Asteroids
Nightfall: Animated Views of Eclipsing Binary Stars
CAOS: Code for Adaptive Optics Systems
CMB B-modes from Faraday Rotation
csra: Application of Compressive Sampling to Radio Astronomy I: Deconvolution
CLASS: Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System
StringFast: Fast Code to Compute CMB Power Spectra induced by Cosmic Strings
MPI-Defrost: Extension of Defrost to MPI-based Cluster Environment
CMBACT: CMB from ACTive sources
ELMAG: Simulation of Electromagnetic Cascades
CosmoMC: Cosmological MonteCarlo
RECFAST: Calculate the Recombination History of the Universe
STILTS: Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set
PACCE: Perl Algorithm to Compute Continuum and Equivalent Widths
The DTFE public software: The Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator code
SLiM: A Code for the Simulation of Wave Propagation through an Inhomogeneous, Magnetised Solar Atmosphere
ChaNGa: Charm N-body GrAvity solver
SPARC: Seismic Propagation through Active Regions and Convection
Sunspot Models
Flux Tube Model
Ray Tracing Codes: run_tau, run_raypath, and ray_kernel
CASTRO: Multi-dimensional Eulerian AMR Radiation-hydrodynamics Code
Ganalyzer: A tool for automatic galaxy image analysis
Stagger: Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) systems simulations code
CAMB Sources: Number Counts, Lensing & Dark-age 21cm Power Spectra
PSRCHIVE: Development Library for the Analysis of Pulsar Astronomical Data
TomograPy: A Fast, Instrument-Independent, Solar Tomography Software
AstroBEAR: Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Ideal Hydrodynamics & Magnetohydrodynamics
Starburst99: Synthesis Models for Galaxies with Active Star Formation
MASSCLEAN: MASSive CLuster Evolution and ANalysis Package
GALAXEV: Evolutionary Stellar Population Synthesis Models
LECTOR: Line-strengths in One-dimensional ASCII Spectra
ULySS: A Full Spectrum Fitting Package
Rmodel: Determining Stellar Population Parameters
r-Java: An r-process Code and Graphical User Interface for Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis
GALFIT: Detailed Structural Decomposition of Galaxy Images
DAOPHOT: Crowded-field Stellar Photometry Package
CHIWEI: A Code of Goodness of Fit Tests for Weighted and Unweighed Histograms
BEARCLAW: Boundary Embedded Adaptive Refinement Conservation LAW package
A Correction to the Standard Galactic Reddening Map: Passive Galaxies as Standard Crayons
Difmap: Synthesis Imaging of Visibility Data
PGPLOT: Device-independent Graphics Package for Simple Scientific Graphs
S2PLOT: Three-dimensional (3D) Plotting Library
SPLASH: Interactive Visualization Tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations
Splotch: Ray Tracer to Visualize SPH Simulations
GLESP 2.0: Gauss-Legendre Sky Pixelization for CMB Analysis
VisIt: Interactive Parallel Visualization and Graphical Analysis Tool
Parallel HOP: A Scalable Halo Finder for Massive Cosmological Data Sets
SPHRAY: A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Ray Tracer for Radiative Transfer
Hydra: A Parallel Adaptive Grid Code
AP3M: Adaptive Particle-particle, Particle-mesh Code
Pyflation: Second Order Perturbations During Inflation Beyond Slow-roll
ParaView: Data Analysis and Visualization Application
Cloudy_3D: Quick Pseudo-3D Photoionization Code
N-MODY: A Code for Collisionless N-body Simulations in Modified Newtonian Dynamics
PBL: Particle-Based Lensing for Gravitational Lensing Mass Reconstructions of Galaxy Clusters
GRAVLENS: Computational Methods for Gravitational Lensing
LENSTOOL: A Gravitational Lensing Software for Modeling Mass Distribution of Galaxies and Clusters (strong and weak regime)
MRLENS: Multi-Resolution methods for gravitational LENSing
NBODY Codes: Numerical Simulations of Many-body (N-body) Gravitational Interactions
PixeLens: A Portable Modeler of Lensed Quasars
PMFAST: Towards Optimal Parallel PM N-body Codes
AHF: Amiga's Halo Finder
SEREN: A SPH code for star and planet formation simulations
Identikit 2: An Algorithm for Reconstructing Galactic Collisions
CPROPS: Bias-free Measurement of Giant Molecular Cloud Properties
Cactus: HPC infrastructure and programming tools
Einstein Toolkit for Relativistic Astrophysics
PMFASTIC: Initial condition generator for PMFAST
HERACLES: 3D Hydrodynamical Code to Simulate Astrophysical Fluid Flows
FARGO: Fast Advection in Rotating Gaseous Objects
Karma: Visualisation Test-Bed Toolkit
HOP: A Group-finding Algorithm for N-body Simulations
SKID: Finding Gravitationally Bound Groups in N-body Simulations
DIRT: Dust InfraRed Toolbox
PDRT: Photo Dissociation Region Toolbox
21cmFAST: A Fast, Semi-Numerical Simulation of the High-Redshift 21-cm Signal
DiFX2: A more flexible, efficient, robust and powerful software correlator
LensPix: Fast MPI full sky transforms for HEALPix
CAMB: Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave Background
ZENO: N-body and SPH Simulation Codes
ZEUS-MP/2: Computational Fluid Dynamics Code
Second-order Tight-coupling Code
NDSPMHD Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics Code
IGMtransfer: Intergalactic Radiative Transfer Code
InterpMC: Caching and Interpolated Likelihoods -- Accelerating Cosmological Monte Carlo Markov Chains
CMHOG: Code for Ideal Compressible Hydrodynamics
NIRVANA: A Numerical Tool for Astrophysical Gas Dynamics
Galaxia: A Code to Generate a Synthetic Survey of the Milky Way
CRASH: A Block-Adaptive-Mesh Code for Radiative Shock Hydrodynamics
MasQU: Finite Differences on Masked Irregular Stokes Q,U Grids
TOPCAT: Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
EasyLTB: Code for Testing LTB Models against CosmologyConfronting Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi Models with Observational Cosmology
CO5BOLD: COnservative COde for the COmputation of COmpressible COnvection in a BOx of L Dimensions with l=2,3
Geokerr: Computing Photon Orbits in a Kerr Spacetime
Non-LTE Models and Theoretical Spectra of Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei. III. Integrated Spectra for Hydrogen-Helium Disks
Microccult: Occultation and Microlensing
chrom_exact: Transit of a Spherical Planet of a Stellar Chromosphere which is Geometrically Thin
FLY: MPI-2 High Resolution code for LSS Cosmological Simulations
VisIVO: Integrated Tools and Services for Large-Scale Astrophysical Visualization
GRALE: A genetic algorithm for the non-parametric inversion of strong lensing systems
yt: A Multi-Code Analysis Toolkit for Astrophysical Simulation Data
HyRec: A Fast and Highly Accurate Primordial Hydrogen and Helium Recombination Code
Identikit 1: A Modeling Tool for Interacting Disk Galaxies
DAOSPEC: An Automatic Code for Measuring Equivalent Widths in High-resolution Stellar Spectra
ZPEG: An Extension of the Galaxy Evolution Model PEGASE.2
MARS: The MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction Software
DAME: A Web Oriented Infrastructure for Scientific Data Mining & Exploration
RAMSES: A new N-body and hydrodynamical code
Binsim: Visualising Interacting Binaries in 3D
DRAGON: DRoplet and hAdron GeneratOr for Nuclear collisions
Global Sky Model (GSM): A Model of Diffuse Galactic Radio Emission from 10 MHz to 100 GHz
turboGL: Accurate Modeling of Weak Lensing
DEFROST: Simulating preheating after inflation
CFITSIO: A FITS File Subroutine Library
fpack: FITS Image Compression Program
AMBER: Data Reduction Software
Needatool: A Needlet Analysis Tool for Cosmological Data Processing
Particle module of Piernik MHD code
DSPSR: Digital Signal Processing Software for Pulsar Astronomy
JAVELIN: Just Another Vehicle for Estimating Lags In Nuclei
midIR_sensitivity: Mid-infrared astronomy with METIS
ModeCode: Bayesian Parameter Estimation for Inflation
Fast WMAP Likelihood Code and GSR PC Functions
PSpectRe: A Pseudo-Spectral Code for (P)reheating
glafic: Software Package for Analyzing Gravitational Lensing
AstroGK: Astrophysical Gyrokinetics Code
Athena: Grid-based code for astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
Fyris Alpha: Computational Fluid Dynamics Code
SpDust/SpDust.2: Code to Calculate Spinning Dust Spectra
AOFlagger: RFI Software
Emu CMB: Power spectrum emulator
NBSymple: A Double Parallel, Symplectic N-body Code Running on Graphic Processing Units
Libpsht: Algorithms for Efficient Spherical Harmonic Transforms
velfit: A Code for Modeling Non-Circular Flows in Disk Galaxies
GR1D: Open-Source Code for Spherically-Symmetric Stellar Collapse to Neutron Stars and Black Holes
AstroSim: Collaborative Visualization of an Astrophysics Simulation in Second Life
ADAPTSMOOTH: A Code for the Adaptive Smoothing of Astronomical Images
SimFast21: Simulation of the Cosmological 21cm Signal
SingLe: A F90-package devoted to Softened Gravity in gaseous discs
SNANA: A Public Software Package for Supernova Analysis
GALPROP: Code for Cosmic-ray Transport and Diffuse Emission Production
DNEST: Diffusive Nested Sampling
CosmicEmu: Cosmic Emulator for the Dark Matter Power Spectrum
DimReduce: Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction of Very Large Datasets with Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) and its Variants
Extreme Deconvolution: Density Estimation using Gaussian Mixtures in the Presence of Noisy, Heterogeneous and Incomplete Data
GALEV Evolutionary Synthesis Models
iCosmo: An Interactive Cosmology Package
SLR: Stellar Locus Regression
Montage: An Astronomical Image Mosaicking Toolkit
FastChi: A Fast Chi-squared Technique For Period Search of Irregularly Sampled Data
Low Resolution Spectral Templates For AGNs and Galaxies From 0.03 -- 30 microns
Parameter Estimation from Time-Series Data with Correlated Errors: A Wavelet-Based Method and its Application to Transit Light Curves
Cosmic String Simulations
FASTLens (FAst STatistics for weak Lensing): Fast Method for Weak Lensing Statistics and Map Making
WeightMixer: Hybrid Cross-power Spectrum Estimation
FSPS: Flexible Stellar Population Synthesis
MAESTRO: An Adaptive Low Mach Number Hydrodynamics Algorithm for Stellar Flows
PLUTO: A Code for Flows in Multiple Spatial Dimensions
indexf: Line-strength Indices in Fully Calibrated FITS Spectra
ISW and Weak Lensing Likelihood Code
OCTGRAV: Sparse Octree Gravitational N-body Code on Graphics Processing Units
Gas-momentum-kinetic SZ cross-correlations
LensPerfect: Gravitational Lens Massmap Reconstructions Yielding Exact Reproduction of All Multiple Images
NEMO: A Stellar Dynamics Toolbox
EAZY: A Fast, Public Photometric Redshift Code
Halofitting codes for DGP and Degravitation
MagnetiCS.c: Cosmic String Loop Evolution and Magnetogenesis
SYNOW: A Highly Parameterized Spectrum Synthesis Code for Direct Analysis of SN Spectra
PHOENIX: A General-purpose State-of-the-art Stellar and Planetary Atmosphere Code
Tiny Tim: Simulated Hubble Space Telescope PSFs
VINE: A numerical code for simulating astrophysical systems using particles
CESAM: A Free Code for Stellar Evolution Calculations
Pencil: Finite-difference Code for Compressible Hydrodynamic Flows
EyE: Enhance Your Extraction
MissFITS: Basic Maintenance and Packaging Tasks on FITS Files
SCAMP: Automatic Astrometric and Photometric Calibration
SExtractor: Source Extractor
PN: Higher Post Newtonian Gravity Calculations
SkyMaker: Astronomical Image Simulations Made Easy
Stuff: Simulating “Perfect” Astronomical Catalogues
SWarp: Resampling and Co-adding FITS Images Together
WeightWatcher: Code to Produce Control Maps
[ascl:1010.070] Fisher Matrix Manipulation and Confidence Contour Plotting
WSHAPE: Gravitational Softening and Adaptive Mass Resolution
Enzo: AMR Cosmology Application
partiview: Immersive 4D Interactive Visualization of Large-Scale Simulations
StarCrash: 3-d Evolution of Self-gravitating Fluid Systems
Radex: Fast Non-LTE Analysis of Interstellar Line Spectra
Starlab: A Software Environment for Collisional Stellar Dynamics
LAMDA: Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database
AstroMD: A Multi Dimensional Visualization and Analysis Toolkit for Astrophysics
Geant4: A Simulation Toolkit for the Passage of Particles through Matter
GRACOS: Scalable and Load Balanced P3M Cosmological N-body Code
MGGPOD: A Monte Carlo Suite for Gamma-Ray Astronomy
FLASH: Adaptive Mesh Hydrodynamics Code for Modeling Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes
MESA: Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics
WhiskyMHD: Numerical Code for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics
Network Tools for Astronomical Data Retrieval
PINTofALE: Package for Interactive Analysis of Line Emission
INFALL: A code for calculating the mean initial and final density profiles around a virialized dark matter halo
GEMINI: A toolkit for analytical models of two-point correlations and inhomogeneous structure formation
CMBEASY: An object-oriented code for the cosmic microwave background
Arcetri Spectral Code for Thin Plasmas
AMIGA: Adaptive Mesh Investigations of Galaxy Assembly
GIM2D: Galaxy IMage 2D
PopRatio: A program to calculate atomic level populations in astrophysical plasmas
MLAPM: Simulating Structure Formation from Collisionless Matter
CSENV: A code for the chemistry of CircumStellar ENVelopes
MILLISEARCH: A Search for Millilensing in BATSE GRB Data
StarFinder: A code for stellar field analysis
DDSCAT: The discrete dipole approximation for scattering and absorption of light by irregular particles
RATRAN: Radiative Transfer and Molecular Excitation in One and Two Dimensions
GADGET-2: A Code for Cosmological Simulations of Structure Formation
SAOImage DS9: A utility for displaying astronomical images in the X11 window environment
SPH_1D: Hierarchical gravity/SPH treecode for simulations of interacting galaxies
FTOOLS: A general package of software to manipulate FITS files
RVSAO 2.0: Digital Redshifts and Radial Velocities
DUSTY: Radiation transport in a dusty environment
IRAF: Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
AIPS: Astronomical Image Processing System
CHIANTI: A database for astrophysical emission line spectroscopy
Cloudy: Numerical simulation of plasmas and their spectra
SPECTRUM: A stellar spectral synthesis program
FASTELL: Fast calculation of a family of elliptical mass gravitational lens models
COSMICS: Cosmological initial conditions and microwave anisotropy codes
XSPEC: An X-ray spectral fitting package
BHSKY: Visual distortions near a black hole
WINGSPAN: A WINdows Gamma-ray SPectral Analysis program
XSTAR: A program for calculating conditions and spectra of photoionized gases
RADPACK: A RADical compression analysis PACKage for fitting to the CMB
PMCode: Particle-Mesh Code for Cosmological Simulations
ANGSIZ: A general and practical method for calculating cosmological distances
ISIS: A method for optimal image subtraction
CMBFAST: A microwave anisotropy code
BLOCK: A Bayesian block method to analyze structure in photon counting data
SLOPES: Least-squares linear regression lines for bivariate datasets
EXTINCT: A computerized model of large-scale visual interstellar extinction
CONSKY: A Sky CCD Integration Simulation
ICOSAHEDRON: A package for pixelizing the sphere
BSGMODEL: The Bahcall-Soneira Galaxy Model
LENSKY: Galactic Microlensing Probability
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